The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 126: As long as this king does not die, you will not be defeated either


Upon hearing Lu Shui's question, all the soldiers lowered their heads again, as if they were ashamed that their weapons were not in their hands.

Lu Shui didn't look at them anymore, but took a step to the edge of Chang Ya.

The current source of external demons is far away from here, and it just suffered some damage.

Not willing to stay for now.

Lu Shui didn't pay attention to this, but turned to all the soldiers of Lan Ye Kingdom and said:

"Are you afraid of fighting?"

"Fight for the King without fear." This was the majestic voice that responded to Lu Shui.

"Then stand up, take up your weapons, fight for me, and die for me.

And this king will fight for Lan Ye Kingdom and die for Lan Ye Kingdom. "Lu Shui's voice reached the ears of all the soldiers.

At this moment, all the soldiers picked up their weapons again and stood in front of Lu Shui again.

The fighting spirit is overwhelming.

"I am willing to die in battle for my king."

At this time, General Luo stepped forward and said:

"King, but the road ahead is blocked."

Hearing what General Luo said, Ge Ci and the others also thought, yes, the road ahead is impassable.

Although they don't know why, they just can't make any progress.

Lu Shui turned to look at Chang Ya. He didn't speak, but walked towards Chang Ya.

Lu Shui stepped on the darkness of Changya step by step. Every step he took made the external demons around him tremble and made the external demons become stepping stones under his feet.

Ge Ci and others were stunned. How was this done

Is it really something that can be achieved at the second or third level

Jiao Yu was horrified, is this the world's first genius

He believed it.

He couldn't even imagine this kind of power.

Suppress the external demons step by step, and step on the source of the demons step by step.

It's incredible.

At this time, Lu Shui stopped. He felt the limit. This was the limit of Lan Ye Kingdom.

This is the limit of all the soldiers of Lan Ye Kingdom during their lifetime.

So they can never step through.

Only a king can break this limit.

Lu Shui put his hand on the boundary, and his gentle voice began to spread in all directions:

"If the road ahead is cut off, then I, the King, will connect you with the way forward.

If there is darkness ahead, I will become a beacon of light and drive away the darkness for you.

If you are in despair, then this king is your only hope.

If this king is here, the way forward is feasible.

As long as this king does not die, the dawn of victory is right in front of us. "

At this time, Lu Shui's five fingers gradually came together.



A crisp sound sounded, and the obstacles ahead shattered like lenses.

“The road ahead continues.

This king is still alive.

The whole army obeyed the order. "

Lu Shui waved his hand and said:


At this moment, the whole army's swords were shining brightly, and their killing intent was overwhelming, as if they were real.

General Luo turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the source of the external demon:

"I am willing to fight for my king."

The next moment, countless people turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the external demon.

"I am willing to die for my king."

The whole army moved in an instant, with fighting intent rising into the sky and murderous intent overwhelming all directions.

They are fearless and invincible.

Ge Ci looked at all this with a lot of thoughts in his heart. This is the king of Lan Ye Kingdom.

This is the king that Lan Ye Kingdom needs.

It seemed that as long as he stood there, no one would feel despair.

It seemed that just by standing there, the fire of hope could be ignited in everyone's heart.

It seemed that as long as he stood there, victory would be right in front of him.

Unless he dies, Lan Ye Kingdom will never be defeated.

The next moment, the lyrics had a boiling feeling, and he felt an endless power coming up.

His mind was unusually clear, and the cultivation problems that had occurred in the past were instantly clear.

"Senior brother?" Shao Qing was a little surprised, and she felt it too.

Ge Ci nodded immediately and said:

"Integrating into it is an opportunity. The more you integrate, the more you will get."

Endless opportunities are already pouring in, and it all depends on one's own destiny as to how much one can obtain.

Ge Ci and Shao Qing realized it clearly, and then turned into a ray of light and rushed into the boundless battlefield.

Jinghai and others also understood, and they also turned into a ray of light and rushed into the battlefield.

Lu Shui just stood there without taking any action.

The source of external demons, which had withstood countless attacks, realized the fact that Lu Shui was the center of everything.

Kill him to win.

The next moment, countless tentacles rushed towards Lu Shui.

Lu Shui stood there and just watched without making any move.

And at the moment when the tentacle was about to attack him.

Countless soldiers stood in front of him, all of them pointing their swords at the source of the attacking alien demon.

They were originally afraid and frightened, but there was no trace of fear or fear.

There is only one thought in their mind.

The king who protects them.

Zhenwu Zhenling has also appeared beside Lu Shui. This is the common wish of them and the owner of the body.

If the king does not die, victory will belong to their Lanye Kingdom.

This battle lasted for a long time.

From dawn to dusk.


Early next morning.

The few remaining people in Lan Ye Kingdom came to the city wall.

They looked into the distance, looking in the direction of the black shadow.

They don't know why they want to stand here, they only know that this is the calling of their hearts.

Calling them to watch it all.

No one spoke, not even the children making any noise.

They all watched quietly.

Look at the dark shadow.

That is the source of external demons.

They watched for a long time, and at a certain moment, a red light suddenly shone over.

The light was extremely dazzling.

It's the light that explodes from the source of external demons.

Everyone looked at all this, the adults and the elderly looked at it blankly, they knew what this meant.

After the light dissipated, darkness did not come.

What replaced the red light at this time was the new sun.

The sun rises in the east, and new life blooms in the dawn.

At this moment, the originally empty city wall was filled with people.

Everyone is wearing armor, and they are all soldiers of the Blue Night Kingdom.

Xiaohu suddenly felt that his head was being held down by someone.

Then he heard a long-lost voice, which contained a smile:

"Xiaohu, we won.

Xiaodie will be taken care of by you from now on. "

It's Brother Niu.

Xiaohu looked to the side, but there was no one there.

Xiaohu thought of something, and tears directly wet his eyes.

Xiaodie was beside him and said somewhat puzzledly:

"Brother Tiger, what's wrong with you?"

"No, no." Xiaohu's voice was choked, and then he continued:

"Brother Niu won, we don't have to worry anymore."

"Really?" Xiaodie said excitedly:

"Is Brother Niu coming back soon?"

At this moment, the city wall that was originally crowded became deserted again.

All the soldiers of Lan Ye Kingdom had been wiped out from the beginning.


Lu Shui stood opposite Chang Ya, and he was standing here alone at this time.

Everyone had died in the battle, but he was still alive.

As a king, he never made a move from beginning to end.

But he is still alive because everyone is protecting him.

As Lu Shui walked on the road, he knew that this would be the final outcome of Lan Ye Kingdom.

But the difference is that he changed the ending that Blue Night Country should have.

What he changed was not the life and death of the soldiers, but the life and death of those in the city.

He also changed the regrets of those soldiers before they died.

They were unable to kill the source of external demons during their lifetime, but after death, they gained the support of the king and killed the source of external demons.

Winning the hope of life for Lanye Country.

This is a place of opportunity and a place of reality.

"Is it time to come out? Imperial Master."

Lu Shui said calmly to the sky.

(End of chapter)