The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 210: Doomsday 16


Xiaoqiu is a water-type ability user, and she should have a great advantage in this room soaked with water, but she stood in the corner, motionless. Several other water-type abilities quickly summoned water dragons and rolled towards Lin Dan, but unexpectedly the water dragons suddenly lost control and turned their heads to devour them.

An earth-type ability user was about to summon an earth thorn to pierce Lin Dan, when a sharp water arrow pierced his abdomen and slowly fell to the ground.

Nie Ting is a gold-type ability user, and he is not restricted by the environment at all. In an instant, he summons a dense mass of iron arrows and shoots at Lin Dan overwhelmingly. He grinned, revealing a sneer of victory, but he didn't expect that the water around Lin Dan suddenly stood up and condensed into a thick wall of ice, blocking all the iron arrows. In the endless clanging sound, the ice debris scattered everywhere, forming a little bit of light, and the scene was beautiful.

Xiao Junlin stared at Lin Dan in the battle, his eyes getting hotter and hotter.

Nie Ting was horrified when he missed one move. He took the first two steps to prepare to fight again, but the water under his feet suddenly condensed into ice, freezing him in place. Out of inertia, he fell forward, but did not fall into the water, but was pierced by several ice picks rising from the ground, and the blood flowed like a stream.

Liu Ye screamed piercingly, and then recklessly condensed a ball of thunder, ready to let everyone be buried with Lin Dan, but before it was released, the water droplets that were constantly spilling on his head and suddenly turned into ice needles became a sieve. However, she seemed to be wearing a special protective suit, which protected her vital parts. Only her limbs were pierced with many blood holes, as if she had lost her ability to move.

Everything only happened between the lightning and flint. When Luo Yuheng and his team came back to their senses, the battle was over, and Lin Dan stood there from the beginning to the end, not even moving his footsteps. She looked at Liu Ye with a confused expression. In fact, she had already motivated her mental power to burst Liu Ye's head, but she had been unsuccessful. There seems to be an invisible energy film around Liu Ye's body, blocking all mental attacks for her.

Lin Dan first thought of the doctor, and then shook his head to deny the guess. The doctor has always been cold-hearted and cold-lung, so how could he secretly protect Liu Ye? Although she and Liu Ye did not have any deep hatred so far, she could see that the other party was always using a knife to kill people, so she simply started to do it first.

Liu Ye was not stabbed to death by an ice pick, which surprised Lin Dan, but she was not a virgin, and her face was torn, and she still used the trick of "since you are so miserable, I will let you go". She has always understood the principle of cutting grass to remove its roots, so she walked slowly to Liu Ye, and the water flow from the ground continued to flow into her palm, condensing into a sharp dagger.

"No! I beg you, Lin Dan, don't kill her! It was I who ordered you to be discarded. If you have any revenge, take it upon me." The dying Nie Ting stretched out a hand with difficulty, trying to stop Lin Dan, but was caught The icicle nails cannot move in place. His face was full of tears and pleading. If he had known that Lin Dan was such a terrifying existence, he would never have treated her like that. Too bad it's too late!

Liu Ye lay on the ground panting, staring at Lin Dan with blood-red eyes, "Double-type power user, this is impossible! Why are you so strong? You are not the original Lin Dan, who are you?"

Lin Dan was not disturbed by her questioning at all, raised his dagger and pierced Liu Ye's heart.

With a crisp "click", the ice blade stabbed on the marble floor, breaking into two pieces, and the willow leaves that were supposed to be deadly disappeared. Lin Dan squinted, his expression alert, but when he regained his senses, Liu Ye appeared five meters away, pulled Ma Ze up, and disappeared again.

Lin Dan frantically stimulated his mental power, and rolled up the water on the ground into the air, condensing them into pieces of ice blades. As long as Liu Ye dared to come, she would instantly cut him into mashed flesh.

Those who were standing or lying in the hall did not dare to move at all, for fear of being slashed by the stagnant ice blades. They stared straight at Lin Dan, who was constantly pacing back and forth in the hall, and their hearts were filled with horror, fear, and awe.

The most shocking person was Luo Yuheng. He thought that his control of the fire element had reached the pinnacle, but now that he met Lin Dan, he knew what it meant to be called "there are people outside the sky and people outside the sky". She can use the water that exists in nature without any scruples, and she can also use the water of other water power users for her own use. The various forms, attributes, and effects of water are all used by her. As far as possible. She is simply an omnipotent monster!

Even more frightening is her fighting consciousness. She destroyed the firefighting system and turned the sales department into the most suitable place for her to fight. She successively abolished the thunder-type ability user and the fire-type ability user, and instantly killed the wood-type and soil-type ability users. Kill gold. As for the water-type power user, under her powerful elemental control, she will only become her helper, not her opponent. In just a few minutes, it was all over, and she didn't even have to lift her finger.

Luo Yuheng wiped the water droplets off her face and took a deep breath. His eyes were glued to Lin Dan, unable to move at all. Wherever she went, the dense ice blades would bypass it, like a part of her body, driven and manipulated by her at will.

She walked to Nie Ting's side and didn't move, as if waiting for Liu Ye.

Nie Ting's artery was punctured, and the blood flowed like a stream. If this continued, he would be dead within five minutes. In order to lure Liu Ye out, Lin played down the ice pick, and then controlled the blood to pour back into Nie Ting's body, freezing his wound.

Nie Ting's pale cheeks returned to blush at a speed visible to the naked eye, and this scene once again shocked the people around him. The water-type power user can actually heal such a fatal injury, and can also kill other power users, so what else can't they do? No, no, no other water-type abilities have the ability of Lin Dan at all, she is the most special.

All the water-type abilities present were staring at Lin Dan, with two flames burning in their eyes. Lin Dan's use of water powers was far beyond their imagination, making them awed and fascinated.

After Lin Dan cured Nie Ting, he waited for more than half an hour, Liu Ye never showed up, and she didn't know whether she gave up on Nie Ting or didn't plan to take him at all. Even if everyone was so cold that they almost fainted, they didn't dare to make a sound at all, for fear of annoyed Lin Dan. They held their breath and stared at her as if a group of prisoners were waiting for a pardon from the prison officer.

Finally, the ice blade that was stagnant in the air melted away, turned into water balls and fell to the ground one by one, submerging everyone's ankles again. Lin Dan pointed to the fire sprinkler system above his head and said, "Are there any gold-type abilities? Help me seal the broken water pipe."

"Lin...Sister," a middle-aged man with a shaggy beard raised his hand with a cautious attitude: "I am a gold-type power user, and I will repair the water pipe."

"Well, wait a moment." Lin Dan nodded slightly, and the water flowing all over the ground merged into silver snakes, climbed up to the ceiling, burrowed into the broken water pipes one by one, and then became frozen. The drenched sales department returned to dry in the blink of an eye, and the dusty floor was now white and dazzlingly bright.

Luo Yuyan looked around and dared not say anything: "It's so clean, it looks like it was just renovated! Sister Lin, you are amazing!"

Lin Dan glanced at her with a smile, waved his hand and said, "Seal the water pipe."

The gold-type ability user was more careful, and carefully repaired the water pipes one by one. He stared at the iron sheet at the hole and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. The iron sheet is rolled outward, which means that it is blasted by the powerful water flow inside, not by external force. Lin Dan's strength is far more terrifying than he imagined to be able to make the water flow in a narrow pipe to reach such an amazing pressure in an instant. He glanced at the Nirvana Squad, which was stumbling around with heavy casualties, and felt a lot of sigh in his heart. Treating a tiger as a sheep, and trying to plot against her, eating her human blood steamed buns, you won't die, who will die

After Nie Ting regained some strength, he climbed to the corner and sat up, his eyes fixed on the place where Liu Ye disappeared.

Lin Dan can't let Liu Ye go away, they have already forged a deep hatred, and in the future, you will die or I will die. Nie Ting was Liu Ye's partner, and she might come to save him in the future, so Lin Dan also left Nie Ting's life as a bait.

She said slowly: "At the most critical moment, the first person Liu Ye rescued was Ma Ze, not you. Do you feel that you are a failure? I am very doubtful, does she really love you?"

Nie Ting clenched his fists and said nothing.

Lin Dan continued: "I thought you two were deeply in love, and Liu Ye wouldn't hide anything from you, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. Why did she save Ma Ze, not you? Why did she suddenly disappear and then appear suddenly? , you don't know all about it."

Nie Ting remained silent, the muscles on the side of his cheek kept twitching, as if clenching his teeth.

Lin Dan provoked a few words and then closed it. He walked to Dr. Xiao's side, raised his head and said, "Doctor, you can come down now, isn't it raining?"

"No." Xiao Junlin took off his raincoat, put away his umbrella, and looked at Lin Dan with burning eyes for the first time. His eyes were smiling, his lips were smiling, and every cell in his body was soaked with joy. He knew that Lin Dan was very smart and grew up very fast, but he didn't expect her to be able to do this. Her spiritual power, her combat awareness, and her pursuit of violence and aesthetics have all reached the extreme, like a different self that was completely born out of his imagination.

She is calm, rational, never soft when she should be ruthless, but she is spring breeze and rain when she should be gentle, it is a synthesis of all contradictions. Thinking about it, Xiao Junlin laughed softly, and stroked Lin Dan's warm cheek with his white-gloved hand.

This was the first time that the Doctor approached him actively, which really surprised Lin Dan. When she regained her senses, the doctor had put his hands in his pockets and walked away unhurriedly, with a relaxed gait.