The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 178: Gu girl 28


After leaving the Gao family's mansion, Ai Yu suddenly said to Zhou Xinghe: "Qi Gong, the person who rescued Gao Shukai is Lin Dan, a gu girl from Miao Jiang, she let go of the ghost king of Qingyuan Mountain, should we? What measures to take? As soon as the ghost king comes out, I don’t know how many people will die outside.”

Zhou Xinghe was not interested in a little Gu girl, but was shocked by the birth of the ghost king, and immediately looked at Bai Xian, his tone was a bit aggressive: "Brother Bai, how can you let go of a ghost king? With your strength, you can even destroy it. If he can't, he should be able to trap him."

Baekhyun drove with a blank face, completely unwilling to pay attention to each other.

Ai Yu continued: "Qi Gong, fortunately, that ghost king left the bones, we just need to burn his bones and it will be done once and for all."

Bai Sheng had a good impression of Ai Yu, but now he hates her very much. This woman is irresponsible, and she loves to complain, which is so annoying! He immediately said: "Everyone has become a ghost king, will there still be such a big flaw? Why don't you think about it?"

Zhou Nan pressed his eyebrows and said, "Brother Bai is right. The ghost king also said when he left, let's not touch his bones, there should be something strange there, we should be careful. "

Ai Yu's tone was very dissatisfied: "You believe in the nonsense? What if he deliberately lied to us, let us not burn his bones? Qigong, I think you should go up and see for yourself."

As for the ghost king, Zhou Xinghe did not dare to slack off, even if he asked Bai Xian to drive the car back to Qingyuan Mountain. When we arrived at the foot of the mountain, the sky was already bright, and a few rays of morning light penetrated the clouds and fell on the top of the mountain, sweeping away the thick yin qi. Several people crossed the narrow path to a tomb, carefully observing their surroundings.

"Qi Gong, there's nothing unusual here, right?" Ai Yu hoped that she could get Zhou Xinghe's approval. In recent days, she has suffered too many setbacks, and when Patriarch urges her to practice every day, he always likes to tell all kinds of interesting stories about his stay by Lin Dan's side, and likes to compare her potential with Lin Dan's talent , and then told her earnestly that she was still far away from Lin Dan.

She can't take it anymore, her whole person is a little bit demonic, and her anger and anger are getting heavier every day. This ghost was let go by Lin Dan, so she must kill him!

"I can't see anything unusual." Zhou Xinghe walked around the tomb twice, and pondered: "It stands to reason that the first thing a ghost king who has achieved great cultivation would do is to hide his bones, but this ghost No matter what, this is definitely not the case.”

"Qi Gong, you have never been in a fantasy realm, so you don't know his experience. He died terribly. His body was cut into several pieces and buried under someone else's coffin. From then on, he couldn't leave Qingyuan Mountain. He wanted to hide, But he has nowhere to hide. He was in a hurry to take revenge, and he left in a hurry.

Zhou Nan and Bai Sheng looked at each other, feeling very uncomfortable. The ghost's experience was too tragic, and they had personally experienced his pain and despair, so naturally they could not be indifferent. The reason why he wanted to leave Qingyuan Mountain was to get a belated justice, which was understandable to Zhou Nan and Bai Sheng. If you kill people, you have to pay for your life. Since thousands of years ago, this law has been widely accepted by the public, and there is nothing to say.

But Ai Yu obviously didn't think so. She is so active that she doesn't even give the ghost king any time for revenge. Is she really worried that he will be the one to blame? It seems reasonable and reasonable for her to do so, and when she thinks about it, it is too cold.

Zhou Nan stared at Ai Yu, his eyes slowly darkening.

Bai Xian kept looking at the compass in his hand, frowning tightly. The more he couldn't figure out the problem, the more he brooded.

Zhou Xinghe was persuaded by Ai Yu and waved his hand: "Then let's burn it now."

"Wait!" Bai Xian said in a deep voice: "I'll take Xiong Blind to see it in a few days, then don't move!" He put away the compass and looked directly at Ai Yu, with a very stern tone: "You are too competitive. If you are strong, go back and copy the Tao Te Ching several times to avoid going astray.”

Zhou Xinghe has always acted cautiously, but he didn't insist anymore. Although Xiongxiaozi is blind, he is very sensitive to Qi and should be able to see the problem.

Ai Yu was so criticized that he couldn't raise his head, so he could only give up. Before leaving, she turned her head and glanced at the cemetery, her eyes flickering uncertainly.

Three days later, two hot news articles appeared on the news page. A middle-aged man in H province was brutally killed at home, and his body was divided into more than a dozen pieces. The scene was terrible. The police are still looking for the murderer and hope that the general public can provide useful clues. Just three hours later, another middle-aged man was killed in Province T. The body was also divided into a dozen pieces and discarded at home.

The victims of the two cases have the same death status, but because the two places are too far apart and the crime time is too close, the police quickly ruled out the possibility of the same murderer committing the crime.

Gao Shukai opened the webpage and looked through the photos of the deceased, and found that they were indeed the two demons in the illusion, and he was relieved. Right now, he was squatting on a two-meter-high flower bed, and texted Lin Dan: "Help, I was chased and bit by a fierce dog, and now I'm stuck in a big flower bed and can't get down!"

Lin Dan was used to contacting him, and immediately replied, "Where?"

Gao Shukai quickly posted his position.

Half an hour later, Lin Dan hurriedly found the big flower bed, and the expression on his face was indescribable: "This is the bulldog you said?" I saw a Pomeranian dog with rounded hair squatting under the flower bed. The flesh of the whole body does not add up to more than three pounds, and it can be lifted with a slap. A long dog leash was tied around its neck, and the end of the rope was pulled in Gao Shukai's hand. One person and one dog sat down and looked at each other.

"Lin Dan, you're here." Gao Shukai immediately jumped off the flower bed, touched the tip of his nose, and said, "This is a gift I gave you, do you like it?" Pomeranian's eyes are also pitiful.

Lin Dan's hard heart collapsed, and he subconsciously took the dog leash. Xiao Bomei immediately ran to her side with her short legs, rubbing her trousers.

"I've never had a pet." She picked up the puppy with a very gentle expression.

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Gao Shukai looked at her with a smirk.

The two stood face to face without speaking, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. Gao Shukai's face slowly turned red, and he whispered, "Lin Dan, you rescued me from the bulldog, shall I pay you something?" Thinking of what happened in the woods that day, his head almost smoked. .

Lin Dan likes to hum when he sucks blood, and falls asleep when he hums. Lying in his arms is even cuter than this snow-white little Pomeranian. That day, he sat with her in the woods for an afternoon, and in the end he fell asleep himself. When he woke up, Lin Dan had already left, but he put her coat over him, fearing that he would be cold.

Where is Gao Shukai cold? He sniffed the aroma on his coat, and his whole body was on fire!

Lin Dan obviously also remembered what happened that day. After struggling for a while, he finally licked his lips and said, "Just a drop."

"Okay." Gao Shukai glanced at her quickly, then lowered his head, and whispered, "Where do you want to bite this time?" Last time it was earlobe bite, last time it was neck bite, this time...

Lin Dan didn't answer, just held up his left hand, put his slender index finger in his mouth, licked it with his tongue, then stuck out a small tiger tooth, bit the pulp of his finger lightly, softly and slowly Suck a drop of blood. Gao Shukai looked at her blankly, his whole figure was like a boiled lobster, red and hot, his left hand trembled uncontrollably. He pressed his left chest to prevent his heart from jumping out too fast, then quietly put his right hand behind him and clenched it into a fist.

If he didn't suppress it again, he was afraid that he would float into the sky with excitement.

The passers-by who come and go can't help but look at them a few times, and then show a kind smile. A handsome boy and a beautiful girl are standing on the street. You stretch out your hand and I will bite you. The scene is very humorous and interesting, but warm and touching.

At the same time, Ai Yu's house suddenly welcomed a rich guest.

"This is a deposit of one million yuan, and I will pay you the final payment of four million after this is done." The tall, middle-aged man put a shiny, heavy metal box on the coffee table, and two bodyguards stood behind him. , full of alertness.

Ai Yu's master stared at the metal box with his eyes almost out of the window. Ai Yu's Taoism has only advanced by leaps and bounds in the past two years. Before that, they were all home and cheated, and they lived a miserable life. Where have they seen such a large sum of money? But he didn't dare to rashly agree, so he could only secretly look at his apprentice's face.

Ai Yu stared at the middle-aged man and sneered: "It's not an ordinary ghost who found you. I'm afraid this amount of money is not enough."

The middle-aged man's face was full of anger, but he didn't dare to attack at all. After thinking about it, he compromised: "Add another three million."

"That ghost was crushed by you in the tomb of Qingyuan Mountain. I don't know how much yin qi it has absorbed in the past 13 years. It has long since become a ghost king. You want to buy him for 8 million. You are too naive. Let me tell you this, In Xuanmen, the number of celestial masters who can deal with him does not exceed this number." Ai Yu slapped him.

The man had obviously begged a lot of people, but he didn't come to Haicheng. After all, this is the distribution center for all the Celestial Masters. There is the largest Celestial Master Alliance in the country. If he didn't come to Haicheng, he would have no way to survive, just as he would have no way to survive if he didn't leave Haicheng.

Thirteen years have passed, and he has already achieved great success, but he never imagined that the sins he committed in those years would still be retributed on his own head. Knowing the death of the other two people through the news, he immediately understood that it was that person who came back, and he came to take revenge...

"Ten million, I want him to be blown away!" The man made up his mind and gritted his teeth.

Ai Yu just put her hand on the metal box, and she should have done it.