The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 223: Doomsday 29


When Liu Ye first met Jiang Jingbo, she confessed that she has the ability to foresee the future and can see the fate of everyone in her dreams. Jiang Jingbo didn't believe it at first, but one day, he was sent on a mission by Yang Huatong, and Liu Ye found him and said with certainty that this time he would die from an attack by a group of mutant wolves.

Jiang Jingbo only felt unlucky at the time, and he set off after taunting him. On the way back, he really met the wolves. If Liu Ye led a team of powers to come to the rescue in time, he would never go back. After that, Liu Ye predicted the fate of several people, and among them, Jiang Jingbo had to take this seriously.

The relationship between the two gradually deepened over time. When Jiang Jingbo believed in Liu Ye, she suddenly asked him to leave Base No. 1, and predicted that this place would be besieged by a wave of zombies and then destroyed. Jiang Jingbo and Yang Huatong have differences in philosophy. He believes that ordinary people are a group of worms who do not do anything in production, only waste food and resources, and are useless in the base, and should be rejected. But Yang Huatong hopes that Base No. 1 can become a paradise for all survivors, whether they are superhumans or ordinary people, they should be treated equally.

With the continuous consumption of resources, the contradiction between the two has become more and more acute. More powers stand on Jiang Jingbo's side, thinking that the No. 1 base should clear some ordinary people and leave food and resources to the more powerful ones. Powerful psychic. Therefore, Liu Ye's proposal was quickly adopted by Jiang Jingbo. Anyway, when the zombie tide crosses the border, he can come back with the ability user, and then the supplies, territories, and food will all be available.

However, before leaving, he must first confirm whether Liu Ye's "prophecy" is accurate. The zombie tide cannot be formed overnight, and their movements should be observed through reconnaissance satellites. But Base No. 1 did not have the right to use the reconnaissance satellite, so he used his personal connections to contact the top management of Base No. 3 and asked them to send the satellite photos. Facts proved that Liu Ye's prediction was correct, he finally made up his mind to leave the base, and seized these photos, never released to the public.

Fortunately, Base No. 3 was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. Even if the movement of the zombie tide was detected, Yang Huatong was not notified. They thought that if Jiang Jingbo knew, it meant that Yang Huatong knew, and the two of them would definitely be prepared. But Jiang Jingbo left with a group of supernatural beings, and the satellite photos in his hand became an important weight to persuade these people.

Between protecting themselves and defending their homeland, most of the power users chose to join Jiang Jingbo, and those power users who tried to report back were secretly executed by them. Jiang Jingbo didn't think his behavior was ugly. Since God selected some people to give them powers, it means that only these people are qualified to live in this cruel world. Ordinary people should be the stepping stones of the Chosen One, otherwise, how could there be such a saying - people who do nothing for themselves will be destroyed!

In order to come back as soon as possible to receive Base No. 1 after the zombie tide, Jiang Jingbo's team did not go far, but temporarily settled in a skyscraper across the river to observe the situation in the base every day. They are almost pining their fingers in anticipation of the day when the zombies will attack the city. The scene must be spectacular. What kind of friendship in war and compatriot love is nothing in front of interests.

Finally, the zombie tide arrived as scheduled, and Base No. 1 was as helpless as they expected, but soon, a cloud of purple smoke exploded in the zombie tide, disturbing their vision. When the fog dissipated, a swarm of killer bees flew from the horizon. They were all the size of their fists, and when they joined together, they blocked the sun. Imagine if a swarm of bees flew into the base and released the poison needle at the tail, what would it be like

Jiang Jingbo held the binoculars in one hand and touched the faintly numb scalp in the other, sighing: "Ye Zi, fortunately I listened to your words and left with these brothers, otherwise I wouldn't be shot into a hornet's nest now?"

A supernatural person said in fear: "I heard that after being shot by the poisonous needle of the killer bee, the blood and bones will immediately turn into pus, and the bee will fly down from the sky, pierce your skin with its mouthparts, and pierce your skin. You suck it dry. This death is too scary, I'd rather become a zombie than be eaten by them!"

"Boss, it's fortunate that you met Sister Ye Ye, otherwise we would all be finished!"

A group of people jokingly talked, not caring that their compatriots were suffering.

Ma Ze also held a telescope and stood by the observation deck to check the battle situation. Liu Ye's prediction was confirmed once again. The most excited person was not Jiang Jingbo, nor his subordinates, but Ma Ze himself. Because in Liu Ye's prophecy, he will develop an anti-zombie virus vaccine, thus becoming the savior and being admired by everyone. Such a picture made his blood boil and excited. To be honest, Xiao Junlin is a dozen years younger than him, but his achievements are much higher than him. When he was still unknown, Xiao Junlin was already well-known internationally and overseas.

How can he not be jealous, how can he not be depressed? He always believes that his talent is not lost to anyone, but he lacks the opportunity to soar to the sky. Now, Liu Ye's prophecy really confirmed his assessment of himself, and because of this, his heart was proud and even more smug. As for the destruction of Base No. 1, what does it have to do with him

He resisted his excitement and said, "Liu Ye, now you should tell me Xiao Junlin's end, right?"

Liu Ye looked at Base No. 1, which was besieged by zombies and killer bees, and chuckled: "In order to protect Xiao Junlin, Base No. 1 sent a helicopter to take him away, but the plane broke down in the middle and had to make a temporary landing. , and he couldn't stand the exhaustion and mess of the long journey, and went away alone one night, never to be seen again, but you and the rest of the researchers made it to Base 3. He's just a powerless Ordinary person, what do you think will happen to him? Either he will be torn to pieces by zombies, or he will become the belly of a mutant beast. If he can't overcome even a small cleanliness disorder, what use does he have? Dr. Ma, you don't need to care. He, the research laboratory of Base 1 is built underground, and it will definitely not be damaged after the zombie tide recedes, and we will leave the best equipment and resources to you."

Ma Ze nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

However, in the next second, both he and Liu Ye's expressions changed, and they saw the killer bees circling over the base for a few laps before rushing into the zombie tide, launching a fierce attack without harming any survivors. The zombie army, which had been killing and eradicating inexhaustible, collapsed in an instant, greatly easing the pressure on Base No. 1.

"What's going on?" Jiang Jingbo's tone was horrified.

"Boss, look carefully, in addition to the killer bees, there are mutant spiders in the zombie tide!" an ability user reminded.

Jiang Jingbo looked intently, his face turned black. I saw that a large group of mutant spiders really appeared in the zombie tide. Each of them was as big as a tire, and instantly spit out a piece of spider silk, trapping the zombies in the net. Where they passed, white fluff flew, and countless zombies struggled in the viscous spider webs, and then turned into pus. Such lethality was no less than that of the killer bee colony.

"And marching ants and corpses!" Another psychic whispered in disbelief.

Jiang Jingbo changed to a high-powered telescope and carefully observed the battle situation on the other side. The expression of victory was replaced by surprise. How could this be? Why is there a large group of mutant bugs inexplicably appearing on the periphery of the base, and they also attack zombies, as if God sent them to save Base No. 1

Liu Ye also changed his face, because the current scene was completely different from her memory! If this continues, will Base No. 1 win a turnaround and die? Just when she was in a state of uncertainty, Jiang Jingbo sneered: "Idiot, there is such a large group of bugs here, and they even put mutated plants in it. Does this mean that the base is not falling fast enough?"

"But boss, those plants seem to be strangling zombies too."

"When the zombies are killed, they will naturally grow in the base." Jiang Jingbo sneered, and couldn't help cursing after reacting: "Fuck, Yang Hua and that old fox are playing with me like jade and stone! Planting these mutant plants, Even if their people are dead, we can't go back! We can't get all the supplies and food!"

"Boss, what should we do? Why don't we withdraw quickly and find another place to rebuild the base?"

"Where to go? I think we did our best in the beginning. Which of those city walls, towers, and fortresses were not built by us? And the food and materials in the base were also collected by us, so we let go. ?" The more Jiang Jingbo thought about it, the more unwilling he became. He picked up the binoculars and took a closer look. He found that the levels of those mutant plants were higher than the next, and there was no possibility of clearing them, and his face could not help but contort.

"What can I do if I don't let go?"

Jiang Jingbo was silent for a while before grinning: "I want to see how Yang Huatong and these people died!"

I watched it for more than ten days. One day, the zombie tide began to slowly retreat, and the No. 1 base still stood on the other side of the river. It was never leveled, and there were no irreparable casualties. The insect tide and mutant plants shared most of the firepower for them, and they only needed to turn around the city wall every day and put a few purple poisons.

"Boss, the battle is over, they are still alive!" An ability user said in a hoarse voice.

"Where did this go? The mutant plants and insect tides are still there!" Regardless of whether Yang Huatong was drinking poison to quench his thirst, it was a miracle that he could endure for 18 days under the siege of the zombie army! This greatly exceeded Jiang Jingbo's expectations, causing him to have an ominous premonition for no reason.

Liu Ye said firmly: "The zombie tide has receded, and the battle at Base No. 1 has just begun. Look, they are killing themselves." Although everything in front of her was different from her memory, the result was always the same. No one can come out alive surrounded by mutant plants and insects, no one!