The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 224: Doomsday 30


Liu Ye's prediction went wrong.

The No. 1 base was indeed besieged by mutant plants and insects for two days, but on the third day, a woman with a beautiful appearance and a cold temperament was invited to the city wall by Yang Huatong. The power users who seemed helpless standing on the wall immediately dispersed, and respectfully saluted each other.

"Who is that person?" Jiang Jingbo had never seen Yang Huatong treat someone with such diligence. He smiled brightly at the woman, nodding for a while and bowing, keeping his posture very low. He was used to his majesty in giving orders and speaking out, how could Jiang Jingbo not notice the strangeness in it? He understood that this woman must be the leader of Base No. 1's use of biological warfare to deal with the zombie tide.

"Lin, Dan!" Liu Ye said through gritted teeth, holding the telescope.

"Who is Lin Dan?" Jiang Jingbo was still wondering when he saw the woman jumped up against the wall despite the danger, and was then swept away by the mutant plant.

"Wocao, I thought this person was a big guy! But it turned out to be a crispy skin who couldn't live for ten seconds!" An ability user laughed gleefully, and then, he was choked by the wonders in front of him and coughed again and again. , appalled. I saw a thick plume of smoke rising from the place where the woman had landed, dispersing all the killer bees, and the mutant spiders with large tires crawled quickly in the leaves before disappearing in the blink of an eye. The endless green ocean was stained with yellow little by little, and the figure of the woman appeared again. She held a sturdy vine in her hand, and it shattered with just a slight squeeze, then raised her head and said a few words with Yang Hua on the city wall.

A few green water balloons were suspended above her head. The more mutated plants that died, the bigger the water balloons became. She waved her hand and poured them into a huge drinking bottle. There is no doubt that she is a water-type ability user, and the withering and prosperity of mutant plants is absolutely inseparable from her. Life and death can be decided by raising a hand, even if that life and death only happen to plants, it is enough to make Jiang Jingbo feel cold all over his body. Thinking from another angle, what would happen if she could not only extract plant juice, but also human blood

A blood mist exploded in Jiang Jingbo's mind instantly, and before he could return to his senses, he heard heavy breathing from all around him.

The mutant plants and the insect tide have been settled, and the only thing left is to clean the battlefield. Eighteen days of siege, eighteen days of strangulation, more than one hundred thousand or one million zombies died under the city wall? Several fire-type ability users burned all the dead branches, fallen leaves and broken corpses, revealing the scene on the ground. A dazzling star shone under the scorching sun, red, yellow, orange, green, blue, blue, purple, everything, and colorful! That is the countless crystal nuclei announcing their existence with bright light.

Even if they were separated by a Canglan River, Jiang Jingbo and others were almost blinded. After a fierce battle, base No. 1 was not only not destroyed, but also had countless high-level crystal nuclei. With them, how many masters can Yang Huatong cultivate, and how many talented people can he recruit

Jiang Jingbo didn't even dare to think about how brilliant the prospects of the No. 1 base would be. He stared at the crystal nucleus that was spread all over the ground, and his eyes slowly turned red!

"Boss, there are so many crystal cores! You can't even fit them in a truck!" An ability user said holding his breath.

"Base No. 1 has not been destroyed at all, and even huge casualties have not appeared! If I don't leave, those crystal cores will also have my share, and there will always be a few sacks for each person!" Seeing the ability user of No. 1 base put With piles of nuclei being shipped in trucks, the betrayer was mad with jealousy.

"Boss, before they can relax, let's go grab the crystal core! We are all power users, and our combat power is much stronger than them!" Someone shouted, and immediately got a response from everyone.

Jiang Jingbo restrained his heart, and reprimanded: "How do you think those insect waves came from? Did God take pity on Yang Huatong and specially sent him to save him? After eighteen days, you still don't understand? Those purple smoke can Attract the mutant bugs nearby, we dare to snatch them, and they dare to use the smoke on us. If you don't want to be sucked into a mummified corpse by the killer bees, you should be honest!"

Everyone was suffocating, and they didn't dare to move at all. Thinking of the zombies strangled by the worm tide, they felt chills in their hearts.

"With so many crystal nuclei, are they all cheap for them?" Liu Ye said slowly.

Jiang Jingbo looked back at her with a cold tone: "Then what are you going to do? Go grab it? In the face of insect tides and mutant plants, what do you do? number person?"

Liu Ye gritted his teeth, unable to utter a single rebuttal. She could never have imagined that this doomed battle would end with a great victory for Base No. 1. Then what was the embarrassment and despair of her previous life? Yes, everything was because of Lin Dan, she changed everything! She shouldn't be so strong!

Liu Ye picked up the binoculars and looked towards the opposite bank with murderous intent.

Jiang Jingbo took a deep look at her, his heart was burning with pain, but he had to hold it down. Although everyone took care of his face and didn't say anything to complain, he would not mistake the dissatisfaction and greed in their eyes. If he didn't listen to Liu Ye's so-called "prophecy" and left with a large army, they would be able to divide up the crystal cores that piled up into mountains. Their strength is already strong. With these high-level crystal cores, they can be promoted to level five, level six, or even level seven in less than half a month, becoming a figure on the top of the pyramid.

It was he who ruined everyone's chance to become stronger and put them in a dilemma. It would definitely be impossible to go back. Although Yang Huatong advocated saving all the survivors, he was not a virgin and would take in a group of white-eyed wolves. Going to seek refuge with other forces, with his experience of fleeing and betraying his comrades, which base would dare to open the door to them

There is no way to enter or retreat. The world is so big that Jiang Jingbo couldn't find a place for a while. He raised his hand to block the light projected from the other side, and his heart was full of anxiety. And his subordinates are holding binoculars, breathing heavily at those inexhaustible treasures.

How good would it be if you didn't leave? This idea appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

A power user smashed the telescope on Liu Ye and scolded: "What prophecy, it's all fucking bullshit! Has the No. 1 base been destroyed? No! Boss, you were deceived by this woman!"

"Yeah! If it wasn't for her, could we leave? Boss, I suspect she was deliberately trying to trick you!" Everyone couldn't get mad at Jiang Jingbo, but they could only target Liu Ye.

Liu Ye's spine was almost broken, and he fell to the ground in pain. Jiang Jingbo comforted the brothers, then took her into the inner room, without saying a word, first slapped her hard...

Lin Dan didn't know what happened to Liu Ye, nor was she interested. She was busy until late at night to properly treat the wounded. Although she was only one person and weak, the medicine she prepared saved many lives.

"This is a prescription. You can send someone to collect the herbs and prepare them. However, I have to declare in advance that the effect of hand-prepared medicine is definitely not as good as the one I extracted with supernatural powers." Lin Dan handed a stack of prescriptions to Yang Huatong .

Yang Huatong didn't expect her to be so generous, and his eyes could not help but feel a little sour, "I know," he said hoarsely: "The effect of the tempered medicinal liquid is definitely stronger than that of the rough processing, we will not misunderstand your intentions. There are too many wounded. Now, doctors are too busy, these medicines can save a lot of people."

"That's right, in the future, you can prepare your own hemostatic medicine, gold sore medicine, antidote, etc., and distribute them to everyone, which can reduce a lot of unnecessary casualties." Lin Dan nodded.

"These prescriptions are all provided by you. We will send you 300 high-grade crystal cores every month, and then provide..."

Before Yang Huatong could finish his words of gratitude, he was interrupted by Lin Dan: "No, you sell crude drugs, and I sell essences with stronger effects. Our interests do not conflict."

Yang Huatong wanted to persuade him again, but a young woman came over with a two- or three-year-old boy, and asked Ai Ai, "Are you Dr. Lin Danlin?"

"I am." Lin Dan immediately held the little boy's wrist, carefully probed for the pulse, and asserted, "Hydrocephalus?"

The young woman originally came to ask, and didn't hold out much hope. Seeing that Lin Dan had already diagnosed the condition by casually touching her son's little hand, she couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Yes, it's hydrocephalus! There is no doctor in the base who can cure it, please. Help me! Here is a bag of rice, and I will give it to you." The young woman knew that in the eyes of a strong man like Lin Dan, a bag of rice was nothing at all, but it was all she could get her hands on. property.

"Isn't the hydrocephalus going to require surgery? How about I read a broadcast for you and find a brain doctor at the base?" Yang Huatong was afraid that Lin Dan would be embarrassed, so he quickly opened his mouth. After all, Chinese medicine is not as good as Western medicine, and it can cure all kinds of diseases.

The young woman nodded with red eyes, but Lin Dan took the child over and said bluntly, "His hydrocephalus is already very serious, and he can't wait for surgery. Don't worry, I can cure it." She carried the child into the medical tent, To Luo Yuyan, who acted as a nurse, she instructed: "I will write a prescription, and you can help me find the medicine."

"Okay Sister Lin!" Luo Yuyan immediately straightened her chest.

Lin Dan quickly wrote down a prescription and gave it to Luo Yuyan. Fortunately, Luo Yuyan knew a lot of wood-type abilities, and they put them together. They quickly got the herbs back. Lin Dan wrapped them in a water polo according to a certain proportion, heated them by shaking, and slowly introduced them into the little boy's abdomen. , and then grind the remaining medicinal materials into powder and pour it into each other's nostrils.

Two hours later, the little boy coughed twice and woke up slowly. When he lifted his head, a lot of water came out of his nostrils. He said in a milky voice, "Mom, the baby is not well, and the baby has a runny nose."

"Good baby, the baby is not runny nose, the baby is sick, but now it's better." The young woman hugged the baby and cried. She is really terrified these days. She has not experienced it herself, and no one can understand the pain of watching her child die and helpless.

The scene where the mother and son depended on each other made everyone's eyes red. Yang Huatong had no idea that Lin Dan could even treat such a complex disease, and the effect was so fast, and he was stunned on the spot.

With Nie Ting's help, Lin Dan packed the medicine box and said tiredly, "Except for trauma, I can also treat other diseases. You can tell the news to those in need. I live at No. 23 Jingjing Hutong, Xicheng District. I don't need a lot of money to see a doctor, just one hundred primary crystal nuclei per person."

Yang Huatong's tears fell instantly, and he waved his hand: "Lin Dan, we can't let you suffer like this. What is the difference between confiscating one hundred primary crystal cores? Don't you want to live by yourself?"

"One hundred crystal cores, the price will not change." Lin Dan didn't explain too much. He was about to put the medicine box on his back, but Nie Ting took it away first. He urged with a cold face: "Go back, you have been in the medical area for more than 20 hours."

Lin Dan nodded and said yes, walked to the door as if remembering something, turned back, handed a rectangular glass box and a note to Yang Huatong, and said cautiously, "This is a gift from me to the doctor, please be sure to check it out. Give it to him before dawn."