The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 168: Gu girl 18


The tears on Gao Shukai's face hadn't dried yet, and the moment he saw Lin Dan, the tears began to fall down again. The reason that he had thrown out of the sky finally came back, prompting him to turn around quickly, lifting the hem of his T-shirt to wipe his tears, and muttering embarrassingly in his heart: Too embarrassing, too unmighty!

Lin Dan stared at his tall and sturdy back for a while, and even laughed softly.

Her laughter was like a spell, instantly breaking the darkness in the alley, and also woke up the stunned Ma Rui and the gangsters, and then screamed.

"She's alive, she's not dead! Damn, we're damned!" Ma Rui was covered in injuries, but as if he didn't feel anything, he quickly got up and staggered away. The gangsters had already fled in all directions, but they didn't dare to choose the direction Lin Dan was standing in, but ran in the opposite direction, and some of them had a strong smell of urine.

In a corner that no one has found, a group of red bugs are burrowing into the cracks in the wall and disappearing.

"What are you doing?" Lin Dan walked over slowly, and Yu Yeying followed behind her, sticking out half of her head from time to time, secretly looking at Gao Shukai, who was crying and pretending to be okay.

"I heard that Ma Rui is going to attack you and come to save you." Gao Shukai had no idea that there was still a tube of snot hanging on his face.

Lin Dan didn't think he was dirty at all, but looked at him softly, "This is for you," she took out a white handkerchief and instructed, "Wipe your face."

"What's wrong with my face?" Gao Shukai touched his cheek, then petrified.

Lin Dan put the handkerchief directly on his face, and then let go of his hand when he caught it, his deep eyes flashing with joy. It's no wonder that Ai Yu likes to call him stupid, but now it looks like he's really stupid!

Gao Shukai hurriedly held the handkerchief and whispered, "Is this handkerchief used to wipe your face on the day of school?"

"Yes." Lin Dan nodded.

Gao Shukai's ears turned red, but he tugged at the handkerchief and refused to let go, "I, I'll give it back to you after I've cleaned it up. You stay away from Ma Rui in the future, he's not a good person. He has a problem with his life style and likes to force girls. In the future, you can go home after the evening self-study, and don't stay outside. If you have to buy something, you can come to me and I will take it off for you. "

The last sentence seemed to have taken him too much courage, so that he didn't dare to look up at Lin Dan's reaction at all.

Lin Dan stared at his hair as hard as a hedgehog, and said lightly, "Okay, I'll trouble you later, Gao Shukai."

"No trouble, no trouble!" Gao Shukai waved his hands again and again, his cheeks reddened.

Ai Yu chased after him along the alley, and shouted angrily: "Stupid man, you are running away again! Do you know that doing this is dangerous? I'm about to be mad at you!"

Lin Dan suddenly approached Gao Shukai's ear and said slowly, "Student Gao Shukai, please don't stay outside after dark. If you have to go somewhere, please call me and I will protect you. But you have to pay me. , huh?" She held his injured hand lightly, staring hungrily on the Band-Aid.

Gao Shukai's head was burnt. He felt that what Lin Dan was blowing towards him was not hot air, but flames, and her ears, his profile, and even the apex of his heart would all be scorched by her. He had absolutely no way to explore the deep meaning of her words, and could only watch her disappear into the dark alley.

Lin Dan walked unhurriedly, while Yu Yeying followed behind her step by step.

Walking to a brighter place, Lin Dan turned around and asked, "Is that new friend you made the same girl that Ma Rui bullied last time?"

Yu Yeying's eyes blushed immediately, she nodded and said, "Yes, it's her. You don't know, her uterus ruptured, and her whole life was ruined by those beasts! The first time I saw her, I knew that she and I'm the same kind. That look of fear and despair is only seen in the wounded."

Lin Dan sighed deeply, then hugged the silently crying girl into his arms.

The next day, Ma Rui called for sick leave, and a few days later, he came to school with a pale face and dark circles under his eyes. When he saw Lin Dan, he couldn't help shrinking his shoulders, looking frightened. Lin Dan just glanced at him lightly, and he immediately buried his head and ran to his seat in embarrassment.

He took a few breaths and calmed down his startled heart. Only then did he open the desk to pick up the book, and then opened his mouth wide in surprise, making a shattering sound. I saw that there was a severed hand in his drawer. The moment it came into contact with the air and light, it quickly rotted into a pool of blood, and dense insects crawled out of the smelly blood, covering the book and covering it. his fingertips. The piercing pain swept over, so familiar, so terrifying!

Ma Rui closed the desk with all his strength, and shouted hoarsely: "There are bugs in my desk, they want to eat me! Help!" He stepped back again and again, accidentally fell to the ground, quickly got up again, and fled.

He ran and yelled like crazy. The whole class looked at him, and they started chatting when he ran away. His deskmate opened the desk and wondered, "There's nothing! Where did the bugs come from?"

"I think he's mentally abnormal!"

"Like a drug addict!"

"No way?"

"Don't you know? When he was in junior high school, he liked to play with a group of gangsters, and his life was very chaotic. If he took drugs, I wouldn't be surprised at all!"

"Then let's hurry up and inform Teacher Chen!"

There was chaos in the classroom in an instant. Some people ran out to chase Ma Rui, some went to the office to find the head teacher, and some took the opportunity to desert. Lin Dan was not distracted from beginning to end. He read aloud with an English book in his hand, but his accent was weird, which made Ye Ying cover her mouth and laugh.

After class, Ai Yu blocked Lin Dan in the women's toilet, with a very stern tone: "You're betraying your classmates again! If this goes on like this, Ma Rui will be driven mad by you! What the hell did he do, you want to do this? Deal with him? He's just an ordinary person, don't overdo it!"

Lin Dan didn't bother to say a word to Ai Yu. This girl seems to regard herself as a messenger of justice, and she has to take care of everything.

"Hey, what should I ask you? Where did Ma Rui offend you?" Seeing that Lin Dan never spoke, Ai Yu wanted to step forward and pull him.

Lin Dan lightly avoided her and said slowly, "It's not your turn to take care of my affairs."

"I joined the Xuanmen Arbitration Bureau a few days ago. If you endanger ordinary people, I am qualified to take care of you! Don't use your abilities to disrupt the secular order!" Ai Yu said righteously.

Lin Dan didn't even look at her, just washed his hands carefully.

Ai Yu gritted her teeth in anger, and mocked: "You are just a Gu girl, not even a wizard, so don't be too arrogant. You can't deal with the real heavenly master, I may not be as strong as you, but there are many mysterious sects. People can take care of you! I have warned you twice in a row, and next time, I will definitely not let you go! Ma Rui's Gu, you'd better solve him quickly!"

Lin Dan raised his head and said slowly: "Aren't you very strong? Can't you see if he is not a Gu? The celestial master is indeed very powerful. You pretend to be real people, as if you are superior, but in fact, you are still human after all. , is not otherworldly. Do you know what the earth would look like without insects?"

Ai Yu stared at her and said nothing.

Lin Dan continued: "Without insects, trees can't reproduce, and the land and water sources can't be purified. Sooner or later, this world will be destroyed. Human beings are all creatures, so this title is your self-proclaimed title? But look, there are no human beings. , the earth is still turning, and it will only get healthier and better. So in the final analysis, human beings are the most redundant species in this world, not even bugs. Your sense of superiority, your pride and pride, what is it? Where did it come from? What happened to the Gu girl? A really powerful Gu girl is enough to send the entire Xuanmen to hell."

After saying these words, Lin Dan couldn't help but froze for a while, and finally realized his abnormality. Since when did she actually divide herself and humans into two species? Could it be influenced by Saint Gu? She rubbed her temples, took a deep look at Ai Yu, and then left.

Ai Yu was stunned for a while before shouting at her back: "I want to see how you send the entire Xuanmen to hell! You are a lunatic!"

The figure of a strange man appeared behind Ai Yu, his eyes were very gloomy. Let the entire Xuanmen go to hell? Why does this idea sound so tempting? Lin Dan is worthy of being Lin Dan and will never let him down. When Ai Yu turned around and found him, his gloomy expression was immediately replaced by warmth and geniality, and then he seemed to be listening intently to the complaints of his young disciples.

This episode did not affect Lin Dan's mood all day. She passed Gao Shukai's WeChat application and became friends with him. Taking advantage of her lunch break, she went to a nearby bank to apply for a savings card, and sent the account number to the head teacher. Not long after, another WeChat account applied to be her friend, with the note name "Long-legged brother".

She ignored it a few times, and the other party sent the request with perseverance. It was not until the last time that she changed the name of the note to "good-hearted person", Lin Dan suddenly realized, and then quickly added the other party and thanked him carefully.

"No, I don't need you to do anything for me. Your serious study is the best reward for me." A well-meaning person sent this sentence.

Lin Dan replied solemnly, "I will."

After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Is five thousand yuan enough for you? I can pay you more."

"No, I'll find a part-time job."

"No, you must not go to a part-time job. You are so nervous about studying, you have classes during the day, and you have to study at night. Where do you get a part-time job? You study hard, and don't think about the rest. You can go to college and then take part-time jobs. Now It's still too early. By the way, you must pay attention to safety, the law and order has not been very good recently!"

This earnest exhortation warmed Lin Dan's eyes as well as her heart. She curled her lips slightly and replied seriously, "Okay, I won't go."

The other end fell silent again, and it took a long time to send a sentence: "Don't fall in love early, unless the boy is tall and strong, has a sense of justice, and has a wealthy family who can protect you."

Lin Dan glanced at Gao Shukai subconsciously, and then replied, "Okay, don't fall in love early."

Gao Shukai was stared at by her with chills, and after a while, he buried his head in his arms and said tangled: "Why don't you reply to your text messages, what do I do? Look at what I mean, ahhh..."