The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 161: Gu girl 11


Lin Dan took Yu Yeying back to the classroom. She walked unhurriedly across the aisle and returned to her seat. The students on both sides looked at her with some inexplicable meaning. Her waist is very thin, and when she walks, she will swing back and forth unconsciously. The fluffy and soft hair is scattered like seaweed, and it has a natural charm.

Gao Shukai ripped his hair and seemed a little irritable. He looked at Lin Dan for a while, hesitating to say anything, and then clenched his fists and looked out the window, not knowing what he was struggling with. Ma Rui, who was sitting not far from him, stared straight at Lin Dan, his eyes full of aggression.

A group of girls gathered together to chat, and occasionally there would be words such as "really, do you love yourself?", and their eyes swept to the last row from time to time. The people who were surrounded by the crowd were Xu Xin and Huang Xuan. I didn't know what they said. Everyone showed a shocked expression, then covered their mouths with contempt.

Lin Dan has always adopted an attitude of indifference to people she doesn't care about. She is never interested in what these people talk about every day after class, but today she listened carefully and realized that the focus of their discussions has always been herself.

Lin Dan spread out his palm and smiled inexplicably.

Yu Yeying stared at a group of tiny mosquitoes flying out of her palm, and asked curiously, "Lin Dan, what kind of gu is this?"

Lin Dan didn't answer, just raised her index finger against her red lips and made a silent motion.

Yu Yeying quickly covered her mouth with a smile in her eyes.

Mosquitoes leaped over the heads of everyone and got into the ears of the girls who chatted the most. They didn't feel anything, and they were still talking freely, laughing while chatting, and there was a deep malice in their voices. Taking other people's pain as their own talk, or even fabricating a scandal to smear others, seems to have already become their joy in life.

Seeing that the bugs had all returned to their owners, Lin Dan stood up unhurriedly, walked to Xu Xin's desk, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Xu Xin originally planned to say "nothing to talk about", but when he opened his mouth, it became: "Talk about you being a chicken."

"Why don't I know that I have made chicken? I told you when I sent Ye Ying home before. She and I have been living in the Miao Village for the past three years. We are innocent and upright, why do you want to Making up our rumors? She didn't come back because she lost a part of her memory, not what you call shameless." Lin Dan said calmly.

Xu Xin wanted to say that she didn't make a rumor, but when she blurted out, it became: "I'm just making a rumor about you, what's wrong? Isn't it bad for Yu Yeying to die outside, why do you want to come back? My house is for me and me. My brother, she has no part in it! She even dared to ask a lawyer to sue us and ask us to pay her child support. Her face is too thick! My dad said that if our family wants to pay her child support, My pocket money is gone, instead of letting her come back and snatch my things, I'd better kill her first! She eloped with someone at the age of thirteen, shameless, she shouldn't be alive!"

Lin Dan frowned, completely unexpected that a girl who had just turned sixteen could say such vicious words.

The girls standing around were all dumbfounded, some with excitement, some with chills on their faces. When criticizing others, they have no purpose, just to satisfy their curiosity and gossip. But after hearing Xu Xin's confession, they finally realized that people's hearts can be so sinister.

They slowly backed away, unconsciously moving a little further away from Xu Xin.

Lin Dan turned to look at Huang Xuan and said, "Has Yu Yeying eloped with someone? You should know better about this, right?"

Huang Xuan wanted to say "what's my business, I don't know", but she admitted it directly: "Yu Yeying didn't run away with anyone, I was going to meet netizens and left her alone on the mountain, wait for me. When I went to find her, she disappeared. My parents took care of me very strictly. If they knew that I went out to meet netizens and lost Yu Yeying, they would definitely beat me to death! I had no choice but to cheat. They said that Yu Yeying eloped with someone. I've also felt guilty all these years, I'm really sorry!"

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she burst into tears, looking very pitiful.

The surrounding classmates all looked at her with astonished eyes.

Lin Dan said slowly, "Is your excuse for spreading rumors about Ye Ying?"

Huang Xuan shook his head, his face full of grievances: "I don't want to do this either, but as soon as she comes back, my lies will be pierced. In order to strike first, I can only lie about her and force her away. She is gone, I will No one knows what I did back then. I know it's my fault, but I can't let her come back, I'm really sorry."

Lin Dan revealed: "You know you're sorry for her, but you still want to hurt her. In the end, it's just to protect your own interests. It's bad luck for Ye Ying to make friends like you."

The surrounding classmates retreated further, as if Xu Xin and Huang Xuan were beasts of the flood. They are all the kind of people who can push others to the tip of the knife for their own benefit. To make friends with them is really jumping into the fire pit! Yu Yeying was also a little bit miserable. After being raped by Huang Xuan and then by Xu Xin, these two people are going to kill her!

However, the matter was not over yet, Lin Dan looked at Xu Xin again and said, "You are so righteous and skilled when you spread rumors about others. You should have done similar things a lot, right?"

I do not have! Xu Xin immediately wanted to refute, but she couldn't control her mouth: "I didn't do anything less, so what happened? I didn't kill anyone! In the past, my physical education teacher always told us to run 800 meters in class, and I ran impatiently. , I sued him for sexual harassment. He was later expelled from the school and paid my dad 300,000 yuan for his private life. The last one didn't want to do it and jumped off the building to commit suicide. It's his business that he wants to die, what does it have to do with me? ? Spreading rumors can benefit me, why don't I make it? If I can kill him, I can also kill Ye Ying, Yu Ye Ying, you wait for me!"

Xu Xin turned to look at Yu Ye Ying, her expression was very grim. Yu Yeying's eyes blushed immediately, and she shrank her neck, looking like she was frightened.

The students in the class were in an uproar. Most of them have not seen the cruelty of society, and naturally they do not know the sinister nature of the human heart. However, the performance of Xu Xin and Huang Xuan today gave them the most vivid lesson.

"So poisonous! For their own benefit, they can do anything!"

"Did she not feel any guilt for killing the teacher? How could she be so embarrassed to say it so openly?"

"Because she no longer has any sense of morality or bottom line! I recorded a video, and I want to expose her on the campus Internet! I also rose from Dawning Middle School. I know that teacher, and he is very good. I fell and was injured. The hospital he took me to. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing before, and now it seems he was wronged."

Everyone started discussing one sentence at a time, and Xu Xin's complacent expression gradually turned into panic. She tugged at her hair, completely unable to believe that she had said those words just now. How could she

Lin Dan took a deep look at Xu Xin, then walked back to his seat. Yu Yeying immediately took her arm and rubbed her shoulder.

Xu Xin sat down in a lost state, her tablemate leaned over, and Qiqi Ai said, "Xiao Xin, what you said just now is false, right? You are not that kind of person, I know." Because of being too fat, No one in the class wanted to be friends with this girl, only Xu Xin was willing to play with her, so she trusted each other so much.

Xu Xin originally wanted to restore her reputation, but her mouth turned into abusive words: "Damn fat lady, get out of the way, I feel sick when I see your greasy face! If it weren't for your family's money, willing to Buy me something, treat me to dinner, do you think I'll take care of you? I preached that you like Zhou Nan, and I just want to make you embarrassed."

The girl was completely stunned, her face full of disbelief.

"Fuck, this kind of person is absolutely amazing! Why are all the girls in the class willing to be friends with her?" The boys were amazed at Xu Xin's viciousness.

"It's so terrifying, I can't believe others anymore!" Several girls who were friends with Xu Xin and Huang Xuan almost cried. As long as they think that there are such two poisonous snakes lurking around them, they shudder.

The fat girl didn't come back to her senses until the class bell rang, her eyes were red, and she seemed to be suppressing her inner grief and anger.

The teacher glanced at her and didn't ask any further questions. Anyway, she was always bullied by her classmates, so she should have gotten used to it.

No one was listening attentively in this class, and everyone's eyes would unconsciously look in the direction of Xu Xin and Huang Xuan, and then they would show disgust or contempt. The pain they inflicted on others will finally be repaid on their own one day.

However, things are far from over.

After class, the head teacher walked over with a stern face, called Huang Xuan out to talk, and then called Xu Xin out. The inner dissection of the two of them has been spread through the campus network. The teacher who managed the network noticed this at the first time, and then notified the school leaders. Everyone is a systematic educator, and they are naturally full of sympathy for the physical education teacher who "suicide in fear of crime". He did nothing wrong, but lost his life because of the students' rumors. He worked hard for the students, and what did the students return to him

His suicide by jumping off the building was widely reported by the media. His family lived with abuse every day, and the only little deposit was lost to Xu Xin's father. Now he has sold the house and plans to move elsewhere, while Xu Xin But because he is a minor, he is well protected. The Education Bureau repeatedly launched a "criticism campaign" among teachers to prevent similar incidents, but it turned out that everything was slander.

It is said that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and things hurt their kind. Seeing Xu Xin's arrogant remarks, and thinking of the experience of the PE teacher's ruined family, the teachers of Haicheng No. 1 Middle School trembled in their hearts. The evils of children are often naive and taken for granted, and are more frightening than the evils of adults.

In order to maintain the school's reputation, the school leaders seem to want to suppress this matter, but the teacher who manages the campus network has quietly kept the video and sent it to the family of the physical education teacher.