The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 192: Gu girl 42


Liu Liangxin knew that his bid was too low and that he offended these experts, so he added 10 million, but they remained indifferent, just curled the corners of his mouth with a mocking expression.

If the Golden Silkworm Gu is not eliminated, what will happen to the company? Will the building collapse? Liu Liang's hands began to tremble slightly, and he looked at Chen Li with pleading eyes. Chen Li compensated him for it, and increased the price to 20 million, but these people still ignored it.

At this time, the vice president made another phone call, and his tone was more anxious than before: "Mr. Liu is not good, our subsidiary in the United States was attacked by chaebols, the capital chain was broken, and there was a run on a bank. Come back to the meeting now!"

"You wait, I'll come right away." Liu Liang broke out in a cold sweat instantly, and before he could change his wrinkled suit, he was ready to go to the company. A few minutes after he put on his shoes, the vice president called again and told him that the company's stock price had begun to plummet. Someone should have targeted Liu's Finance and was ready to start.

"There is more than one company that has started, all of them are from Wall Street, and they should be senior financial predators. I don't know what they are interested in Liu's Finance. Although we have developed well in recent years, we have not caught their eyes. President Liu, have you offended someone?" The vice president asked in a trembling voice.

"Who can I offend? You stabilize the shareholders, I'll come right away!" Liu Liang's mouth was tough, but his heart was flustered. He squeezed his feet into the shoes with force, and grinned in pain. Before he could stand firm, he opened the website to check the company's stock price, watching the trend chart that was falling all the way from the top, almost bottoming out, and his heart kept bleeding.

In less than ten minutes, the market value of Liu's Finance has evaporated by several billions, which is simply killing him! But he didn't believe that it was Lin Dan's hands and feet. She was just a powerless yellow-haired girl. Where did she get the energy to encourage so many financial predators

He took out his mobile phone and called his old friends, trying to find out some news, but these people either didn't answer or avoided, and didn't intend to lend a hand at all.

In just a few minutes, the stock price of Liu's Finance plunged again, and even the news that Liu's chaebol was about to go bankrupt appeared on the website. And Liu Liang knew that once the American subsidiary failed to hold up this wave of sniping, Liu's chaebol would really go bankrupt, because he had already transferred most of the company's funds abroad.

He stood at the door waiting for the driver to drive the car over, looking at the closed wrought iron gate not far away, he suddenly felt a sense of desperation. It's only been one night, why has his world been turned upside down

Chen Li lost her previous strength and arrogance. Chen Qiu and Chen Chu are still in the ICU, and Chen's company is still unable to protect itself, and it can't help Liu's at all. If Liu Shi also collapsed, what should she do? Where did she get the money to buy Lin Dan's life, and what did she use to save her family

She walked quickly to Liu Liang and wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth and choked: "Husband, the company won't really go bankrupt, will it?"

The black-robed man said with a half-smiling smile, "Golden silkworm gu can devour fortune, and is one of the most favorite worms cultivated by witch Gu masters. If they are short of money, they will throw a golden silkworm gu into a certain household and let them They devour the fortune of the family, as long as half a year, as short as a few days, the family will inevitably encounter a catastrophe and become impoverished. The witch Gu Master can take back the golden silkworm Gu and take away the family's original fortune. Your company must have been planted with a golden silkworm. If it stays in the building for one more day, your family's fortune will lose an extra point. Judging from the few calls you just received, this golden Silkworm Gu is very powerful, it is swallowing up your family's wealth at a very fast speed, you can only give up five million, but let us save a company with a market value of tens of billions, your business is really worthwhile."

The old man of Xianfeng Daogu also said slowly: "As soon as the golden silkworm Gu comes out, your family will be destroyed."

The man with the braids sneered: "Five million to save your family's fortune, you should send the beggars."

Liu Liang's face turned pale with fright. If it wasn't for Chen Li's support, he would have collapsed on the ground by now. How did he know that Lin Dan's methods would be more terrifying every time, first to hold his life, and then to destroy his company, she was trying to make him have nothing!

"I'll pay another 100 million, please help me to destroy this golden silkworm Gu!" He said in a trembling voice.

Several old gods were sitting on the sofa, unmoved.

"Two billion." Liu Liang gritted his teeth.

There was silence in the living room.

"Five hundred million, I want Lin Dan to die, plus get rid of that golden silkworm Gu!" Liu Liang simply shouted an unimaginably high price.

The man in black robe slowly stood up and said with a chuckle, "Let's go, go to your company and take a look."

"Since Boss Liu is so generous, we will do our best." The other three were also satisfied and went out to take a ride.

Liu Liang finally came back to life and hurriedly climbed into the passenger seat. Chen Li was not at ease, she drove a car and followed behind. Now, she not only has to worry about the lives of Chen Qiu and the others, but also the survival of Chen and Liu. Before replacing Lin Dan's life, she never thought that she would fall into such a terrifying quagmire.

The group hurried to Liu's headquarters and went to the top floor of the skyscraper.

"Prepare three catties and eight taels of gold and three catties and eight taels of silver, and I want to do it." The black-robed man instructed.

The other three just stood by and watched without speaking. When the old monster in the black robe draws out the Gu worms, it will not be too late for them to pick peaches again.

The black-robed man obviously knew what they were thinking, but he just sneered and ignored it. Liu Liang immediately ordered someone to bring gold and silver jewelry over, then retreated to the corner and watched from a distance. Chen Li grabbed his arm tightly, her face as usual, but her fingertips trembled slightly. In fact, she had long been afraid and regretted it for a long time, but she insisted not to say it.

The black-robed man put the gold and silver utensils on a tray, sprinkled some black and red blood, which I don't know whether it was a human or an animal. A few minutes later, a golden silkworm emerged from a crack in the wall, crawling towards the glittering gold and silver jewels.

Where it crawls, there will be black smoke and a hissing sound, and eventually a corroded groove will be left, which shows how poisonous it is.

The man with the braids gasped, and said in astonishment, "It's so poisonous, I've hit a hard point!"

"To swallow the fortune of a big company overnight, at least it is also a Gu King." The old man was not surprised.

Liu Liang and Chen Li shrank back again, their faces pale.

While the few people were talking, the golden silkworm had already climbed onto the tray and began to devour the gold and silver jewelry, but it also swallowed the black and red blood. Seeing this scene, the black-robed man sneered, as if he was already winning. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the golden silkworm Gu to start rolling violently, as if it had been poisoned, and then fell into the tray and became stiff.

"Master, is it dead?" Liu Liang asked expectantly.

"After eating the blood of the Bodhisattva, it can still live?" The so-called Bodhisattva blood is a blend of rooster blood, black dog blood, female menstrual blood and gecko blood. It can restrain almost all evils in the world, but it requires a secret method to refine it. This method has been lost for a long time, but I don't know where the man found the recipe, and he actually restored it.

The other three who thought there would be a fierce battle couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but Liu Liang and Chen Li laughed happily. But in the next second, the expressions of the two were replaced by panic. Seeing that the golden silkworm Gu suddenly turned blood red, it twisted and bit the black-robed man.

The black-robed man immediately threw the Golden Silkworm Gu out, and howled miserably with his arm in pain. In just two or three seconds, his right arm began to turn black at a speed visible to the naked eye. If the toxin spread to his heart, he would surely die.

"How could it be! How could the golden silkworm gu instantly turn into the blood silkworm gu!" The old man hurriedly hid behind his apprentice, his face no longer as calm and calm as before.

The black-robed man pulled out a dagger and cut off his right arm, then fell to the ground and gasped for breath. In the blink of an eye, he was completely useless. Blood Silkworm Gu is one of the top ten fierce Gus, and it only takes human life. It is extremely poisonous, and its movements are fast. It will immediately attack when it smells the smell of strangers. Even steel will be melted by its toxins when it touches it, not to mention the flesh and blood.

The three of them ran away, and just after a few steps, the man with the braid was bitten by the blood silkworm Gu on his ankle, turning into a pool of thick blood. Seeing it strike like lightning, the old man had no choice but to throw a ghost flag to resist. This ghost flag is made of a soul body, not gold, not wood, and naturally it will not be dissolved by toxins.

However, the blood silkworm turned into a black ghost silkworm in an instant, climbed onto the ghost flag, and devoured it to tatters. Hundred ghosts lost their confinement and escaped from the banners, turning into a thick black yin qi. The ghost silkworm raised its head and started spinning silk. In the blink of an eye, it formed a cocoon and turned into a five-color butterfly, dancing gracefully in the black yin. Bits of fluorescent light scattered from its wings, expelling the black air.

The ferocious Hundred Ghosts were torn apart by these tiny wings, and eventually vanished into pieces.

The old man spat out a mouthful of blood, and the young apprentice who was being held by him broke free from his hand and jumped off a skyscraper several hundred meters high, turning into a black smoke in mid-air. Obviously, he is also a ghost.

Liu Liang and Chen Li were so frightened by this series of changes that they couldn't even shout.

The old man couldn't hold back the little devil he was raising, and he spit out another mouthful of blood, "Five-color gu king! This turned out to be a five-color gu king! What's the name of the person you provoked, and where did he come from?" Until then, he remembered the most One important thing, and that is to ask the target person's origins.

"She, her name is Lin Dan, she's from Haicheng, she's just a little girl. Master, you should be able to deal with her, right?" Liu Lianghuai said with the last hope.

"The person you want to deal with is actually Lin Dan?" The old man spat out a mouthful of blood and said fiercely, "If I had known you had offended Lin Dan, let alone 500 million, even 50 billion, no one would take over this business. You better buy a coffin for yourself as soon as possible!"