The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 123: completely annihilated


Lu Shui looked at the little girl and was silent for a moment.

"Where are your parents?"

"Brother Niu said that father and mother will not come back, but Brother Niu said that he will definitely come back.

Brother Niu said he would raise me up and watch me get married. "The little girl said happily.

Although she doesn't know what it means to get married, it doesn't affect her happiness.

"That's it." Lu Shui responded softly.

"Yes, yes, Brother Niu will definitely do what he says. Brother Niu loves me so much." The little girl said,

Lu Shui did not respond.

He looked at the sweet potato and handed it to the little girl and said:

"do you want to eat?"

The little girl swallowed secretly, and then said:

"I'm not hungry. Give it to the king."

Lu Shui didn't insist anymore. He put the sweet potato in his mouth and took a bite, then chewed it for a few times before swallowing it.

"Is it delicious?" the little girl asked curiously.

"It's a bit bitter," Lu Shui said.

The taste is very average, comparable to some of his mother's dishes.

Thinking like this, Lu Shui threw the remaining sweet potatoes directly into his mouth.

This sweet potato is pitifully small.

"I remember it was delicious." The little girl whispered.

After eating, Lu Shui went to the ancient temple.

But halfway through, some more children appeared in front.

They looked at Lu Shui a little timidly.

But he still mustered up the courage to come to Lu Shui, then handed out the sweet potato in his hand and said:

"King, I'll give it to you."

Lu Shui was puzzled, why were they all children

Then Lu Shui took the sweet potato from the little boy and asked:

"Why are they all sweet potatoes?"

The little boy whispered:

"This is bread."

Lu Shui: "..., don't you want to eat?"

"We're not hungry," the children said.

Lu Shui said nothing more and ate all the food along the way.

Then walk into the ancient temple.

Just as I walked in, I heard children outside studying how to solve the problem of hunger.

"Let's draw a pie and eat it."

"I want roast chicken."

"Okay, okay, I want to eat roast chicken too."

"Then let's eat roast chicken, but who of you can draw?"

After a while of silence, they felt that people should not be greedy.

"Let's eat pie."

Lu Shui smiled slightly and didn't care, but went inside the ancient temple.

What you see after entering is a long corridor.

Surrounding the corridor are some luminous stones. These stones are very ordinary, they just glow.

Then Lu Shui walked to the innermost part, and inside, Lu Shui didn't see anything special.

The only interesting thing is the murals.

Lu Shui came to the first mural.

The content on the mural is that a large number of people are digging into the mountain, as if they are building something.

Judging from the location, they should be building the Temple of Valor.

"Do you record the history of that period? Why not record the earlier ones?"

It should have been related to their king earlier.

That one has more record value, right

Lu Shui didn't pay attention.

He continued to look behind him.

The second mural is an altar. Some people surround the altar, and the altar is lit up, as if summoning something.

Lu Shui didn't pay attention to the second picture, but went directly to the third picture.

In the third picture he had seen, countless soldiers stood in the square, looking at the high platform, as if waiting for something.

Lu Shui walked towards the fourth picture.

The content of the fourth picture is that all the soldiers turned around and left, leaving no one on the high platform.

Lu Shui had some concerns in his mind. He didn't say anything but moved towards the fifth picture.

The fifth mural is simple.

Countless soldiers were fighting monsters that could not be described in detail in the valley. They were still far away from the huge black shadow.

In this painting, they killed countless monsters.

It's almost a crushing advantage.

At the same time, Ge Ci and the others had arrived in the valley.

There are countless monsters here, some unspeakable monsters.

Not a spiritual beast, not a monster, not a lonely shadow.

But something without a fixed body.

"Is this the external demon?" Ge Ci frowned.

"King, we must drive away these external demons. They have the ability to assimilate. The earth cannot bear their assimilation, and it is very likely to assimilate the same monsters." The general said to the song.

Ge Ci nodded and then said:

"If we let the follow-up troops take action, is it likely to be completed?"

Time is everything, Ge Ci found that this external demon must be solved in a short time, and the longer it delays, the more dangerous it becomes.

If possible, he wanted to go straight to Huanglong.

The general thought for a moment, nodded and said:

"Yes, but it needs to be carried out after the subordinates attack, so that it will not put too much burden on the follow-up troops and can keep up with my actions."

Song Ci nods:

"Without further ado."

Then the general struck down, and the entire valley exploded. The powerful force caused fatal damage to the external demon below.

After the blow, they didn't hold back at all and went straight to the next place.

Below is the long river, which is a bit difficult.

Shao Qing and the others had also arrived at this time:

"Clean up the entire army."

At this moment, the army started fighting with the external demon who was already traumatized.

Naturally, Jiao Yu and others did not hold anything back. This was a merit for them. The more they killed, the better the chances they would get.

Soon they had an absolute advantage and crushed all external demons.

But Shao Qing's face was not optimistic at all.

Lan Ye Kingdom's combat power is very strong, or it can be said that it is ridiculously strong.

From the first battle, it doesn't matter whether there is a king or not.

But they still summoned the king. The reason why Lan Ye Kingdom summoned the deceased king was definitely not to let the king lead them to crush the foreign demon.

"Senior brother is right to be worried. The king does not necessarily have a commanding role. He should have other more important roles.

But what could it be? "

They discussed it last night, but they couldn't find any clues.


Lu Shui looked at the sixth mural at this time.

This time he saw the Lan Ye Kingdom's army marching to the river. There were countless external demons in the river, and these external demons were like river water.

But the soldiers of Lan Ye Kingdom were so brave, they exchanged injuries for injuries and almost defeated the foreign demons of the Changhe River.

"They seem to be in a hurry. It seems that the external demon is so powerful that they cannot afford to delay."

Lu Shui looked at the mural and said calmly.

At this time, we are much closer to the black shadow, and we should be there soon.

At the same time, Ge Ci held the Lan Ye Sword and broke through Changhe's siege.

Because of the existence of the song, the soldiers of the Blue Night Kingdom were fearless and swept across the river at extremely fast speeds.

By this time, Shao Qing and the others had arrived.

Below is the land of Changya, which is a dangerous place, mainly because it is very close to the source of external demons.

Ge Ci looked at the source of the outer demons and had an indescribable feeling, but it was too far away to see clearly.

"I hope I'm worrying too much."

It went so well.

It's as if the other party doesn't have enough fighting power.

This is not normal.

He wanted to take credit for his good command, but it was obviously not the case.

"Everyone, I have an ominous premonition, please stay 120% vigilant."


Lu Shui walked towards the seventh mural.


Lu Shui was a little surprised because the seventh mural was cracked and it was blank.

He then walked to the eighth mural.

The content of the eighth mural is very simple.

Above Chang Ya, all the soldiers of Lan Ye Kingdom were killed, and no one survived.

(End of chapter)