The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 196: Doomsday 2


After listening to Nie Ting read the contents of the three messages, the team called Nirvana was boiling.

"Let's go, we must rush to City C to save Dr. Xiao immediately, and we can't let other teams take the lead! That's ten tons of grain, and then we can eat rice every day!"

"I almost forgot what rice tastes like! Team Liu, Team Nie, let's go right away?"

The crowd hurriedly urged Nie Ting to move. Liu Ye didn't have the slightest excited expression on his face, and said calmly: "Don't worry everyone, it's getting very late now, it's the time when zombies are the most active, so I'll be on my way at night. Dumplings, do you still want to die? If your lives are gone, what are you going to eat rice with? People will definitely be saved, but we have to make a plan in advance. Brother Nie, Xiao Tao, Qian Yifan... Come in with me , let's discuss first."

Liu Ye was obviously the team's Dinghai Shenzhen, and immediately named seven or eight masters, entered the room to talk secretly, and left the rest in the hall outside.

Lin Dan has no strength and status, so naturally he can't control these things. The only thing she can do now is to find a way to fill her stomach. Killing five zombies a day might not sound like a lot, but she could only smile bitterly when she looked at her torn palm. The original owner was a premature baby, with a disease from the womb, it is not bad to grow up smoothly, and it is a dream to become a peerless powerhouse.

Lin Dan shook his head and shredded the hem of his shirt, bandaging his bloody palms. Fortunately, she has a high tolerance for hunger, and when others are tossing and turning with her stomach, she quickly falls asleep.

The next day, the team set off towards City C, and a very dramatic thing happened on the way. Liu Ye just went out and found an arsenal, got a large number of guns and ammunition and several military trucks. The strength of the team has been greatly enhanced, and the speed of the journey has naturally accelerated. After three days, they arrived in City C and successfully rescued Dr. Xiao Junlin who was trapped in the research room.

Unexpectedly, this famous Dr. Xiao was only twenty-seven or eighteen years old. He had an extremely handsome face and a cold temperament. He was not inferior to Nie Ting. potential. He wore a pair of gold-wire glasses on the bridge of his tall nose, blocking the cold light in his deep eyes, and his robe was as white as new, with no dust at all.

He was guarded by everyone in the center, and quickly walked out of the institute. Nie Ting was afraid that he would be in danger, so he tried to get closer to him, but he heard him say coldly, "Don't come within three meters of me, I have a habit of cleanliness."

A researcher blushed and explained: "Team Nie, our doctor's cleanliness is very serious. Let's go quickly, lest he can't stand it. The air outside is too bad, and the streets are also very dirty."

Nie Ting's mouth twitched slightly, and he had to retreat to Dr. Xiao three meters away. Liu Ye, who was walking behind him, sneered: "It's the end of the world, why are you still hypocritical? There are zombies everywhere, and the air and water sources are infected by viruses. If you want me to say, he should just stop leaving the research institute and kill himself. OK? He's dead, so he won't have to endure this filthy world."

The researcher's cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. He wanted to see Dr. Xiao's expression, but he didn't dare.

Xiao Junlin frowned and stepped on the dirt, his face was frighteningly white. More people came up and tried to help him, but they were avoided by him. He rejects all touch.

An hour later, the team finally got rid of the zombies' pursuit and left City C.

"Are there any new shoes? Give me a pair." Xiao Junlin said solemnly.

Nie Ting turned to look at Liu Ye, Liu Ye gritted his teeth and said, "No, it's the end of the world now, where can I find a pair of shoes of the right size for Dr. Xiao? I'll have someone wash your shoes for you."

Xiao Junlin turned to look at her, his eyes burning like torches.

Liu Ye felt that his vision seemed to be penetrating, and he was seeing everything about himself, and couldn't help but feel a little hairy, but still said coldly: "I'm sorry Dr. Xiao, I don't have new shoes for you, please bear with me."

Xiao Junlin didn't say a word, just averted his eyes and looked out the window, frowning tightly.

After dark, the convoy rested in a small farmyard. Liu Ye gathered the newly rescued researchers together and asked, "What are your names and where do you come from? We will get to know each other for a long time in the future, so let's get acquainted."

Lin Dan, who was hiding in the corner eating instant noodles, couldn't help but glance at her, feeling strange. You know, Liu Ye is not interested in anyone other than Nie Ting. Don't look at her as if she cares about her teammates and thinks about them everywhere, but in fact it's just a means to win over people's hearts. There was no emotion in her eyes, utterly cold, as God looked at a world that was about to be destroyed.

Lin Dan didn't know where she got her sense of superiority, and she could treat others as nothing, but at the moment, there was no doubt that she had some interest in these researchers, otherwise she wouldn't take the initiative to ask their names.

The six researchers reported their names and places of origin one by one, Liu Ye nodded to indicate that he remembered, and introduced his team members to them one by one. Everyone sat together and took a rest, the atmosphere seemed to be very harmonious, but Lin Dan could see that Liu Ye's attention had been on the researcher named Ma Ze. She talked to him a lot more than the others, and she was trying to win over each other without a trace, but the main leader Xiao Junlin was left behind by her.

On the other hand, Nie Ting frequently looked at Xiao Junlin, who was standing alone by the window, and asked cautiously, "Dr. Xiao, are you hungry, or should I have someone cook you dinner now?"

Xiao Junlin pointed to his leather shoes and said, "Are there any new shoes? I want to change them."

Why are you still struggling with shoes? Nie Ting's expression twisted for a moment, then looked at Liu Ye again. Liu Ye said to Lin Dan, who was sitting in the corner, "Go and clean up Dr. Xiao's shoes. I have a pair of slippers here. Dr. Xiao, you can take a look first." After speaking, he took out an unopened pair from his backpack. cotton slippers.

Lin Dan put down the dry instant noodles and walked over.

Xiao Junlin stared at Liu Ye's backpack, his eyes flickering, but he didn't say a word. He took out a bottle of disinfectant, sprayed it on the cotton slippers, and put them on after five seconds after the bacteria had been eliminated. When stepping on the dirty floor, his handsome face twisted for a moment, but he still gritted his teeth and endured it.

Lin Dan kept staring at his every move, naturally he would not miss the bulging veins on his temples. It seems that Dr. Xiao's cleanliness is very serious, and letting him walk in this dirty and smelly apocalypse is equivalent to torture.

"Wipe it clean, and spray with disinfectant after wiping." Xiao Junlin instructed earnestly.

Lin Dan nodded and said nothing, afraid that he would be upset when he saw the dirty shoes, so he went into the bathroom to deal with it. This farmyard has only been abandoned for three months, and it is already dirty. The ground is full of dark brown bloodstains and unknown dirt, which should be traces left by zombies attacking humans. To spend the night in such a room, I don't know if Dr. Xiao can bear it. I'm afraid he's in a very sad mood right now? Standing there is like standing in a cesspool, every cell is soaked with nausea.

Lin Dan shook his head, sighing very much. She was afraid that the water she summoned would not be enough, so she carried a small plastic bucket and asked the girl named Xiaoqiu for it.

"My abilities are also exhausted. You can use this bucket of water to wipe it. This is what's left over from washing our faces and washing our hands." Xiao Qiu pointed to a bucket and said.

Lin Dan took a closer look, but saw that the water in the bucket was already dark, and it gave off a rancid smell. Where can it be used

"I just need another half a barrel..." Lin Dan begged patiently. She knew that these power users would never use up all their powers, and had to keep some spares to avoid unexpected situations.

But Xiao Qiu didn't want to pay attention to her at all, and sneered: "You also need to use clean water to wipe a pair of leather shoes. Do you think it's still before the end of the world? Go get the water yourself if you have the ability, and don't ask others. Go away, I'm tired. It's been a day, but unlike you, you only know how to hide behind people and be lazy."

Xiaoqiu has a lot of opinions on Lin Dan, and this is due to the original owner's senior sister who spread her rumors everywhere, and also thanks to Liu Ye's attitude towards her.

Lin Dan gave up and walked back to the bathroom with his shoes. She never thought of using dirty water to clean Dr. Xiao's shoes. If she offended the other party, she would be driven away by Liu Ye immediately. What should I do if there is not enough water? Can you save some money

She sat blankly in the bathroom, constantly using her mental power to knead the ball of water in her palm into various shapes. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and the water was compressed into a thin layer of film, wrapping the shoes. The water film kept vibrating, absorbing the dirt on the surface and gradually turning into a turbid dark brown.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Lin Dan's forehead, and his face became more and more pale, looking very tired. Summoning water requires power, but it takes mental power to drive the water into different shapes, or even to vibrate at a high speed to achieve the effect of cleaning. Although Lin Dan's physique was poor, his mental strength was extremely strong.

But after all, it was the first time that she tried this kind of operation. She had little experience, and the consumption was very large. She just insisted on it for five minutes, and the high-speed vibrating water film fell off the surface of the leather shoes and fell into the bucket, becoming a A puddle of liquid.

The originally dirty leather shoes have now become as clean as new, and are lying quietly in Lin Dan's hands. She stared at it, her eyes constantly changing. In the case that the level of power cannot be increased, and the amount of water summoned every day cannot be increased, she seems to have found another way to become stronger.

She turned her eyes to the dirty water in the bucket and said silently: If I can't summon water, can I try to control the water that already exists in nature

Just when she was thinking about it, a hoarse voice came from the door: "Have my shoes been cleaned?"

Lin Dan turned back suddenly, but saw Xiao Junlin with his hands in his pockets, looking at her quietly, his eyes were as sharp as a scalpel, as if he could see everything about her.