The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 220: Doomsday 26


Nie Ting didn't care about checking the movements of the zombie army, and hurriedly left with Lin Dan in his arms. Luo Yuheng walked to the city wall and looked down, and as expected, the zombies in the distance were retreating, and the nearby zombies were engulfed by the insects and alien plants, and they couldn't retreat even if they wanted to.

"It's really spreading, what's going on?" Luo Yuyan was surprised and confused.

"It should be the zombie emperor who left." Luo Yuheng guessed.

"Yes, once the zombie emperor leaves, the rest of the zombies will be scattered into a mess, and it is impossible to organize an effective attack. It's a pity that we don't know what the zombie emperor looks like and where to hide, otherwise we can use decapitation tactics." Yang Huatong exclaimed.

"Come on, even if the zombie emperor is found, will there be a person with superhuman abilities who can beat him in our base?" Luo Yuheng demolished the stage mercilessly.

"Cough cough, this is not the time to discuss this. I think Lin Dan's face is very bad. You should go back and see her. Let her rest well, don't rush back, overdraft ability will be fatal." Yang Huatong cautiously remind. After this battle, he had thoroughly understood Lin Dan's strength. Although she didn't shoot water dragons or water arrows like other water power users, she kept extracting the juice of plants to make potions, and then made them transpiration, vaporization, and detonation.

This kind of operation seems simple, but in fact it is extremely refined. Except for her, no one with water-type abilities can do it. During the vacation, Yang Huatong had heard Luo Yuheng say that Lin Dan could even grab the water from other water-type abilities for his own use. This shows how powerful her abilities are. That's all, she also has a lot of research on botany and entomology, and the potions she produces are comparable to the power of atomic bombs. Other abilities are fighting for strength. She not only fights for strength, but also for intelligence. Who dares to confront her

Being able to recruit two gods like Dr. Xiao and Lin Dan at the same time, the luck of Base No. 1 is also against the sky! Yang Huatong sighed and sent a car to send Lin Dan and his party away. When they returned to the city wall, more zombies had dispersed, and within two days, the battle would be over.

Lin Dan's mind seemed to have a strong airflow rampaging, but he couldn't find a vent. She had a splitting headache, and her temples throbbed, as if they were about to explode. If it was another person, she would have hit the wall in pain, but she gritted her teeth and never let herself lose her mind.

She had a faint hunch that if she couldn't control the airflow today, her life would come to an end. After being sent home by Nie Ting, she couldn't even sit up, she could only lie on the bed weakly, her skin gradually became red and hot, as if it was on fire, and it would spontaneously ignite in the next second.

"How could this be? Let's find a doctor to take a look at Sister Lin?" Luo Yuyan said anxiously.

"Let's go, let's go to the city wall to find Doctor Liao." Luo Yuheng left.

Nie Ting stood beside the bed, staring at Lin Dan who was struggling in pain. He thought she was strong, but he didn't expect her to be so vulnerable. If he could, he was willing to bear all the pain for her. Seeing her unremittingly fighting to defend her countrymen and homeland with her own eyes, his heart has long been conquered by her.

"Lin Dan, hold on!" He held her hand, his voice hoarse.

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door. Nie Ting thought that the Luo family brothers and sisters came back with the military doctor, and opened the door without asking, but saw Xiao Junlin and Xiaoqiu standing outside.

"Dr. Xiao, Xiao Qiu, why are you here?"

"Put things down on the bed." Xiao Junlin ordered Xiao Qiu directly without looking at Nie Ting.

It wasn't until now that Nie Ting realized that Xiao Qiu was carrying a huge burlap sack. Nie Ting opened his mouth, trying to stop the inexplicable behavior of the two, but suddenly he was speechless. A bright light blinded his eyes and disturbed his thoughts.

What Xiaoqiu brought in turned out to be a bag of primary crystal nuclei, densely packed and sparkling, instantly burying Lin Dan. Her scalding skin faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her burnt head began to regain its clarity. Feeling a cool air rush into her body from every capillary, driving away the searing waves and pain, she couldn't help but groan, and then she managed to open her eyes.

"Diamonds" sparkled in front of her eyes, and she instinctively began to absorb their energy, very fast. It was with the addition of these primary crystal nuclei that she accumulated a little bit of strength to control the rampant air waves in her mind.

"Doctor, thank you." Her voice was weak, but the corners of her mouth were raised high.

Xiao Junlin stood by the bed to examine her, but did not speak, but found that the crystal nuclei accumulated on her body disappeared one by one, and the speed was getting faster and faster, so he glanced at Xiaoqiu. Xiaoqiu left the room, and after a while he came in again carrying a huge sack.

Nie Ting followed him out to check the situation. Only then did he realize that there were dozens of such sacks stacked in the hall on the first floor. If each sack was filled with crystal cores, how many zombies did Xiao Qiu kill? Twenty thousand, thirty thousand, or a hundred thousand? Is this something humans can do? No, no, maybe these crystal cores were purchased by Dr. Xiao outside. How could anyone kill so many zombies in one go? Even a rudimentary zombie can't do it, right

Nie Ting was full of doubts, but he didn't stop Xiao Qiu's strange behavior. Instead, he helped carry a few sacks upstairs.

In less than ten minutes, the bag of crystal cores was completely absorbed by Lin Dan. This speed surprised Nie Ting and made Xiao Junlin raise his eyebrows. Xiaoqiu kept carrying the sack and dumping the crystal cores. Seeing that the seventh bag of crystal cores was completely absorbed, the blush on Lin Dan's face completely disappeared, showing a trace of paleness. But she still didn't have the strength to stand up, so she could only look at the doctor intently with her eyes full of water vapor, and then smiled softly: "Doctor, I owe you another life."

Xiao Junlin's face was expressionless, but his eyes darkened.

"It must be paid back." Lin Dan said with difficulty.

Xiao Junlin said nothing, stood by the bed and looked at Lin Dan for a while before preparing to leave. When he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and stuffed the same thing wrapped in a handkerchief into Lin Dan's hand.

"What is this?" The suffocating smell of disinfectant on the handkerchief aroused Lin Dan's curiosity.

"Look again when there's no one there." Xiao Junlin simply explained and left, and Xiao Qiu followed him step by step.

Lin Dan, who had already lifted the corner of the handkerchief, immediately stuffed it under the pillow. Nie Ting said at the right time: "You have a good rest, there are dozens of bags of crystal cores downstairs, I will carry them into the warehouse." Although the primary crystal cores are not valuable, he has already seen through the things just now that these crystal cores are not worth much. It was useful to check Lin Dan, so he had to keep them well.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Lin Dan's voice was weak.

Nie Ting shook his head and left without asking anything. Lin Dan is not Liu Ye and has no obligation to confess anything to him.

The room was quiet, Lin Dan couldn't even open his eyes, but he couldn't restrain his curiosity and took out the things under the pillow. The doctor wrapped it well, the handkerchief was stacked seven or eight layers, and the layers were sprinkled with disinfectant. Lin Dan patiently peeled it off layer by layer, and then his breathing stopped for a moment.

I saw a transparent crystal nucleus the size of an egg lying on a white handkerchief, and the diamond-shaped cut surface absorbed light from different directions and refracted them one by one, forming a colorful awn. It is dazzling and beautiful as a dream, and it is a treasure that all women will go crazy for.

It looks like a diamond, but the surging energy it radiates makes Lin Dan realize that this is a crystal nucleus from the Spiritual Zombie King! And where is the zombie emperor closest to her

Thinking of this, Lin Dan suddenly sat up and shouted loudly, "Nie Ting, has the zombie tide receded?"

Nie Ting's voice came from downstairs: "When we went home, the zombie tide was slowly fading away. Wait a moment, I will use the walkie-talkie to ask Luo Yuheng." After a few minutes, he raised his voice. : "Lin Dan, Luo Yuheng said that the zombie tide has really receded, so don't worry and have a good rest."

"Okay, I see." Lin Dan slowly lay back on the bed, shaking his head and laughing at the crystal core in his hand. No wonder the doctor wrapped seven or eight layers with a handkerchief and sprinkled so much disinfectant, but it turned out that this thing was dug out of the zombie's brain. If she guessed correctly, the doctor should also be a spiritual power user. He can completely absorb this crystal core, why should he give it to himself

Yes, he once said that his cultivation method is different from everyone else's, and he has already gotten rid of the crystal nucleus and embarked on another unfettered path. This thing is very precious to others, but it is dispensable to him. Even so, it was a great favor for him to give it to himself. Lin Dan clenched the core tightly and sighed deeply.

It's the Doctor's credit that the zombie tide outside the city will subside, right? He found the Zombie King and killed him, then asked Xiao Qiu to dig out the crystal core and washed it with water many times. But Xiaoqiu couldn't heat the water film, so the bacteria on the crystal core couldn't be killed cleanly. The doctor could only wrap it layer by layer with a handkerchief, spray the disinfectant layer by layer, and then forced his nausea to bring it back. His cleanliness addiction is so serious that letting him fight in the zombie pile is equivalent to killing him.

Lin Dan painted the picture of the doctor hunting the zombie emperor in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more interesting it became, and he couldn't help but chuckle. When human beings are in danger, the doctor can't help but take action, but it turns out that he is not as indifferent as he seems on the surface, he misunderstood him.

Thinking of this, Lin Dan breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing that the energy radiated from the crystal nucleus can help her restore her mental strength, she hid it in her pocket and fell asleep unconsciously. While others felt at ease because of her existence, she knew that as long as the Doctor was still around, Base 1 would not be destroyed.

Two days have passed, and the last wave of zombies has also retreated. Yang Huatong looks at the dense insects and mutant plants under the city wall, feeling that one head and two are big. The zombies are gone, what to do with these more deadly things? Well, let's invite Mr. Lin back.