The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 159: It's time for the demon soldiers to feel despair


"Human, do you desire power?"

"No, you don't need to answer my question, I know you crave power."

"Now the opportunity is right in front of you. You are already the chosen one. Follow my guidance and I will lead you to find the fountain of strength."

"No need to worry about me cheating on you. With all due respect, you are not worth my cheating."

Qiao Gan was walking on the road with a confused look on his face. He never thought that he would be spotted by the demon soldiers.

Yes, he was sure that the person who just spoke in his mind was the magic soldier that everyone cared about.

Few people know what the specific function of the magic weapon is.

He doesn't know it himself.

But many people know that getting a magic weapon means getting huge power.

And those who are favored by the demon soldiers are usually quite miserable people.

Qiao Gan touched his broken arm and thought that he was quite miserable.

But he always thought that he should not be favored. After all, there were many people who were miserable than him.

The question Qiao Gan needs to face now is whether he should accept the guidance of the demon soldiers

After hesitating for a moment, Qiao Gan felt that he should continue to be a waste.

Getting the magic weapon would mean being in the spotlight, which was not what he wanted.

What he wants is obscurity.

If you want this, you have to give up that. Repeatedly, this is life.

Then Qiao Gan took steps to continue walking forward.

Just as he took a step forward, he found that he had lost sight. For a moment, he thought there was something wrong with his eyes.

But he soon discovered that it was not the case, not that he noticed anything.

Instead, the voice of the demon soldier rang in his mind again:

"Congratulations, you have successfully received guidance, and even more successfully arrived at the Palace of Eternal Darkness.

It seems that you are indeed the destined one.

Then please follow the new guidance. When you come to the Palace of Light, it will be the day your destiny is fulfilled.

You will be famous all over the world. "

Qiao Gan: "..."

He didn't know what to say. What was the difference between becoming famous and dying

But he had to move forward and take a look. After all, he couldn't stay here forever.

He just hoped that nothing uncontrollable would happen.

In addition to Qiao Gan, some people were pulled into the Palace of Eternal Darkness.

Looking at these people, a voice that others could not hear came from the depths of the darkness:

"Except for the grandson who lost his arm, the quality of the other grandsons is so poor. Are they already this bad in this world?"

"That's right, after all, no one can threaten me."

"It's really exciting to see such a world of cultivation."

"When grandpa is free, no one can do anything to me."

"As long as I avoid that damn person this time, I don't dare to peep at him, but it's okay, my pet will definitely make meritorious deeds for me."

"As for those trash boys outside, none of them can escape the formation. The world of the weak is really, really lovable, hahahaha."


Misty Island.

Mu Xue looked at Qian Yin and said curiously:

"Not for yourself? Who is it for?"

"A junior brother with a rather special physique." Qian Yin replied.

"Do you like him?" Dongfang Chacha's Bagua soul was burning.

Muxue also wanted to ask this, but felt that it was too girlish and inappropriate to ask.

Fortunately, I have Chacha, so I dare to ask anything.

Qianyin's already pale face turned even paler with fright, and she immediately shook her head:

"not like this."

"What's that like? Friendship is not enough for lovers?" Dongfang Chacha looked at Qian Yin and said.

Qianyin was speechless for a moment, and finally shook his head and said:

"Maybe not even friendship."

Seeing Muxue and Dongfang Chacha looking over, Qianyin explained:

"It's a longer thing."

"It can be said slowly that we are not in a hurry." Muxue said calmly.

Qianyin sighed and said:

"Actually, my junior brother has a very special physique. It's the kind of physique that makes you unlucky if you get close to him. No matter who you are, you will definitely get unlucky if you get close to him.

Beating him or seriously injuring him is even worse.

In the same way, if he takes the initiative to approach someone, then someone will be unlucky. "

Muxue was a little surprised when she heard this. How could she be similar to Lu Shui from her family later

But on the contrary, as long as you are close to land and water, you will definitely be lucky.

The poor have money, and those who lack opportunities have opportunities.

She felt it most deeply in her last life.

"I wonder if Lu Shui's luck is good in this life. I'll try it secretly next time." Muxue thought to himself.

Then Mu Xue looked at Qian Yin and said:

"The injuries on your body are related to him?"

This injury is not simple. It would not be so serious under normal circumstances.

Therefore, it must be caused by special reasons, and the other party's junior brother is special.

Qianyin nodded:

"Yes, I actually didn't know this junior brother at first.

I just heard it from some people.

The first time I met this junior brother was probably when I was about to advance to the fifth level.

At that time, he came to me in disguise. I saw his appearance behind the disguise, but I didn't recognize him.

Since I was just asking some questions about cultivation, I didn't care.

Later, he changed his appearance and asked me some questions, all of which were insignificant.

Although I didn’t understand why he did this, I answered everything I could.

And he didn't look malicious, so over time I got used to it. "

"What happened next? How did he hurt you?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously.

"I was advancing at that time, and he suddenly appeared at the most critical moment. My situation, which was relatively stable at first, suddenly became unstable, and then deteriorated rapidly. I couldn't react at all, and only then was I seriously injured.

It was then that I realized that the junior brother was the one with the special physique as rumored. " Qian Yin said.

Mu Xue frowned:

"You were promoted without protection?"

"Set it up." Qianyin lowered his head and said.

"So he was being used?" Muxue asked.

Qianyin nodded:

"Well, he really doesn't know that I'm advancing."

Dongfang Chacha looked on with confusion, what were they talking about

Then Dongfang Chacha nodded, looking understanding.

Ask my cousin again when I get back.

"What happened next?" Muxue asked.

"Later, I was seriously injured and could not be cured, so I had to recuperate at my residence. However, there were always some people who came to add insult to injury, and even my residence could not be defended.

When I was about to bear it no longer, that junior fellow student moved into my place of residence.

Since then, no one has dared to come to my place, and every one who comes here almost fails to advance.

I have lived here for decades, and during these decades he left all his resources to me. I tried to find him several times, but he avoided me.

In fact, I understand my own injury. I just want to thank him and let him stop guarding me.

His talent is very strange, it seems to be getting higher and higher. If he continues like this, he will definitely miss the avenue. "

"You don't blame him?" Mu Xue was quite curious.

Qianyin hesitated for a moment and finally shook his head:

“Actually, I don’t understand the feeling of wanting to blame but not wanting to blame, and I also know who the real mastermind is.


Qianyin didn't continue, because she couldn't understand it herself.

Dongfang Chacha really understood this time.

She asked:

"He lives on the road you must enter. If others can't get in, don't you also get out?"

Qianyin nodded:


"That means he not only made you fail to advance, but also blocked you at your door for decades?" Dongfang Chacha asked in surprise.

Mu Xue: "..."

Qianyin was also stunned for a moment, and she said a little unconfidently:

"It seems like that."

Muxue flicked Dongfang Chacha's forehead, and then said to Qian:

"Then why did you suddenly come to Misty Island?"

"Junior brother was out, and I came out to relax. I just happened to come here, and I happened to get the Tianyun Bead, so I wanted to take it back to him.

Maybe it can help him get out of his current predicament. " Qian Yin said.

Mu Xue shook her head:

"The Luck Bead won't work, and holding it will only bring disaster to your lives. But I may have a way, but you have to learn to choose."

Muxue thought these two people were quite interesting, so she wanted to give them a choice.

Just out of interest.

She came here mainly for Anqi Guo.

"Choose?" Qianyin was confused.

Muxue smiled:

"Help me get the fruit on the island first."

As he spoke, Muxue suddenly looked into the distance, then took out a handkerchief and said to the tea:

"Come here."

Dongfang Chacha came to Muxue obediently.

Muxue tied a handkerchief to Dongfang Chacha's right eye and lit a purple light on it.

"Cousin, why do you have a handkerchief? Just like an ancient person, oops." Before Dongfang Chacha could finish his words, his forehead was hit again.

It would be silly to play.

"Don't panic when someone comes over later. Let's go and look for fruit." Muxue said.

After saying that, Muxue walked deeper into the island.

Dongfang Chacha and Qianyin were both puzzled.

But I can only keep up.


On the other side of the island, the five generals of the Demon Sea were lying in a pool of blood. A middle-aged man was holding a fortune bead, looking into the distance and saying:

"I just noticed a strange smell, it's the smell of treasure."

After hesitating for a moment, he headed towards the treasure.

He was born with the ability to hunt for treasures. Although his feeling was very weak, he was sure that there was a treasure inside.

More rare and special than the Taoist weapon in his hand.

"No matter what it is, my Taoist treasure hunter wants it." Everyone in the Taoist treasure hunter has a smile on his face. He is equipped with magic weapons and Taoist tools, countless trump cards, and his cultivation is as high as the sky.

It's just a misty island, who can do anything to him


Lu Shui walked in the Palace of Eternal Darkness, and soon he came to a fork in the road. He naturally knew which road led to the interior, but he did not go to that road, but looked at the route next door.

"Qingtian Mingshen Jue? Is it Mingye? Well, just one person." Thinking of this, Lu Shui stepped over there.

But he didn't let others follow:

"You guys take a rest here, I'll be right back." He was going to bring another thug over.

Two people are too slow.

Chu Yu and Shi Ming nodded, they were indeed tired.

I don’t know how many big and small monsters I killed.

But when Lu Shui was far away, they were behind the darkness.

Chu Yu suddenly said:

"Are we abandoned?"

Shi Ming was stunned and said unconfidently:

"No, that's not the case, is it?"

"I read a lot, I won't lie to you, and I studied in college several times." Chu Yu said.

Shi Ming: "..."


Qiao Qian was still walking forward step by step at this time.

He used Qingtian Mingshen Jue, but it was very hidden. It was hard to say there was any danger here, so he needed some power to protect himself.

He walked for a long time, but fortunately there was no danger.

But soon he began to get nervous.

It was footsteps and light.

Anyone who could shine here was no ordinary person, so Qiao Gan immediately became vigilant.

Be prepared for anything by the way.

He didn't escape. Can a blind man escape than a normal person

Calm down, you must stay calm at this time.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the light was getting bigger and bigger. Qiao Gan looked ahead, waiting for the person to appear.

Soon a figure began to step out of the light. His appearance was as dazzling as the sun, and all the darkness would bow and dissipate in front of him.

"Hey, Akeno, long time no see." Lu Shui's voice came over.

The moment he saw it was Lu Shui, Qiao Qian was relieved.

Lu Shui is very strong, ridiculously strong, but relatively speaking Lu Shui is very safe.

He didn't bother to go against ordinary people like himself.

Of course, don't worry if you want to be wrong, after all, you will die if you worry.

But why can't we call him by the right name

It's more outrageous each time.

"Master Lu, this is Qiao Gan." Qiao Gan said.

Lu Shui looked at Qiao Qian and didn't care about his name, but asked:

"Will your Qingtian Mingshen Jue be released to the public?"

Hearing Lu Shui's question, Qiao Qian was shocked, knowing that this was his big secret.

But he soon felt relieved.

"Almost, but not too much."

For Lu Shui, it is enough to put it out a little, and it can be used as a shield.

Then Lu Shui said:

"Be my thug here, and I can teach you how to quickly practice Qing Tian Ming Shen Jue afterwards."

Qiao Gan was stunned. It was naturally impossible for him to refuse, but he didn't want anyone to know.

After all, Lu Shui didn't want to take action himself when he was looking for thugs, right

"Can I wear a mask and use a fake name?" Qiao Gan asked.

Is this going to be a fire? Lu Shui was a little confused, but he didn't refuse.

After that, Qiao Gan took out the mask and put on the black robe. With an arm missing, he stretched out a hand made of strength.

This is the Qingtian Mingshen Technique.

The mind and spirit are like a body, and the Dharma image of the body and mind can be gathered by pouring in the sky.

The hands, feet, body, and head can all be gathered together clearly.

After Qiao Gan finished disguising, Lu Shui turned around and went back, and Qiao Gan naturally followed Lu Shui.

Shi Ming and Chu Yu were relieved to see Lu Shui back. It seemed that they had not been abandoned.

Those who read too much may not necessarily be right.

But they were also surprised that there was one more person.

"From now on, you three will fight together." Lu Shui said.

Shi Ming and Chu Yu were overjoyed, as having one more person meant they could share more damage.

Qiao Gan didn't understand, what to fight for

But looking at how injured they were, it felt like it wasn't that simple.

"Here we come, there are a lot of them." Without giving them any extra time, Lu Shui gave them bad news.

Then Qiao Gan finally understood what he was going to fight.

It's time to clear up the monsters.


At this time, a furious voice came from the darkness:

"Damn, damn guy, you actually stole my first choice."

"But it's okay. I won't lose. You can't find me."



The next day.

Lu Shui walked into a palace filled with light.

He closed the heaven and earth formations, put away the heaven and earth formations, and then said:

"This is the Palace of Light?"

Along the way, Qiao Gan told him how he got here.

At this time, Shi Ming, Chu Yu, and Qiao Qian walked out from behind exhausted.

They fought almost sleeplessly along the way. Although Lu Shui occasionally gave some advice, it was really too difficult.

If there were still ferocious beasts, they might have to lie on the ground and die.

However, a colorful light suddenly shone out from the center of the palace. The light passed by made people feel relaxed and happy, and even the injuries were healed a lot.

Fatigue is also swept away.

"What is that?" Chu Yu asked.

"Seven-Colored Divine Sword?" Shi Ming saw a long sword with seven-colored brilliance on the steps in the center of the palace.

"It's not a magic soldier, is it?" Qiao Gan also said.

But none of them heard the voice of the demon soldiers.

Lu Shui also looked ahead. The palace was very large, with a staircase in the middle, and a colorful sword at the top of the staircase. It was absolutely unusual.

There were several young wild dogs at the bottom of the stairs, all dark and frightened.

Lu Shui just glanced at it and ignored it.

"Boss, why don't you go over?" Chu Yu asked.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"Someone else is coming."

At this time, Chuyu and the others looked at the other entrances. Yes, there were three entrances here, and they were one of them.

Then they saw someone coming in from the other entrance.

One team is led by level three, and the other team is led by level four.

The moment he saw them, Qiao Gan was stunned:

"Qiao Yi?"

Yes, it was Qiao Yi from the Qiao family who took the lead in Level 3, and the three people following him were also from the Qiao family.

They looked at the seven-colored sword in the middle with ecstasy on their faces.

But they were not in a hurry, but observed the other two sides.

Just looking at them made my heart feel cold.

There is a fourth-order, a third-order, and two second-order ones on the left.

There is one fourth-order, one third-order, and one second-order on the front.

No matter how you look at it, their side is the weakest.

Lu Shui also saw the two parties. There were indeed strong and weak on both sides.

But the fourth-level one seems to be injured, and Qiao Yi has four third-level ones, so there is hope.

"We withdraw. Whoever gets the sword will belong to him. As for whether he is a magic soldier or not, no one knows." Lu Shui said.

Lu Shui's words surprised them, and they didn't even believe it.

Chu Yu was also surprised. Did he want to become a fisherman

Only Shi Ming and Qiao Gan knew that Lu Shui really didn't want it.

If you want to, these people can't stop it at all.

Because of suspicion, no one took action at all.

Lu Shui said helplessly:

"If you don't want it, then I will take action?"

Qiao Yi felt confused and rushed directly to the central staircase:


No matter what the person over there is saying is true or false, they are still weak, but if it is true, they will have the advantage of making the first move.

If the people on the opposite side are afraid, this is their opportunity.

So it’s better to strike first.

Seeing Qiao Yi and the others taking action, the fourth-order people over there took action in the same way as the third-order ones, leaving only a second-order person to guard against Lu Shui and the others.

Lu Shui didn't care and just watched. There were six of these people in total, three of the third level besieged one of the fourth level, and the rest were one-on-one.

The power of these people has been improved in the Palace of Light, but they cannot harm the palace at all.

Qiao Gan also looked at it, without any thoughts for the time being.

Qiao Yi and the others attacked the fourth-level man desperately. The opponent was injured, and this was their chance.

Only a fast pace can expose the opponent's flaws.

It can be said that the three of them fought for half their lives, and they almost fought against the fourth level.

With a bang, the three of them jointly opened a loophole in the fourth level.


Qiao Yi and the others directly gathered all their strength to kill him with one blow.

The three attacks came instantly, and they knew that as long as they hit, they would win.

However, just when they were about to attack the fourth level, a talisman appeared in front of them.

Then a large number of talismans also appeared around them.

Fu Xiu

Qiao Yi felt gloomy the moment she saw Fu appear.

He knew they were defeated and were about to perish.

The next moment the talisman showed its power.

With a bang, Qiao Yi and the other two were directly knocked away.

The one on the other side who was fighting alone was also knocked away.

Four people were knocked to the ground.

"Hmph, what a waste." The fourth-level man looked at Qiao Yi and the others coldly, and waved the thunder talisman in his hand.

At this moment, the thunder raged and rushed towards Qiao Yi and others.

Qiao Yi vomited blood and wanted to resist but found that she had no ability to resist.

He looked at Thunder and saw death.

This is the end of this life.

And just when he thought the thunder was about to destroy them, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. As the figure appeared, a light began to bloom, and a huge figure enveloped everything.

The raging thunder was blocked.

Qiao Yi was stunned. This majestic figure made him unable to think for a while.

He never thought that someone would come to save them.

So does everyone else.

Qiao Gan sighed inwardly. He actually didn't want to take action, but he was a member of the family after all, and he had been bullied before.

Let’s lay the foundation for a new life for ourselves.

The fourth-level Fu Xiuxiu looked at Qiao Qian with fear on his face. The opponent was not strong and he was sure of winning, but this person was from the other side.

Qiao Gan looked at the fourth-level talisman cultivator and said calmly:

"A smart person will not waste time killing people, it is better to seize the time and take away the colorful sword."

The fourth-level Fu cultivator looked at Qiao Gan and then at Lu Shui.

I found Lu Shui actually reading a book.

After hesitating for a moment, he went directly to the stairs and held the colorful sword.

The sword was very heavy, but he still picked it up.

Then he found that no one was doing anything, at most some people were watching.

After hesitating for a moment, the fourth-level talisman cultivator took his sword and two junior brothers and began to retreat and leave.

Finally disappeared into the passage.

At this time, a group of puppies barked several times and chased after him.

"Stop those dogs." Lu Shui still lowered his head and read the book.

Shi Ming and Chu Yu were confused, but they still moved to stop the bastard.

They were quickly thrown back down the stairs.

He looked very scared.

Qiao Gan did not look back, but said:

"You should leave as soon as possible."

Qiao Yi and others immediately said respectfully:

"My Qiao family, Qiao Yi, I would like to thank my friend for saving my life. May I ask your name

If I have the chance, I hope to repay fellow Taoist friends for their life-saving grace. "

Qiao Gan hesitated and said:

"Call me, Akeno."

With that said, Qiao Gan moved back behind Lu Shui.

Of course Lu Shui wouldn't say anything. Mingye was just his thug, not a servant.

Not to mention saving your own people is the right thing to do.

If it were a Zhenwu Zhenling, he wouldn't be able to ignore the situation even if he had the ability.

Watching the people from the Qiao family leave, Lu Shui looked at those bastards, then took out a chair and sat down (Chu Yu's chair).

Then he said with a half-smile:

"Do I need to give you some time to buffer?"

Others are a little puzzled. Does the bastard have any secrets

Their dogs have killed a lot of people, so they don’t feel strange when they see puppies.

(End of chapter)