The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 218: Doomsday 24


When everyone was exhausted, only Lin Dan, Nie Ting, and Xiao Junlin stood firmly on the spot, looking up at the bee colony with calm expressions on their faces.

"The fire cannot be extinguished." She grabbed Luo Yuheng, who had regained consciousness and was about to run into the watchtower.

Luo Yuheng looked at the jumping green flames, and finally remembered what she had done. He originally came to take Dr. Xiao away, and stopped Lin Dan by the way, but for some reason he obeyed Lin Danyan. She told him to clear the clearing, he cleared the clearing, she asked him to make a fire, and he made a fire, and these killer bees came after those strange smells spread out.

If it is said that there is no Lin Dan playing tricks here, he will never believe it. He asked angrily, "Lin Dan, did you attract the bee colony?"

"That's right." Lin Dan walked to the city wall and quietly stared at the bee colony that covered the sky. Everyone else ran away, but she was so calm and calm, as if she was not afraid of death at all.

Luo Yuheng showed an extremely sad expression, and said hoarsely: "Why do you do this? I have been with you for so long, and I always thought you were a person with conscience and principles. You are powerful, and you should have defended it. Our homeland is fighting against our compatriots, why should we help zombies to destroy the world? Look, although the land is polluted, we have wood-type abilities; although the water source is polluted, we have water-type abilities. The world has despair, but also hope, and your idea is completely wrong!"

Killer bees fly so fast, it's too late to run now. Luo Yuheng could only break the can and smash, walked to the city wall, and reluctantly looked at the green mountains and waters in the distance. No matter how dilapidated the world becomes, in his heart, it is still beautiful, full of vitality and hope.

"You are right, hope will always exist." Lin Dan was not good at words, so he did not defend himself. She looked at the distant mountains with gentle eyes.

Nie Ting stayed by Lin Dan's side, blocking countless bullets and arrows for her, some of them from zombies and some from humans. They didn't understand what Lin Dan was doing, so they tried to kill her. Nie Ting didn't know why he did this. Lin Dan died, and he was relieved. However, when he thought of such a prospect, he didn't feel any pleasure. He followed her day and night, he went wherever she went, and he did whatever she did, like the existence of the body and the shadow. If this person suddenly disappeared in his life, he would be at a loss.

So instead of running away, he stayed inexplicably, and used the last bit of supernatural power to condense a thick steel plate to protect Lin Dan.

"Brother, brother, come here quickly!" Luo Yuyan's heart-breaking cry came from the tower. She was lying beside the closed window, her eyes red as she looked at the four people who were about to be engulfed by the zombies and bee swarms that climbed up the city wall. The city walls were full of corpses of power users and soldiers, but the four of them stood on the spot with their backs straight, as if they were talking.

"Sister Lin, you ask my brother to come back, I beg you!" Luo Yuyan tried her best not to hit the window, but was hugged tightly by two teammates. They were shaking all over and seemed to be crying too. More people crowded to the window and looked at Lin Dan with hatred. There is no doubt that she has become the public enemy of the entire base.

Yang Huatong, who was seriously injured and bloodied, was carried into the tower by two soldiers, and was now sitting in the corner, his face numb. Through the stained window, he could vaguely see that the sky outside had long been obscured by killer bees. There was no sunlight, no white clouds, only the scorching wind brought by the simultaneous flapping of countless wings.

"Being poisoned by a killer bee is better than being torn apart by zombies." He chuckled twice, his expression determined, but Lin Dan and Xiao Junlin, who were facing the bee colony, didn't even frown.

Although Nie Ting and Luo Yuheng had the heart to die, they couldn't suppress the fear in their hearts and could not help but take two steps back. Lin Dan glanced back at Nie Ting and wondered, "Why don't you leave? Liu Ye has completely abandoned you. You are useless now. If you want to leave, I will not stop you."

The blue veins on Nie Ting's forehead bulged slightly, both angry and happy. He was angry with Lin Dan for taking advantage of him, and was delighted at her mercy that she couldn't bear to die. Is Lin Dan really as evil as Luo Yuheng said? No, even if she recruited killer bees, he felt that Luo Yuheng must be thinking wrong. Lin Dan looked cold and hard, but her heart was softer than anyone else.

"I don't want to leave." When he said this, Nie Ting's eyes were always on Lin Dan.

Lin Dan nodded, but did not persuade him much. She was no longer going to imprison Nie Ting, it was his freedom whether the other party left or stayed.

Xiao Junlin, who had been carefully observing the bee colony, suddenly turned his head and took a deep look at Nie Ting.

During the conversation, the swarm had already flown in front of him, and Lin Dan threw dozens of green porcelain vases into the fire and detonated them one by one. The more intense aroma of grass and trees was carried by the flames and rushed into the sky, spreading everywhere. Seeing her actions, the survivors hiding in the tower all blushed, wishing to kill her with a shot, but they dared not shatter the glass and door panels and lure killer bees inside. Ordinary people in the city also received the news and closed their doors one after another, blocking every crack in the house.

Everyone knows that the No. 1 base today will definitely not escape the fate of destruction.

However, they thought wrong, and saw the black bee colony circled over the base before turning around and attacking the zombies under the city wall. Lin Dan kept throwing porcelain vases into the fire, increasing the concentration of the aroma of the plants and trees, and the speed at which they flew away also accelerated. In the end, he didn't dare to violate the airspace of the base at all.

Luo Yuheng looked up at the bee colony, and her expression of resolute death was replaced by surprise.

"Why did they fly away?" he asked in disbelief.

Lin Dan didn't say a word, just jumped up the wall to observe the situation of the bee colony and zombie colony. Xiao Junlin chuckled twice, as if he had heard an extremely stupid question.

"It's very simple, because these smells don't attract bees, they disperse them." Nie Ting's voice was cold.

"Is that so? Those purple fumes from before..."

"That's what attracts the swarms." Nie Ting already knew everything.

"So that's how it is!" Luo Yuheng suddenly became enlightened, and when she looked at Lin Dan again, her cheeks immediately flushed. He hurriedly climbed up the wall and looked down, only to see that the black bee colony had flown into the zombie swarm, pierced the zombie's flesh with sharp mouthparts, injected a venom to dissolve their blood and bones, and then sucked it up.

The horde of zombies, which no human being could kill no matter what, fell in large swathes under the impact of the bee colony. When the open space was exposed, Luo Yuheng discovered that the surface was actually covered with all kinds of insects, including corpse crickets, ants, centipedes, spiders, etc., all of which had different degrees of mutation, attacking and defensive powers. Not what humans can imagine.

The zombie tide that destroyed countless bases has become the food of these tiny bugs at this moment. They sprayed venom to dissolve the zombies, then devoured their bodies, dismantling the carrion and bones they couldn't finish, and taking them back to the cave.

Their individuals are not as powerful as humans and zombies, but when they come together, they have the power to destroy everything.

Luo Yuheng watched the special battle under the city wall, her scalp tingling. Nie Ting's face was also pale, and his stomach was surging.

Xiao Junlin's lips curled slightly, and his expression turned out to be very happy.

The four people stood side by side on the high city head, looking down, without being attacked. No zombies climbed up the city wall to kill humans, and no killer bees flew into the base to ravage, and the imagined hell scene did not happen at all. Gradually, Yang Huatong also realized that the situation was wrong, and said decisively, "I'll go out and have a look."

"Commander, you are seriously injured, let's go out and take a look." Two scouts went up to stop him.

When several people were arguing, Luo Yuyan, who was in a hurry, opened the iron door and ran out. Several other abilities couldn't hold back their curiosity and followed. They quickly ran to the wall and looked down, then cried out in surprise.

I saw that the endless wave of zombies was fighting against the endless wave of insects. The zombie army that was supposed to be invincible was no match for these little bugs. They were so busy dealing with all kinds of bugs that they didn't even bother to climb the city walls.

Seeing that many bugs were also trampled to death, Lin Dan took out dozens of black porcelain bottles, threw them out from a distance, and then detonated them. As the purple smoke spread, more bugs burrowed out of the ground and flew from the sky to join this unprecedented battle.

After eating all the zombies, the black bugs climbed up the city wall and tried to enter the base, but stopped when they reached the top. They lingered on the wall for a while, causing the onlookers to break out in a cold sweat, but after ten minutes, they still couldn't stand the pungent smell and retreated.

Only at this point did these power users understand that Lin Dan was not destroying the base, but saving the base. The purple smoke attracts nearby bugs, but the green liquid repels them. She used these tiny creatures to completely reverse the outcome of the battle.

A stone from another mountain can attack jade. This idiom is vividly interpreted by Lin Dan. And these fools not only can't understand and support her, but also try to obliterate her existence! What would happen to the base if she did die

Everyone didn't dare to think about it any longer, and the eyes they looked at Lin Dan had already changed from suspicion and hostility to guilt and awe. It is no exaggeration to say that today's defense battle was won by Lin Dan alone. They were just lucky, and they happened to meet her, so they saved their lives!

With the help of two soldiers, Yang Huatong walked to the city wall, staring intently at the battle below, and his eyes kept shining brightly.

"What are you still doing? Call out all the wood-type abilities and let them drop the seeds of mutant plants, and then ripen them. Put down all the bloodthirsty vines, devil vines, and golden vines." Lin Dan slowly road.

"Doing this will also cause a devastating blow to the base?" Yang Huatong hesitated. The wood-type power user can ripen mutant plants and use them to fight, but there is no way to let the plants die after ripening. The lethality of many mutant plants is often more terrifying than that of high-level zombies. As long as one plant is planted, it can occupy a large area of land.

Therefore, the wood-type abilities only fight in the wild. After they leave, the mutant plants left behind will take root in the soil, causing disaster. Wood-type abilities can only lead life, but cannot decide death. Beyond life and death, that is another dimension of power. Moreover, the more powerful the mutant plant is, the more difficult it is to control, and backlash will often occur.

The mutant plants mentioned by Lin Dan are all king-level existences. It is easy to ripen their seeds, but difficult to control their activities. Once planted, the entire base will be surrounded by these mutant plants and become a dead city.

"We don't have the seeds of these plants. They are too powerful, and we can't get close at all." A wood-type ability user spoke in shame.

"I have it here." Lin Dan took out a canvas bag and ordered, "Go on, I can kill those mutant plants." Thanks to Luo Yuyan's plant affinity, Lin Dan got a lot of precious plants these days. seed.

Her words were originally very unbelievable, but these ability users no longer hesitated, and immediately took the seeds and sowed them.