The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 222: Doomsday 28


All those who had dissent were taken away by Jiang Jingbo, and those who stayed at Base No. 1 were united like never before. They cleaned up the battlefield in an orderly manner, collected crystal cores, and there was no such thing as private storage or private escape. The No. 1 base has Dr. Xiao, the strongest scientist in China, and Lin Dan, who has a lot of methods. Only fools will leave. With them there, the development prospects of No. 1 Base will definitely not be bad.

If other bases encounter hundreds of thousands or even millions of zombies, I am afraid that they will not be able to survive even a day, but the No. 1 base has survived for 18 days and has not been breached, which is simply a miracle.

The out-of-town ability users who originally came for Dr. Xiao returned home after receiving the news that Base No. 1 was surrounded by zombies. They thought that in a few days, Base No. 1 would definitely be in ruins. Instead of running to die, it was better to watch from a distance.

Yang Huatong also sent signals for help to the other major bases, but was rejected without exception. The apocalypse is so cruel, why sacrifice the few human beings for the survival of one city and one place? Everyone sweeps the snow in front of your door, don't mind other people's affairs.

This coldness chilled Yang Huatong's heart, but now, he is grateful for those people's rejection. No one came to reinforce, so many crystal cores are the spoils of base No. 1, and the appeal of the zombie emperor is extremely powerful, most of the zombies summoned are above the third level, and Ronaldinho who is below the third level is not at all. If you don't look at it, you are not even qualified to be cannon fodder. Thanks to his arrogance, Yang Huatong was able to collect so many high-level crystal nuclei at once.

What is getting rich overnight? That's it! Yang Huatong stood on a pile of shiny crystal nuclei and laughed happily.

Completely different from the power users who were scrambling to collect crystal cores, Lin Dan was collecting the juice of mutant plants the whole time, and her bodyguard Nie Ting was always by her side, and she was never blinded by the crystal cores.

Yang Huatong looked at the backs of the two of them and sighed, "Lin Dan is just different from us lay people, the realm is too high!"

"Commander, do you remember? We were planning to shoot Sister Lin at that time." A soldier reminded fearfully.

"Cough cough, cough cough." Yang Huatong's earth-shattering coughing sound responded to him, "Don't talk about it," he squeezed the soldier's shoulders and whispered: "After collecting the spoils, you guys will accompany me to give them to you. Lin Dan apologized. Damn, it's fortunate that you can't shoot well, otherwise all of us wouldn't be able to live!"

"I must apologize. This time, I don't want my trophies. I will give them all to Sister Lin. Without her, where would our No. 1 base be today." Several soldiers were full of sighs and feared.

After Lin Dan collected all the sap of the mutant plants, he was about to leave. A handsome young man suddenly ran over and said, "Sister Lin, I'll help you pack these jars."

Lin Dan frowned at him with a puzzled expression.

The teenager raised his head, revealing his still bloody neck, and explained: "Sister Lin, I am the space-type power user who was kidnapped by you. I'm sorry, I misunderstood you at that time, and I apologize to you. You There are still some porcelain vases in my space, I didn't dare to move any of them, would you like to take them out and count them?"

Lin Dan patted his forehead and suddenly realized.

The young man laughed happily, and hurriedly added: "Sister Lin, if you want to transport things in the future, feel free to come to me. I have reserved four-fifths of the space for you."

"Then help me transport these jars back to Xicheng District." Lin Dan said, pointing to the large jars at his feet.

"Okay!" The young man put the jar into the space with a wave of his hand, with a happy expression.

Lin Dan took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket and said, "I was also in a hurry at the time, so I hurt you. This is the medicine for golden sore that I made myself, you can wipe it."

The young man did not suspect him, and immediately opened the porcelain bottle and smeared the green ointment on his neck. His companion stood not far away, looking at him and talking to Lin Dan with envious eyes, and then showed a surprised expression. I saw that the wound on the boy's neck healed quickly and disappeared in an instant, leaving no pink scars.

If the young man felt something, he touched his smooth neck and said in horror, "Sister Lin, what kind of medicine did you give me? How did it work so quickly?" To rescue people who are seriously injured and dying, how can they care about the general wounded? Even so, if they revive a person, they will use up their abilities, and they need to rest for 24 hours to recover, and their strength is very limited.

Over time, the healing system power user has changed from the initial rush to the tasteless existence. Their work efficiency is too low to bear the responsibility of the savior, not to mention that their abilities cannot eliminate zombie viruses.

The young man kept stroking his neck, which was intact as before, and said excitedly, "Sister Lin, do you still have this medicine? There are many wounded lying in the tent area, and the healers and doctors can't save them."

"Really? Then I'll go take a look." Lin Dan walked towards the tent area without thinking. Healing and saving people seems to have become her instinct carved into the bone marrow.

"Thank you, Sister Lin! Sister Lin, can I give this bottle of medicine to my good brother? His brother was seriously injured and is lying in the tent waiting for treatment." said a boy. The boy twisted his fingers and looked panicked.

"Okay, I'll help his brother see the injury first." Lin Dan accelerated his pace.

The young man was overjoyed, and all his friends gathered around, looking at Lin Dan with reverence. The group walked fast, stepping on countless crystal nuclei under their feet, making a creaking sound.

Yang Huatong noticed that Lin Dan was about to leave, and immediately waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's follow along and have a look."

Below the city wall is the tent area, where the seriously injured are placed. Several doctors and healers shuttled between tents, saving one but ignoring the other, and couldn't be too busy at all.

"Sister Lin, Tiaotiao's brother is lying here." The boy actively led the way.

The boy named Jump opened the curtain and choked: "Sister Lin, look at my brother, he seems to be dying. He was shot to save me."

There was a strong smell of blood in the tent, and the two rows of wounded were lying on the ground, and they were already venting more and less, and they were dying. But there are many people who are more seriously injured than them, and there are very few doctors and healing powers, and no one has time to treat them.

Lin Dan walked past the wounded who were struggling on the brink of death and walked to a young man. Tumbling carefully brushed away the young man's messy hair, and placed a kiss on his forehead, one by one, hot tears fell on each other's eyelids. If the young man felt something, his eyelashes trembled slightly, but he couldn't open his eyes no matter what. His chapped lips opened and closed, as if shouting and jumping.

"Brother, it's me." Tiao Tiao cried out as soon as he opened his mouth, with a sad expression on his face. The rest of the teenagers also had red eyes and lowered their heads. They have long since lost their relatives, and naturally they can understand the feeling of jumping.

Lin Dan lifted the white sheet on the young man's body to check the injury, but saw that a sharp arrow had pierced his abdomen, and blood was flowing out continuously.

"Nie Ting, get this arrow out, be careful not to hurt his blood vessels and internal organs." Lin Dan immediately ordered.

Nie Ting was stunned for a while before shaking his head in embarrassment: "Sorry, I can only manipulate the metal I condense."

Lin Dan's eyes flashed, and then he remembered what the doctor called the "bank card" theory. It seemed that Nie Ting didn't have the password for the golden element, so she had to rely on herself to pull out the arrow. Fortunately, her mentality was stable and her hands were more stable. In the blink of an eye, she pulled out the arrow and dumped the hemostatic medicine and gold sore medicine she had prepared.

The blood splashing around stopped immediately, and under the action of the golden sore medicine, new granulation sprouts grew, and the original bloody wound healed a little, and it didn't seem so serious. Lin Dan ordered in an orderly manner: "Bring the gauze over, and I'll help him bandage it."

"Sister Lin, the gauze hasn't been sterilized yet," Tiaotiao said, crying and laughing.

"It's okay." Lin Dan condensed a water film, wrapped the gauze for disinfection, dehydrated it and dried it, and then carefully wrapped it around the youth. The young man managed to open his eyes, looked at his younger brother silently, then turned to Lin Dan, and silently said "thank you" with his mouth.

After helping the young man to lie down, Lin Dan checked the wounded in the tent one by one. Fortunately, most of them had traumatic injuries, and the hemostatic medicine and gold sore medicine she prepared worked faster than stitches, and all the wounded were treated in just one hour. .

"What kind of medicine is this?" Yang Huatong, who had been watching for a long time at the door, walked in slowly, his expression hard to hide his excitement.

"Hemostatic medicine and gold sore medicine." Lin Dan washed his hands with the water film.

"You know Chinese medicine?" Yang Huatong's voice began to tremble.

"Understood." Lin Danchong waved to Nie Ting: "You take them home and bring all the remaining medicines. There are too many wounded here, and I can't leave for the time being."

"Okay." Nie Ting was already used to Lin Dan's busyness, and left with a slight nod. Yang Huatong chased after him, panting and said, "Great, with these medicines, many people can be saved! When the battlefield is cleared, I will definitely give the biggest trophy to Lin Dan."

Nie Ting didn't say a word, but he knew in his heart that the reason why Lin Dan worked so hard was not for the trophies, nor for his reputation or status, but just for the responsibility on his shoulders. Compared with her, how narrow-minded she was who once tried to create a hegemony, and Liu Ye, who led the crowd away, was not even qualified to be compared with her.

After Nie Ting left, Lin Dan walked into a tent next to him and began to treat the wounded. Her ability is very useful, it can stop bleeding, and can transfuse blood. As long as the zombie virus has not infected the heart, it can force the poisonous blood out. Her medicine has an immediate effect, saving the lives of countless wounded.

People kept coming to hear the news. Through the door curtain, their eyes flushed to see her busy figure, and her relatives and friends who gradually improved.

At the same time, Jiang Jingbo and Liu Ye were standing on a skyscraper, observing the battle situation at Base No. 1 with binoculars. Their expressions gradually changed from excitement and anticipation to horror and disbelief.