The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 202: Doomsday 8


Xiao Junlin couldn't help turning his head to look at the sound, and found the exploded bottle. He spoke calmly: "From room temperature to high temperature, it vaporizes and then detonates. This process is too long, and it's not good for you. If you can make the liquid in an instant Reach the temperature of vaporization, and continue to expand the range and number, this skill is in its infancy. Remember, explosive power is the most missing thing you are currently, but your head must be able to withstand a momentary mental explosion, otherwise you will It will bleed from the seven orifices and die on the spot. You have to take your time and let yourself break through the upper limit one at a time."

He was not at all surprised by what Lin Dan did. I don't know why, although they have only known each other for more than ten days, they already have a deep understanding. Lin Dan won't intervene in his privacy, and similarly, unless necessary, he won't probe into her heart. He would only teach her a little at the right time, and then step aside to observe her growth silently.

This seems to be a small game for him, and he doesn't care much, but Lin Dan has benefited a lot. His casual words can also bring her great inspiration.

"Explosive power?" Lin Dan chewed these three words carefully, with a very serious expression.

A few zombies attracted by the loud noise circled around the trash can and walked towards the vehicle they were in. Fortunately, all the cars of the Nirvana team have been refitted, and the safety factor is very high, especially Nie Ting's car, the steel plate has been thickened, and the glass has been replaced with bulletproof.

Lin Dan immediately wiped off the blood on his nose so that the smell of blood would not leak out and drive these zombies mad. Xiao Junlin looked at the distance nonchalantly, thinking that these zombies did not exist. The rotting and stinking corpse was undoubtedly the thing he hated the most, bar none.

The two sat quietly in the car without speaking. After a while, Lin Dan's eyes turned from the ice in the glass to the zombies outside the window, and finally settled on their heads. She was thinking that the water content of the brain is 75%, and the skull is a closed space with a certain pressure. What would happen if the water in the brain suddenly reached the high temperature of vaporization, like a drink in a plastic bottle

She closed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a gloomy smile.

Xiao Junlin suddenly turned his head and glanced at her with a slightly interested expression.

The two continued to sit still, no one paid any attention to the other, but the atmosphere was very harmonious. Lin Dan's eyes kept staring at the heads of several zombies with an unpredictable expression. An hour later, Liu Ye came back with the team members, everyone was carrying a large backpack, and it seemed that they had gained a lot. They got rid of the zombies lingering outside the car, started the engine whistling, and left here in a hurry.

"Team Liu, we made a fortune today!" Qian Yifan, Liu Ye's right-hand man, tore off his backpack and said loudly. Realizing that Lin Dan and Xiao Junlin were two outsiders in the car, his expression changed, and he immediately zipped up his backpack.

Xiaoqiu's mountaineering bag weighed dozens of pounds, and when it was put on the back seat, it made a muffled "bang" sound. She jokingly echoed a few words, and every move seemed to be no different from ordinary people.

Liu Ye glanced at Lin Dan, and saw that she was sitting next to Dr. Xiao with her head lowered, without showing any jealousy or annoyance, she felt bored.

In the evening, the convoy stopped at a gas station, and everyone set up the stove and took out the food to cook. Three months is not a long time, and many foods in the supermarket have not expired and are completely edible. The aroma of instant noodles, instant noodles, frozen dumplings, and frozen meat wafted over the gas station, mouth-watering.

Lin Dan didn't participate in the activity to collect supplies, so he didn't have anything. Liu Ye handed a bag of instant noodles and a piece of quick-frozen chicken breast to Xiao Junlin, and said, "Doctor, this is your food. Let Lin Dan heat it up for you." Now, members of the Nirvana team have identified Lin Dan as Dr. Xiao babysitter.

Xiaoqiu took out an unopened cushion from his backpack and said with a smile, "Doctor, you can sit on this, this is clean."

Everyone sat on the floor with their legs crossed, but Xiao Junlin sat upright on the padded chair, looking very eye-catching. But he didn't care about other people's eyes at all, and just ordered it as a matter of course: "One packet of noodles is not enough for two people, you give me a few more packets, and two eggs and two ham sausages."

Of course Liu Ye knew who he was asking for the food for, and wanted to open his mouth to refuse, but was stopped by Nie Ting. As long as Lin Dan can take good care of the doctor, there is nothing to lose by raising her in vain. Thinking like this, Nie Ting divided half of his food out.

Lin Dan took it immediately, without even a single thank you, taking it for granted that he was very similar to Xiao Junlin. Liu Ye Haoxuan was not mad at this "shameless duo". If Nie Ting hadn't pulled her to a corner and comforted her with kisses and hugs for a while, she might have exploded in place.

There were a lot of people in the hall, so Lin Dan couldn't use his mental power to heat the water, so he had to use the alcohol stove to aggrieve himself. She blanched the thinly sliced chicken breasts in boiling water for a while, poured them out to control the dryness, and added cooking wine, light soy sauce and dehydrated vegetables to fry them together. The taste turned out to be very good. Xiao Junlin sat beside her and watched her work intently, only to find that she had washed the vegetables clean, and cooked the knives and tableware in boiling water, which showed her satisfied expression.

Lin Dan sprinkled the fried chicken shaozi on the instant noodles, and the dinner was ready. The strong aroma evoked the surrounding people's tongues and their stomachs roared like drums. The two power users who were violent last night swept over with cold eyes from time to time, then gathered together to whisper and laugh slyly. Obviously, they were talking about Lin Dan, and it wasn't a good thing. The people around them clearly heard their plan, but they didn't pay attention to it and watched with indifference. Lin Dan has no strength, and living is a burden, but when she dies, it saves her troubles. Who will take care of her

If it were an ordinary person, he would be shivering with fright at this moment, and his appetite would be gone, but Lin Dan was eating noodles seriously with a bowl in his hand, and there was no expression on his face. Xiao Junlin sat beside her, his movements equally elegant.

Power users have a lot of appetite, and there are many people who eat two or even three packets of noodles at a meal. The two power users who had bullied Lin Dan didn't feel full after eating, so they took out two bottles of eight-treasure porridge from their backpacks and heated them directly on the stove. Lin Dan glanced at them casually, then lowered his head and drank the noodle soup, showing no expression the whole time. Xiao Junlin also glanced in the same direction, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

After a few minutes, there was a muffled sound in the hall, followed by two screams. Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look, only to find that the two power users that Liu Ye had relied on had fallen down, one covering his eyes and the other covering his neck. They were the two who had bullied Lin Dan last night.

"What happened?" Liu Ye immediately ran over to check the situation.

A team member sitting near the two said quickly: "The bottle of the eight-treasure porridge suddenly exploded, and the sealing iron piece flew out, cutting Liao Zhitao's neck. Yang Jin's eyes should have been scalded by the splashed eight-treasure porridge, so he must hurry up. Rinse with water."

Liu Ye was very annoyed and scolded: "Eight-treasure porridge can't be roasted directly on the fire, the bottle is sealed, and the porridge inside will explode when it boils. Don't you understand this common sense? Xiaoqiu, come and help them. Look at the wound!"

Xiao Qiu hurried over, pulled Yang Jin's hand covering his face, shook his head and said, "Sister Liu Ye, his eyeballs are all hot, it's no use running cold water, I have no choice!"

"It's hot, how could it be?" Liu Ye was shocked, and after a closer look, he found that the man's eyes were slightly white from the burn, and it was completely useless.

Yang Jin was screaming in pain, and he didn't hear Xiao Qiu's words at all, but the rest of the people showed pity. Who would have thought that he just ate a meal, and actually ate a disaster? If it was before the end of the world, as long as the spirit did not collapse, the blind could still live. But it's different now. The outside world has been occupied by zombies, and it is difficult for everyone to protect themselves. Who wants to support a blind man? They are neither Yang Jin's parents nor Yang Jin's children, so they really have no obligation to take care of him.

"Sister Liu Ye, what should I do now?" Xiao Qiu raised his head and asked.

"Rinse out his eyeballs first." Liu Ye was very upset, and called another team member to bandage Liao Zhitao's wound. Relatively speaking, Liao Zhitao was very lucky. The iron piece only scratched his neck and cut some flesh, which was not a fatal injury.

A female team member ran over quickly and wrapped the cloth around Liao Zhitao's neck. But five minutes later, she said anxiously: "Liu team, the situation is not good! Liao Zhitao's wound is obviously not deep, but the bleeding can't stop. Do you have any hemostatic drugs? Hurry up and take it out!" The strip was completely soaked with blood, and more blood was gurgling from the wound, all over the floor.

Liu Ye's voice suddenly rose: "All the earth-type abilities are brought to me, and bury the blood with soil! Hurry up, don't let the smell spread out! Whoever has the hemostatic medicine, hurry up and send it here!" In the night when the zombies are very active , the hemorrhage is undoubtedly fatal.

The two earth-type abilities quickly filled the blood with soil, but Liao Zhitao kept bleeding, which was obviously useless.

Liu Ye walked around the hall a few times, asking everyone if they had any medicine, if they were doctors, and if they could save Liao Zhitao, but no one responded. Lin Dan lowered his head, his eyes flickering slightly. At this moment, dozens of ways to stop bleeding suddenly appeared in her mind, but why did she stand up

"Sister Liuye, if the bleeding can't stop, we must think of other ways, otherwise everyone will be in danger." Xiaoqiu reminded in a hoarse voice, and then stopped wiping tears, as if she couldn't bear it, but her words made everyone Man shows fear. Yes, the strong smell of blood will attract the nearby zombies, and there are only 30 of them, and they can't escape at all! Liao Zhitao's carotid artery has been torn, and the bleeding can't stop. It is impossible to save his life. Why should others be buried with him

But in this case, everyone can only think about it in their hearts, and it is difficult to say it, after all, they are teammates fighting side by side.

In the end, it was Nie Ting who was more ruthless. Seeing that Liao Zhitao was bleeding again, he decided to say, "Take him out and burn him. Bury it in the ground and burn it, don't let it burn."

"Boss, we know what to do." An earth-type ability user and a fire-type ability user took the initiative to stand up and carry Liao Zhitao out. The rest of the people quickly cleaned up the blood.

Xiaoqiu blocked Yang Jin's mouth with a stinky rag, and said obediently, "Sister Liuye, if he calls again, he will attract zombies, so I blocked his mouth."

"Well done, everyone is gone." Liu Ye rubbed his eyebrows, feeling extremely tired. Unexpectedly, these two people did not die in the hands of zombies, but died in a bottle of eight-treasure porridge. This is too ridiculous, right? Could it be that early death is their life, and can't they escape no matter what

Thinking of this, Liu Ye couldn't help feeling chills all over his body, completely unaware that Lin Dan who was sitting in the corner suddenly raised his head and showed a cold smile.

Xiao Junlin leaned back on the chair lazily, resting his cheeks with one hand and tapping on the table with the other, with a very interested expression on his face. In the eyes of others, the scene just now was undoubtedly a tragedy, but for him it was a wonderful drama. Lin Dan seems to be more interesting than he expected.