The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 152: Teach you how to have a Taoist companion


Lu Shui squatted beside the young man and said:

"Give way."

Shi Ming looked at Lu Shui in surprise, but still moved some distance away.

With the position moved out, Lu Shui naturally began to carve formations on the nodes.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm not kidding you. People around me will really be unlucky," Shi Ming said.

"Since you know you will be unlucky, why do you want to mix among those people?" Lu Shui lowered his head and drew the formation.

"That was my intention. I just want them to suffer. I have a grudge against them." Shi Ming looked at Lu Shui and continued:

"But I have no enmity with fellow Taoist, so I don't really want to implicate fellow Taoist."

Lu Shui looked up at Shi Ming and said:

"Then why don't you just avoid me?"

Shi Ming was stunned for a moment, feeling like something was stuck in his throat.

He looked back on his days in the sect and suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

"I think you are bullying me, and I know I can avoid it, but I told you that I am in danger, and you don't care about it yourself, so why should I care about you

Now I just want to take a rest here, okay

There are so many roads and the land is so big. I will take this road, so why don’t you just avoid me

I didn't deliberately seek out the main road you were walking on to join in the fun. You knew I was on this road, so you insisted on taking this small road, and then you blamed me for your misfortune

What kind of truth. "

The more Shi Ming talked, the more aggrieved he became, as if the whole world was blaming him, blaming him whether he hid or not.

What did he do wrong to him

Lu Shui just glanced at Shi Ming and said nothing.

Shi Ming also knew that he was excited, and then he didn't speak, but just moved a little further away.

Lu Shui drew the formation and said casually:

"Then your senior sister went crazy and refused to listen to advice?"

Shi Ming was stunned for a moment, and finally said with some guilt:

"No, I hurt her intentionally."

Discoverer Lu Shui is quite honest:


Shi Ming lowered his head and sighed:

"That's a long story. It's my lost youth. It needs to start from when I just joined the sect."

Lu Shui listened a little helplessly. He just asked casually and had no intention of listening to youth stories.

But the other party wanted to talk, so he just listened and left after finishing the painting.

Shi Ming was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about it, or recalling the past:

"My talent is average and I didn't stand out when I first entered the sect. Later I started practicing. After entering the first level, the people around me who were practicing together suddenly started to have bad luck.

It was nothing at first, just eating bugs and the like.

No one noticed me, and I didn’t think it was my problem. "

"Later, when I reached the second level, more and more people were unlucky. Everyone in the same practice room was unlucky. It's not an exaggeration. They were prone to bumps and bruises, and sometimes their practice was disturbed by some small animals.

Many people thought someone was playing a prank.

Then… "

"Then you, who was not unlucky, were singled out?" Lu Shui asked.

Shi Ming nodded:

“Yes, he was singled out and taken away by the elders in charge of criminal law.

That was the day when things started to go wrong for the Law Enforcement Hall. "

"After a long period of determination, I was released. They concluded that I have a constitution of bad luck."

Speaking of this, Shi Ming became a little excited:

"I definitely don't believe it anymore. How could I, a perfectly good person, have such an inexplicable physique

And I have never been unlucky. I am lucky and have a pretty good constitution. "

Then Shi Ming sighed:

"Later on, I came into contact with many people, and no one was unlucky. They began to dislike me, avoid me, treat me like a god of plague, and even wished I could leave the sect.

Some even wanted to kill me. "

“Later we all discovered one thing, people who have physical contact with me are most likely to be unlucky.

No, it should be said that people who are directly related to me are most likely to be unlucky.

For example, the person who hits me is prone to injury, and the person who hurts me is prone to death.

The person who murdered me may not be alive.

Therefore, these years I can only live alone in a corner. "

Lu Shui was a little surprised when he heard this. He has a good physique.

Just destined to be lonely.

This is not suitable for him, after all, he is not single.

The person he likes also likes him and is engaged to him. Gee, who can have such a good thing

At this time, Shi Ming's voice continued:

"Then she showed up."

"The obsessed senior sister?" Lu Shui stood up and prepared to go to the next node.

Seeing Lu Shui getting up, Shi Ming followed suit. The story had been told and he couldn't finish it.

Then follow Lu Shui to the next node.

The story was naturally told as we walked:

"It's not Senior Sister Qianyin, it's Junior Sister Haiyan. Junior Sister Haiyan is at the same time as me, and her talent is almost the same as mine. At that time, I entered the third level two years ago, and Junior Sister Haiyan also entered the third level.

She came to me after the third level.

The first thing she said when she saw me was this: Senior Brother Shi Ming, I have reached the third level, and I am definitely not afraid of your bad luck anymore. I can play with you. "

"When I said that, Junior Sister Haiyan tilted her head and smiled at me. Do you know how moved I was at that time?"

"I feel like my life suddenly has meaning. Of course, for Junior Sister Haiyan, I am indifferent.

But Junior Sister Haiyan would come to see me every few days. Even if she was unlucky, she would still smile and say to me, it’s okay. "

"Day after day, month after month, a year later, I finally lost and accepted Junior Sister Haiyan.

There is no way to refuse such a woman. "

Lu Shui frowned. He had never met any women before, so it was hard to say what this woman was like.

"and after

Did you get married to your junior sister, and then your junior sister became pregnant with your child? Your vicious senior sister couldn't stand your good life, so he killed your junior sister, snatched your child, and finally slandered you in front of the entire sect for teasing her.

He also said that your junior sister committed suicide with hatred when she saw you were so heartless, and your reputation has been ruined ever since. Lu Shui asked.

Shi Ming was stunned for a moment when he heard what Lu Shui said. The plot shocked him, and then he immediately shook his head:

"No, maybe I didn't make it clear enough. It's not what you think. Junior sister and I just have a brother-sister relationship.

There is no overstepping of ideas from beginning to end.

Simple, simple brother-sister relationship. "

Lu Shui chuckled and said:

"Then you must have been deceived."

Shi Ming was speechless for a moment.

After a pause, he continued:

"Yes, I was deceived, mainly because my physique is not qualified to discuss marriage with others, and having a good relationship is just a luxury.

Junior Sister Haiyan said that my idea was wrong, love can transcend everything, and said that I would definitely be able to get love.

I said there is no such person.

She said yes, it was Senior Sister Qianyin.

In order for me to pursue Senior Sister Qianyin, Junior Sister Haiyan taught me how to disguise myself, how to make girls not hate you, and how to make girls interested in you. After learning these, I will be allowed to approach Senior Sister Qianyin.

Instead of chasing after him in disguise, I first test what he likes, and then chase after me with my true self.

This way you can confirm that the other person is truly sincere. "

Lu Shui was a little curious and said:

"Where's the back

Did you really catch it? "

(End of chapter)