The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 225: Doomsday 31


After Lin Dan left, Yang Huatong inspected outside the city wall before returning to the base. Since the underground research room belongs to the top secret of the base, the protection level is very high, and those who do not wear identification cards will not be allowed to enter. Even if he entered, it would be extremely difficult to meet the person in charge, Dr. Xiao. He locked himself in the laboratory every day for research, and never contacted the outside world unless necessary.

Yang Huatong swiped through the levels, and after several inspections, he finally reached the minus ten floor.

"Dr. Xiao is doing an experiment, and there are no visitors." A female researcher said coldly.

"But I have something to bring him here." Yang Huatong raised his hand and asked the female researcher to check the glass box, emphasizing, "This is a gift from Lin Dan to the doctor. It is all Lin Dan that the doctor can come to our base smoothly. Thanks for the credit, the two of them went all the way to the west, and their relationship should be very good, could you please go in and tell the doctor?"

Lin Dan has carefully explained that the glass box must be delivered before dawn, so Yang Huatong must see Dr. Xiao tonight. Although he is the leader of the base, he has already handed over the management of this laboratory to the doctor. Here, the doctor's words count, and he is just an uninvited guest.

The female researcher sneered: "Do you know how many years I have been with the doctor? When he was a freshman, I was his senior sister. We both studied under the same tutor, did experiments together, and took on projects together. , no one knows him better than I do. He only has research in his heart, and he will never be friends with a woman without the worldly sophistication."

"Isn't Dr. Xiao a human being?" Yang Huatong frowned and said, "As long as he is a human being, he will know the warmth of human affection. I have seen with my own eyes how Lin Dan takes care of him. It is not too much to say that he is meticulous. He is very special to Lin Dan. What's weird at all? Hey, I'm so ill-tempered, what qualifications do you have to reject the gift that Lin Dan gave to the doctor? I have to see the doctor today, so stay out of the way!"

"Then you can try it!" The female researcher took out a remote control and pressed it. The metal ceiling opened, and several laser transmitters stretched out and aimed at Yang Huatong's eyebrows.

Seeing that the two gangs were about to fight, the door of the laboratory was opened from inside, Xiao Junlin said coldly, "What happened?"

The female researcher quickly apologized and recounted what happened. She knew too well what a cold and ruthless person Dr. Xiao was. When he was in school, the number of women who tried to climb on him would only be more than now, but they didn't even have the chance to get close to him. She just let Yang Huatong leave is already to give him face. If Dr. Xiao is to deal with it, this person will definitely be on the blacklist of the institute and will never be able to come in again. The tattered box will also be thrown into the trash can and destroyed directly.

However, this time she thought wrong, Xiao Junlin's condensed expression softened slightly, and he asked, "Is this what Lin Dan asked you to send?"

"Yes, yes, she asked me to deliver it to you before dawn." Yang Huatong nodded quickly.

Xiao Junlin stretched out his hand to pick it up subconsciously, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help being stunned, then pointed to a console next to him and said, "Put it on it."

Yang Huatong couldn't guess what he meant, whether it would spoil Lin Dan's mind, and he couldn't help but look a little embarrassed. The female researcher looked at the doctor in surprise, as if she didn't know him at all.

Xiao Junlin explained unprecedentedly: "I will disinfect the box."

"Oh! Okay, it should be." Yang Huatong was relieved at this time, he hurriedly put the box on the operating table, and reminded: "Doctor, there is a note on it, don't miss it."

Xiao Junlin kept silent, just turned on the nozzles around the console to sterilize the box. Seeing that he stretched out his hand to take the item of unknown origin, the female researcher stopped her with a shrill voice: "Wait Doctor, according to the procedure, everything given to you by outsiders needs to be checked."

"Check the shit! The box is transparent, and it's full of water, can't you see it?" Yang Huatong was really annoyed by these people, and said, "Do you suspect that Lin Dan will poison Dr. Xiao? She When you were guarding the base, where were you? When she was busy treating the wounded, where were you? Don't use your sharp eyes to guess Lin Dan's heart, okay?"

When the base was in danger, the first request of these researchers was to prepare a plane to send them away, and they refused to help. Of course, this is human nature, and Yang Huatong can understand it, but after the battle, he hoped to send a few researchers who knew medicine to the tent area to take a look at the wounded, but these people also refused. If the doctor's research was not related to the future of mankind, he would have been furious.

The female researcher was so angry that her head was smoking, and she sneered: "What kind of person do you think Lin Dan is? Two days ago, she bought a security guard at the institute and asked around the doctor's daily life. What do you think she is going to do? Knowing the person knows the face but not the heart, I advise the stationmaster Yang to pay more attention, God knows if some people are spies sent by other bases."

The surrounding researchers naturally stood on the side of their colleagues and immediately supported: "I think Lin Dan is a little strange. We asked her for a prescription for repellents and insect repellents, but she categorically refused. If she really has you If you are so selfless, the prescription should be handed over and controlled by the base."

Yang Huatong was really annoyed at this moment, and mocked: "Let the base control or let you control it? If you say something unpleasant, that thing is originally Lin Dan's, she can keep it if she wants to, who does she want to give it to? Just give it to anyone, no one is qualified to grab it from her. Yes, her medicine is indeed terrifying, but instead of being taken away by you greedy and impersonal guys, I'm more comfortable keeping things in her In her hands, because she has a conscience, responsibility, and responsibility, she will never leave her compatriots behind at a critical moment."

Several researchers became angry and wanted to argue again, but Xiao Junlin said slowly, "Lin Dan asked someone to inquire about my daily life?" He looked at the female researcher with deep eyes.

The female researcher was secretly overjoyed, thinking that the doctor must be angry, and hurriedly said: "Yes, just three days ago, she bought a security guard on the minus ten floor to inquire about your movements. If I hadn't been vigilant enough, I would quickly I found out that something was wrong with that person. Maybe she would even inquire about our secrets. Don’t worry, Doctor, I have fired all the relevant personnel, and our institute will never keep these ulterior motives.”

Xiao Junlin opened the glass box and continued to ask, "What exactly did she inquire about?"

"She asked you what you did after you came back that day, did you show any abnormality, did you vomit or feel uncomfortable, and said that if you feel unwell, the security guard must notify her in time, she knows medicine and can cure I'm sick. I think she's just looking for an opportunity to get close to you, and I don't know what the hell is going on in her heart."

Xiao Junlin nodded, seemingly casual, but he couldn't hold it back in the end, he chuckled lightly, "Retrieve all those who were fired," he instructed: "In the future, Lin Dan can ask her whatever she wants, no need to ask her. hide."

These words undoubtedly slapped the female researcher's face like a huge slap. She exclaimed Doctor, but she lost the ability to speak under Xiao Junlin's icy gaze.

The displeased Yang Huatong suddenly laughed and said proudly: "Look at it, I said that the relationship between the doctor and Lin Dan is not normal. What's wrong with friends sending gifts to each other? What's wrong with asking each other about each other's current situation? Is it that complicated?"

Xiao Junlin walked into the laboratory holding the glass box, and said indifferently, "Thank you, Station Master Yang, for bringing the present, you can go now."

Yang Huatong choked, and before he had time to ask about the development of the vaccine, he was invited away by two superhumans. I don't know how Dr. Xiao managed this research institute. It only took half a month to tame all the supernatural experts he sent, to the extent that he said one thing and others dared not say two. You know, these people were his personal soldiers before they entered the institute!

After entering the laboratory, Xiao Junlin immediately picked up the note on the glass box to check, but saw two simple words written on it - thank you.

Gone? that's it? Xiao Junlin couldn't help frowning.

His right-hand man walked in and said after deliberation: "Doctor, I don't think Sister Huang has done anything wrong. Her starting point is to protect you. Your research work is of great significance to China and even all mankind. Of course, we have to investigate the people around you. What is in this box, is it really water? Could there be unknown toxins and bacteria? I suggest you give it to us to check the ingredients."

"You don't need to test, this is disinfectant." Xiao Junlin stared at the glass box, as if he wanted to see Lin Dan's true intentions through it.

"Disinfectant?" The assistant was stunned for a while before showing a surprised expression. She was completely conquered by Lin Danqing's mind. Although those who do scientific research do not know much about the world, they also know that no one will send disinfectant as a gift. Even if the doctor's cleanliness is very serious, he will not lack this thing.

"What does she mean? Do what she likes?" the assistant asked dryly.

Xiao Junlin shook his head, staring at the glass box like staring at the biggest problem of this century. He would never try to figure out other people's thoughts, because those people were basically transparent in his eyes, but Lin Dan told him that no matter what, he couldn't figure it out.

The assistant was still worried, and was about to take a straw to suck some liquid out for testing, but saw that the water in the box had a circle of ripples for no reason, then slowly boiled, and then instantly froze into ice. The slightly cold white air with a hint of disinfectant rushed towards his face, causing the assistant to hold his breath uncontrollably, and also causing Xiao Junlin to show an expression of enjoyment. This is the purest and best smelling perfume in the world.

"How did it freeze?" The assistant was stunned by the sudden change! She is a fire-type ability user, and the doctor is an ordinary person. Except for the two of them, there is no third living creature in the laboratory. Logically speaking, these disinfectants will never change their form!

The door of the laboratory was not closed, and when I heard exclamations, all the researchers nearby ran over, looking at the glass box in astonishment.