The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 214: Doomsday 20


Base No. 1 is world-famous for its high safety factor, strong military force, large population, equal system and good public order. Even the survivors on the coast would rather walk a few more steps to get to Base 1 than the closer Bases 2 and 3.

Lin Dan thought that there must be a lot of people living in this fort, and its interior should be prosperous, but found that the convoy entered the checkpoint from the city gate, and no one was seen, only soldiers with guns were walking back and forth on the city wall.

"Why didn't the superpower team go out to do the task today?" Luo Yuheng asked while lying on the car window.

"I'll tell you this later, it's a bit complicated." The station chief of the checkpoint waved his hand with a worried expression.

Luo Yuheng felt nervous in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. She slowly drove the car under the disinfection nozzle, disinfected the whole car, and then took off her clothes for inspection. On the other side, Lin Dan and Xiao Junlin are also facing the same situation. Fortunately, along the way, everyone's injuries have long since healed, leaving only some scars of different shades, so there is no need to stay alone in the isolation room for 24 hours.

The soldiers at the checkpoint treated Dr. Xiao very respectfully, and invited him to the reception room with tea and dry food. Lin Dan followed behind the doctor, cleaning up with the water film, Nie Ting stood at the door obediently, and did not dare to walk around without her orders.

The more work he does, the more efficient Lin Dan is. In a blink of an eye, the water film has climbed over the walls, floors, and furniture, and flowed into the sewers.

"Doctor, you can sit now." Lin Dan put the sterilized cushion on a sofa.

Xiao Junlin slowly sat down, and then stretched out a hand. Without any orders, Lin Dan had already bent down, took off his white gloves, cleaned and disinfected them, and put on a brand new pair for him.

Luo Yuheng and Luo Yuyan, who followed later, looked at Dr. Xiao's lazy and comfortable appearance, and their eyes turned red with envy. They were about to make some jokes about the two of them when the door of the reception room opened, and the leader of the base, Yang Huatong, the commander of the Southwest Military Region, walked in and said excitedly, "Dr. Xiao, we finally have you here! Good luck to meet you! "

He stretched out his hand and tried to shake hands with the great scientist, but found that not only did he not respond, but he also turned to avoid him, his face freezing.

The living room was quiet for a moment, but unexpectedly, a pair of slender hands stretched out from the slanting thorns, took advantage of the situation to hold Yang Huatong's hand, and shook it up and down, releasing the embarrassment. Yang Huatong's stiff expression was immediately relieved, and when he looked up, he realized that the person who took the initiative to shake hands with him was actually a young woman. She was in her early twenties, with beautiful and elegant features, like a spring flower that first bloomed in spring. Flowers are beautiful and refreshing.

His hard face became more gentle, and he hesitated: "You are..."

"Hello Chief Yang, I'm the doctor's nanny, and my name is Lin Dan. You should also know that the doctor has a cleanliness disorder, so I didn't mean to treat you slowly, please forgive me." Lin Dan explained warmly.

The embarrassment in Yang Huatong's heart dissipated immediately, and he laughed heartily. He was about to chat with Lin Dan for a few words, but he felt a chill climb up the back of his hand, soaked into the skin, and frostbitten his bones. After looking through the chill, he realized that the doctor was staring straight at their hands.

Yang Huatong let go of Lin Dan subconsciously, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his back. He is a fifth-level gold-type ability user, and is logically the top expert in China, but why is he so frightened by an ordinary person? Is the Doctor also a psychic? But that's not what it says in the documentation!

He was thinking to himself, and Luo Yuheng couldn't wait to ask: "Commander, why didn't the team of power users go out of the city to do tasks today? Is the base temporarily closed?"

Yang Huatong glanced at Dr. Xiao and Lin Dan, but said nothing.

Xiao Junlin said slowly: "If Commander Yang doesn't treat us as his own, we can leave. Lin Dan, let's go." He stood up and stroked the hem of his clothes.

Without saying a word, Lin Dan picked up the suitcase and prepared to leave with the doctor. Her neat and tidy actions caused Xiao Junlin to curl the corners of his lips with a happy expression.

Yang Huatong hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, kept making amends, and then explained, "The two of you have misunderstood. It's not that I don't want to say it, but that I don't know how to say it." A woman named Liu Ye came back. Jiang Jingbo is my adjutant and the second-in-command of the base, with as much prestige as me."

"Liu Ye?" Luo Yuheng looked very surprised. If Yang Huatong hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten about this woman, and his heartbeat at that moment had already been replaced by disgust. He has been with Lin Dan for two months, and he naturally knows what kind of person the other is. On the contrary, since Liu Ye can provoke Lin Dan, who is mild-mannered and valued for righteousness, there must be something wrong with her conduct.

"We know this woman. She's a lightning-type power user, and her mental skills are a bit wrong. Is there another person named Ma Ze beside her?" Luo Yuheng asked further.

"That's right, it's her. Jiang Jingbo values her very much, and takes her with him anytime, anywhere, but his relationship with me has become estranged. I don't know what that Liu Ye said to him. A month ago, he actually asked Leave the No. 1 base and go to the outside to set up another door. I naturally disagree, and I also withhold the materials in the army to prevent him from taking it away quietly. Look at our base, there are copper walls and iron walls, strong fortresses, and large fertile fields and fields. With a sound water supply and power supply system, why did he leave? He had to work hard to build a city when he went outside. He had no materials in his hands, so how could he support the people under him? He didn't listen, and then for some reason, even the power users in the base left with him one after another, leaving only some old and weak women and children."

Yang Huatong sighed deeply, with a confused expression: "Lao Luo, what do you think Yang Huatong and the others think? Base No. 1 was also built by them, so how could they give up if they were willing to give up? Did that woman in Liu Ye wake up? Demagogic power, otherwise how could she play so many masters in her hands? Where can they go after leaving Base No. 1? How can they live without materials?"

Luo Yuheng was stunned by the changes in the base, and even after being beaten to death, he did not expect that only a month later, the high-level leaders would fall out and split into two factions. One faction is strong and strong, but has no territory and materials, while the other faction occupies territory and materials, but most of them are old and weak, women and children. How can this be rectified? Liu Ye, a woman of unknown origin, why would Jiang Jingbo obey her

Luo Yuheng was confused and couldn't help but ask, "You didn't send someone to inquire about the inside story?"

"I sent them. As long as they go to Jiang Jingbo's place, they won't come back. I don't know what ecstasy he gave them. Now they are stationed in a building opposite the Lancang River and haven't gone far." Yang Huatong Pushing open the window, he pointed to a skyscraper across the river and said.

Luo Yuheng raised his eyes and looked into the distance. Sure enough, he found that there were reflections from the mirrors on the skyscrapers. It should be someone who was using a telescope to observe the situation in the base. This is neither leaving nor returning, just looking at each other across a river, and I don't know what Jiang Jingbo is thinking.

Luo Yuheng shook his head with a worried expression. Luo Yuyan gritted her teeth angrily, muttering in her mouth, dissatisfied with the ruthless and unjust behavior of Jiang Jingbo and those comrades-in-arms. Lin Dan just drank tea and never interrupted. Instead, Xiao Junlin pursed his lips and smiled.

Standing at the door, Nie Ting remained expressionless, but his eyes kept flickering. Liu Ye came to Base No. 1 more than a month ago, that is to say, she did not secretly follow behind the convoy as he thought, trying to save him out. After taking Ma Ze away, she ran away, forgetting him completely, but he was worried about her, afraid that she would be cold and hungry, and that she would be hurt by Lin Dan if she appeared rashly.

But it turned out that all his anxieties and worries were all self-indulgent. They stayed at Base 1 and found another fool who was willing to drive for her. With the powerful Jiang Jingbo, how could she still remember herself? Thinking of this, Nie Ting could not help clenching his fists, his heart aching.

"Then what should we do now? Should we send someone to invite Jiang Jingbo back? Most of the power users in the base have left. Although we have enough arms, it is not a long-term solution. The evolution of zombies is getting faster and faster. One day, our artillery fire will be useless, and we can only rely on ability users to contend with zombies." Luo Yuheng said worriedly.

"I understand the truth, but Jiang Jingbo is unwilling to come back. No matter how many times we persuade it, it is useless. At present, I can only issue a solicitation order in the public channel, hoping that power users from other places can come over and make up for our manpower. Fortunately, The doctor was brought back by you, and with the doctor there, our base has the most powerful signboard, and we are not afraid that the strong are unwilling to join." Having said that, Yang Huatong smiled and nodded at Dr. Xiao, with a respectful attitude.

Xiao Junlin rested his forehead with one hand and tapped the table with the other, already lost in thought.

Lin Dan glanced at the doctor, knowing that as long as the news of the safe arrival of the other party was spread out at Base No. 1, there would continue to be people with abilities who risked their lives to flee, because the doctor is the only one who has the potential to create an anti-zombie virus. For this hope, many people are willing to pay the price of their lives.

"Then let's release the news now." Luo Yuheng urged.

"Okay, as soon as you come back, I feel like I've eaten a weight in my heart, and I'll be safe in an instant." Yang Huatong breathed a sigh of relief.

Ten minutes later, the news of Dr. Xiao Junlin's safe arrival at Base 1 spread to all the survivor bases. Jiang Jingbo stared at the phone screen, frowned and said, "In this way, he will definitely be able to recruit a lot of experts."

"What are you afraid of? It won't be long before the No. 1 base will be captured by the zombie tide. When the zombie tide is gone, we will go back and repair the damaged city walls and towers, and receive the materials left by them. Anyway, the zombies don't need to eat. , if you put the supplies in the base, you won’t be afraid of being taken away by them. Isn’t it good for us to enjoy the success? You have to believe me, everything will be fine, what is Xiao Junlin, the real trump card is in our hands.” A woman hugged from behind Jiang Jingbo stroked his strong chest with both hands.

"Baby, you saved my life, of course I believe you." Jiang Jingbo hooked the woman's jaw, forcing her to raise her head, with those gorgeous facial features and gloomy temperament, who else is Liu Ye