The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 180: Gu girl 30


Ai Yu's scalp felt numb when she heard it, and when she looked at the tomb in front of her, she felt a little terrified.

When the middle-aged man saw that she had not moved for a long time, he couldn't help but feel anxious: "Master Ai, why don't you draw the formation? Is there something wrong?"

Ai Yu put down the brush, and was about to say that she would not do it today, but she heard the strange man say: "In this situation, only Lin Dan can break through.

Ai Yu just put down the brush, but now she picked it up again, and told the middle-aged man: "I'm fine, you take the amulet." If you look closely, you will find that her eyes are a little red, and the inside is red. Filled with terrifying anger.

The strange man seemed to be unaware of her strange behavior, and continued: "Don't be brave, go back first. No one can solve this land except Lin Dan."

Ai Yu raised her head and said with a sneer, "Grandpa, do you look down on me? Which one is stronger between me and Lin Dan, you'll know after today."

The strange man looked down at her, and said in a calm tone, "You are in a mess." It was so simple that he was in a mess, and Ai Yu really disappointed him. Back then, no matter how he bewitched Lin Dan, she would never give him another look, and she would never shake her faith. Although Ai Yu's talent is good, she is defeated by her xinxing. I don't know how the jade pendant chose the owner. Lin Dan, a genius like Lin Dan, didn't choose it, but chose a muddy one that couldn't support the wall.

The strange man's eyes were full of sneer, but his tone was very gentle: "Go back, it's too dangerous here, my mana is limited, and I can't protect you."

"No, even if this is the Longtan Tiger's Den, I have to venture into it." Ai Yu made up her mind, and no one could shake it. She quickly finished drawing the magic circle, then took out the shovel and started digging the grave. Jiang Chongzi was scared to death, but still ran over to help her. The two of them worked together to dig up the soil, exposing the vermillion coffin to the white moonlight.

"A big red coffin?" Jiang Chongzi looked stunned.

"Pick it up, come and help!" Ai Yu waved at the victim.

The middle-aged man stood in the protective circle, unwilling to move.

"What are you afraid of? You killed people and buried corpses. You weren't afraid back then, but now you're scared. If you don't lift the coffin, then we'll go back today and wait for him to come and take revenge on you." Rain threatened.

The middle-aged man was in a hurry, so he stepped out of the protective circle and went to carry the coffin. It stands to reason that thirteen years have passed, and the corpse in the coffin has already been turned into bones, and the weight should have been reduced, but the two of them spent a lot of effort, but they failed to lift the coffin even a little bit.

Ai Yu had to go up to help, but she didn't expect the heavy coffin to become very light after she took over, and it was overturned to the ground in one fell swoop, exposing the soil at the bottom. The middle-aged man was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Take it away, lift it up, Master, dig out that person's bones and burn them!"

Jiang Chongzi stared at the coffin with a crack open, and said with a trembling voice: "Xiaoyu, let's run! There is something wrong with this corpse!"

Ai Yu looked back and found that there was a female corpse lying in the vermilion coffin. The muscles of her body were shriveled and shriveled, but not rotting. Her face was as thin as a skeleton, but her lips were red and bright, as if they had been coated with blood. Her hair had grown long and was piled in a mess in the coffin, her hands were clasped on her stomach, and her nails were black and sharp, gleaming coldly in the moonlight.

Obviously, this is a zombie, and it will open its eyes anytime and anywhere to kill people.

Jiang Chongzi's legs were so frightened that he ran a little further away, anxiously urging: "Xiaoyu, go!"

"It's just a zombie, I'll scare you." Ai Yu's space magic tool has many top-quality magic symbols, and she can quell this zombie with just one, so she is not afraid at all. She picked up the shovel, cleaned out the bones of the Ghost King one by one, and stacked them aside. Following her movements, black air emerged from the burial place, and soon formed a huge plume of smoke that shot straight into the sky.

The overwhelming yin qi quickly swallowed Qingyuan Mountain, and Lang Lang's night sky was instantly filled with gloomy wind and ghosts crying.

The accident happened so quickly that Ai Yu didn't have time to react. When she realized that the situation was out of control, the bodies buried in this cemetery dug up the soil and crawled out one after another. What is a mountain of corpses and a sea of corpses? What is Nether Purgatory? In the past, Ai Yu could only be described by imagination, but after today, she will never forget such a scene for the rest of her life. She turned her head to look for Jiang Chongzi, but found that he had already been drowned by the dense walking corpses, and the middle-aged man was also torn to pieces by the female corpse that jumped out of the scarlet coffin.

The blood spilled like a torrential rain, arousing the ferocity of the walking corpse, and also scared Ai Yu's courage, "Patriarch, please help!" She was in a state of confusion, her mind was blank, and she could only frantically wave the green cockroach sword in her hand.

"Spiritual Talisman!" The strange man was suspended in mid-air, quietly absorbing the Yin Qi of the vast sea. No matter who set up this game, he was very satisfied with the result.

Ai Yu immediately took out the magic talismans in the space spirit tool and swayed them all over the sky, no matter what type they were. The colorful aura exploded in the air, exerting its due power, and the corpse tide that was just an arm's length away from Ai Yu was forced back several meters by the aura, and could only roar around her.

The female corpse was obviously their leader, standing on his tombstone at the moment, staring straight at Ai Yu with bright red eyes.

Ai Yu quickly ran out of the mountain of magic talismans, and she started shouting for help again.

"The protective formation you drew earlier can be activated with blood essence stones, and its power is greatly increased, enough to resist the attack of the corpse tide." The strange man pointed at the right time. If Ai Yu looked up, he would find that he was smiling and admiring everything in front of him. His expression was not worried, but full of interest.

Countless walking corpses crawled out of the dirt, some attacked Ai Yu, and some walked down the mountain. If they were allowed to enter the city, what would the world look like? How should Xuanmen solve this big trouble? That scene must be fun, right

The man pressed his fist to his lips and chuckled again and again.

Ai Yu couldn't find his abnormality, and just tried his best to fight a bloody path. When she was covered in bruises and was almost unable to support her, the pattern of the protective magic circle finally appeared under her feet. She stepped in immediately, placed the blood essence stone at the nine eye formations, activated the protective cover, and blocked the attack of the walking corpse, and then went limp, panting violently.

At the last moment when the protective cover was closed, the female corpse approached. The black claws were only half a foot away from Ai Yu's eyebrows, but they could no longer enter an inch. Ai Yu tried her best to widen her eyes and stared at her blankly, as if her soul was lost.

The female corpse took a few steps back and started attacking the shield, with a very grim expression. She was obviously irritated by Ai Yu's actions, and the walking corpses around her were under her control, and they all rushed over like a tide. Golden light continued to flow on the surface of the protective cover, but it became weaker and weaker. Ai Yu's heart lifted up again, and she shouted: "Master Patriarch, this formation won't last long, what should I do?"

"Continuously replace the blood essence stone to keep the formation alive. If the blood essence stone is gone, use the spirit stone, and if the spirit stone is gone, use the crystal sand. Whether you can persist until someone comes to save you depends on your luck." The strange man spoke casually.

"Grandpa, can't you save me?" Ai Yu's voice was dry and her expression was desperate.

"My Dao bones are sealed, and I have no mana at all, how can I save you?" The man sighed helplessly.

When it came to Daogu, Ai Yu seemed to think of something, but didn't say it. She didn't dare to look at the man's face, and she couldn't ask him for help any more, so she could only pour out all the treasures of Yu Perry and be ready to replace it at any time. The magic circle consumes a lot of energy, and every ten minutes, a blood essence stone will be turned into fly ash. Ai Yu's heart throbbed, but she had to quickly press the new spar into the formation's eyes. She originally thought that Jade Perry's materials could provide her with a lifetime of cultivation, but now it seems that it is not bad to be able to protect her for three or four hours.

When she was devastated, Bai Xian was talking with Xiong Xiongzi at home.

Xiong Blind is known as the first person in Haicheng Guan Point. Although his eyes are blind, his heart is not blind. He pointed: "You just look at the terrain and look at the feng shui, why don't you check who is buried in this cemetery?"

Bai Xian's eyes lit up, and he immediately sent people to investigate the life of the tomb owner. Xuanmen's work efficiency has always been very high, and the materials were sent in less than half an hour. Bai Xian read to Xiong Blind while watching, his expression became more and more solemn: "The owner of the tomb was a woman, who died at the age of 36. When the body was found, she was wearing red clothes, with two handfuls of soil in each pocket, her hands, His feet were firmly tied with ropes, a weight was hung on his feet, his hands were hanging on the beams of the roof, there was no murder or suicide, there was no external injury on the body, no internal injury on the body, and the cause of death was unknown."

Xiong Blind pinched his fingers, and couldn't help being astonished: "At the age of 36, he was born on the day of Guisi, which is the life of turbid water; when he died, he wore a red robe, which belonged to fire; there was earth in his pocket, which belonged to earth; This is wood hanging on the beam of the house. Gold, wood, water, fire and soil, all five elements, but hanging in the air, the five elements do not touch, this is the soul of someone who is breaking the pillar. If the practitioner turns this soul into a ghost, it can be arbitrarily Drive, do not affect cause and effect. If the victim's body is buried in an extremely evil place to become a flying scorpion, its strength is comparable to that of a dry scorpion. Press the coffin above, crush the corpse below, one man and one woman, one yin and one yang, and the resentment is soaring to the sky. ... No, this is a bureau set up by an expert, no one can touch that piece of land, it must be sealed off immediately! Go and inform the leaders and relevant departments that the situation is not good!"

The blind bear stood up abruptly and brought down the chair behind him.

Bai Xian took out his cell phone and dialed quickly.

Zhou Xinghe, the head of the Zhou family, said that he would send experts to support Xuanmen's operation. After hanging up the phone, he could not help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and said dumbly: "Fortunately, I didn't listen to Ai Yu that day. That piece of land is extremely The evil place is a double corpse cave again. There are experts who have set up a situation and detained a broken pillar soul. If I move it, the whole Haicheng will fall into hell! Ai Yu is too reckless, next time When I saw her, I had to teach her a good lesson!"

The teacup in Zhou Nan's hand suddenly crooked, and the hot water splashed on the back of his hand, scalding his skin a lot. But he didn't realize it, instead he staggered a few steps and said in a trembling voice: "Grandpa, Ai Yu has collected 10 million from others and is going to dig that grave. At this time, she should have already started. Grandpa. , will she encounter danger?"

Zhou Xing and Haoxuan were not angry with their grandson, and said through gritted teeth: "At this time, you are still worried about whether she is in danger, you should still worry about your mother and your grandma! The people of the city will suffer!"

Zhou Xinghe hadn't scolded mother for a long time, but now he couldn't hold back his temper and swears again and again. He took out his mobile phone and quickly notified everyone.