The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 162: Gu girl 12


After talking with the head teacher, Huang Xuan lay on the table and sobbed, looking very sad. Not only did everyone not sympathize with her, but they looked at each other in dismay, and said silently with their mouths: "Deserved!"

"Yu Yeying, Lin Dan, we wrongly blamed you. We shouldn't spread your rumors, I'm sorry." Several other girls walked to the back row and apologized to Lin Dan and Yu Yeying in a low voice.

Lin Dan's tone was calm: "I accept your apology." Then he spread out his palm and quietly collected the mosquitoes.

Yu Yeying hid behind her, revealing only a pair of clear eyes.

Seeing her cowardly eyes like a small animal, several classmates felt even more guilty, and also realized very clearly—how could such a simple person do such a horrible thing? They were really blind to believe in Huang Xuan and Xu Xin. Those two people are too vicious, and they must stay away from them in the future, otherwise they will never know when they will kill them.

The people who apologized came and went, everyone's eyes looking at Lin Dan and Yu Yeying became very soft, but Ma Rui looked up and down at Lin Dan's bumpy figure, and his eyes were full of lewdness.

If Lin Dan felt something, he glanced at him lightly. Before Ma Rui could respond, Gao Shukai, who was sitting in the middle of them, coughed violently first, and his handsome face instantly flushed red. He quickly buried his head in his arms and tried his best to hold back his cough, but he was still twitching.

His younger brother immediately gathered around to greet him, making the classroom very lively.

Ai Yu, a pretty girl sitting next to Gao Shukai, patted him on the back lightly, and joked, "You shouldn't be choking on your own saliva, right? What the hell?"

"Damn you!" Gao Shukai raised his head to refute, finding that Lin Dan was still looking at him, and hurriedly buried it. God knows how beautiful and charming Lin Dan's demeanor is when his long and narrow eyes squinted over lightly.

Ai Yu covered her mouth and chuckled twice, then looked at Lin Dan with inquiry and suspicion in her eyes.

Zhou Nan turned his head and said firmly, "You gave them a gu?"

"Mantra Gu, in this life they can only tell the truth, not lies." Lin Dan carefully read the biology book, and was already not interested in Huang Xuan and Xu Xin.

Zhou Nan nodded and stopped asking.

Outside the corridor, the head teacher was still talking with Xu Xin. Xu Xin's expression was very anxious, her lips were twitching all the time, but her speaking speed was not slow at all. It seemed that she would answer whatever the teacher asked. The head teacher's face became more and more ugly, and she took out her mobile phone and prepared to call her parents.

Just at this moment, a thin middle-aged woman with a haggard face rushed over, grabbed Xu Xin's hair without saying a word, and slammed her hard against the wall. Xu Xin screamed and screamed for help. The head teacher hurriedly stopped him, and a tall and strong man jumped up behind the woman, scolding: "Little beast, he killed my brother and made my sister-in-law lose money! I just beat you to death today, so that you won't go again in the future. Damn people! The school can't teach you well, your parents can't teach you well, I'm here to teach you how to be a man!"

The students in the class were immediately excited, and they all rushed to the window to watch the excitement. Several other classes on the same floor were also in chaos.

"Stop beating. If you have anything to do, bring her parents to discuss it. You beat her to death, and you have to go to jail yourself. Is it worth it? Sister-in-law, I know you have a six-year-old child at home, and you are alone. It's not easy to raise him, you can't ruin the rest of your life and the rest of your child's life for a scumbag!" A teacher persuaded loudly, using words full of contempt for Xu Xin.

The middle-aged woman calmed down and hurriedly told her brother-in-law to stop.

Xu Xin's hair was messy, and her face was full of tears and snot. Verbal violence is terrible. She has long known that, but she doesn't know that when others use violence against her, she has no room to resist.

She hurriedly hid behind the head teacher, but did not notice a deep disgust flashing across his face. Just because the physical education teacher made her run a few hundred more meters, she could use words to drive people to death, and just because she had a little pocket money, she was going to use the same method to persecute Yu Ying, such a person is too much. Terrible. If one day, which teacher criticizes her more, will she repeat the same trick? Who wants to teach such a person? Who dares to teach

The head teacher felt that the person hiding behind her was not a person, but a poisonous snake, but she had to assume the responsibility of a teacher and protect her students.

The school leaders came to hear the news and wanted to bring the two parties to the office for negotiation.

The middle-aged woman shouted hoarsely: "I tell you, don't try to suppress this matter! I have informed the TV station, and they will send a reporter to interview soon. Lao Li died so wrongly, no one is willing to Believe him, and no colleague is willing to speak for him! I have always believed that he is a good person, he has not wronged me and the children, and I want justice for him!"

The faces of the school leaders turned green, and the original drafts were not used.

Xu Xin was trembling with fear, and finally realized how much trouble she had gotten into. She wanted to run, but the middle-aged woman and the tall man blocked her way, as if she would never let it go.

There was a lot of noise in the hallway. The old father and mother of the physical education teacher had poor legs and feet. They came a step late and managed to squeeze forward. They raised their crutches and wanted to hit Xu Xin. Xu Xin grabbed the head teacher's clothes tightly and pushed her around as a shield, causing the head teacher to be beaten with bags all over her head.

Seeing her reckless use of others and hurting others, not to mention the head teacher gritted her teeth in anger, even the school leaders didn't want to care about her.

Her father and Yu Yeying's mother arrived at almost the same time as the TV station reporters. They found that the two sides had already started fighting. Not only did the reporters not persuade them, they even picked up the cameras and started filming.

Father Xu rushed in and beat a pair of old people with a fierce expression. Yu's mother also had a sense of morality, and asked a symbolic question: "Xiaoxin, how can you do such a thing, apologize to them!"

"My dad didn't say I did anything wrong, who are you, is it your turn to apologize to me?" Xu Xin was full of disdain: "If it wasn't for the fact that your dilapidated house was about to be demolished, you thought my dad would Marry you? My dad has coaxed you to transfer the property to your younger brother. He divorces you, and if he wins the custody of your younger brother, you can get out! You don’t even want to take a dime of the demolition fee, my mother She has returned from Guang Province, and sooner or later she and my father will remarry."

Yu's mother turned around in an instant, Xu's father was shocked, and then he became tough again. Anyway, since the property has been transferred, he is not afraid at all.

The people around were shouting, and finally understood how reasonable that sentence was - behind every bear child stood a pair of bear parents. Without Xu's father's words and deeds, could Xu Xin grow into the bear like he is now

The reporter was excited, and shot wildly at the father and daughter duo.

Yu's mother said in disbelief, "Is what she said true? Xu Cheng, have you been lying to me?"

Father Xu didn't want to pay any attention to her at all, so he dragged his daughter over and sneered: "Let's go! You didn't kill yourself, so what can they do to you? It's really useless to jump off the building if you think about such a trivial matter."

The people around couldn't believe that they were so shameless, and they let them run away in a flash.

The lost mother Yu was immediately surrounded by these people, scratching, scratching, interviewing. Through the crowd, she saw her daughter staring at her silently across the window, and tears fell instantly. She takes good care of other people's daughters, but she doesn't care about her own daughter living outside. As a result, what did she get? Her house is gone, her husband is gone, her son is gone, what is left of her

Yu Yeying retracted her gaze, turned her head, and smiled sweetly at Lin Dan.

Lin Dan was still reading carefully, turning a deaf ear to the noise outside. When school was about to end in the afternoon, the head teacher walked into the classroom with a tired face, holding a stack of documents in his hand, and said slowly, "I have already investigated what happened this morning. It was Xu Xin and Huang Xuan who spread rumors and slandered Lin. Tan and Yu Yeying. Now, the school's punishment has come down, Xu Xin was dismissed, and Huang Xuan recorded a major demerit, stayed on school probation, and wrote an apology letter and posted it on the public notice board. No problem. Bar?"

Huang Xuan lowered her head and wiped away her tears, not daring to say a word.

Lin Dan and Yu Yeying also remained silent.

The head teacher sighed and continued: "I want to clarify the rumors here. Lin Dan is indeed an orphan, but she didn't do anything against the law. She comes from a small Miao village in Bashu and has been living in poverty before. She lived on a bursary, and was later sponsored by a kind person, so she transferred to Haicheng No. 1 Middle School. After entering the school, she submitted a bursary application, which has been approved by the school leaders. Her living needs are funded by the government, and the sources are very To be clear. When she was in Miao Village, she had to go to school and farm the land. The poverty of life is unimaginable for you. Please don't judge a person by appearance. In fact, Lin Dan is very kind. Under the circumstances, he also rescued Yu Yeying, who was almost abducted. We should learn from her willingness to help others, instead of maliciously speculating on her past. "

The head teacher handed the information to Lin Dan and smiled: "Lin Dan, this is the information about the bursary, you should keep it well. If you have any difficulties in the future, just bring it up, and the teachers and classmates will try their best to help you."

"Thank you teacher, thank you classmates." Lin Dan bowed ninety degrees with a very sincere attitude.

The head teacher felt very relieved, and the rest of the students applauded warmly, their faces full of surprise and admiration. Looking at the appearance, they had no idea that Lin Dan would come from the mountains. She looked so delicate, like a flower carefully cultivated in a greenhouse.

Gao Shukaimu stared blankly at Lin Dan. He kept tapping on the table with his left hand and rubbing his chest with his right hand from time to time. He only felt bored. The teacher explained Lin Dan's family situation in front of the whole class. Is this really okay? Has she considered Lin Dan's self-esteem

Ma Rui lowered his eyelids and pondered silently: "Countryman, poor girl? Wouldn't it make it easier to get started?"

After school, Lin Dan and Yu Yeying avoided the crowd and walked towards the back door of the school. Ai Yu quickly caught up, with a stern tone: "Is it your fault for those things before? This is the school, you can't help messing around!"