The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 205: Doomsday 11


Yang Jin's sudden madness caused a very serious blow to the Nirvana team. There were more than a dozen people who were cut by Fenglong. Their bodies were covered in blood, and there was hardly a piece of good flesh. Several people broke their hands and feet and lost their lives. ability to act. Liu Ye asked everyone to take out all the medicines they had collected to see if there was any treatment for trauma, and then ordered the logistics staff to clean up the blood spilled everywhere.

"Liu team, what should I do if there is no symptomatic medicine? Their wounds must be anti-inflammatory, otherwise they will be infected. Also, some of their bones need to be reconnected and cast again, otherwise they will be disabled." A team member worriedly said. Medicines are scarce materials, and they have been looted along the way. The Nirvana team only got some cold medicines and the like, which are almost useless for the treatment of trauma and broken bones.

"Come over to me and help them connect the bones." Liu Yechong beckoned to Lin Dan's brother and sister.

"Liu team, we are studying life sciences, not medicine, where can we get bones? You should find a professional to do it. If you don't get your bones right, you will be useless. This is a lifetime event, and you can't be careless at all." The researcher waved his hand in refusal.

Liu Ye rubbed his brows and felt terribly tired. Nirvana Squad doesn't have a doctor at all, where can she find a professional? As if thinking of something, she turned her head to look at Ma Ze, and said respectfully, "Dr. Ma, you should know medical skills, right? Why don't you help them take a look?"

Ma Ze quickly glanced at Xiao Junlin, shook his head and said: "Liu team, I'm sorry, the research direction of our institute is bacteriology, which is a very microscopic discipline, and it is not a branch of medicine at all. Even if it is specialized in medicine , there is also the difference between internal medicine and surgery, and it is not just a matter of picking just one person to see a doctor. I see that your team members are seriously injured, and I am also very worried and want to do my best, but if you ask me to help them fix their bones, There's nothing I can do about it, we haven't learned the technology at all."

Liu Ye has always had a tough attitude towards others, so he can do whatever he wants, without a single word of nonsense. Even Xiao Junlin, she is sometimes very impatient to deal with it, and can't wait to take out a pistol and directly kill this person. But in the face of Ma Ze, she is respectful, gentle and polite. Although it is not obvious on the surface, but careful observation will find that she has never rejected Ma Ze's request, and the materials distributed to the other party are the best.

She smiled apologetically and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, Dr. Ma, I'm too strong." She turned her head and looked at the bruised and staggered team members, her head throbbing. What if there was a doctor on the team? Thinking like this, she decided to go to the big base to recruit a doctor in the future. As long as that person has superb medical skills, she will give him the best treatment regardless of whether the other person has supernatural powers or not.

It's a pity that this is all in the future. Now she can only ask everyone to bandage the wound and carry it over. She will go to the next city tomorrow, and she will focus on searching for medicines.

Lin Dan sat in the corner, Liu Ye's call to find a doctor kept coming, but he didn't even bother to lift his eyelids. She lost her memory but not her skills, she knew medicine and she was superb, but so what? These people treat her with frost and snow, why should she cast the spring breeze on her

Seeing that it was getting late, she whispered, "Doctor, let's go to the guest house at the gas station to rest. I'll help you clean the room."

Xiao Junlin got up and left, turning a blind eye to the wounded lying on the ground.

When the two disappeared into the night, a researcher under Xiao Junlin whispered: "The doctor is really cold-blooded. He obviously has a doctorate in clinical medicine, but he doesn't want to stand up and help everyone."

"Shh, be quiet. The doctor is most afraid of trouble, and it's not like you don't know." Another researcher hurriedly covered his partner's mouth.

The next day, the Nirvana team set off as usual. They could have stayed at the gas station and waited for their injuries to heal before leaving, but the team had limited supplies and lack of medicines, so they would just sit there and eat the mountains. Most of the people injured by Yang Jin were supernatural powers, so that the team's combat effectiveness was greatly weakened. When collecting supplies in a supermarket on the way, even Lin Dan, an idler, joined the fighting team.

Xiao Junlin didn't wait in the car this time, but stood on the side of the street, watching Lin Dan's every move with interest. With a machete in her hand, she roamed the zombie horde, and her moves were flexible and cunning, and she was actually very powerful. Among ordinary people, her combat power is definitely the pinnacle, not a waste at all.

Xiao Junlin was fascinated by it, and even the dirty and ugly zombies endured it.

A fourth-level fire-type zombie suddenly appeared in the zombie group, which restrained Nie Ting. He clearly saw a group of zombies attacking Dr. Xiao, but he couldn't pull away to save him.

"Dr. Xiao, get in the car!" He shouted, only to find that Xiao Junlin was still standing with his hands in his pockets, not moving, as if he didn't hear him.

"Liu Ye, go save Dr. Xiao, hurry up!" Nie Ting had no choice but to look at Liu Ye, who was not far from him.

However, Liu Ye's attention had already been attracted by Ma Ze. The opponent is an earth-type power user who also participated in this battle, but his attack power is very weak, and he has been surrounded by five zombies at this moment. On one side is the internationally renowned Xiao Junlin, and on the other side is the unknown Ma Ze; on the other side is ten tons of grain plus a piece of permanent tax-free private territory, and on the other side there is nothing. As long as a smart person knows how to choose, Liu Ye is definitely a smart person among smart people, but instead of saving the doctor, she kicked a zombie and flew in the direction of Ma Ze.

Baffled by her choice, Nie Ting watched helplessly as a zombie stretched out its claws, trying to scratch Dr. Xiao to death. At this critical moment, Lin Dan suddenly appeared beside the Doctor, chopped off the zombie's head, and pushed the Doctor into the car.

Nie Ting breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this was not the time to quarrel, but still shouted loudly, "What are you doing, Ye Zi? Hurry up and protect Dr. Xiao!"

Liu Ye looked back at Xiao Junlin, and said angrily, "Is he a three-year-old child? He knew he had no supernatural powers, so why did he get out of the car! He would cause trouble for others, mother's mental retardation!" Behind him, he slammed the zombies around him, as if he was venting his anger.

The two were fighting and arguing, but their efficiency improved. They quickly broke out of the siege and returned to the car with supplies.

"Go!" Liu Ye closed the car door tightly and urged Nie Ting to start the engine.

Xiao Junlin stared out the window and reminded, "Lin Dan is still outside."

"Leave her alone, let's go!" Liu Ye ordered impatiently.

Nie Ting didn't hesitate for even a second, he stepped on the accelerator immediately and hurried away. Lin Dan was surrounded by a group of zombies. There were several members of the group not far from her, but they ran towards the car while covering each other, but they didn't even look at her. They are teammates and have accumulated a deep relationship, while Lin Dan is nothing, no one cares whether she lives or dies.

In order to delay the time, they even turned around and shot Lin Dan with an arrow, trying to make her bleed and attract the nearby zombies. This move was very useful. Lin Dan's left shoulder was injured, and he lost his fighting power in an instant. All the nearby zombies ran towards her, howling with hunger from their mouths.

The pressure of the other team members dropped sharply, and they raised their voices and praised: "Xiao Rui did a good job! Let's go, everyone, take advantage of this gap to go!"

The crowd retreated one after another, leaving only Lin Dan to be drowned by a group of zombies. No one can see how cold the expression on her face is, she will never forget the "gift" of the Nirvana team, forever!

Xiao Junlin turned his head and quietly looked at Lin Dan, who had disappeared in the zombie group, with neither joy nor sadness on his face.

Liu Ye glanced at him, sneered and thought to himself: Didn't Lin Dan hug a golden thigh? How is it now? Did Golden Thigh care about her life or death? The weak are cheap, and even if she dies, no one will shed a single tear for her. Thinking of this, she was stunned for a moment, as if remembering something bad, her face became extremely gloomy.

At this moment, Xiao Junlin said slowly, "Drive the car back to save Lin Dan."

Liu Ye immediately returned to her senses, her voice sharp: "What did you say?"

"Drive the car back to save Lin Dan." Xiao Junlin repeated tirelessly.

"Do you know how many zombies are around there? Thousands! Drive the car back, and all of us will be drowned by the zombie tide. In order to save Lin Dan, do you have to sacrifice everyone? Dr. Xiao, don't be confused, Your life is much more important than hers!" Liu Ye was trembling with anger, she didn't expect Xiao Junlin, such a cold and ruthless person, to be reluctant to abandon Lin Dan, how good is she

Xiao Junlin asked word by word, "Are you going back?"

Nie Ting answered his question with a full throttle.

Xiao Junlin stopped talking, but took off his glasses and wiped them with a snow-white handkerchief. His movements were unhurried and graceful. After more than ten minutes, he finally wiped the lens clean, put it in the box, put it in his pocket, opened the car door and stepped out. The car drove so fast that almost a gust of wind passed. When Liu Ye was about to catch him, his figure had disappeared on the road that kept going backwards.

Nie Ting scolded her mother fiercely. He wanted to step on the brakes immediately but was afraid of rear-end collision, so he could only turn the steering wheel to the side and slowly reduce the speed of the car.

"Where's the people? Did you see the Doctor?" He looked at the empty road and felt like his head was about to explode! That's Dr. Xiao Junlin, the only hope for China, one of the few remaining scientists in the world who could potentially make an anti-zombie virus vaccine, just jumped out of the car, gone, gone

This is really ridiculous! Nie Ting stood there, his expression changed from anger to blankness, from blankness to fear.

Liu Ye also stared at the direction in which Xiao Junlin disappeared, completely unable to accept this reality. Dr. Xiao, who is cold-blooded and ruthless in the mouths of others, would even take his life for Lin Dan, why? What's so good about Lin Dan? Why does everyone choose her? Liu Ye stood there with red eyes, his face slightly twisted.

Nie Ting quickly climbed into the car and said angrily, "What are you still doing? Turn the car around and go back to the doctor! If he doesn't fall to his death, I must tie him up and take him directly to the base! What kind of person, if you don't kill Laozi, he will be finished, right!"

"At such a fast speed, Dr. Xiao will definitely fall and get injured after jumping off. We won't be able to run very far. We immediately turn around and go back and find him soon." A team member tried to comfort Nie Ting.

"I'm afraid that his life is not big enough, and he fell to his death after jumping off! Damn, he is more crazy than Yang Jin, what about a woman?" Nie Ting was not comforted at all, and started the car cursingly.

Liu Yemo climbed into the passenger seat silently, and when she heard Nie Ting's last sentence, she couldn't help but glance at him, her expression even more distorted.