The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 181: Gu girl 31


How many corpses are buried in Qingyuan Mountain, even the government management department can't tell, because from hundreds of years ago, this is the famous mass grave, if all the bones are cleaned up, the Qingyuan Mountain's The height may drop by a few hundred meters. But now, these corpses have all crawled out of the soil and walked down the mountain one after another.

This night, several nearby villages were slaughtered by walking corpses, not even chickens and dogs. An abandoned car would be found at intervals on the highway. The next puddle of blood. Once the corpse floods into the city, the death toll will continue to rise, and it is more likely to cause a shock to the entire country.

No one could afford such a consequence, so half an hour after receiving the call from Zhou Xinghe, all the occultists, including government administrators, arrived at Qingyuan Mountain one after another, preparing to discuss a solution. The major traffic roads are also full of Xuanmen people and troops. Once they find the walking dead, they will rush to encircle and suppress them, and they must not be allowed to enter the city.

The puppet masters, the talisman masters, the ghost masters, and the orthodox celestial masters all came up with unique tricks, but they were struggling in vain, unable to restore the situation. There are too many walking corpses to kill, not to mention that there are also vicious zombies and blood corpses, as well as shadow corpses and fighting corpses with great resentment, etc. It is a group corpse exposition. And their leader is the legendary Fei Zong, who is only one step away from the Zombie God.

The mayor of Haicheng rubbed his painful temple and said coldly, "Or else I'll blow up this mountain!"

"You can't use bombs to flatten the top of the mountain. The yong point has been opened, and a bomb blast will only turn the yong point into a pond, and bring hell directly to the world. At that time, the two worlds of yin and yang will no longer be bounded, and Haicheng will no longer have boundaries. It will become the first Nether Realm in history, and more than 17 million people here will all die from the erosion of the evil spirit." Bai Xian immediately rejected his plan.

"Then what should we do?" Mayor Haicheng was very unhappy, "In the final analysis, this matter is the trouble caused by the people in your Xuanmen. You can't do this, you can't do that either, you think of a better way! Knowing that Haicheng has a population of more than 17 million, why don't you think about it before you do anything! We government agencies are too generous to you Xuanmen, so you can do whatever you want! Ten million, just for ten million , all the Haicheng people have to be buried with you, what the hell is this!"

The mayor of Haicheng has always been polite and gentle. After learning what happened, he almost vomited blood. A high school student opened a tunnel to hell for 10 million, and he didn't dare to act like this in a movie! If this person stood in front of him alive, he would definitely knock on her head to see what she was thinking about all day!

"Mayor, don't be impatient, we are already thinking of a way." Xiong Blind said slowly: "The matter has come to this point, the only way is to seal up the welling hole to cut off the supply of evil spirits to the walking corpse. No more. Walking corpses are much easier to deal with, and some don’t even need our hands, as soon as the sun shines during the day, they will turn into blood.”

"How to seal it?" Bai Xian asked.

"Nine stars in a row seal the sun and the moon." Xiong Blind said cautiously.

"Nine Stars Lianzhu Great Array?" Zhou Xinghe's face turned pale: "Who is going to fill the eyes of the formation?" The reason why he was so afraid was because the Nine Stars Lianzhu Formation was the only seal method handed down from ancient times. The living beings of high depth serve as array eyes. Once the formation is activated, it will continue to absorb the power of the nine people until they die. The deeper the skill of the nine people, the stronger the power of the seal, and once it is opened, it is irreversible.

In other words, whoever goes will surely die!

Bai Xian put a cigarette in his mouth, lit it with the real fire of his fingertips, and said calmly, "I'll go."

Xiong Blind sighed, raised his hand and said, "This method was proposed by this old man, so it is natural to count as one of the old man."

"I'll go as well."


Haicheng's Xuanmen masters stood up one after another with a resolute expression. The disaster was caused by people in their mysterious gate, and it was natural to take their lives to fill it.

A liaison officer, who knew a little bit of mysticism, hurriedly attached to the mayor's ear and explained to him what the nine-star series of the sun and the moon was. The mayor's dark face softened a little. He raised his eyes and counted eight people who stood out, and there was only one left.

Everyone looked at Zhou Xinghe, Zhou Xinghe was already on Liangshan, and he had to grit his teeth and say, "I'll go too."

Xiong Blind immediately made a decision: "Nine people are ready, please ask the mayor to help us prepare a helicopter." Now the mountains are full of walking corpses, and when they step over the corpse mountain and the corpse sea to the top of the mountain, I am afraid they will only have half their lives left. , and where is the energy to deploy? Although the helicopter may sway from side to side due to the influence of the sky, it is also the easiest and quickest method.

Half an hour later, a helicopter took a group of people to the top of the black air, and the people below the mountain checked their situation through the monitor. The closer to the top of the mountain, the more the number of walking corpses, especially in the cave, there are still corpses burrowing out of the soil, making a high roar.

"The closer you are to the cave, the higher the level of the walking corpse. This is a white zombie, this is a purple zombie, and maybe there will be gold and silver corpses in the future." Bai Sheng is responsible for explaining the monitoring for the mayor picture taken in the device.

The mayor held back his heart palpitations and asked, "If the seal fails, what will be the consequences?"

"Have you seen The Walking Dead? The consequences are almost like that." Bai Sheng wiped his face, not daring to think about it any more.

The mayor nodded and said nothing, but the officials standing behind him all showed expressions of despair. Fortunately, before arriving at Qingyuan Mountain, they had reported the situation to the central government and ordered the army to evacuate the people as soon as possible, which should minimize losses.

The scene was silent, only the roar of the propellers kept coming from the monitor. When the plane's beam of light swept across a certain open space, Bai Sheng couldn't help but open his eyes wide, showing a horrified expression: "Ai Yu is not dead?"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Nan immediately ran over to check the monitor, then put his hands together and thanked God. Ai Yu is not dead, she is still alive and well. Now she is standing in a circular circle, constantly waving to the helicopter for help. The pilot immediately lowered a rope ladder and pulled her up.

The mayor stared at the monitor with a gloomy face, but didn't say anything. Instead, a junior from Xuanmen gritted his teeth and said: "This kind of person should let her die in Qingyuan Mountain, why save her!"

Zhou Nan held back for a while, and finally defended Ai Yu: "She didn't know that it was a double corpse cave, an extremely vicious place, and she didn't want such a thing to happen."

"Hmph, she really didn't know that it was a double corpse cave, but my uncle reminded her several times that there was something strange about that piece of land and told her not to touch it. Does she know? The person who asked her to do errands is a murderer, she You know that too? After all, she is an ignorant and greedy idiot! Why should she take my uncle's life for her troubles? My uncle is only 27 years old this year!" Bai Sheng said Tears flowed down his face as he spoke, and it was unsustainable.

"My teacher is also up there, and I will never see him again. He also said that he would teach me to spread beans and become a soldier." A teenager crouched down, hugged his head and cried.

"My dad went too. If I study Taoism well, I can replace him. I'm useless..."

Several of the top leaders are all people of high moral standing and gardens full of peaches and plums, and there are more than a thousand disciples and grandchildren under their knees? Now these people are all gathered at the foot of the mountain, watching them leave, the reluctance and grief in their hearts are hard to describe in words. Zhou Nan remembered his grandfather who was also on the plane, his eyes were red, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Ai Yu climbed down the rope ladder to the air, and suddenly, a black shadow flew out of the corpse group and attacked her, making her scream in fright.

"Flying Stiff?" Seeing this scene, Bai Sheng was stunned. The crying and crying juniors also fell silent, showing despair on their faces.

After a zombie becomes a demon, it turns into a scorpion. The zombie after turning into a scorpion can fly, also known as flying stiff. It is said that it can kill Buddha and swallow God, walk like the wind, and wherever it goes, it is the king of zombies. This kind of monster that only appears in the legend actually appears in reality, how can it not make everyone shocked.

They originally thought that Ai Yu would definitely die this time, but they saw a dazzling golden light suddenly surrounded her, blocking Fei Zong's fatal blow. She seemed to be frightened, and when Fei Zong fell to the ground, she took out something from her neck and looked at it, then quickly stuffed it back, and hurriedly climbed up the rope ladder.

A pilot held a camera to film her climbing the ladder, just in time to get a clear picture of what was in her hand.

Zhou Nan's eyes flickered, and he already recognized that it was the jade pendant he had worn since he was a child. On the monitor, Zhou Xinghe's expression also changed, and he seemed to recognize it. But what was so strange about this jade pendant, they had no time to explore. After Ai Yu climbed up, Bai Xian took out a stack of corpse-suppressing charms and threw it down.

Several golden lights flashed, and the group of corpses that had been roaring and jumping around the helicopter miraculously quieted down, and even the flying zombie was frozen in place.

Bai Xian immediately slid down the ladder, followed by Xiong Xiongzi, Zhou Xinghe and others. While they used their magical powers to kill the walking corpses around them, they measured the position of the formation. However, Bai Xian's talisman couldn't hold back the flying stiffness, and soon began to burn on its own. With that fly frozen, the formation of the formation was even more difficult.

"Quick, find out the array eyes!" Bai Xian shouted with all his strength.

The other eight each took out their compass and ran in eight different directions. However, in the next second, the flying stiff broke free and attacked an old man with a white beard. The black claws pierced his chest, took out his heart alive and stuffed it into his mouth to eat.

"Grandpa!" At the foot of the mountain, a teenager cried out in grief.

Fei Zong didn't stop, turned and attacked another person, easily taking another life. In just a few minutes, two of the nine people have died, so how can the remaining seven people set up a nine-star series? Done! This time Haicheng is completely over! This line of blood-red characters appeared in everyone's mind.