The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 71: Ares 17


After Lin Dan secretly went to the border, the Lin family was in chaos for a long time. The old lady didn't even dare to give birth to the disease, so she quickly got up to take care of the intermediate feed, and sent someone to look for her granddaughter along the way, for fear that she might encounter some danger. A good home, dead and scattered, has become a mess.

On the contrary, Concubine Shi and Lin Wan, who were kicked out by the old lady, lived very comfortably. The Lin family had many descendants, and all of them were capable of both literature and martial arts. When the child is born, the Lin family can give him a bite to eat, but there are no more. But now, the situation is completely different. All the good sons of the Lin family died in battle, but Lin Qing was the only one who survived by chance, but he fought at the border. The situation was very dangerous. Therefore, this child in Concubine Shi's belly became an indispensable existence in the Lin family, and he must be well protected and raised. big.

On the night the old lady received the bad news, she sent someone to invite Shi Yiniang back to the mansion. Shi Yiniang even said that she was weak and could not move anywhere, so she did not want to get on the carriage. The old lady understood what she meant, and went to pick her up in person the next day, and even lowered her face to apologize to her. For the sake of the children and the future of the Lin family, the old lady can endure anything.

Aunt Shi didn't take Qiao anymore, and led Lin Wan back to the mansion beautifully. After a few days, Lin Wan also found out that she was pregnant, so she didn't get angry with the old lady. Only then did everyone know that the night when Lin Wan and King Kang fell into the wilderness, good things had been accomplished and the seeds of evil had been sown. Ding Mujie's words of praise for them at the beginning are slapped in the face now. What kind of virtue is noble and chaste? One of them is despicable and the other is frivolous. They are a pair of shameless things.

The old lady was so dizzy with anger that she wanted to vomit blood, but she had to send someone to deliver a letter to King Kang. King Kang had been married for five years and had no children, so he was a little anxious. Although Lin Wan had no use value and the Lin family had fallen, the child was the key to winning the heir, so he could not let it go, so he ordered someone to carry a small sedan chair to pick up Lin Wan. .

Lin Wan was a little unwilling to be married, but she felt relieved as long as she thought that she was carrying King Kang's only son and that her mother was precious by virtue of her son, and that she might not be able to ascend to the position of the concubine in the future. . Seeing that the Lin family is getting more and more dilapidated, and she has entered the palace, she will enjoy inexhaustible prosperity and wealth in the future.

From her point of view, it was extremely stupid for Lin Dan to go to the border alone, and he might have been spoiled and killed by some bandits by now. She really wanted to say something to the old lady: Don't be too busy looking for people, just go directly to the bones, it will be faster.

It's a pity that not long after she was complacent, a battle report came from the border, saying that General Xue Zhao was killed in battle, and Lin Dan was ordered to take Xue Zhao's place. The seized Hetao area.

King Zhuang frequently pleaded for Lin Dan in the battle report, and said that although it was a helpless move to use female generals, it turned out that his vision was right, and Lin Dan was indeed worthy of reuse. He slipped out to praise him once, and spoke beautifully.

King Zhuang's kind words reassured the emperor a little, but more importantly, Lin Dan was strong enough to defeat the remnants of the Huns one after another, regaining many villages, towns and even cities, leaving the emperor speechless. Female generals are female generals, as long as they can fight, they can do whatever they want.

The emperor didn't speak up, so the ministers at the bottom naturally couldn't bear it, and Lin Dan's job as the main general passed without a sound. With the passage of time, Lin Dan's military exploits became higher and higher, his prestige became more and more prosperous, and he even had the name of the God of War.

The old lady was really relieved when she learned that her granddaughter was still alive. Seeing that the Lin family, who was so sloppy, gradually regained its former glory, there were many smiles on her face. Mrs. Lin, who has been ill for a long time, is also slowly recovering. These days, she can help the old lady take care of the middle-income family, and is no longer immersed in the pain of losing her husband and son. All the servants who had already begun to want to leave all settled down to serve their masters.

The only person in the house who was unhappy was probably Auntie Shi. These days, she is proud of the beauty of the child in her stomach. She often runs to Mrs. Lin's room, euphemistically calling it a doctor's visit, but in fact she is showing off her power, and she is also going to persuade the old lady to help her as his wife. You know, Lin Qing is still killing the enemy on the battlefield, and I don't know if she can come back alive. The seedling in her stomach is not an exaggeration to say that it is the treasure of the Lin family. As the child's mother, how could she be a concubine

As soon as the old lady saw her selfish face, she felt upset, she turned her back with a few words, and told her that there would never be a so-called flat wife in the Lin family. The main room is the main room, and the concubine's room is the concubine's room.

Concubine Shi was so angry that she gritted her teeth and hated the old lady and the Lin family more and more, secretly swearing in her heart that she would take revenge one day. But she never imagined that the opportunity for revenge would come so quickly. Occasionally, the maid she bought handed her a message, saying that General Lin was not killed in battle at all, but was shot by Lin Dan himself. In order to protect Lin Dan's reputation, the entire Western Expedition Army was kept silent, and they were not allowed to talk about this matter. They only said that General Lin and Old Marshal Lin were killed in battle.

But Lin Dan couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, so he personally wrote a letter to confess his guilt to the old lady, and said that when he came back, he would definitely give an explanation to the whole family. After reading the letter, the old lady couldn't help crying. Unconsciously, she fainted on the couch. Several maids hurried to help, and they all saw the text on the letter. After the old lady woke up, she ordered several people not to speak out, but she couldn't hold back the greed of human nature, and she still leaked her words in the end.

Shi Yiniang rubbed her hands together excitedly and rewarded the maid with a large sum of silver taels, and then wrote a letter to Lin Wan, asking her to find a way to rectify Lin Dan, lest Mrs. Lin be too proud and cover her limelight. Lin Wanzhengchou had no chance to compete with King Kang, so he disclosed the news to King Kang that night, so the next day, the memorial for impeaching Lin Dan for killing his biological father was scattered like snowflakes on the old emperor's royal table, and many slanderous words kept coming in. In his ears, he actually made him feel jealous of Lin Dan, and then he issued an imperial decree to call Lin Dan and King Zhuang back to Beijing.

Fortunately, King Zhuang was well prepared, and ordered someone to submit a joint letter from the soldiers who recorded the truth of the matter.

He originally planned to hide the matter to death, but he heard about it in the streets overnight, causing a lot of uproar. Hearing people outside scold his granddaughter for being cruel and ruthless, the old lady felt as uncomfortable as a knife. She didn't have time to punish the inner thief, so she immediately put on the court clothes of the imperial order, brought the royal gifted dragon head staff, and went to the palace to face the holy.

The old lady had once rescued the first emperor and the queen mother, but she insisted on rushing into the Golden Palace, but the garrison on duty did not dare to stop her, and hurriedly sent someone to ask the emperor for instructions. In the Golden Palace, the courtiers were divided into two factions, and they were quarreling with each other. One faction accused Lin Dan of killing his biological father, which was an unpardonable crime, and immediately recalled to the capital to be held accountable; Forgivable, it is better to let go.

The emperor Naoren was hurt by their quarrel. Hearing that the old lady was coming, he let her enter the hall without thinking. Lin Dan's guilt and innocence can be forgiven and unforgivable. As long as the old lady is a close relative to judge, if the courtiers want to quarrel, let them also quarrel with the old lady.

Sure enough, after the old lady walked into the hall with the dragon-headed staff, both parties quieted down and looked at her with burning eyes.

The old lady bowed respectfully to the emperor, and said slowly: "I heard your argument just now when I was waiting outside the hall. Why did Lin Dan kill his father? The specific situation, I think you have already been with King Zhuang and the generals. I saw it in the joint letter, whether it’s okay to say that she is a human being in vain, or that she is justifiable, it’s all right, I’m not here to quarrel with you, I just want to say my own opinion.”

The old Taijun clapped his hands to the courtiers one by one, and continued: "The dilemma of loyalty and filial piety has existed since ancient times. You are all civil servants, and your feelings must not be deep enough, but in the family of our generals, this is an eternal problem. Loyalty and righteousness. How to choose between filial piety and filial piety is a personal choice, and I do not dare to say anything. The son-in-law, when he is an adult, will leave his mother’s side and go to the border to fight. He dedicated his life and death to the country and to the monarch. It is precisely because of their choice that there are thousands of small families that are stable and peaceful. Can you say that their choice was wrong? When you lived a stable life, did you ever think about their contribution? ?For the victory of Wei State, for the iron cavalry of Xiongnu not to level our mountains and rivers, my son chose to die, and my granddaughter chose to shoot his biological father. One of them died with a smile, while the other lived with pain. Forever stuck on this day. I was equally heartbroken when I got the news, but I don't think my granddaughter did anything wrong."

The old lady looked around at the courtiers around her and said in a cadence: "I believe that she has never regretted it, even if she was given another chance, she would still shoot that arrow, because in her heart, loyalty to the king, patriotism, and protection of rivers and mountains are more important than filial piety. It's important. Without her arrow, the military's morale would not be as stable as a rock, the soldiers would not be high-spirited, and I, the Great Wei, would not be able to achieve the current victory. When you impeach her, you must think that she has done something wrong, and you must think that she has done something wrong. Between the monarch, the mountains and rivers, and the parents and the small family, she should choose the parents and the small family. Filial piety is the most important thing for you, and the small family is far more important to you than the rivers and mountains. I dare not say what you think. But I can't agree. The family motto of my Lin family has been passed down for hundreds of years, and there are always only eight words - be loyal to the emperor in life, die for the country. We only know that we have a country, but we don't know that we have a family. Is this also wrong?"

The old lady knelt down slowly, kowtowed her head with tears streaming down her face, and said, "My Lin family has been loyal to the monarch from generation to generation, and my heart can be proved by the sun and the moon. I ask the emperor for a clear lesson!" Her sonorous voice echoed in the In the main hall, the courtiers were so ashamed that they didn't dare to look at the emperor's face.

In this court, in front of the monarch, who would dare to say that his parents and small family are far more important than the monarch and the state of Wei's country? The old lady's remarks undoubtedly hit the faces of all the officials who impeached Lin Dan, and it also made the emperor look moved.