The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 195: Doomsday 1


The original owner's luck seems to be very good. The end of the world is coming, and she has supernatural powers; she was trapped in the research institute, thinking that she was dead, and the army sent someone to pick it up, as if it was always extremely peaceful. But her good luck is often mixed with a trace of bad luck. The ability is there, but it cannot be upgraded; when the army comes, it is destroyed by the zombies. Fortunately, a team of ability users came to meet her on the way, so she picked it up a life.

At this moment, Lin Dan was sitting in the truck of the supernatural team, quietly sorting out the memories in his mind. It has been three months since the end of the apocalypse broke out. The government and the military have established three large survivor bases and restored some communications. Other small bases formed spontaneously by civilians are scattered all over the country.

The army that came to pick up the original owner and her mentor belonged to the largest base No. 1, and the No. 1 base was located in H City, and it took half a month to drive there, because many highways were blocked by broken cars, and they had to go around. Many long journeys.

Taking a long detour means increasing the risk factor, the risk factor increases, and the survivors' chances of survival are greatly reduced. Thinking of this, Lin Dan subconsciously began to practice a practice called "Asura Saber", but unfortunately found that the original owner's aptitude was so poor that he couldn't even do the most basic qi-introduction into the body.

Lin Dan closed his eyes and tried silently many times, but he failed, so he gave up. She touched her pocket, and there were several blue water crystal nuclei in it, which were sent by the soldiers who protected the original master teacher, so she grabbed one of them and began to absorb them, and gave up again after five minutes. Others only need to hold the crystal nucleus in their hands, and they can completely absorb the energy, and she only absorbed a little bit of it with all her strength. From this, it can be seen that the original owner's physique is really bad, and it may take her ten years, or even twenty years, to achieve a height that others can achieve in a few months.

However, the apocalypse is extremely dangerous. After today, there may be no tomorrow. Even the second- and third-level top power users can't guarantee that they will live to old age safely, let alone ordinary people? With such a bad body, Lin Dan's life suddenly became difficult.

She let go of the crystal core and let out a low, inaudible sigh.

Just at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded in the carriage: "Our team does not accept cripple, regardless of whether you have supernatural powers, you will kill zombies for me, don't imagine sitting in the car like our ancestors to hide, we will not serve! "

Lin Dan looked up, but saw that the speaker was a very bright and generous woman, wearing a black leather jacket and leather pants, a gun tied around her waist, and a dagger stuck in her boots. She had a very cool look. handsome. Three months have passed since the end of the world, but she was clean and ruddy, and she was particularly eye-catching when she sat in the middle of a group of withered survivors.

After saying this, she glanced at Lin Dan vaguely and continued: "We are not those big-headed soldiers, we will treat the military's orders as imperial edicts and serve you like our ancestors. Once you encounter zombies, everyone will Everyone has to pick up weapons to fight back and find materials. Everyone has to collect them, and then hand them over to me to distribute them. No private storage is allowed. The ugly thing is that if anyone violates my rules, I will immediately throw him out of the car. , let him fend for himself! Did you hear it clearly?"

"Boss, you heard clearly." Her team members giggled and responded, and then looked at a few weak researchers with gloating eyes.

Lin Dan was also one of the weak chickens, so he wouldn't offend the authority of a woman, so he responded twice, with his head lowered. She always felt that the way the woman looked at her was very strange, as if she was a little disgusted, and she seemed a little contemptuous, and she didn't know if it was her illusion. However, in memory, they had never met before.

The woman snorted coldly, closed her eyes and fell asleep, and said no more.

After a while, it got dark and the convoy rested at a gas station beside the highway. The woman and her partner took a group of power users to empty the nearby zombies, and the thunder and lightning in their hands frequently flashed purple arcs, which was extremely lethal. Lin Dan used a machete to deal with the junior zombies. Although he had no superpowers and weak physical strength, he was able to handle it with ease due to his tricky moves.

After more than two hours, the nearby zombies were cleaned up, and everyone walked into the gas station exhausted.

"I heard that you are a water-type power user?" The woman walked up to Lin Dan and instructed, "Fill up this bucket, everyone needs to drink water."

Lin Dan condensed a water polo the size of a palm, and said hoarsely, "I can only summon so much water every day, and I can't fill the bucket."

The woman raised her eyebrows with a surprised tone: "Three months have passed, and you are still at the primary level?"

"Yes." Lin Dan nodded, but there was no humiliation on his face. She always felt that the woman was not really surprised, but came over to humiliate her on purpose. That being the case, why did she let the other party see jokes? Others can look down on her, but she can't look down on herself. Who said that low strength can't survive in the apocalypse? There is no road under her feet, and she has to split a road.

"Damn it, isn't it? It's been three months, why are you still a junior?" A sixteen- or seventeen-year-old boy cried out in disbelief. He is a capable man of women, and a second-level peak fire-type ability user. Even if he is placed in the whole country, he is also a member of the top masters.

Lin Dan glanced at him and didn't answer. A woman sitting in the corner sneered: "She is as timid as a mouse and never goes out to kill zombies. How can she advance?"

Lin Dan looked at the woman and immediately recognized her identity. She is the senior sister of the original owner, and she also studies under the name of the big mentor, but she is not liked by the mentor, and the original owner steals the limelight everywhere. Now that the tutor is dead, and she is a second-level wind power user, she will naturally crowd out Lin Dan in turn.

The woman gave Lin Dan a deep look and emphasized word by word, "If you still want to stay in my team, you'd better make some contributions. Our team is distributed according to work. Get more supplies, otherwise you will starve."

Before Lin Dan could answer, she turned around and said with a palm, "I'll distribute the supplies for today. The water-type ability person fetches water, the fire-type ability person makes the fire, and ordinary people are responsible for cooking." Everyone gathered around her. , with a happy expression.

For Lin Dan, this team is undoubtedly excellent. The leaders are shrewd and capable, and the strength is strong. The players are young and strong and obey the rules. More importantly, they regard the leaders as spiritual pillars, so they are very cohesive. . If he could join them, Lin Dan might be able to live longer, but unfortunately, the leader of this team is hostile to her, so it is impossible for her to stay.

In my memory, the original owner had only known them for two days, and they were running for their lives for two days, and there was no chance to communicate at all. This disgust was too inexplicable. Lin Dan shook his head, his eyes darkened.

At the same time, the woman was distributing the materials piled up at her feet: "Xiao Tao, you killed eighteen zombies today, and you can get five packs of instant noodles and five ham sausages. Xiao Qiu, the zombies you killed are a bit small. Not much, but the water everyone drinks is provided by you, you can get two packs of instant noodles, don’t put them in your backpack this time and don’t want to eat them, lest they break when you run for your life.”

"Sister Liu Ye, I know. I'll give you an extra bucket of bath water later, and I won't accept the crystal core." The girl named Xiao Qiu said giggling.

The woman glanced at Xiao Qiu with a smile, and then proceeded to distribute. When it was finally Lin Dan's turn, she took out a pitifully small packet of biscuits and said coldly, "You only killed three zombies today, and you didn't give everyone any water. Since you just came to our team and haven't fully adapted, this package of cookies is a gift from me."

Someone next to him murmured, "What is it? It's been three months since the end of the world, should you get used to it? Trash is trash, Captain, you're saving face for her too much!"

Lin Dan, as if he had not heard of it, took the biscuits and said, "I remember how many people didn't kill a single zombie just now, and were also allocated a pack of instant noodles?"

The woman asked back: "They are ordinary people, you are a power user, can they compare with you? As long as ordinary people take up arms and participate in the battle, they can get a pack of instant noodles from me, but the power user must kill them. Only five zombies can eat, this is my rule. Do you understand the principle that the able ones work harder?"

The words inside and out were finished by the woman, and Lin Dan could only remain silent. Even if the original owner has the water system ability, his physique is still very weak, and he can't compare with those ordinary men who are five big and three thick. But since a woman is deliberately making things difficult for her, these situations can be completely ignored.

"If you want to eat enough, you can kill more zombies. If you feel wronged, you can leave." The woman stared at Lin Dan.

"I see." Lin Dan nodded in agreement.

The woman then turned and left, leaving Lin Dan to be laughed at by a group of people.

"Liu Ye," another leader in the team said in a deep voice, "Base No. 1 has released a mission again, let's go to City C to rescue a doctor named Xiao Junlin. The level of this mission is SSS level. When it's done, we can get five tons of grain and five villas."

The leader is Liu Ye's partner, his name is Nie Ting, he looks very handsome, he is more than 190 cm tall, his body is covered with smooth muscles, and his strength is also very strong. By. He was about to hand the phone to Liu Ye to have a look, but found that another text message came in. It was a mission issued by Base No. 2. The content was still to rescue the doctor named Xiao Junlin, but the remuneration was higher than that of Base No. 1. , the food in exchange is enough to six tons, and he can also set aside an area on the No. 2 base as the private domain of the team, and he will not have to pay rent for the rest of his life.

Nie Ting just finished reading this message, and another message came in. It was released by Base No. 3. The mission content was exactly the same, but the remuneration was higher than the previous two bases. It can be seen that this doctor named Xiao Junlin must be a pivotal figure.

"Go, go to City C!" Nie Ting made a decision immediately.