The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 78: God of War 24 (End)


Five years later, a majestic column of cavalry entered the capital through the West Gate. The man in front was wearing silver armor, wrapped in a battle robe, and his eyes were full of blood and evil spirits, which made people dare not look at him. The guards guarding the city half knelt on the ground and watched them pass by. After standing up, he said with lingering fears: "To see General Lin with your own eyes is really worth your life!"

"Look at her, and I'm scared half of my life, isn't it worth my life?" Another guard slapped his chest hard, his face full of horror.

"We ourselves were scared to death when we saw her. What do you think the Hu people would do when they saw her?" Another guard asked curiously.

The people who were about to enter the city suddenly laughed proudly: "We came from the border, and we can help this lord. The Hu people don't need to see General Lin, just hear the general's name, and they are already scared to death, turn around and run away. Under the guidance of the general, we built a fort and trained the militia. If the Hu people dared to come, we dropped our hoes and picked up our war knives, and we could cut down the Hu people in no time. Wherever the general's horses passed, we could move to Wherever you go, you are always in Wei soil. The general's prestige in the frontier is enough to deter all evil spirits."

The people next to him listened with gusto and begged him to tell more about General Lin's deeds. When the man was interested, he stopped entering the city and selling furs. He immediately squatted down, and his mouth was full of words. People entering and leaving the city gate all stopped to listen, with smiles in their eyes, and a few warm-blooded sons and daughters waved their fists frequently, saying that they were going to join the army on the frontier.

The news of Lin Dan's return to Beijing spread quickly, and before she could get close, the old lady and Mrs. Lin were already waiting at the door, which surprised her.

"I didn't deliver the letter, how do you know I'm back?" She rolled over and dismounted, her face full of doubts.

"As soon as you entered the city, someone came to the mansion to deliver a letter, saying that he saw you." The old lady smiled and went to hold her granddaughter's hand. A five-year-old child ran out from behind her with wide eyes. He looked at Lin Dan for a moment.

Mrs. Lin pulled the young child to her side, and said with a smile in her voice: "Didn't you always want to see your sister? No, my sister is back, call someone quickly."

Lin Dan immediately realized that this was Concubine Shi's son, but there was no disgust on his face, so he walked over and rubbed Xiaodouding's head. Xiaodouding's restrained expression disappeared immediately, he rushed over and hugged Lin Dan's thigh, shouted "sister" crisply, and then raised his hands to hug. He grew up listening to the story of Lin Dan's war, and had an extraordinary admiration for Lin Dan.

Lin Dan picked him up, weighed him, and praised: "Yes, very strong."

Xiaodouding held his face and smiled, as happy as a flower.

When Lin Dan won the battle, Princess Kang sent someone to give gifts after the class teacher returned to the court, and tested Lin Dan's attitude towards Lin Wan. Lin Dan directly told Princess Kang that Lin Wan had passed away, and that Concubine Lin of Prince Kang's mansion had nothing to do with her. Princess Kang knew that she would not be soft on Lin Wan when she returned. Concubine Shi was frightened. When she was pregnant, she couldn't eat or sleep well, and she died in childbirth. In a few months, Lin Wan followed her example. How similar and tragic is the fate of this pair of mother and daughter

Mrs. Lin took pity on the child, so she kept him under her knees, but she didn't seal the servant's mouth. If anyone joked that he was not Lin Dan's younger brother, he would immediately pounce on that person and bite him like a wolf cub. But this wolf cub was as obedient as a puppy in Lin Dan's hands.

Lin Qing got married a few years earlier, and married the daughter of a border guard. That girl has a very sturdy temperament and a very strong martial arts, and now she works under Lin Dan. The two have a strong relationship and have similar smells. They have a son and a daughter one after another, which can be considered as the wish of the old lady.

Lin Dan rested at home for half a day, and was ordered to enter the palace that night to attend the state banquet. Several palace maids carefully introduced her to the seat and filled her glasses.

"Lord General, stay safe!"

"Grandpa, are you back too?"

The officials sitting on both sides stood up to greet her. Three years ago, the old emperor passed away, abolished the crown prince before his death, and passed the throne to King Zhuang Li Xian. The first thing Li Xian did after ascending the throne was to confer Lin Dan as Duke Dingguo, and he sent several decrees to call her back to attend the enthronement ceremony. It's a pity that she has to be stationed in the frontier, and she can't get away from it. Counting them carefully, the two monarchs and ministers have not seen each other for five years.

But in the past five years, the relationship between the monarch and his subjects has not been alienated, on the contrary, it has become deeper and deeper. The emperor is always thinking about Lin Dan, opening his mouth and closing his mouth is how General Lin is. , but those who want to replace Lin Dan dare not act rashly.

This time, she was able to come back to participate in the longevity banquet, which was also due to the emperor's urging of the imperial decree three months in advance.

Lin Dan returned the salute one by one, and as soon as he sat down, he saw Ding Mujie, who was already in the upper class, walking over, looking at him with a beaming smile.

"How long can you stay in the capital this time?" Ding Mujie cheekily brought a futon and sat down beside Lin Dan, but instead vacated the first assistant position next to the throne.

Just as Lin Dan was about to answer, he heard the eunuch sing loudly, "The emperor is here!"

The ministers hurriedly knelt down and bowed, Long live the mountain. Li Xian, who strode in, stared at Lin Dan almost greedily. After ordering everyone to be flat, he couldn't wait to call: "Lin Aiqing, you are finally back. Come sit here and have a good chat with me!" He pointed Pointing to Ding Mujie's vacated seat, there was a hint of excitement on his face that could not be concealed.

Lin Dan changed seats according to his words, and Ding Mujie followed him with the futon, grabbing the second assistant's seat.

Li Xian frowned and glared at him, but it was not easy to have a seizure on the main hall, so he could only suppress it. He had a lot to say, but after deliberating for a long time, he only spit out the most important sentence: "Can I stay in Beijing for a while longer? I haven't seen you for a long time." It has not decreased, and my heart is full of helplessness, but I can only accept my fate.

"You can only stay for three months at most." Lin Dan held up three fingers.

"It's too short, add another three months." Li Xian personally poured the wine for Lin Dan.

"Four months, then."

"Six months is less, stay for another seven months, eight months, no, no, no, let's stay for another ten months, make up a whole number." Li Xian bargained with Lin Dan like a child.

Ding Mujie only looked at Lin Dan intently, and did not participate in the conversation between the two. Seeing that Lin Dan's glass was empty, he filled her glass automatically and spontaneously. During the conversation, a burst of exotic music played off the stage. A woman in a gauze skirt stepped onto the stage to the beat. Many golden bells were tied to her wrists and ankles. The bells rang while dancing, which was very interesting. Her face is even more moving than the bright moon in the sky, twisting her waist and bare feet, spinning in circles, her skirt embroidered with mysterious totems blooms like flowers.

All the ministers were stunned, and they were full of praise for her when they learned that she was the princess sent by the Jin Kingdom to marry her.

After the princess danced, she didn't even look at herself when she saw the emperor, she just lowered her head and chatted with Lin Dan, she couldn't help but provocatively said: "I heard from others that General Lin Dan is talented in both civil and military skills. Today is the emperor's birthday banquet. How about a show of talent?"

What kind of talent are you presenting, do you think Lin Dan is a dancer just like you? Li Xian showed anger, and was about to reprimand, when he heard Lin Dan say slowly: "This general's only talent is to cut people with a knife, and he just chopped off your father's head a few days ago. Thinking about it, you haven't forgotten it yet? This talent is good or not. It's too bloody to perform on the Longevity Festival. If the emperor doesn't dislike it, in a few months, Wei Chen will personally go to the Jin Kingdom and chop off Tu Hui's head to congratulate you on your birthday, how about that?"

Tu Hun is the newly-appointed King of Jin and the princess' brother. If Lin Dan said that he was going to kill someone, that person was guaranteed not to survive for three months.

Before the princess could react, the envoys of the Jin Kingdom were already trembling with fear. . The hall, which was still beaming with joy, had been stained with blood by Lin Dan's words.

If it was five years ago, how could these barbarians have treated Wei so carefully? But now it was different. Where Li Xianjian pointed, Lin Dan stepped down. Both the ruler and the minister were decisive and ambitious figures. It only took five years to expand the territory of Wei State, making the surrounding barbarians bow their heads. Proclaimed ministers, dare not come to offend. In another ten or twenty years, Wei Guo will probably conquer the entire continent.

The needles fell quietly in the hall, and the princess, who was so proud just now, didn't even dare to cry, and tried her best to hold back her tears.

Li Xianman turned the wine cup carelessly and said, "Go back."

The envoy of the Jin Kingdom hurriedly pulled the princess to retreat, and the panicked back showed a bit of escape from death.

Only then did Li Xian look at Lin Dan and said helplessly, "Didn't you just say that you will stay in the capital for a while longer, why do you want to go to the Jin Kingdom again? Today, let's not talk about the war, just talk about old friends, how about that?"

Lin Dan cupped his hands and said, "Listen to the emperor."

Seeing her being so obedient, Li Xian couldn't help laughing. Hearing the happy laughter of the emperor, the drums began to play again in the hall. The courtiers with a little face stepped forward to toast the emperor. The emperor only took a symbolic sip, and the round Lin Dan was suffocated in one gulp, and turned her wrist to show her the bottom of her cup.

Ding Mujie never drank, but if Lin Dan poured it for him himself, he would drink it all, showing a rare wild look on his face.

A state banquet was over soon, and Lin Dan would leave the palace no matter how reluctant he was. This year's new champion is an 18- or 19-year-old boy. He followed behind her blushing. He tried to talk to her several times, but he didn't dare to go forward. He could only stand there and watch her leave.

"It turns out that this is General Lin, who is even more brave than the legend. It would be great if you could marry her!" Realizing what he said, Zhuang Yuan Lang quickly covered his lips, his face flushed with shame.

After he slipped away like a thief, Ding Mujie staggered out of the hall and said with a wry smile, "I want to marry too, so what?"

"I am hired by Jiangshan, and she won't marry. What are you dreaming about? Why don't you wash and sleep?" Li Xian personally sent Ding Mujie here with a helpless expression.

Ding Mujie laughed and walked away, having a dream that night. In the dream, he was reborn back to the worst day, and luckily escaped Lin Wan's design, but for some reason, Lin Dan would sleep with King Zhuang and was caught on the spot by the guests. In order to preserve the family's reputation, Lin Dan resolutely cut off the blue silk and entered the Buddhist hall. As a result, King Zhuang was dragged into the battle for succession and lost.

A few months later, Lin Dan unfortunately contracted the cold and died of the disease. Her death completely interrupted Lin Wan's plan to marry into Prince Kang's mansion. Immediately away from her. Before she could do anything, her dream was broken.

Just at this moment, the reborn Ding Mujie appeared like a savior Buddha and married her back, who was about to fall into a desperate situation. Lin Wan was a little unwilling at first, but then Ding Mujie climbed higher and higher, and the future was promising, so she settled down with the trend. The two lived like this for a lifetime. They seemed to be harmonious and beautiful and extremely happy, but when Ding Mujie woke up, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He pinched himself hard, and found that the pain was terrible, and then he laughed with lingering fears: Fortunately, it was just a dream, and fortunately Lin Dan was still alive, and he was never with Lin Wan... That kind of false happiness, in He looks scarier than poison...