The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 166: Gu girl 16


Yu's father corrupted several thousand yuan from Huang Xuan's parents and went back. Before leaving, he gave Yu Yeying a thousand yuan, and said to Huang Xuan viciously that the matter was not over. Huang Xuan was so frightened that she broke down and cried. She wanted to go home and was afraid of facing her parents' anger, so she could only stay at school honestly. The classmates looked at her with strange eyes, and occasionally whispered behind her back, making her restless and embarrassed. Only then did she know how painful it was to be treated with cold violence and verbal violence.

Yu Yeying handed over one thousand yuan to Lin Dan with a happy expression. Father Yu didn't take her home, but she didn't care anymore.

In the afternoon is physical education class, the teacher asks the students to run around the playground twice. Lin Dan's physical fitness is very good, she ran at the front, a group of boys followed behind her, you and I were talking dirty words.

A boy with oily hair and pink noodles pointed at Lin Dan's upturned ass and said, "Brother Rui, look at Lin Dan's ass, it's so sexy!"

Ma Rui smiled maliciously: "It's really sexy, it must be fun to fuck."

"Brother Rui, didn't you say you wanted to get Lin Dan to work? How about it, did you succeed?" The other boy winked his eyes with a wretched expression.

"She can pretend, I bought her imported food and she doesn't want it. I'll ask her out in a few days, I'll see how she can pretend. Women are like that, bitch, give her a good face When she has to take Joe, if you treat her a little bit, she will be obedient like a dog..." Ma Rui was kicked severely by the people behind before he could finish a sentence.

He rubbed the ground and fell out. His elbows and knees were broken and the pain was terrifying. When he looked back, he realized that the person who kicked him was actually Gao Shukai. He immediately roared, "I'm scolding your mother, Gao Shukai, are you crazy?"

"You are the one who beat me!" Gao Shukai stepped up to make up for it, and the two immediately scuffled. The boys had their own camps, and soon joined the melee.

Lin Dan turned his head and quietly looked at the tall and fierce figure. He should have been systematically trained, and he is very skillful when hitting people, not only will not cause obvious trauma, but also can make the person beaten to death. Ma Rui was almost beaten by him, unable to fight back.

The teacher quickly ran over and pulled the two apart. The corner of Ma Rui's mouth was blue, and he looked a little embarrassed. Gao Shukai's hair was messed up, and someone scratched a scar on the back of his hand, dripping with blood. He stared at Ma Rui and said harshly: "Don't mess around in class, kid, or I'll hit you once every time I see you!"

"Gao Shukai, you're crazy! I didn't offend you at all!" Ma Rui seemed to be frightened by being beaten, and his arrogance was not as arrogant as before.

Gao Shukai opened his mouth and seemed to want to refute, but when he caught sight of Lin Dan not far away, he suppressed it in time. He spat out a mouthful of saliva and sneered: "What kind of virtue did you have in the original school, others don't know, but I know it all. I warn you, don't make trouble in my class, or I'll let you finish your meal. Walk around!"

Hearing him mentioning the matter of junior high school, Ma Rui's eyes flashed, and he turned his head and left.

Seeing that Gao Shukai was injured, Ai Yu hurried over and said nervously, "What are you doing, stupid man! If I didn't pay attention, you would be injured! Hurry up, I'll take you to the infirmary for bandaging!"

Zhou Nan also came over, his face full of worry.

Others only thought that Ai Yu's concern for Gao Shukai was a bit exaggerated, but Lin Dan knew that she was not exaggerating at all, she should really be anxious. Gao Shukai usually looks normal, but his blood has an indescribably strong aroma, which not only makes the holy gu stir, but even the nearby ghosts gather at the risk of being burned by the scorching sun, forming a scarlet around him. Group of yin.

What is the life of the broken column? Only then did Lin Dan remember the strange man's assertion. She swallowed her saliva, unable to resist her hunger after all, and walked over quickly.

It was just a scratch, which was nothing to Gao Shukai. He wiped the blood with his sleeve and rejected Ai Yu impatiently: "What kind of infirmary are you going to, don't make a fuss! It's normal for a man to bleed a little from a wound..."

Lin Dan said in a soft tone as much as possible: "Student Gao Shukai, shall I take you to the infirmary?"

Gao Shukai's impatient expression immediately froze on his face. Before he had time to think, his mouth quickly agreed: "Okay, thank you Lin Dan, my injury really hurts!"

Ai Yu: "…"

"Then let's go." Lin Dan held Gao Shukai's injured hand. He wanted to turn around and let Yu Yeying not follow, but found that she was not walking behind him this time, but was with a pale-faced woman. The classmates hid in the shade and talked. The female classmate was not from their class, but her face was not unfamiliar. She should be in the same grade. Not knowing what to say, the female classmate looked at Ma Rui with deep hatred and fear in her eyes, while Yu Yeying curled the corners of her lips and smiled strangely.

Lin Dan took a deep look at them, and then "hijacked" Gao Shukai and continued to walk forward.

Ai Yu looked at their distant backs, her face full of displeasure. Zhou Nan said helplessly: "Let's go, let's go take a look too. Don't forget, the Gao family paid a lot of money, and it's our job to protect Gao Shukai."

Seeing that Gao Shukai, whose legs were too weak to walk, was helped by Lin Dan, the doctor in the infirmary immediately took out iodine, pliers, scissors, needles and thread, and said with concern, "Where is the injury, let me see? Yes? Not legs?"

Gao Shukai was gently pushed by Lin Dan and fell onto the chair, his cheeks flushed and his eyes misty, as if he was drunk. Hearing the doctor's question, he raised his hand and said, "It's hurt here."

doctor:"… "

Lin Dan picked up iodophor: "Doctor, I'll clean his wound, you can rest."

Seeing Lin Dan's delicate and gorgeous face, and Gao Shukai's appearance, the doctor suddenly realized, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll continue playing games, and you can take care of the wounds yourself. But you can only stay in the infirmary. Five minutes here, do you hear me?"

"I heard it, I heard it." Gao Shukai nodded again and again, although there was no expression on his face, his eyes were full of suppressed excitement.

The doctor sneered, put his hand in his trouser pocket, and walked away.

Lin Dan picked up the gauze. He wanted to dab the blood on the back of Gao Shukai's hand and take it home for research, but an extremely strong hunger filled his stomach. This hunger instantly destroyed her sanity, and she couldn't help holding Gao Shukai's hand, sticking out the tip of her pink tongue, and licking the blood drop by drop. Her thick eyelashes drooped low, sweeping the back of Gao Shukai's hand from time to time, making him itching unbearably. The tip of her tongue was soft and slippery, and when she licked the wound lightly, it felt a pain and slight numbness, as if licking directly on the tip of her heart.

Her breathing gradually increased, and a series of low, inaudible moans overflowed from her nose, causing Gao Shukai to stand stiff on the spot as if struck by lightning. His whole body was soft, but one place was as hard as a rock.

Lin Dan has completely lost the ability to think. Gao Shukai's blood was sweet and thick, and it also contained an extremely surging power. Just a few drops caused the holy Gu to move around, as if there were signs of hatching. If Gao Shukai was swallowed whole, would it break out of the cocoon immediately

This idea is very dangerous, and it almost occupied all Lin Dan's thoughts. But she quickly pulled away from this extreme joy, and finally licked the wound and let go of Gao Shukai's hand.

Gao Shukai couldn't even speak: "You you, what were you doing just now?"

"I'm helping you disinfect." Lin Dan took out a cotton swab seriously, dipped it in iodophor, and gently wiped the wound.

Gao Shukai lifted the quilt to cover his lower body, struggled for a while, and then said sternly, "Lin Dan, don't take me for a fool, you were teasing me just now!" He didn't know that he was being tortured A group of ferocious ghosts surrounded the center. They stared at his body with greed and malice in their eyes.

Since swallowing Shi Gui's soul, Lin Dan has the ability to see ghosts. She spread out her palm, released a few transparent soul-eating butterflies, devoured these ghosts silently, and replied solemnly: "No, I'm not teasing you, I'm really disinfecting you. Saliva. It can be sterilized, don't you know?"

Gao Shukai's cheeks were flushed, and he didn't know if he was ashamed or angry. He murmured for a long time before he said earnestly: "Lin Dan, you study hard, it is more useful to get into a key university than anything else. You rely on the mountains and the mountains to run, and you can only rely on yourself. Don't do this in the future, go to When I say you're a coquettish bitch, it's actually a joke, I apologize to you. You are priceless, you know? No one, anything, can make you lower yourself."

He lowered his head, his voice a little dejected: "If you don't like me, don't come near me, I will misunderstand."

Lin Dan listened to him carefully, but felt that his head covered with jelly was a little cute, like a hedgehog. At the same time, Soul Killer Butterfly had already swallowed up those Specter Ghosts, and then turned into light spots and drilled into her body, becoming the nourishment for Saint Gu.

Lin Dan groaned at the feeling of satiety he had never felt before, and his voice was a little low and a little tactful.

Gao Shukai shook his body uncontrollably, and finally summoned up the courage to look up at her, only to find that she was sitting in the afternoon sun with her eyes closed, her whole body glowing. He was immediately stunned, and after a while, he covered his face, as if struggling.

"Be careful in the future, don't let yourself get hurt." Lin Dan slowly stood up after enjoying the feeling of fullness, and warned, "If you encounter danger in the future, you can call me and I will come to save you, but You have to pay me something. Here's my phone number, you remember."

She picked up the pen left by the doctor and wrote a series of numbers on Gao Shukai's palm. On the day they came to Haicheng, for the convenience of contact, she and Yu Yeying each bought a mobile phone, but they were all cheap knockoffs, so they could only make calls and send WeChat.

"Is this also the WeChat account?" Gao Shukai raised his head, revealing his reddened face.

"Yes, you must call me. No matter how far you are, I will come to save you." In order to drink this person's blood for a long time, Lin Dan did not hesitate to pay for it.