The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 201: Doomsday 7


The next morning, the members of the Nirvana team gathered in the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel for breakfast, and Lin Dan followed Xiao Qiu and walked in slowly. The two power users who had raped her yesterday gave Xiao Qiu a stern look, and then gave her a cold smile.

Lin Dan lowered his head and pretended to be frightened, but his eyes were terribly cold. She knew that although these people were stopped by Xiaoqiu yesterday, they didn't suffer a big loss, and they must still have such nasty thoughts towards her. Once Xiaoqiu is away, they will continue to abuse her, and the things that cannot be eaten are often the most memorable. She can't always pin her hopes on others. What should she do if Xiaoqiu is not there and the doctor is not there

Seeing a few ordinary women who had been wasted all night, and their faces were extremely haggard, Lin Dan's hard heart was now wrapped in layers of ice. She looked around and found that Dr. Xiao was standing in the cleanest corner, staring blankly at the members of the Nirvana team. Nie Ting walked over from time to time to ask him what he wanted to eat, but he shook his head and refused. The researchers under his banner were gathering at a table to eat, but they seemed very uneasy. They would look at his face every few minutes, as if they were afraid that he would be in trouble. From this, it can be seen that he is also a tyrant in the research institute, and belongs to the kind of person who can say nothing.

The restaurant has been abandoned for a long time, and there is dust everywhere. The white cloth on the table has turned gray, and the cutlery and tableware are also covered with dirt. But these filthy scenes are nothing in the eyes of the apocalyptic people. They lift off the tablecloth, wipe the table and stool, and then sit down and have a good meal.

But Xiao Junlin can't do it. If it wasn't for waiting for Lin Dan, he wouldn't step into this place at all.

Lin Dan glanced at him and understood what he meant without any communication. She took a tablecloth, a napkin, a pair of tableware, and asked Xiaoqiu to remove a stool and returned to the original room. After walking into the bathroom, she asked Xiaoqiu to call out two large buckets of water, wash the tablecloths, napkins and tableware at a very fast speed, boil them for disinfection, wrap the stool in a water film, and heat it to 100 degrees after high-frequency vibration. After all this was done, the dirty tablecloths and napkins were as white as new, and the stools were shiny and clean.

Xiao Qiu stood straight outside the bathroom door, showing no interest in Lin Dan's every move. If you don't take a closer look, no one will find that her eyes are actually a little dull.

After bringing the things back to the restaurant, Lin Dan found a rag, wiped a table in the corner, covered it with a tablecloth, put a napkin on, and set the tableware, then pulled off the stool and said respectfully, "Doctor, it's time to eat. "

Her and Xiaoqiu's act of arranging the dining table was so solemn that other members frequently looked sideways. People who didn't know thought it was a member of the royal family who was here and was enjoying state-level treatment.

Xiao Junlin's cold aura slowly subsided, he walked over unhurriedly, sat down, and used a knife and fork to cut a piece of dry bread sprinkled with fruit jam that Xiaoqiu presented. Xiao Qiu nodded slightly and went to Liu Ye's table, soaking in a pack of instant noodles, while Lin Dan took out a pack of biscuits and nibbled on it while standing behind the doctor.

Liu Ye was very critical of Xiao Qiu's behavior to please Dr. Xiao, and he reprimanded her a few words with a stern face, but looked at Lin Dan with a sneering look. So what if you hug a golden thigh, you can't even eat at the table, and you live like a rat in the gutter

Lin Dan could feel Liu Ye's malicious gaze, but he didn't even bother to lift his head, he just ate on his own. In order to take good care of Dr. Xiao, she wasted a lot of time, and it was too late for instant noodles, so she could only eat a little dry food. If she dawdled, Liu Ye would definitely leave her alone.

Xiao Junlin, however, has no sense of time. He cut the bread very finely, evenly dipped it in jam, put it in his mouth and chewed slowly, with an elegant posture like that of a nobleman. The end of the world has come, but he still lives a clean, leisurely and wanton life because he has strength. He flicked the transparent glass with his fingertips and said slowly, "Get me a glass of warm water."

Lin Dan quickly swallowed the biscuits in his mouth and wiped his fingers with a handkerchief. Then he summoned 200 ml of water out of thin air, poured it into the glass, and controlled the high-frequency vibration of water molecules to generate heat. She didn't have a thermometer, so she didn't know the exact value of the water temperature, but she had an accurate estimate of her mental strength. After two minutes, she cut off the control, and the water in the cup was already emitting some white gas. It didn't scald her mouth, but it also warmed her stomach. Just right to drink.

Xiao Junlin took a sip from the cup, and said in a slightly dissatisfied tone: "Why hasn't the redness on your face subsided? Don't you know how to apply ice?"

Lin Dan touched his red and swollen left face and whispered, "Doctor, I am not an ice-type power user, I don't have ice to use." Ice-type power users are mutated water-type power users, and the number is extremely rare. The attack power is very strong, and he belongs to the type of people at the top of the pyramid. The masters in the three major bases are like clouds, but they only recruited less than ten ice-type ability users, which shows how rare their number is.

The Nirvana team has yet to make a name for itself, so naturally it cannot attract such talents.

Xiao Junlin shook the water in the glass, his voice mocking: "Who told you that water-type abilities can't make ice cubes? I heard that you are also engaged in scientific research, I don't think so."

Lin Dan took two steps closer, lowered his head, and said sincerely, "Doctor please teach me."

Xiao Junlin picked up the knife and fork and continued to eat, his tone was a little careless: "I once did an experiment where I put several carbon nanotubes with a diameter of only 105 nanometers in water, heated it to more than 100 degrees Celsius, and the water outside the nanotubes boiled. However, the water in the nanotube freezes into ice, showing two completely different forms, do you understand the principle?"

Lin Dan thought hard for a while, and could only helplessly shake his head.

Xiao Junlin chuckled: "The principle is actually very simple, when the water boils, the water molecules become very active, but the space inside the nanotubes is too narrow, which greatly restricts the movement of the water molecules, preventing them from diffusing, and instead compresses rapidly. It solidifies and turns into a solid. The so-called polar opposite is the truth. You can try to make the water molecules vibrate at a high frequency to generate heat energy to reach the boiling point, and then try to control their diffusion, so that they compress very quickly and freeze into ice.”

Xiao Junlin drank all the water in the glass in one breath, and said slowly, "Even if people with bad brains have supernatural powers, they will not achieve much." When he said this, his eyes were on Liu Ye and Nie. Ting, Qian Yifan and other so-called "masters" swept over them, and the corners of their mouths seemed to be smiling, as if they were watching a group of clowns jumping on the beam.

Lin Dan chewed his words carefully, and said in a low voice, "I understand, I'll give it a try, thank you for the doctor's teaching." If she can turn water into ice, it would be like an extra life-saving means for her. . But she also knows that this thing sounds simple, but it must be extremely difficult to do. It is necessary to shake the water molecules to stimulate their activity, and to suppress their diffusion and encourage them to condense. These two diametrically opposite operations require more mental energy than 1:1.

Xiao Junlin wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and said nothing.

Half an hour later, the convoy set off, passing a supermarket, and everyone was ready to go in to collect supplies. Liu Ye and Nie Ting formulated a battle plan, and then assigned tasks to all members, including ordinary people.

"You and a few of them go to the warehouse on the first floor and have a look, and remember to take the tools for unlocking." Liu Ye pointed at Lin Dan and said.

Xiao Junlin said blankly, "Lin Dan will not participate in any action today, she is only responsible for staying in the car to protect me."

"She doesn't have any ability, how can she protect you?" Liu Ye retorted subconsciously.

"I said, she won't take part in any action today." Xiao Junlin turned his head and stared at Liu Ye with deep eyes that could not reveal a trace of light.

Liu Ye shuddered for no reason, gritted his teeth and had to argue again, but Nie Ting pressed his shoulders. He said warmly, "Since Dr. Xiao wants Lin Dan to stay, then let's stay. You have to be careful when you stay in the car, and remember to lock the doors and close the windows. We will come out within an hour at most."

Xiao Junlin turned his head and looked out the window without saying a word. Seeing his arrogant attitude, Liu Ye was so angry that smoke rose from his head, but he had to hold it down.

"Let's go, let's go in! You don't have to hand over all the supplies you collected today. You can keep 30% of them yourself. Let's all do what you can!" In disguise, Lin Dan suffered a loss, and Liu Ye's mood improved slightly. Leading an impatient group of people into the supermarket.

Lin Dan lost a sum of supplies for no reason, but he was not annoyed, just stared at the water glass in his hand intently.

Xiao Junlin rested his cheek with one hand and looked out the window boredly.

About ten minutes later, Lin Dan's head suddenly slammed on his shoulder. When he turned his head, he found that she had actually shed two nosebleeds, and her face became extremely pale, as if her vitality had been exhausted, but her hands But holding a cup that is bubbling cold...

"Doctor, I did it." Lin Dan raised his head with a faint smile.

Xiao Junlin pushed her head away and said in disgust, "dirty."

Lin Dan hurriedly leaned his body against the car door on the other side, stared at the crystal clear ice in his hand, and laughed inaudibly. Although her head nearly exploded, the feeling of being in control more than made up for the pain. She absorbed dozens of primary crystal nuclei one after another to calm herself down, and then stared at a trash can not far away in a daze. The bucket was full of all kinds of filth, moldy food, drinks that were thrown away after a few sips, and some cardboard boxes.

Lin Dan stared at a plastic bottle full of drinks, his eyes flashing with cold light. About five minutes later, the plastic bottle burst open without warning, making a very violent sound, and the beverage inside turned into a cloud of steam and dissipated in all directions.