The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 70: Ares 16


Ding Mujie, who was standing on the high hill watching the battle, was very excited. He devised the horse pit, the pole for rejecting the horse, the long-handled scythe, the semaphore, and all the strategies and tactics. However, seeing his tactics work, he was far less excited than seeing Lin Dan rushing to kill in the enemy line.

He stared at her invincible figure for a moment, his heart beating so fast that his blood couldn't stop boiling. People who have never experienced the previous life will never be able to understand his mood at this moment. It is precisely because of today's battle that Wei State was completely defeated by the Xiongnu, and has since fallen into turmoil and disintegration.

Later, he assisted the ninth prince to ascend to the throne. Although he was in a high position and had power over the government and the opposition, he was unable to change the increasingly unbearable status quo of the Wei state. Every year, the state of Wei had to pay a huge amount of annual sacrifices to the Xiongnu, and also sent the princess to marry her. The people in the frontier were often slaughtered by the Xiongnu, and they did not dare to resist.

The Great Wei, who once came to the DPRK from all countries, has become a lingering beast, and one day he will be completely strangled by the Huns. When Ding Mujie died, Wei State was still struggling and was not destroyed, but he had already foreseen such an outcome, so he couldn't let it go. After being reborn, in addition to marrying Lin Wan and saving the Lin Mansion, he actually has a bigger and more difficult wish to achieve, that is, to revive the country's prestige and save the people of Li.

But he also knew rationally that even if he lived for two lifetimes and foresaw many opportunities, this wish might end his whole life, and it was just a wish. In his last life, he spent all his energy and painstaking efforts, only to get the peace of the Great Wei Kingdom for more than ten years. In this life, he may have to work harder to save the crisis. But he never expected that only this battle, only this person, the dawn that he had never dreamed of, would slowly bloom in this border of beacon fires.

Seeing the Huns' iron cavalry that was defeated and fled, and the Wei army that was advancing by leaps and bounds, Ding Mujie was already in tears, and his heart was uneasy. He turned on his horse, showing the high spirits of a young man for the first time, and said: "Go, let's go back to meet the triumphant comrades!"

"Yes!" The soldiers who accompanied him to watch the battle also showed ecstatic expressions.

The group hurried back to the camp, just in time to meet the heroes who came from horses. The bloodstains on their bodies have not yet dried, and their faces are still tired, but their eyes are brighter than each other.

"Lin Dan, thank you!" Ding Mujie couldn't contain his excitement, he rushed towards Lin Dan, then hugged her tightly and patted her back hard. His eyes were blushing, and he wanted to cry, but he held it back. This victory completely reversed Wei's fate. Not only he would like to thank Lin Dan, but all the people in the world would like to thank Lin Dan.

At this moment, she has absolutely no idea what kind of miracle she created, and how she pulled Li Min, who was about to fall into dire straits, out of the abyss of despair. If... If in the previous life, he never stopped her, everything would be different, right

Every time Ding Mujie thought about this question, his heart would cramp, and the sourness in his eyes became more and more intense.

Before he could fully express his emotions, a pair of big hands pulled him away. Li Xian teased: "How about giving me a hug of victory, sir? Without your plan, we wouldn't have won so easily today. The military advisors have made great contributions, and when I go back, I will definitely ask the emperor to show his merits for you."

Ding Mujie hurriedly hugged him, and the brothers patted him on the shoulder.

Most of the people in the army are unrestrained, and it is common for them to hang their shoulders together, not to mention Lin Dan's martial arts skills and great power. No one regards her as a woman, and naturally she does not think it is strange that she hugs a man. Everyone was so immersed in the joy of victory that they needed to celebrate.

After this battle, the Huns have already lost some of their arrogance, and they will definitely not dare to provoke Wei again in a short time. The Lin family army also figured out how to deal with the Huns through this battle. In the future, they will strengthen training and gradually change their equipment. With General Lin sitting here, sooner or later, they will be able to form an army stronger than the Xiongnu iron cavalry. At that time, they will not win by magic tricks, but by their real strength, they will completely defeat the Xiongnu!

Victories, especially overwhelming victories, gave these soldiers a strong fighting spirit and self-confidence. In the past, as long as the Wei army heard the horn of the Xiongnu iron cavalry, they would feel anxious and dare not fight, but now, they love to fight and are eager to fight.

Of course, this situation is only for the West Expedition Army where Lin Dan is located, and it is still difficult for other armies to get rid of the shadow of the Xiongnu Iron Cavalry. But Ding Mujie believed that as long as Wei Guo was given more time, it would definitely become stronger. With the Western Expedition Army guarding the frontier, the people would definitely be able to live a stable life.

But he still underestimated the selfishness and stupidity of Wei politicians. Before the Western Expedition Army could completely consolidate this victory and repel all the remnants of the Huns, the Prince, King Kang, Prince Ninth and others who were far away in the capital rushed to pick peaches.

Just two months after the celebration feast, Lin Dan was still busy attacking the remnants of the Huns on the grassland and looting more property. An imperial decree was sent to the military camp, saying that as a woman, she should not have joined the army, and ordered her to return to the general immediately. He returned to Beijing to plead guilty, and emphatically asked her to explain the act of killing her biological father.

She did a great job, but she failed to get half a sentence of praise. The whole article was full of rebukes. At the end, she was a little appeased, saying that for the sake of the loyal family members of the Lin family, she would not be too harsh on her and let her go back with peace of mind. . As the emperor's own son, King Zhuang was greatly praised, but he did not let him continue to be the head coach. Instead, he dispatched a garrison army to take him back to Beijing and ordered him to quickly switch with King Kang, who was in charge of issuing the imperial decree. .

The great merits of the war were wiped out like this, but instead let those idlers who were huddled in the capital sit and enjoy their achievements...

Before Li Xian could finish listening to the imperial decree, his stomach was full of anger. Just as he was about to stand up and reason with King Kang, Lin Dan stretched out a hand and pressed his shoulder hard.

Li Xian immediately calmed down and accepted the imperial decree reluctantly. Ding Mujie and other soldiers also suppressed themselves and did not conflict with King Kang.

This time, King Kang brought his confidant to the future and switched defenses with King Zhuang. Lin Dan's credit is too great and his prestige is too high. In just five or six months of work, he has completely gathered the Western Expedition Army and broke out of the warring states of the Great Wei Dynasty. His personality charm is far-reaching, and he is truly the common people. The hero in my heart is a legendary figure that only exists in the book. In the frontier, the common people only know Lin Dan, but not the emperor. When they hear Lin Dan crossing the border, they pay their respects when they are tens of miles away. In the army, the soldiers only know Lin Dan, but not the emperor. A single order works... Such heart-punishing words have been sent back to the capital one after another, stinging the emperor's ears, and he will naturally not let Lin Dan continue to stay in the frontier.

In short, in order to snatch the credit, Kang Wang and others tried their best to slander Lin Dan, so as to pull her off the horse and replace her with their own people. In addition to taking over the Western Expedition, King Kang's other mission was to negotiate with the Huns and sign a peace treaty as soon as possible to end decades of war. This is another political achievement that is enough to go down in history, and it is the capital to compete for the crown prince. King Kang was in a hurry to achieve success, and he was afraid that King Zhuang would compete with himself for credit, so he urged them to go on the road that night.

It was night, Li Xian and Ding Mujie had secret talks in the tent for half an hour before they decided to set off.

Lin Dan had already sat on the horse, quietly waiting for them. Behind him was Lin Qing with red eyes and a mouthful of dark coffins. This time, they want to bring back all the Lin Jiaerlang who died for the country, and put them in the ground for safety.

"Aren't you unwilling at all?" Li Xian asked in a low voice, beating his horse close to Lin Dan.

"Rather than being unwilling and resentful, it is more important to me to bring my deceased relatives back to my hometown for burial as soon as possible." Lin Dan clamped his horse's belly, and his tone was neat and tidy: "Let's go!"

"Let's go!" The soldiers who saw Lin Qingchong off waved their hands and followed closely behind their sister.

Seeing the backs of them leaving gracefully, Li Xian couldn't recover for a long time, and Ding Mujie sighed: "Lin Dan naturally has a sense of scale in her heart. She has a clear mind about the importance of emotion and reason, power and family."

Li Xian suddenly laughed softly, and said in an almost gentle voice: "How can I wait for the laity to compare with her! Hurry up and keep up, if we don't leave, the fairy should leave us behind!"

Li Xian seemed to be joking, but the speed of catching up was not slow at all. Ding Mujie hurriedly followed, looking at Lin Dan's slender but tall back, his eyes became extremely dark. He knew that Li Xian was not joking at all. In his heart, and even in Ding Mujie's own heart, Lin Dan was an extraordinary existence. She is brave and fearless, but loves justice, how much they want to be close to her and how much they want to gain her favor, maybe only God and themselves know.

Lin Dan, however, was unaware of the two people's intentional or unintentional approach and their overt and secret efforts. She has always been clear about priorities, the battle is over, and the old lady is still looking forward to her bringing her family back for reunion, so she will not delay. As for those intrigue and power struggles, what does it have to do with her

Lin Dan was rushing on his way, but he didn't expect to meet a group of dead men to intercept him. Their primary goal is King Zhuang Li Xian, and their second goal is themselves. As a comrade, Lin Dan can't help but watch King Zhuang killed, so he naturally wants to protect him.

Compared with killing enemies on the battlefield, she seems to be better at fighting. As long as she lifts the big sword, she will be controlled by a killing aura, and it is difficult to stop. In order to kill herself more happily, she pointed to the suspension bridge behind her and said, "You go over first, and I will break it later!"

Li Xian and others knew her strength well, so they rushed across the suspension bridge in order to prevent her from being held back. Lin Dan, on the other hand, always stood by the bridge and never let the dead men get any closer. She red-eyed, but made these dead men feel fearful. In order to complete the task, they actually attacked the coffin guarded by Lin Qing. Seeing that a coffin was cut off by the dead man and was about to fall down the mountain stream, Lin Dan hurriedly reached out to retrieve it, but the coffin was brought up, but she fell down.

At the critical moment, she shouted sternly: "Don't mind me, cut off the bridge cables when you cross the suspension bridge, and rush back to the capital!" The words fell into the rapids and were never found again.

Lin Qing didn't dare not to listen to his sister's words, even if he hated it to death, he carried away the coffin with red eyes, cut off the rope, and gritted his teeth to leave. Those dead soldiers walked around the mountain stream that was dozens of battles for a while. They were sure that they couldn't get past. They could only stop in anguish. But they couldn't kill Li Xian, but they accidentally killed Lin Dan. .