The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 200: Doomsday 6


Lin Dan cleaned and disinfected the bedding one by one. In the process, she found that her control over water has been improved again. Although she cannot summon a large amount of water herself, she can control as long as it is water that already exists in nature. She made the two buckets of water rotate at high speed to achieve the effect of cleaning, and made the water molecules vibrate at high frequency to achieve the effect of heating and disinfection. She can do two different things at the same time. Once her mental power is exhausted, she immediately absorbs a crystal nucleus, breaking through the barriers one after another without realizing it, and gaining a great improvement.

Xiao Junlin rested his cheek with one hand and tapped lightly on the table with the other, watching her busy with interest. The entire room had been washed by Lin Dan's water film and had been boiled. Although it could not kill all bacteria 100%, it had reached Xiao Junlin's standard. He seemed very relaxed when he stayed here, and the whole person exuded a pleasant atmosphere.

Lin Dan drained the boiled bedding, made them one by one, and reminded in a low voice, "Doctor, you can sleep now."

"Yeah." Xiao Junlin agreed lazily.

Lin Dan turned around and wanted to leave, but heard him ask, "Where do you live, do you have a quilt to cover?" Although he was aloof, he was not blind and could not see the struggle of the weak in the last days. Since Lin Dan made him feel very comfortable, he would also give back accordingly.

"Sleeping with five or six people, without a quilt." Lin Dan told the truth.

"Then you can go to sleep with that person, she should be in good condition." Xiao Junlin didn't even bother to remember Xiaoqiu's name, so he took off his clothes and ordered: "Wait a minute, bring a bucket of hot water, I want it I took a shower, then washed my clothes and boiled them in boiling water for half an hour." He only had two sets of clothes to replace, he thought it would be unbearably dirty on the way, but unexpectedly met Lin Dan, a big baby.

Yes, today's Lin Dan is no different from a baby in Dr. Xiao's eyes. She can clean the room, wash clothes, make meals, and disinfect his personal belongings anytime, anywhere. Those so-called third-level peak power users are nothing compared to Lin Dan! Strength never meant anything in his eyes.

In order to retain this talent, Xiao Junlin doesn't mind being nice to Lin Dan. He threw his clothes on the chair and said slowly: "If you need anything in the future, just come to me, you don't need to ask others."

"Okay doctor, I'll go to Xiaoqiu to fetch water right away." Lin Dan finally got what he wanted in return, and his mood suddenly improved a lot. Before leaving the door, she glimpsed that the doctor had taken off his clothes, revealing a fair and sturdy body. He is the kind of person who dresses thin and undresses with flesh, with a few tight muscles lining his abdomen, and two deep mermaid lines sliding down his groin, which is terribly sexy. His muscles are thin and well-proportioned, yet extremely graceful and explosive. He himself is by no means as weak as he appears on the surface.

Lin Dan retracted his gaze and became more cautious. Ten minutes later, she walked into the room with two buckets of hot water, and brought an additional bottle of shampoo and a bottle of shower gel. Xiaoqiu and Liu Yeqing are sisters, and she really has a lot of good things there.

Xiao Junlin stood naked in the bathroom, staring blankly at himself in the mirror, and did not shy away because there were outsiders in the room. He never cared what others thought of him, let alone the so-called secular ethics and moral laws. If there is no cleanliness, he will definitely be like a duck to water in the last days.

"Don't go," he saw Lin Dan holding his dirty clothes and sneakily preparing to leave, he ordered, "Water me, I want to take a bath."

Lin Dan turned his head in surprise, seriously suspecting that he was hallucinating.

"You know the shower, right? Let the water pour on me like a shower, keeping the heat at forty-eight degrees." Xiao Junlin said as a matter of course.

"Understood." Lin Dan nodded, then turned his back, and used his mental power to pump the water in the bucket, so that it dripped on Dr. Xiao's body. heat. There is no doubt that this is an extremely delicate job that requires considerable mental energy. Lin Dan stood with his back to the bathroom, trying his best to absorb the crystal core, full of admiration for Dr. Xiao - the words "make the best use of everything" were really used to the extreme by him.

Xiao Junlin raised his head, closed his eyes, and quietly enjoyed the wash of warm water, feeling that his whole body was alive. To be honest, he hasn't showered for over a month. Although there are water-type abilities in the research institute, they can't do it to the same level as Lin Dan. He can only wipe his body with hot water every day, and then spray it with disinfectant.

"Okay, help me dry the water on my body." Ten minutes later, he ordered.

Lin Dan hurriedly made him dry, handed him a set of white clothes, and put the dirty clothes into the bucket to take away. When she closed the door, she seemed to hear Dr. Xiao say "good night", but she didn't seem to hear anything.

After returning to Xiao Qiu's room, Lin Dan took Dr. Xiao's dirty clothes into the bathroom to wash them, and then boiled them in boiling water for half an hour. She used the filtered water to take a bath, and at least she cleaned herself up. Xiao Qiuping lay on the bed with his hands on his stomach, sleeping like a corpse. Lin Dan quietly walked to the bedside and looked at her quietly. It stands to reason that Xiaoqiu should have become very alert after so many killings, but she always closed her eyes and never woke up.

Lin Dan stretched out his hand to test her breath, making sure she wasn't dead to lift the quilt and lie down. The mattress was soft and the quilt was thick. Lin Dan was surrounded by warmth and fell asleep quickly.

The next day, the convoy set off after breakfast. Lin Dan used Xiao Qiu's cover to cook a bowl of instant noodles for Dr. Xiao and send it to him. The two of them seemed to be on the fringes of the Nirvana team. As long as they didn't take the initiative to speak, no one would pay attention to them.

Following Dr. Xiao, Lin Dan could eat and drink even if he didn't kill enough zombies, and his life became more and more comfortable. In just one week, he gained a lot of weight and his skin turned white. In the past, she was too tired to dress herself up, her body was always dirty, and she couldn't see her face clearly, but after following Dr. Xiao, she couldn't do anything without cleaning herself up, because the other party would dislike her.

Finding that her appearance is pure and beautiful, no worse than Liu Ye, the eyes of several power users in the team are getting more and more strange.

That night, the Nirvana team rested in an abandoned hotel. Lin Dan helped the doctor clean the room as usual, took a shower, and then went back to the room to sleep. Going down to the third floor and walking through the long corridor, a door on her left suddenly opened, and a pair of big hands stretched out and dragged her in. She immediately shouted for help, but the doors on both sides of the aisle were closed tightly, and there was no movement.

The two supernatural powers pressed her to the bed, quickly ripped off her clothes, and kept spitting out obscene words: "Damn, this skin is so tender, it must be well nourished by that Dr. Xiao."

"She just got off Dr. Xiao's bed, and it's still wet. It's definitely exciting! Hurry up, I can't hold it anymore!"

Lin Dan struggled hard, and his nails ripped through the skin of one of them. The other party was enraged by her, and slapped her twice with astonishing force. She was dizzy for a while, and blood slowly flowed from her nostrils and corners of her mouth, looking very embarrassed. How much she wanted to summon a high-pressure water dragon to wash away these people like other water-type abilities, but she couldn't do it at all!

She can only summon five hundred milliliters of water a day, and her share has been used up today. When she really encountered danger, she realized how ugly this world is. The most terrible thing is often not the zombies, but the same kind. She kept shouting for help, her throat was bleeding, but in this dilapidated hotel with poor sound insulation, no one came to save her.

She was strangled and pressed on the bed, unable to struggle or resist. During the period, Liu Ye came over, but just stood outside the corridor, knocked on the door and said, "Be quiet and don't disturb others."

"I know Team Liu, go to bed, we'll gag her mouth." One of them said with a smile, while the other put a rag into Lin Dan's mouth.

Lin Dan opened his red and swollen eyes and stared at the two people in front of him, as if he wanted to remember their appearance to his bones. Once she got out alive, she swore that she would make them pay dearly!

"Stinky bitch, what are you looking at!" The man with a face full of flesh slapped her head off, and spat fiercely. The other man was stripped naked and ready to go to work. Just at this moment, the door was kicked open, Xiao Qiu walked in with a pistol and ordered, "Let her go."

"Xiao Qiu, don't mind your own business." The two men were still pressing on Lin Dan.

Xiaoqiu put the silencer on the barrel and said again: "Let her go."

"Are you fucking crazy? We're teammates, you shoot us?"

Xiaoqiu didn't say a word of nonsense this time. He shot a bullet on the wall behind the man, leaving a small bullet hole. The man saw that she was actually moving, so he took a few steps back and raised his hand. Xiao Qiu put the sheet on Lin Dan and ordered, "Go back to my room to sleep."

Lin Dan immediately ran away wrapped in the sheets, passing silent doors on the way, his heart froze for a while. After returning to the room, she immediately went into the bathroom and washed herself. Fortunately, Xiaoqiu was a water-type power user, so he always kept a bucket of water in the toilet for backup. Half an hour later, her skin was flushed, but she gradually calmed down.

What should I do if I get trampled on? Crying is the most useless, and only by retaliating fiercely can you get over this hurdle. Now is the end of the world, law and morality have long existed in name only. If you can't become stronger and resist, then similar things will often happen in the future, because the weak have no right to survive in a cruel environment.

Those ordinary women without supernatural powers lived like this every day. They were enslaved during the day and became a tool for others to vent their desires at night. Lin Dan would never let himself fall into that situation.

Thinking of this, her eyes showed a cold light, and her beautiful face was slightly distorted, which turned out to be very hideous. She stared at the water in the tin bucket, lost in thought. The only thing she has over others is her superb control over water. Is this ability really not offensive? No, it's not like that! You must know that the human body is also made up of 70% water and other substances. Water has given birth to almost everything and is the source of life...

Lin Dan was fascinated by the thought, and only gradually woke up until the sound of conversation came from outside the door.

Liu Ye reprimanded: "Xiao Qiu, how could you shoot at your companion?"

"I can't stand them bullying women!" Xiaoqiu has always been straightforward, but Liu Ye was not surprised by this answer. Thinking that she was also rescued by Xiaoqiu, Liu Ye put on a soft tone, asking her to apologize to the two team members, and told her not to be too impulsive next time. The conversation between the two soon ended. Xiao Qiu went back to the room, and without looking at what Lin Dan was doing, he lay on the bed, put his hands on his stomach, slowly closed his eyes, and moved like a robot.

When she fell into a deep sleep, Lin Dan came out, her eyes changing. It seemed that she should thank Xiao Qiu, but she knew that the person who really saved her was not here.