The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 229: Doomsday 35


Luo Yuyan really admires Dr. Xiao. He locks himself in the laboratory every day to do research. He can't wait to break it into forty-eight hours. He doesn't eat or drink. Sister reports here. What is he drawing? Is it really just for an ice flower

No, no, what he cares most about is Sister Lin. I'm afraid it's hard to see Sister Lin every day, right? Confess if you like it, what mother-in-law and mother-in-law do! Thinking like this, Luo Yuyan nodded to confirm her guess.

At this moment, Xiao Junlin suddenly glanced at her, and some unpredictable rays of light flashed in his deep pupils. He couldn't help but tighten his hand holding the glass box, then stood up, nodded and said, "I'm leaving, farewell."

"Okay, doctor, goodbye." Lin Dan was not surprised that the doctor came and went in a hurry. He was like this every time. He came with the box, marked it and turned to leave, without saying a word to her at all. But this time, she was in high spirits. When she sent the doctor out, she couldn't help but say, "Doctor, I'll show you something that Xiaoyan and I only got today."

Luo Yuyan immediately dispelled the fear that she had when facing the doctor, and said happily: "Yes, yes, sister Lin and I found the same good thing on the mountain today, so we came back early. Brother, come and have a look. , it's amazing!"

"What is it?"

Luo Yuheng was aroused by curiosity, and even Nie Ting, who was working silently, came out of the plantation, wanting to have a glimpse.

"It's this." Lin Dan took out a transparent thermal insulation box from the basket and showed it, "Look, these are mutant silkworms."

Everyone took a closer look and saw that the insulation box was full of fleshy bugs, green, red, and blue, squirming in groups, looking very disgusting.

"This is the silkworm? Isn't the silkworm white?" Luo Yuheng wondered.

"Brother, it's said that these are mutant silkworms!" Luo Yuyan said proudly: "Sister Lin said that they should be raised, and they can be used for weaving when they spin silk and form cocoons. It's my last piece of clothing without holes. Clothing factories and textile factories have long ceased production. In the future, our clothes will only become less and less. Is it really degraded to the state of wearing animal skins and leaves?"

Luo Yuheng said helplessly: "Even if we raise silkworms, we won't weave silk into cloth, it's useless. Don't worry, there are many department stores in Cangshan District that haven't been raided by survivors, I'll go there to help you find clothes. "

"Bah, I don't need you. Sister Lin said that she can reel silk and weave cloth! Look, we went to the tourist area of the ancient town on purpose, and found a textile machine in a folk store. Once assembled, Lin My sister can weave!" Luo Yuyan pointed to her basket with a proud tone.

Luo Yuheng took a closer look and found that the wooden boards in her basket were actually parts that could be assembled into a machine. Regardless of whether Lin Dan can weave or not, the two of them are in high spirits now, so it's better not to pour cold water. Thinking of this, Luo Yuheng nodded quickly, pretending to look forward to it: "Okay, I'll be waiting to wear the silk clothes you knitted!"

Lin Dan nodded and said firmly, "Doctor, when the silkworms spin silk, I'll knit a few pairs of gloves for you and make some white coats for you. I heard that the fabrics in your research institute are in short supply, and work clothes are no longer available."

@Infinite good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Xiao Junlin's indifferent expression softened slightly. He didn't know what to think, but immediately became stiff again. He shook his head and said, "No need, the materials from our research institute will be handled by Yang Hua."

Being rejected, Lin Dan's high spirits were slightly dampened, but he also knew that the doctor had such a temper of refusing people thousands of miles away, so he didn't feel embarrassed. She sent the person to the door, and was about to cross the road and continue to get into the car, but was stopped by Xiao Junlin coldly: "Go back, you don't need to send it."

"Okay." Lin Dan stood at the door, smiling a bit alienated. She finally sensed the Doctor's rejection.

Xiao Junlin turned around and left, but stopped at the intersection again, and turned around and said, "You were seriously injured today, go back and rest."

Lin Dan was stunned for a while before explaining: "My injury has healed. I met a golden mutant wolf today, its body surface is metalized, and its defense is very strong. I can't blow its head, and I can't extract it. It's blood, so it took a lot of effort." The gold type is the most defensive in all types and has a restraint on her abilities. If the condensed metal surface is thick enough, it can completely isolate her mental power.

She touched the injured shoulder unconsciously, and continued: "My physical fitness is too weak, and melee combat is very disadvantageous. Doctor, I found out that I am just an ordinary person." At this point, she couldn't help but smile bitterly. No matter how calm and wise she looks on the outside, no matter how consummate, fierce and powerful she is when she uses her abilities, her real strength is only second-level after all.

So she lived harder than anyone else. Today, she had grown up, refused to accompany Nie Ting, and took Luo Yuyan up the mountain alone. If they had not found a piranha at a critical moment and hid behind it, they might not have come back today.

She didn't elaborate on what happened, but her pale face showed everything - the battle not long ago must have been thrilling and fatal. In order not to worry her companions, she and Luo Yuyan treated the wound when they were on the mountain, but unexpectedly they were seen by the doctor at a glance.

Xiao Junlin was silent for a while before nodding, indicating that he understood. He didn't have a word of comfort, not even a goodbye.

Lin Dan stood on the spot and looked at the car that passed away, frowning. Today's Doctor is a little weird...

But soon, she had no time to think about it, and saw several trucks rushing from the street to her door at a frantic speed, raising a cloud of dust. She quickly covered her mouth and nose, coughed uncomfortably, and was pulled behind by Nie Ting and Luo Yuheng to protect her.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier when you were injured?" Luo Yuheng's expression was annoyed. He secretly blamed himself for not being able to spot Lin Dan's abnormality immediately.

"In the future, if you go up the mountain to collect herbs, you must take me with you," Nie Ting said firmly.

The two gave Lin Dan a warning glance at the same time, and then looked solemnly at the trucks.

A group of soldiers jumped out of the car and while lifting the tarpaulin, they shouted loudly, "Doctor Lin, is that kid Jitiao dead?"

"You're disappointed that I didn't die, aren't you?" The power user who was bitten by the centipede ran out of the room with a cucumber in his mouth.

"Fuck, are you really not dead? I'm so fucking disappointed! Did Scud's leg run off?" Another person asked jokingly.

"Can you guys think of us a little better?" The wind-type power user ran out afterward, his face full of resentment.

A group of people hugged and played together, and their hearts were filled with the joy of the rest of their lives. Their leader carried a corpse and threw it on the ground casually, with a serious tone: "Team Luo, come and see who this person is."

Luo Yuheng stepped forward to take a look, and was immediately surprised: "Jiang Jingbo?"

"That's right, it's Jiang Jingbo. We found a lot of corpses by the Lancang River, all of those people who followed Jiang Jingbo away. Their bodies were swollen and their faces were black, and they must have been killed by poisonous insects. We sprinkled insect repellent on the corpses, I thought everything was fine, so I brought their bodies back and prepared to be claimed by people in the base. As you know, Jiang Jingbo's wife and children were all at the base and were not taken away by him. He died outside, we don't know what to do. Since we met, we have to bring it back and let my sister-in-law deal with it."

Before the team leader could finish speaking, Chicken Tiao said angrily: "Damn, this kid almost pulled me back when he died. Who would have known that there was a centipede hidden in his body, crawling out of his ear hole, mercilessly Bit me. If it wasn't for Scud running fast, I'd be dead!"

Lin Dan squatted down to examine the corpse carefully, then went around to the truck to take a look, and asserted, "They have bite marks all over their bodies, so they must have encountered an insect swarm."

"Could it be the insect wave that was withdrawn from our base?" The team leader raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, he was bitten by more than 20 kinds of poisonous insects at the same time. This must be an artificially gathered insect tide. The general insect tide is a single species, and when a variety of insects gather together, they will kill each other and devour each other. They will automatically disperse in a short time, and will not be able to form a scale. They died by the Lancang River, very close to our base, and they should have been affected by those retreating insect waves." Lin Dan analyzed.

The leader touched the back of his head and sighed: "This is probably retribution? How arrogant and tough he was when he took people away, saying that he would not come back if he died. Now, let's bring his body back. How much of a slap in the face?"

"The dead don't care if you slap in the face?" Chicken Tiao pouted disdainfully.

Nie Ting rummaged through the pile of corpses with a sullen face, and asked, "Is Liu Ye's body there?"

"No, either she didn't die, or her body was washed away by the river, we don't know." The leader waved his hand regretfully. What he hates the most is not Jiang Jingbo, but Liu Ye, the woman who is bewitching the crowd. If it weren't for her, Base No. 1 would not have been torn apart. But this is also good, she let everyone see each other's people clearly, but eliminated a lot of hidden dangers.

Nie Ting stared at the car full of corpses, his eyes flickering slightly. He had a vague feeling that Liu Ye would never die, her luck was always good, and no matter how dangerous the situation was, she could safely avoid it. But even so, he didn't feel the slightest rejoicing, but rather worried. Liu Ye and Lin Dan have a grudge, if she doesn't die, she will come back one day...

Before he could think deeply, a middle-aged woman pulled a little boy and hurried over: "Where's Jiang Jingbo? Where is he?"

"Sister-in-law, please calm down first, he is already dead..." the team leader comforted in a good voice. Although Jiang Jingbo has done things that are inferior to animals, his wife is a powerful wood-type ability user. Every day, she grows food for everyone, and she doesn't know how many people she feeds. Everyone can see her sacrifice and dedication, and naturally they will not embarrass her because of Jiang Jingbo's relationship.

"I'm calm! I'm so fucking happy! Who asked you to bring him back? Throw his body out to feed the zombies!"

"Sister-in-law, you burn him anyway and keep a handful of ashes."

"Do you keep his ashes as manure? Even the manure mother thinks he is dirty!"

While a few people were talking, another group of family members came over after hearing the news. Some said they were going to be thrown out, some said they were going to be burned, but no one was willing to accept them, even if they had already turned into rotting corpses. . This is the end of the world, warmth is rare, so betrayal cannot be tolerated.


After returning to the research institute, Xiao Junlin was immersed in his work, and he habitually raised his head and looked at the console until midnight. Under the light of several spotlights, the box of disinfectant began to slowly evaporate and condense, and then a crystal clear flower bloomed, so beautiful and holy, like a ray of moonlight in the dark night, incredibly soft.

At first, people in the laboratory would be amazed and complimented by such beautiful scenery, but as time passed, everyone became accustomed to it and would never take a second look. It blooms quietly and withers quietly, just like its creator.

Only Xiao Junlin will enjoy it endlessly. He took off his glasses, walked slowly to the console, stared at the ice flower, wondering what he was thinking.