The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 230: Doomsday 36


Time was like water, and it passed silently. Six hours passed before you knew it. When a ray of morning light appeared on the side of the day, this crystal clear ice flower finally melted.

Only then did Xiao Junlin realize that he had been standing by the console all night, while several of his assistants were waiting quietly, looking at him with worried eyes. Of course they found the doctor's anomaly, but they didn't dare to step forward to disturb him, for fear that he was thinking about some profound issues or got some inspiration.

"Doctor, it's dawn, let's go and prepare breakfast for you. You go to sleep first, and we will wake you up at twelve noon." An assistant said respectfully.

"You don't need to call me at 12 noon." Xiao Junlin took off his white gloves and white coat, showing a tired look for the first time.

"Why? Don't you have to go to Dr. Lin's place?" The assistant looked surprised.

"Why should I go?" Xiao Junlin asked coldly.

"To make the flowers reopen?" the assistant hesitated.

"I'm tired of seeing this flower." Xiao Junlin lowered his eyelids to block his unpredictable gaze.

The assistant did not dare to ask any more questions, and hurriedly went down to prepare the nutritional supplements. In order to save time and keep the food absolutely clean, they all extract various nutrients from plants or meat, and then bring them to Dr. Just drink three tubes of nutritional supplements a day to meet Dr.'s energy needs for the day.

Xiao Junlin finished his breakfast, took a hot bath, and fell asleep. He woke up at 12 noon and stared at the ceiling for a long time before forcing himself to fall asleep again. In the evening, he walked into the laboratory with a tired face and started a day's work, but he blew up a test tube for the first time, stunned all the assistants.

Everyone looked at him quietly, with fear and confusion in their eyes. From the age of fourteen to the age of twenty-nine, for fifteen years, the doctor has never made a mistake in the experiment. He is the dawn of the Chinese scientific community, and the god of experiments. How could he have done such a low-level mistake of blowing up a test tube

However, the glass fragments and corrosive liquid on the operating table really announced everything before.

The two assistants were the first to return to their senses, and then hurriedly cleaned up the mess.

Xiao Junlin looked at his white coat, which was burned with many black marks by the corrosive liquid, and finally said, "I'm going to rest for a while, you don't come to disturb me."

"Okay." The assistant didn't dare to say a word.

After Xiao Junlin left, other talents whispered: "What's wrong with the doctor, is he ill?" @Infinite 好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"Don't ask too much, do your experiment well." The assistant scratched his neck, and everyone immediately quieted down.

This night, Xiao Junlin didn't do any experiments, but instead slept for an unprecedented eight hours. At six o'clock the next day, he woke up, walked into the brightly lit laboratory, and stood in front of the spotlighted operating table. The glass box that was always placed here has been taken away by the assistant, and replaced by a pot of real flowers, green branches and leaves, red buds, not as gorgeous as ice flowers, but beautiful.

Xiao Junlin's eyes were dark, and the air pressure dropped. He stared at Zhenhua for a long time before turning and leaving. The moment he looked away, the flower withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Fortunately, it was still early, and there was no one in the laboratory, otherwise this bizarre sight would definitely attract everyone's attention.

For a week in a row, Xiao Junlin never stepped out of the laboratory again. At first, Lin Dan would inquire about his situation, and he was relieved to learn that he was not sick, just busy. Her clinic welcomes many patients every day, and sometimes she has to go to the doctor. She really has no time to think about it—

Half a month later, Yang Huatong came to the underground research institute with a gift box with a displeased expression.

"Is Dr. Xiao free now? Can I see him? Lin Dan brought him a gift again."

"Please wait a moment, I'll ask the doctor." The assistant invited Yang Huatong into the reception room with a very friendly attitude. After a quarter of an hour, she came back and shook her head regretfully: "Sorry, the doctor said he was not available."

"Oh, okay. Then I'll go first." Yang Huatong left with the gift box in his arms.

The assistant quickly chased after him: "Hey, you didn't come here to give a gift, why did you take it away?" Ever since Lin Dan sent an ice flower that blooms every day, the assistant became very curious about her gift.

@Infinite good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"This gift is too precious and must be handed over to the doctor in person. Since the doctor is not available, I will take it first, lest I lose it and I will not be able to explain to Lin Dan." Yang Huatong held the box tightly, as if afraid that his assistant would come grab. Sister Huang, who made trouble for him last time, came out of the laboratory and sneered: "What is it? A piece of ice, do you still think that it is an immortal art?"

Yang Huatong didn't bother with her, nor was she provoked to hand over the box. He was greedy when he saw the contents inside. It would be better if the doctor didn't want to accept it. He went to Lin Dan to grind it and just asked for it. Thinking of this, he walked faster. Seeing that the elevator was close at hand, the doctor's cold voice came from the broadcaster: "Director Yang, please bring your things back."

"Fuck, didn't you just say you're not free?" Yang Huatong was annoyed, but he had to turn back, only to see Dr. Xiao standing at the door of the laboratory with his hands in his pockets, his expression extremely cold.

"Give it to me." He stretched out his hand, his tone stronger than ever.

Yang Huatong handed the box over, his face aching.

@Infinite good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"What?" Seeing the doctor lift the lid of the box, the assistant hurriedly stood on tiptoe to look at it, and then was greatly disappointed: "It turned out to be new clothes and new gloves."

Sister Huang immediately sneered: "Looking at how precious Station Master Yang is, I thought the present this time was very precious. New clothes and new gloves, we have a lot of these things in our warehouse."

"It's not a lot, it's almost used up, these gifts are just right." The assistant couldn't help but say a fair word.

These people have no eyeballs, and treat a baby as garbage, which is really making Yang Huatong unable to bear it. He mocked: "How long has it been since you left the institute?"

"Have it been more than half a month?" The assistant answered honestly. If the doctor doesn't go out, they naturally have no reason to go outside to ventilate.

"No wonder, you are all out of touch with the outside world, do you know? These are not ordinary clothes and gloves, they are woven from the silk of mutant silkworms cultivated by Lin Dan, which embodies the power of natural elements. In order to improve the level of those mutant silkworms, Lin Dan feeds them with the leaves of the king's mutant plants, such as phoenix flowers, hibiscus trees, golden needle pine... He finally cultivated a group of mutant silkworms above level 6. The clothes in Dr. Xiao's hands are made of five elements. Woven from silk, it is invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to fire and water, and it can also prevent poisons. It can withstand the full blow of level 6 abilities or zombies when worn close to the body. Outside, the fabrics woven by Lin Dan with a single natural element are all You are crazy, and you still dislike it? If you say something unpleasant, even if you sell all of your assistants, the money you get will not be able to buy such a pair of gloves. "

Sister Huang seemed to have caught a loophole and sneered: "This piece of cloth is so amazing, but tell me, how did Lin Dan make it into clothes? Knives and guns kept cutting, the fire didn't burn, how to cut it? Cut?"

Yang Huatong looked at her with the eyes of an idiot: "Of course not with scissors. Silkworms turn into moths, and when they are about to break out of their cocoons, they secrete a kind of saliva, which dissolves the silk so that it can burrow out. Lin Dan collects enough saliva, so naturally Break down the fabric into the template she wants. Hey, I said you're all scientists, why are you so lacking in knowledge?"

Sister Huang blushed with embarrassment, and almost didn't dig a hole on the spot to dig in.

Yang Huatong reached for the box and sneered: "If you don't believe me, I'll show it to you. It's a mistake to send a gift, right?"

Xiao Junlin turned his body sideways, avoided his touch, and said lightly, "I'll do it myself." He threw the glove into the stove and lit it, but saw that it was glowing without damage; When it came out, it didn't touch a drop of liquid, it was still a complete and clean pair, and its super defensive power scared everyone.

Yang Huatong said enviously: "Have you seen it? This kind of five-element fabric, with a level of six or above, can sell for a hundred eighth-level crystal cores per foot. If it is made into a protective suit and worn close to the body, it will be a mountain of swords and a sea of flames. We dare to go for it, too. Lin Dan only got this one piece of five-element fabric, all of which were cut to make clothes and gloves for the doctor. "He reached out and tried to grab the box.

God knows how he felt when he saw Lin Dan put these things into the box. He could not wait to rush over and hug her thigh, begging her to sell it to him. The doctor is too ruthless. No matter how precious you give him, he will not say thank you.

Xiao Junlin avoided Yang Huatong's snatch and froze him in place with just a cold eye knife, "I've accepted the gift, Station Master Yang walks slowly."

The door of the laboratory was closed, Xiao Junlin put the gloves and coat on the operating table, his eyes condensed. Under the spotlight, the originally pure white fabric was faintly glowing with blue, red, gold, green... It was like the legendary neon clothes, and its function was comparable to it. Looking at them, Xiao Junlin can easily imagine how Lin Dan reeled the cocoons into silk and then woven them into cloth. She put a lot of thought into this gift, it was completely tailor-made for Xiao Junlin. The next time he does the experiment, he no longer has to worry about the flames scalding his hands, the test tubes exploding, and the strong alkali and acid corroding the skin.

Even after leaving, Lin Dan still has a way to send his meticulous care to the doctor. How can people refuse

Xiao Junlin rubbed his temples and sighed, "Lu Yun, send the contents of my safe to Lin Dan."

The assistant pushed open the door and came in with a stunned expression: "Doctor, the results you just developed, you haven't used them yet, how can you give them away? You are just an ordinary person, and Lin Dan is a superhuman with strong strength. She should Can't you use that thing?"

"She can use it." Xiao Junlin paused for a while before adding: "Actually, it was for her that I developed this result."

The assistant's jaw was about to fall, and he quickly opened the safe and took out a silver metal box. It's incredible, she seems to have heard a shocking gossip - the doctor has a crush on Dr. Lin!