The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 188: Gu Nv S7


Liu Ruoyun didn't speak the whole time, and Lin Dan didn't need an answer from the other party. She poured three worms on the dining table and fiddled with her fingertips. The worms spread their wings and fluttered, but they didn't fly away.

Liu Ruoyun showed a disgusting expression.

Lin Dan glanced at her and said calmly, "What should I do if I get bitten by a poisonous insect, do you know?"

Liu Ruoyun didn't answer for a while. Lin Dan should have died, but now he is alive and well, this must be abnormal. In this way, she must know something, so she will come to the door and say these unfinished words.

Lin Dan continued: "Can't you answer such a simple question? If you are bitten by a poisonous insect, you will kill it." As soon as she finished speaking, she had already picked up a glass on the table and pressed the two hidden winged insects. die. The bottom of the cup is transparent, and the corpses of two bugs can be clearly seen. Their wings are broken, their stomachs explode, and a lot of green juice bursts out. The scene is a bit disgusting and a bit scary.

Liu Ruoyun glanced at the cup, but still didn't speak. She has always been very cautious, and she will never let the other party catch anything before she understands Lin Dan's intentions. If Lin Dan wanted to find out some truth from her, or to extract some conversation recordings, then she made a mistake.

However, Lin Dan didn't want to waste time on her, put the last ladybug in the small box and left.

Yu Yeying took two steps closer and whispered in Liu Ruoyun's ear: "Illness, is Lin Dan's life so easy to take? From now on, I will go to your grave to burn paper every year, huh..." Her low laughter carried The bone-chilling temperature made Liu Ruoyun tremble.

Lin Dan really knew, why didn't she die? How did she know it was me? What does she want to do? One question after another flashed in Liu Ruoyun's mind, making her flustered. She didn't take anything and drove home immediately.

Zhou Xuan parked the car on the side of the road, then took out a cigarette and puffed it slowly. Through the misty smoke, he saw a woman in a black hoodie coming out of the villa in front with a gloomy expression.

"Here." Zhou Xuan stretched out his hand and waved.

"How did you find me?" The woman did not dare to approach the car, but stood in front of a fountain statue. She lifted her hood and revealed a pale face. It was Ai Yu, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"It's easy for me to find someone." Zhou Xuan walked out of the car and said casually.

"Yeah, it's easy for you to find someone, but for three years, you've never found me. If I hadn't moved Lin Dan, you'd never be able to remember me, right? You made good use of me. Miserable, I lost everything for you, but you threw me away like a piece of rubbish." Ai Yu said and laughed secretly, "Look, I'm doing well now." She said Pointing to a scorpion totem on his forehead.

"You learned to lower your head from someone else?" Zhou Xuan raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smiling smile. He didn't expect Ai Yu's vitality to be so tenacious. He had not been found by Zhou Nan for three years, but instead learned the technique of lowering his head.

"Yeah, my current master treats me very well." Ai Yu split his mouth, revealing his white teeth, "I didn't expect that three years later, I would still meet Lin Dan. What is the fate? The fate of evil? I always have a feeling that only one of us can survive. You can't save her, my master has something that will kill her. "

She tilted her head and smiled brightly: "Zhou Xuan, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life! Lin Dan must die!"

Zhou Xuan's leisurely expression has been replaced by cruelty, and his body is filled with a murderous aura that cannot be dissolved. Before he could speak, the huge stone sculpture standing behind Ai Yu fell down, smashing her into flesh. Blood splashed everywhere, dyeing Zhou Xuan's coat red, and also soiling his expensive leather shoes. He slowly wiped away the blood on his face, and then slowly lowered his head, looking at Ai Yu who was twitching under the stone carving, and after a long time he covered his face and laughed lowly.

"There's a sentence I've said to you hundreds of times. It's been three years, and you've probably forgotten it. Now I'll say it again, you must keep it in mind when you get down to Huangquan—you're far from Lin Dan's ability. If you want to touch her, you are courting death!" Zhou Xuan poked Ai Yu's wide eyes with his fingertips, his face full of mockery.

Ai Yu's unwilling gaze was fixed on his face, as if she was looking at him, and at the same time, she seemed to be looking through him at the person who never fought with her, but made her fall to pieces.

"Ah! Dead, dead!" Pedestrians on the side of the road screamed, and then took out their mobile phones to call the police. Fortunately, this is a high-end community with cameras everywhere, so Zhou Xuan doesn't have to worry about getting into trouble.

In a corner where no one noticed, Liu Ruoyun was staring blankly at this scene. She knew that Zhou Xuan was a specially-appointed teacher at the school, and she felt strange when she found that he was guarding outside her house, so she parked the car on the other side to see what he was doing. After a while, Ai Yu came out, and she realized that Zhou Xuan's origin may not be simple.

But she never imagined that she would witness a bizarre accident. Ai Yu, who was smiling brightly one second ago, died the next second, being smashed into flesh by a stone sculpture! Her hands and feet were broken, her stomach burst open, and blood and internal organs flowed all over the ground. This terrifying scene came into her eyes, giving her a familiar sense of sight and a ridiculous association.

No no no, no! She shook her head vigorously, then ran to the door in a panic.

While taking off his dirty coat, Zhou Xuan turned to look at her with a wicked smile in his eyes. Lin Dan only said that he should leave the Liu family alone, but he didn't say that he should leave the Chen family alone. Those who survived by absorbing the lifespan of others over the years, it's time to repay their debts.

As soon as Liu Ruoyun ran into the house, he saw his mother running out of the basement covered in blood, with a terrified expression.

"What happened?" Her breathing stopped for a moment.

"Master is dead! He was suddenly crushed, but there is nothing in the air, nothing!" Chen Li shouted in a trance.

"Where's Dad?" Liu Ruoyun's chest hurt a lot because of the fast heartbeat.

"He's still down there," Chen Li exclaimed, "Husband, come out quickly, don't stay inside!" She leaned on the handrail of the stairs and looked down, but she didn't dare to go in, the shoes on her feet were full Blood stains, like coming out of a pool of blood.

"Call father-in-law, hurry!" Liu Liang's trembling voice came from the basement.

Liu Ruoyun was frightened to death, but he still dared to go down, and then was stunned. I saw the master's body lying in a circle, all the bones were broken, the belly burst open, the internal organs flowed all over the place, and the bloody mass of rotten flesh seemed to be crushed by some heavy object. It was spread thinly on the floor, and the state of death was extremely strange.

How similar is this scene to Ai Yu's death? Liu Ruoyun pressed against the wall tightly, feeling that his heart was about to burst. Somehow, she remembered the two bugs that Lin Dan had crushed to death on the dining table, and big drops of cold sweat began to fall.

Ai Yu's death can be said to be a coincidence, but what about the master? He was sitting in the basement well, but why did he turn into a puddle of rotten meat? Liu Ruoyun couldn't find any basis to explain the matter, so he could only hold his heart, slowly slipped on the ground, and muttered, "Dad, it's a bug, it's the two bugs that Lin Dan crushed to death!"

"What bug?" Liu Liang was startled.

Chen Li didn't care about being scared anymore, she ran into the basement three or two steps, and said sharply: "Lin Dan is not dead? How is it possible! Yunyun, have you met her? What did she do to you? You should tell your mother, don't Afraid, don't be afraid! With your grandfather around, you will be fine!"

The three of them helped each other out of the terrifying basement. Within half an hour, Chen Qiu and Chen Chu also arrived, listening to Liu Ruoyun's story with a dignified expression. After she finished speaking, Chen Qiu stared at Liu Liang and said solemnly, "I remember you once said that that woman doesn't understand Gu."

"She really doesn't understand anything. You brought the master to rescue me back then, and the master also said that she can't do magic tricks. Could it be that even the master lied to you?" Liu Liang was covered in cold sweat.

"Since she doesn't understand, why does Lin Dan understand?" Chen Qiu gritted his teeth.

"How do I know?" Liu Liang lit a cigarette with shaking hands. The strange death of the head descendant terrified him. He never knew that it was so easy to take a person's life with a Gu technique. Lin Dan just crushed two bugs with a glass, and the same evil retribution fell on Ai Yu and the head descendant. This was obviously beyond his tolerance and made him feel frightened every moment.

"Is it time to investigate this? Don't forget, Lin Dan still has a bug in his hand, who can kill her through it?" Chen Li hugged her daughter tightly and said in a hoarse voice, "Dad, you must find a way. Save Yunyun, I only have her one child! If I had known this would happen, I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place and left that bastard alive!"

Liu Ruoyun hurriedly dived into his mother's arms and said in a trembling voice, "Hurry up! The bug is in Lin Dan's hands, and she can deal with me at any time!"

"Okay, grandpa is very powerful and will definitely save you." Chen Li patted her daughter gently, her voice sounded gentle, but her expression was extremely hideous.

Chen Qiu rubbed his temples, which were in constant pain, and wanted to talk about what he could do for a moment, but he couldn't bear to scare his granddaughter. He gritted his teeth and thought that he would kill Lin Dan directly, but at this moment he found that his granddaughter's hair started to fall out in a large amount, and the snow-white skin quickly covered with bruises.

The events in front of them are all too familiar to the Chen family. Their great-grandfather, aunt, and several uncles looked like this when they were terminally ill.

"Yunyun, what's wrong with you Yunyun! No, no, Mommy has changed your and Lin Dan's lives, you won't get sick!" Chen Li was terrified, crying and screaming.

Liu Ruoyun looked at his hands in disbelief, then quickly took out his mobile phone and called Lin Dan in a trembling manner. The other end was quickly connected, and Lin Dan's characteristic low voice came from the microphone: "Liu Ruoyun, what are you doing?"

"What did you do to me? You bastard, you should have died long ago, why didn't you die? What did you do to me?" Liu Ruoyun yelled frantically.

Lin Dan said slowly, "I didn't do anything, I just killed a bug. Good luck, goodbye."

The phone hung up, Liu Ruoyun cried and fainted in Chen Li's arms.