The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 184: Gu girl 34


Lin Dan stayed in Qingyuan Mountain for three days and three nights, and the ghost fire at Yongxue also burned for three days and three nights, until the corpse bug king turned from blue-purple to golden-purple. When she went down the mountain, her new home was ready. Coincidentally, it was opposite to the Gao family's old house, an outrageously expensive townhouse with two large gardens and a swimming pool. Ten million.

In order to win over Lin Dan, Mayor Xu also made great efforts.

Lin Dan doesn't care much about where she lives, sheltering from the wind and rain is enough for her. The wonderful thing is a card given to her by Mayor Xu. With this card, she can call the pharmacies at will. There is no need to save money to buy precious medicinal materials.

When she got home, she saw her father and mother standing outside the closed iron gate, talking to the walkie-talkie: "Ye Ying, let us in, we just want to see if you are doing well."

"This is the mansion you want to see, right? I tell you, the house belongs to Lin Dan. Don't make any wrong decisions, or you won't know how I let you die!" Yu Yeying's cold voice came from the microphone. Come.

"Lin Dan is an orphan without the care of her parents. How will she live in the future? Go home. Mom and Dad have decided to remarry, and Mom and Dad will take care of you." Yu's mother said with tears in her eyes.

"It seems that you really want to die." Yu Yeying sneered.

Lin Dan bid farewell to the government staff and walked over slowly. Yu's father and Yu's mother immediately greeted him with a very affectionate expression, but she was ignored by her. She rushed to the walkie-talkie and said, "Ye Ying, I'm back, I'll come in by myself, don't open the door." Then she jumped over the iron gate more than three meters high with her toes, and landed on the other end lightly.

Yu's father and mother were stunned, but Yu Yeying smiled and called the security guard. She didn't want such parents for a long time. If she wasn't worried about Lin Dan and wanted to divert her anxiety, she would be too lazy to pay attention to them.

"Lin Dan, go take a bath, I've already cooked, you can sleep after you eat." She came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, followed by a snow-white puppy. The table is full of dishes, and each plate is beautiful, which shows that Ye Ying spent a lot of time thinking about cooking.

"You did a great job." Lin Dan praised sincerely.

Yu Yeying pursed her lips and smiled, with a happy light in her eyes. Just at this moment, the doorbell rang again, and an old but very respectful voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Is this Master Lin's house? I'm Gao Xuehai, Gao Shukai's grandfather, knowing that you are back today, I specially Come to visit, and please do your best."

Yu Yeying was about to refuse when Lin Dan pressed the door first, "Grandpa Gao, please come in."

A few minutes later, Mr. Gao walked into the living room with the help of Gao Shukai. Gao Shukai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Lin Dan was sitting on the sofa upright and uninjured. The Gao family has always been the sponsor of the Xuanmen of Haicheng, and the relationship with the people in the Xuanmen is closer than that of the government. Naturally, there are channels to learn the news of Lin Dan's birth.

Knowing from his grandson that Lin Dan had rescued him, Mr. Gao thought about it and decided to come for help. These days, the restraint on Sun Tzu's body has been very weak. When the yin qi in Qingyuan Mountain erupted, he was also attacked by ghosts many times. Once, he almost fell from the roof and fell to his death.

Mr. Gao no longer dared to take chances. He heard that Lin Dan had solved a problem that the entire Xuanmen could not solve, so he came to the door for help.

"You came for his fate, right?" Lin Dan said straight to the point.

Mr. Gao's expression was shocked, but he didn't dare to rashly interface.

"Once the ban is completely broken, he is the Tang Monk meat in the eyes of monsters and monsters, and everyone wants to take a bite." Having said this, Lin Dan's eyes lit up. Yes, Gao Shukai is a natural big cake, constantly attracting Specter, and she can devour Specter to feed Saint Gu, isn't that the best of both worlds? She doesn't have to run around to hunt for ghosts, she can eat as long as she can by guarding Gao Shukai. In nature, this is called a symbiotic relationship.

When she was fascinated, Mr. Gao said carefully: "Master is worthy of being a master, and he has already seen it. You are right, Shukai's fate is indeed very strange. After the ban is broken, he will always be there anytime, anywhere. Faced with the danger of being swallowed up by monsters and monsters. Master, I want to ask you to be his bodyguard, can you see it? I'm willing to give as much as you want."

Lin Dan already had an inexhaustible medical card, so naturally he didn't need extra money. She pondered for a moment and said, "I agree to your request, and Gao Shukai will pay me the remuneration. You don't need to ask. I can assure you that what he pays me must be what he can bear and will not endanger his life. ."

"What's the reward?" Elder Gao was very curious.

Gao Shukai's cheeks flushed instantly, and he pretended to be impatient and said, "Grandpa, don't ask, this is a secret between me and Lin Dan! She won't hurt me, don't worry."

Indeed, Master Lin is Sun Tzu's classmate, and she has long seen his fate. If she wanted to harm others, she would have already done it, so why wait until now? Mr. Gao thought about it for a while, and then he was relieved. Since then, Gao Shukai has been completely tied to Lin Dan, picking her up from school, helping her buy breakfast, delivering her after class, and helping her buy supper. When Lin Dan went to the toilet, he would also stand at the door waiting patiently, and then handed her a handkerchief.

Gradually, scandals between the two began to spread among the classmates, and some people said that they saw Lin Dan and Gao Shukai kissing in the woods behind the flower bed, and their actions were very blatant.

The head teacher couldn't sit still, so he called Gao Shukai's parents and asked them to take care of their children.

"Shu Kai and Lin Da... Lin Dan, we have known for a long time, the old man has also passed the bright road. We are particularly in favor of their relationship. As long as Lin Dan's study is not delayed, we are happy to see it. It's done." Father Gao said solemnly.

Mother Gao nodded again and again, begging: "Teacher, don't break them up, just turn one eye and close one eye and let them be together, eh?"

The head teacher, Haoxuan, wasn't mad at the two parents who didn't care, so he could only persuade him with a sigh of relief, "Student Gao Shukai is very inattentive in class. It has caused a very bad influence. As parents, shouldn't you curb this kind of signs?"

"You don't need to hold back, it's good. If he leaves Lin Dan in this life, he won't be able to live." Father Gao's face was full of helplessness. He originally had some doubts about Lin Dan's strength, but he was completely convinced until he saw her swing a soulkilling butterfly and clean up the countless ghosts in the house on the day of the Ghost Festival. Before that, their family was almost dragged into the Nether Realm by hundreds of ghosts. He would never forget those terrifying experiences in his life.

Looking at the entire country, there are no more than five metaphysicians who can be more powerful than Lin Dan, and each of these people is bigger than the other. If you let them protect a child 24 hours a day, they will be able to beat you out immediately. Blame you for humiliating their identities. Lin Dan is the only life-saving straw for his son, how dare a high parent and a high mother let go

Gao's mother said bluntly: "Teacher, we don't care if my son has any future prospects, as long as he is safe and sound. He is willing to be with Lin Dan, and we agree with both hands!"

The head teacher was completely convinced, and spread his hands: "You parents don't care, it's useless for me to manage. Forget it, let them go."

Since then, Lin Dan and Gao Shukai have become the only officially certified couple in Haicheng No. 1 Middle School. Gao Shukai was so happy that others misunderstood, and Lin Dan didn't bother to explain. They were tied together like this for three years and gradually got used to each other's existence. Lin Dan's grades were stable, but Gao Shukai made rapid progress. The first year of high school was still the tail end of a crane, and in the second year of high school, he was already in the upper reaches. The third year of high school was full of energy, and he took the second grade in one breath. All the teachers were impressed. In addition, he also actively exercised, learned various fighting skills, and tried hard not to be a drag on Lin Dan. He can't deal with ghosts, can't he deal with a few ordinary people

Yu Yeying and Fang Yi seem to be in a competition. Today you take the tenth grade exam, tomorrow I will take the ninth grade exam, and then work together to deal with Gao Shukai. Fang Yi's parents were very relieved to see that she went to school energetically every day and was happily sent home by Lin Dan.

Gao's father and Gao's mother had already prepared that Gao Shukai would never be successful in his life, but suddenly they found out that he had become a top student, and the mood was like sleepwalking, so happy that they couldn't find the north.

Of course, in addition to a harmonious life, there will also be discordant news. In the first year of high school, Zhou Nan suddenly dropped out of school. After a month, the classmates learned that he was paralyzed and had to spend the rest of his life in bed.

Lin Dan felt that something was wrong, so he went to the hospital to visit him.

In her impression, Zhou Xinghe was a shrewd old man with a strong body, but now he seems to have aged by several decades, with a dying look on his face, "All blame me," he said hoarsely: " I shouldn't have brought Ai Yu to my house to take care of it in order to explore the secret of the jade pendant. She stunned Zhou Nan with medicine and took his Dao bone away. My grandson is only seventeen years old this year, and he is not yet an adult! What will he do next?"

What Zhou Xinghe didn't dare to say is that Zhou Nan's Taoist bones did not originally belong to him, but a pair of immortal bones handed down from generation to generation by the Zhou family, which can make future generations uniquely talented and have superb Taoism. Every generation of the Zhou family will give birth to a very powerful Celestial Master, which is the reason.

Zhou Nan lay on the hospital bed, shook his head and said, "Don't blame Ai Yu, she will be paralyzed for the rest of her life without her bones. I couldn't bear to see her suffer, so I gave her the bones. I personally agreed, no wonder Anyone, for her, I am willing."

Mother Zhou sobbed: "Silly child, it's all over now, why are you still protecting her! She's so selfish and vicious!"

Lin Dan stared at Zhou Nan for a while, then frowned and said, "Are you sure you are willing? I don't think so." She probed between his eyebrows, and a crimson bug was caught between her fingertips. : "You've fallen in love."

Zhou Nan felt dizzy for a while, then lay on the bed and vomited. After vomiting, he suddenly grabbed the quilt and screamed, shouting Ai Yu's name. Only this time, there was no trace of love in his voice, it was full of hatred that could not be dissolved. Lin Dan had no doubt that if Ai Yu stood in front of him, he would definitely be torn to pieces by him.

Zhou Xinghe was so angry that his brain was almost congested. Zhou's father and Zhou's mother hurriedly suppressed his son's arm to prevent him from hurting himself. The doctor and nurse rushed to inject tranquilizers for the patient, and the ward was a mess. Lin Dan stood in the corner and watched for a while, then left, crushing the love monster as he walked.