The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 199: Doomsday 5


Xiao Junlin looked at Lin Dan's slightly rosy cheeks and asked, "How do you feel?"

Lin Dan said frankly: "I feel much better, can the primary crystal core replenish mental power?"

Xiao Junlin looked at the pitch-black sky out of focus, and said slowly: "Yes, in this world, the more ordinary things are, the easier they are to be ignored. But who knows, often these inconspicuous little things can be Create a miracle." He turned his head and gave Lin Dan a deep look, an unpredictable light flashing in his pupils.

Lin Dan felt that he was the "little thing" in his mouth, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. Dr. Xiao's willingness to tell her these secrets is definitely not out of good intentions, but out of a scientist's desire to explore new species. He seems to be observing her as a guinea pig, but even so, she can only endure it silently. Who made her have no strength now and can only rely on the strong to survive? In the Nirvana team, the only person who is not hostile to her is this Dr. Xiao.

Xiao Junlin seemed to have opened the chatterbox and continued: "Ability consists of two parts, one is elemental power, and the other is spiritual power, the relationship between the two should be proportional, but there are some exceptions, such as you . Elemental power is manifested in the strength of the aggression of the power, and spiritual power is manifested in the accuracy of the power of the power. Do you think which one is more important between the two?"

Lin Dan shook his head honestly: "I don't know, because I haven't practiced it."

Xiao Junlin curled the corners of his lips and said in a low voice, "Then I expect you to find out the answer."

Lin Dan was brought into thinking by what he said, and when he regained his senses, his face was almost blurred. She quickly picked up the chopsticks and started eating, with a satisfied expression on her face. For her, being able to eat a full meal in peace seems to be a supreme enjoyment. If there is reincarnation, she must have starved to death in her previous life.

Xiao Junlin always stood in the courtyard, looking at a cold star in the sky, wondering what he was thinking. When Lin Dan finished eating, he pointed to his ivory chopsticks and said, "Disinfect my tableware and scald my gloves with boiling water."

Co-author are you waiting for my free sterilizer? Lin Dan's mouth twitched slightly, but he still obediently cleaned Dr. Xiao's lunch box, chopsticks, and gloves, and boiled them to sterilize them. After doing all this, her mental strength was exhausted again, and it seemed like there were hundreds of nails stuck in her head, and the slightest movement made her panic.

"Your reward." Xiao Junlin took out a few transparent crystal nuclei from his pocket.

Lin Dan was not hypocritical, and immediately took over to absorb it. After a few minutes, her head didn't hurt anymore. Instead, she felt an extraordinarily relaxed feeling, as if her soul had been purified. This is probably the manifestation of her mental strength. She didn't know the specific situation, and she had to take it slowly in the future. fumble.

"Have you recovered your energy?" Xiao Junlin said at the right time.

"Recovered." Lin Dan nodded.

"Drain the water from the cutlery and gloves when you recover. I don't like wet things."

Doctor is really useful. Lin Dan sighed secretly as he extracted the water from the tableware and gloves and poured it into a plastic bottle. Xiao Junlin frowned, and seemed to dislike her behavior of saving water, but he didn't say anything, because he understood that water in nature has actually gone through the same process. Inexhaustible.

"Okay, it's done." Lin Dan said while holding the white gloves, "Doctor, do you want me to put them on for you?"

"Well, put it on." Xiao Junlin stretched out his slender hands, his every move was natural, yet elegant and arrogant.

Lin Dan glanced at him, and thought to himself: This person must have been a favorite of the heavens since he was a child. He was held high by others, and he has never fallen, so he developed this temperament. The end of the world has come, and he is still like this, how will he live in the future? But these things are obviously not what she should care about. She only needs to take good care of Dr. Xiao and arrive at the survivor base under his protection.

The two stood opposite each other, their figures blended into the night, and they both bowed their heads, looking very intimate. Liu Ye walked to the window and watched for a while, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Some people always eat shit if they can't change it, and they slap on others if they can't survive, but they don't know that the one they hook up with is just trash. She likes it, so let her go.

Thinking like this, she shouted to the people in the courtyard, "Dr. Xiao, it's too late for a rest. We cleaned a room for you. Come in and have a look."

At the same time, Lin Dan also helped Dr. Xiao put on gloves and was about to put two sets of tableware in a bucket and bring them back to the house. Seeing that Dr. Xiao was staring at the bucket full of sundries, she twitched her lips and explained, "Don't worry, I will definitely disinfect it when I eat tomorrow! Is it enough to boil it for ten minutes?"

"If you have enough mental energy, let's cook for half an hour." Xiao Junlin ordered as a matter of course, and walked into the small building with elegant steps. Lin Dan stared at his back, somewhat dumbfounded. This Dr. Xiao really doesn't know how to write the word "kindness". Does he think his words are imperial edicts

But obviously, in Nie Ting's ears, Dr. Xiao's words were no different from the imperial decree, because his value was equivalent to ten tons of grain and a piece of permanent private territory, which was enough for Nie Ting to serve him like an ancestor.

"You're not satisfied? Well, I'll have someone clean it again." Nie Tinglue waved his hand, and two ordinary women without supernatural powers walked into the master bedroom with brooms, mops and a bucket of water in their hands. They have cleaned this house three times, this is the fourth time.

"They made it dirty, let Lin Dan do it." Xiao Junlin instructed in a light tone.

Liu Ye sneered, and then shouted: "Lin Dan, where are you, come here for me."

Lin Dan and a few ordinary people without supernatural powers slept together in a room. There was no mattress or quilt. He spread a ragged mat on the ground, curled up on his hands and feet and barely survived the night. She has the ability of the water system, and is regarded as an outlier by ordinary survivors, but her strength is low, and she is not seen by those with abilities. It can be said that she lives in the cracks. People on both ends didn't want to pay attention to her, so she could only be alone.

Hearing Liu Ye's cry, she had to get up and go outside to check the situation.

"Come here and help the doctor clean the room until he is satisfied." Knowing how difficult Dr. Xiao was to serve from Ma Ze and others, Liu Ye's tone couldn't help but gloat. Holding the thighs is also risky. Accidentally hugging the thighs of a lunatic will only do the opposite.

Lin Dan nodded and didn't speak. He took the cleaning tools into the room and started to work. The rest of the people had been tired for a day, and now they were too sleepy to open their eyes, and they left in less than three seconds. As for how long Lin Dan will work tonight, will he not be able to sleep through the night, who cares

After Lin Dan closed the door, he threw the broom and mop aside, splashed the water in the bucket on the ground, compressed them into a thin film of water with mental power, and walked around the room. The water film continuously vibrates at high frequency, taking away the dirt and dust in the corners and corners, which is more efficient than a professional cleaning team.

Wherever the water film climbs, the floor becomes extraordinarily smooth and bright, as if it had just been renovated. In the end, even the dust and cobwebs on the ceiling and chandeliers were swept away by this layer of water film, and the originally outdated room was clean and tidy after half an hour.

"Doctor, do you want to wash the sheets and quilt cover again to disinfect them?" Lin Dan pointed to a set of unopened beds on the bedside table. This is provided by Liu Ye, and I don't know where she got these materials. She really wants what she wants.

"Clean and disinfect." Xiao Junlin was very satisfied with Lin Dan's work efficiency, his stiff limbs had completely relaxed, and he was sitting on a chair that Lin Dan had scalded with boiling water, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"Then I still need two large buckets of water and some primary crystal nuclei." Lin Dan rubbed his aching temples.

Xiao Junlin gave an inaudible "um", but did not move. However, half a minute later, Xiao Qiu knocked on the door and asked with a smile, "Doctor, what are your orders?" Her hair was messy, and the buttons of her clothes were not neatly buttoned. She had apparently fallen asleep and crawled out of the bed. . But the strange thing is that Xiao Junlin didn't even call her, she came to the door by herself, as if an antenna was attached to her head.

Lin Dan stared at Xiao Qiu without speaking.

Xiao Junlin was a little sleepy, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Tell her what you need, and let her help you."

Only then did Lin Dan make a request. Xiaoqiu responded one by one, first brought two large buckets of water, and then knocked on the door room by room, asking everyone if there were any primary crystal cores in their hands. Because of her sweet appearance and straightforward personality, she is very popular in the team, and no one gets angry at her. But everyone has already been promoted to the second or third level, and where there are still primary crystal nuclei, I have only found dozens of them after asking everyone.

Liu Ye and Nie Ting were interrupted by Xiao Qiu during the process of rolling the sheets. When they opened the door, the top of their heads was full of black air, and their faces were as ugly as they were ugly.

"In the middle of the night, what are you doing with the primary crystal nucleus?" Liu Ye asked patiently.

"I found it for Lin Dan." Xiaoqiu looked aggrieved.

"Will you give it if she wants the crystal core? Why doesn't she kill the zombies herself?" Liu Ye's temper broke out instantly when he heard Lin Dan's name.

"But the doctor asked me to help her find it. Sister Liu Ye, go ask the doctor, I am only responsible for meeting his requirements." Xiao Qiu pointed to Xiao Junlin's room.

Liu Ye almost crushed the door handle, but had to press it down. Now Xiao Junlin is still very prestigious, there is no benefit to fighting against him. She bit her gums and went through the backpack, and finally poured out a few primary crystal nuclei from the interlayer and sent Xiao Qiu away.

Lin Dan got what he wanted, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but tick. Although Xiao Junlin has many eccentricities, it is not at all unbearable for her. She seems to be very accustomed to taking care of people. Even if Xiao Junlin breaks his leg and can't do anything, she is confident to take good care of him. At the same time, she can get his protection and get paid, why not do it? For her, Xiao Junlin is much easier to get along with than the other members of the Nirvana team.