The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 231: Doomsday 37


Assistant Lu Yun watched the doctor develop this result with his own eyes. After the success, he kept it in the safe and never used it. She also asked the doctor at the time: "Since you invented it, why didn't you publish it? Do you know what kind of changes this will bring to this desperate world?"

The Doctor never answered her question. For him, whether the world is good or bad, light or dark, has nothing to do with him at all, he only focuses on what he is interested in, and everything else is nothingness.

Lu Yun originally thought that this achievement would stay in this sealed safe forever, covered with dust in the silence, but now, the doctor took the initiative to take it out. No matter what his original intention for developing it was, as long as it was released, known to more people, and even put into mass production, it would be the greatest help to this dying world.

"Doctor, I'll take the things to Dr. Lin immediately." When he picked up the box, Lu Yun's hands were shaking slightly.

Xiao Junlin didn't even look at her, just turned around and continued today's work, as if he had nothing else to do.

Half an hour later, Lu Yun came to Lin Dan's small building and stood at the end of the long queue. Today, it has become the most prosperous area of Base No. 1, and there are a steady stream of people visiting every day. Some of them came to see a doctor, some came to buy medicine, and some just came to join in the fun and admire the true face of Dr. Lin.

Luo Yuheng sent a few team members to maintain law and order outside the small building. Since Lu Yun accompanied the doctor to visit Lin Dan a while ago, they were also familiar with her cold face, so they couldn't help but go up and ask a few questions.

"Ah, the doctor asked me to give Dr. Lin a gift." Lu Yun said mildly and politely.

"Not to see a doctor or to buy something? Then stop queuing, just go in and wait." Several people pointed to the hall and said.

Lu Yun looked at the long queue hesitantly, and finally nodded. There are people with abilities and ordinary people in the team, but everyone abides by the basic code of conduct, and there is no behavior of bullying or causing trouble. Gayin Lin Dan looks petite and soft on the surface, but his methods are very iron-clad. There was once a powerful ability user who led his subordinates to rob her of medicines, and even tried to insult her, but her head exploded in the blink of an eye.

That day, the pure white building was dyed red, but Lin Dan didn't allow anyone to touch it, so he let the blood and brains stick to the outer walls and floor, and it took three full days to scrub them clean. Everyone was stunned by her ruthless means, and also frightened by her strange ability to kill a top expert in an instant, and never dared to make trouble again.

There are still many such rumors. Lu Yun often learns about Lin Dan's every move from the mouths of the security personnel of the research institute, so he has a high degree of goodwill towards her. In the apocalypse, women are generally weak and have an extremely difficult life, but Lin Dan has lived as all women's images look like. She doesn't have to rely on anyone, and she doesn't have to please anyone, she only does what she wants to do.

Even a woman like Lu Yun couldn't help admiring her, let alone a doctor who had been with her all the way

While thinking wildly, Lu Yun was led into the hall by two supernatural beings, only to see Lin Dan sitting by the window with his head bowed, earnestly taking the pulse of a patient, with a very professional demeanor, like an old Chinese doctor.

Lin Dan also found Lu Yun, but did not stop to see the doctor, but nodded at her as a greeting, and then continued to ask the patient's condition: "How long has your knee hurt?"

"It's been more than half a year. Every rainy day, my knee feels like a needle is piercing it, and when it's serious, it will swell up. I originally thought that it was the end of the world now, and it's enough to endure this kind of minor pain and pain. , I don't need treatment, but once I went out on a mission, my knee suddenly became unbearable, I couldn't run, and was almost eaten by zombies. Only then did I realize the seriousness of the problem. Dr. Lin, if my leg I’m old and old, maybe one day I’ll leave the base and I won’t be able to come back again. I’m also afraid. I still have a wife and children to support at home, so I can’t die!” Talking about the pain, the superhuman’s face was full of expressions. of sorrow.

Lin Dan listened carefully, nodded from time to time, and did not feel impatient because he mentioned things unrelated to his illness, "Don't worry, although it is the end of the world, medicine will not decline. Your disease can be cured." She said warmly. : "You shouldn't be from the southwest region before, right?"

"Yes, yes, I am from the north, and I got this disease not long after I came here."

"Okay, I'll prescribe a medicine for you. You can go to the back hall to find Xiaoyan to get the medicine." Lin Dan took out a blank piece of paper and wrote a few lines.

The man went away with great gratitude and gratitude, and Lin Dan looked at Lu Yun and said apologetically, "Wait a little longer, I have something to explain."

"You are busy, you are busy, I am not in a hurry." Lu Yun bowed again and again, with a respectful attitude. Seeing Lin Dan working seriously, she had the illusion of seeing a doctor. No wonder these two people can get together, but it turns out that the magnetic field is compatible, they are the same indifferent, the same calm, the same focus, and the only difference between Lin Dan and the doctor is that her coldness is only superficial. The heart was wrapped in a fire, and it was not burning vigorously or hot, but it was warm and pleasant.

Lin Dan saw Lu Yunan sitting on the sofa and drinking tea. If he wasn't in a hurry, he went back to work. Anyone can wait, but patients cannot wait, and most people in the base will never see a doctor unless they have to, in order to save resources.

She took out a thick record book and said to Luo Yuheng: "Look, this is my medical record. Most of the power users in our base came from the sky and the sea. There are very few locals, and This is a mountainous area in the southwest. The environment is humid and cold, and the miasma is also heavy. Outsiders can't adapt to it. This month, I have treated more than 20 patients with rheumatism in a row, accounting for 10% of the patients. This does not rule out that many ordinary people cannot get it If the nuclei are produced, or they are unwilling to waste resources, they are unwilling to see a doctor. Rheumatism has become an epidemic at Base No. 1, and the scope of treatment and prevention must be expanded.”

"I also know this situation. To tell you the truth, five or six out of ten soldiers under my command have rheumatism. The current environment is countless times worse than before, and there are more and more people who can't bear it." Luo Yuheng shook her head and sighed.

"So I recently developed a pill. The main ingredient is the mutated Qin Ji, which can effectively relieve rheumatism pain. This medicine does not need to be taken orally. The effect. If you feel uneasy, you can try it on a small scale first to make sure that the effect is good before promoting it. This medicine is simple in ingredients, low in cost, and rough in workmanship. It can be distributed to the public for free. I will give the prescription to the public later. Military Department." Lin Dan wrote down the prescription as he spoke.

Luo Yuheng looked at her with a complicated mood: "Don't always think about everyone, but think about yourself anyway. With your contribution, it's not difficult to ask for another tax-free private land from the base."

"I live alone. I eat three meals a day, no more or less. I sleep in a one-meter-five bed every day, neither wide nor narrow, and I live peacefully. What do I want such a large land for?" Lin Danman The face is strange. What she is most afraid of is trouble. An extra piece of land requires a lot of management work. Why is it necessary

Luo Yuheng wiped her face, and finally couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'll help you with this. Give me the recipe, and I'll find Yang Huatong."

Lin Dan tore off the note paper, without any hesitation or reluctance. When Luo Yuheng was gone, she raised her head to look at the next patient, with a worried tone: "This eldest brother, what's wrong with you? Are you too ill to bear the pain? I'll help you to the hospital bed inside. Lie down?"

The big man waved his hands shyly and choked: "No need to help, no need to help, Dr. Lin, I also have rheumatism, and I came to see a doctor. I didn't expect you to be anxious for everyone's urgency, and you have already thought of a way for everyone. Dr. Lin, in At the end of the world, there are really not many good people like you, I am always moved!"

Knowing that this eldest brother was not seriously ill, Lin Dan immediately felt relieved, but he was a little ironic. Is she a good person? She doesn't even know this, because she has no memory, and what she does is just to follow her heart.

Lu Yun sat alone in the corner, quietly watching Lin Dan receive one patient after another, and solve one case after another, but he didn't feel bored at all. The more she got to know Lin Dan, the more she liked her as a person. No wonder even a big iceberg like a doctor would be tempted by her.

Lin Dan stayed busy until the evening before closing the door of the clinic, and apologized to Lu Yun: "I'm sorry, I kept you waiting."

"It's okay, I'm bored in the research institute every day, so I just came here to let the wind out. I went to your medicine garden to see it just now, and you have grown a lot of herbs! Vegetables are also growing very well, and there are several varieties. I've never seen it before." Lu Yun held a dewy cucumber that was just picked from the backyard.

"Xiaoyan found it from the mountain. She recently discovered a lot of new crops, which taste very good. After confirming that they are non-toxic and have no side effects, they will promote them in the base. By then, you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day." Mention Luo Yuyan, Lin Dan showed a proud smile.

Lu Yun suddenly envied Xiaoyan in Lin Dan's mouth, but suppressed these strange thoughts in time. She raised the metal box in her hand and said, "This is a gift from the doctor, do you want to try it?"

"What gift?" Luo Yuheng walked in from the outside after she was busy, followed by Luo Yuyan and Nie Ting who were full of grass clippings. They went up the mountain again today to look for new plants.

"Let's go, let's go to the training ground at the back and try this gift. Lin Dan, I'm sure you'll like it." Lu Yun sold it off, but he didn't let the other people avoid it. Since the Doctor dares to give this gift, he has absolutely no intention of concealing it.