The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 211: Doomsday 17


After the battle, the sales department was surprisingly quiet, and everyone stood where they were, daring not to move, as if they had not yet shaken off the fear of being dominated by Lin Dan. A certain power user who was seriously injured couldn't hold it anymore, he took a breath while holding his broken calf. Lin Dan immediately turned to look at him with deep eyes.

The power user was stiff all over, like a frog stared at by a poisonous snake. But how could Lin Dan be so scary? She squatted down, pinched the man's red and swollen calf, and asserted, "The fibula is broken, so medicine must be placed on a splint."

"No, there is no medicine, it can only be like this, let it grow, what it will look like." The ability user spoke in fear.

Lin Dan frowned, with a worried expression on his face, walked around the hall, looked at Luo Yuheng's team members one by one, shook his head and said, "The wounds are all inflamed to varying degrees, you must take medicine as soon as possible, otherwise you will be in trouble. There are several bones that are already crooked and must be broken and reconnected, otherwise they will be disabled."

Luo Yuheng said tentatively, "Do you know medicine?"

"Understood." Lin Dan nodded.

Luo Yuheng said dejectedly: "Then you should know that without medicine and medical equipment, we can't do anything. I know they are seriously injured, but I can't do anything about it. The pharmacies in the city were raided by survivors who passed by. Once it’s clean, the pharmaceutical factory has long since stopped production, and we will be sick and injured in the future, so we can only resist the past.” The most terrifying part of the last days is not the invasion of zombies, but the sharp reduction of various living materials. Even if there is no large-scale outbreak of zombie virus, it will be difficult for human beings to survive after the devastating damage to productivity, and the real challenge is far from coming.

Of course Lin Dan knew about these situations, but she didn't think it was a big problem. There are no synthetic drugs, and it is the same with Chinese herbal medicine. She pondered for a while, and finally said: "Yuyan, you are a wood-type power user, you accompany me to go out to pick some herbs. Luo Yuheng, you are a fire-type, you are responsible for lighting us, and by the way, clean up the zombies on the road. Behind this community is the city's largest botanical garden, which should have medicinal materials."

"Did you learn Chinese medicine?" Luo Yuheng asked after realizing it.

"Yes. Time waits for no one, let's go, some of the wounded have serious wounds." Lin Dan picked up a thick coat and put it on, as if thinking of something, he took out a towel blanket from his backpack. , Rapid disinfection with high temperature water film.

"Doctor, I'm going out. You rest on the sofa for a while after you eat, and I'll take a bath for you when I come back." She put the blanket on Dr.'s lap, took out the bento box she made in the morning, and quickly heated the contents inside. moisture. As soon as the lid is opened, the steaming hot meal exudes an unparalleled aroma, a large roasted golden chicken thigh on top of the snow-white rice, along with some stir-fried greens and fried wild duck eggs.

Xiao Junlin held the lunch box, his cold face melted unconsciously.

Lin Dan stuffed the sterilized chopsticks and spoons into the doctor's hands and told him to eat slowly, then he went. She hid into the night and never looked back, so she didn't know that Xiao Junlin was staring at her back, and then he couldn't help but let out a low laugh.

Luo Yuyan's wood-type ability really works very well, even though the botanical garden has long been dominated by all kinds of mutant plants, and even zombies can't get in and out freely, she still brought Lin Dan and Luo Yuheng in smoothly and smoothly. came back safely.

"Sister Lin, do these herbs have to be processed before they can be used?" Luo Yuyan put down the basket full of various herbs.

"No need to concoct, I can handle it." Lin Dan waved his hand with a very relaxed expression. Chinese herbal medicines must be boiled with water to make juice before they can be taken, but she has water-type powers, so those complicated steps can be completely omitted. Just extract the juice from the herbal medicine and mix it into the essence according to a certain ratio, and then you can take it. The curative effect is far. Better than boiled.

She spread the herbs she picked on the ground, and when she thought about it, the juices in the stalks rushed out, merged in the air, condensed, filtered, and then packed into small porcelain bottles according to their effects. It only took half an hour for her to process all the herbs, leaving only withered branches on the ground.

Luo Yuyan squatted beside her with a very surprised expression: "Sister Lin, you are amazing! I have never seen a water-type power user who can extract water from plants at will like you. If every water-type power user If you can do it to your level, aren’t they invincible? Wood-type abilities, fire-type abilities, and thunder-type abilities have all been beaten to death by you!”

After hearing this, several water-type power users looked at Lin Dan with awe, but also fiery yearning and ambition.

Xiao Junlin walked up to Lin Dan and said with a half-smile, "You know what? There is only one Lin Dan in this world, and there will be no one else."

Lin Dan raised his head to look at the doctor, and when he saw that he was also bowing his head, he looked at him with deep eyes, and suddenly blushed a little.

Xiao Junlin's sharp eyebrows softened unconsciously. He stretched out his hand and was about to pick up a bottle. As if thinking of something, he immediately retracted it. Lin Dan quickly hooked the corners of his lips, and then wrapped all the small porcelain bottles with a high-temperature water film to sterilize them.

"Here, doctor." She handed over the bottle the doctor had originally wanted.

Xiao Junlin took a deep look at her, chuckled again, and then took the bottle, "Anti-inflammatory?" He just took off the cork and smelled it, and he immediately revealed the efficacy of the extract.

"That's right, it's anti-inflammatory. There are different degrees of variation in plants now, and I don't know if the curative effect will be the same as before." Lin Dan looked at Luo Yuheng and explained, "But I can't find any small The rats came to do the experiment, and I can only assure you that the medicinal liquid I extracted is not poisonous, and even if I can't cure them, it will not kill anyone. Do you agree with me to treat them? "

Luo Yuheng looked at the groaning wounded and nodded decisively: "I agree, there is no regular medicine, we can only try the effect of Chinese herbal medicine. Lin... Sister, in any case, as long as you have this heart, we will thank you. "He thought about it for a long time, but decided to go with the flow and call Lin Dan sister. Their teams were ranked by seniority, and a monster-level boss like Lin Dan would definitely be ranked first.

Lin Dan shook his head and said, "I just reciprocate. When we first met, you stopped and came to save us even if you didn't want to. Although we didn't need it, I remembered this feeling."

Luo Yuheng touched the tip of her nose with an embarrassed expression. It wasn't until now that he remembered that when he rescued Lin Dan and Dr. Xiao, their high-voltage iron tower was full of zombie corpses. It turned out that it was not killed by passers-by, but Lin Dan's masterpiece. If it wasn't for Lin Dan's car breaking down, she alone would be enough to send Dr. Xiao back to the base safely.

They stole Lin Dan's credit, and discussed in front of her how to spend the reward for the task after returning. How thick are they? Thinking about it again, Lin Dan was clearly powerful, but he didn't say a word of dissatisfaction. He also decided to follow them to Base No. 1 instead of Base No. 3, where the mission reward was more generous. From this, it can be seen that Lin Dan is actually a very easy-going person. , as long as she doesn't provoke her, she will be kind, and once she provokes her, she can only wash her neck and wait for the slaughter, this is the style of a real boss!

Luo Yuheng kept sighing in her heart, and she treated Lin Dan with more respect.

When the two were talking, the members of the Nirvana Squad, who were also seriously injured, were ignored. They could only barely support the sick body and climbed to Nie Ting's side to sit up. Liu Ye took Ma Ze away, and most of the superpowers in the team were wiped out by Lin Dan. The survivors were either ordinary people or wounded who could not participate in the battle.

"Team Nie, Yang Jin and Liao Zhitao must have been killed by Lin Dan." A member of the team whispered in Nie Ting's ear, his voice trembling, as if he was frightened. Some things do not stand up to scrutiny, and as soon as they are scrutinized, terrifying truths follow one after another, scaring people to heart palpitations. He kept recalling the past to make sure that he had not offended Lin Dan.

Nie Ting blinked, indicating that he understood. After seeing Lin Dan's fighting power, he felt that Liao Zhitao and Yang Jin were not wronged at all. As for why Lin Dan pretended to be the weak, this was probably a bad taste that belonged only to the strong. So don't look down on anyone. The end of the world has come, and people's hearts have become more sinister and complicated. Who knows whether people or ghosts are lurking around you

That night, Liu Ye did not stop Liao Zhitao and Yang Jin from being violent, but just asked them to keep their voices low so as not to disturb others. Her indifferent attitude was the main reason why Lin Dan decided to kill her, right? Such a tiny detail actually determines a person's life and death, and the world is indeed dangerous.

Nie Ting's bones were soaked by the cold air, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Dan, and he didn't dare to look away. He vaguely remembered that his father said to him when he was a child: "When you meet a beast, don't lower your head, don't turn around, don't run away, you have to look it in the eyes and let it know that you are not afraid of it, This will slow down its attack on you."

However, how can you not be afraid when someone is powerful enough to blow your head off just by looking at you? Nie Ting thought about it and smiled bitterly, but his eyes turned red. He stared at Lin Dan to hide his fear, then was shocked by her medical skills.

I saw that she used an ice blade to cut off the rotten flesh of the wounded's leg, used her power to draw out the black and red rotten blood, and poured the green concoction on the wound. The wounded clenched his fists and screamed, as if in extreme pain, but after only a few seconds, the large wound at the mouth of the bowl stopped the blood, and tender granulation grew, and the scope of the wound shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

"Okay, does it get better so quickly? Is this a potion or a spiritual liquid?" Luo Yuyan definitely read too many novels, and was staring at the small porcelain bottle in Lin Dan's hand.

The rest of the wounded were stunned, and then burst out with a desire to survive. They were already prepared to die from illness, but they didn't expect to turn around and meet a god like Lin Dan!