The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 46: Very bad


"Young Master of the Yintian Sect, Liuhuo."

Lu Shui stood behind An Ye, and he slowly lowered his sword.

It has ended.

When Lu Shui announced his name, An Ye was a little unbelievable:

"How, how is it possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. You stole my name and used it to threaten me, so forget it.

What I didn't expect was that you would actually use the name Liuhuo to do such a despicable thing. Lu Shui said calmly.

Anye knelt on the ground, and his eyebrows began to crack.

He never thought that there really was a flowing fire in this world. No, this flowing fire was the same flowing fire last time.

It's really sad that he would attack such a person and go out of his way to fight alone.

How is this different from suicide

With a plop, Anye fell to the ground and died.

Lu Shui put away his sword. This sword was brought out after learning the lesson of not having a weapon last time.

Nothing special.

People who think this is awesome usually don’t have much knowledge.

Lu Shui glanced at Anye and said:

"Chong Xiu is really weak. Only people like Dad who prove the Tao through strength will find it troublesome."

Then Lu Shui stretched out his hand. He wanted to take back the Octagonal Formation. He wanted this thing.

He's not interested in anything else.

Zhenwu Zhenling had been searching around for a long time, but could not find any trace of Lu Shui.

It has been more than ten minutes. If this continues, they will really try to contact the clan leader.

When they were anxious, they suddenly felt that the surrounding environment was shattered like a lens.

At this time, they finally sensed Lu Shui's location.

Without any pause, they rushed over.

It didn't take long for them to see Lu Shui. Fortunately, everything was fine.

Lu Shui was still looking at the eight-sided formation diagram at this time. He was a little disappointed. This eight-sided formation diagram actually only had one square formation, which was so weak. He could only make up for the other seven directions when he had time.

Fortunately, there is no problem with the foundation.

The Octagonal Formation Diagram is a roll of sheepskin with formations engraved on it.

Of course, this is not real sheepskin, it is disguised with the skin of an ancient ferocious beast.

In short, there are only two items in total, and this person is quite surprising.

"Master, are you okay?" Zhenwu and Zhenling were a little worried.

Lu Shui shook his head and said:

“Go check out the center.”

Zhenwu Zhenling looked at the corpse behind, and they naturally recognized it. This was the insect cultivator who pretended to be Liuhuo, but how did the other party die

Did the young master kill him, or was he already dead and the young master touched him

In the end, they didn't know the answer and had no choice but to follow Lu Shui and leave.


After spending some time, Lu Shui and the others arrived at the high ground in the middle of the island. There were still many trees here, but the huge pit in the center did not have any trees.

There is only a small lake there.

Lu Shui stood in front of the huge pit and looked at the center of the huge pit in silence.

"This place has also been investigated. Even the lake in the middle has been looked at, and nothing was found." Zhenwu said on the side.

Although there is no danger here, they are still a little worried after hearing what Le Feng said.

He was worried about what danger Lu Shui would encounter, so it was a good thing to leave now.

Lu Shui didn't listen to what Zhenwu said. The world in his eyes was different from others.

He saw it and saw scenes that others could not see.

In his eyes, there was not only a lake under the huge pit, but also a dark beast. This beast was quite huge. It was sleeping on the edge of the lake, occupying almost half of the lake.

The seal is gone, and it remains here because the body has not recovered yet.

It is recovering from its injuries.

But these are not important. What is important is that Lu Shui has seen this ferocious beast.

Or maybe I saw it from some of his father’s information.

This beast had attacked his mother.

At that time, his father and his mother were out playing, and they were suddenly attacked by this ferocious beast. He was obviously not injured, and his father was obviously very protective, but his mother was sick.

A disease lasts for a long time.

What's more important is that the Lu family's polluted aura comes from the same source as this ferocious beast.

"It's not a coincidence. The Lu family's pollution was intentional and definitely not a coincidence.

Its target is the mother. "Lu Shui looked at that ferocious beast and kept calm in his heart.

After a pause, Lu Shui said:

"Kill it."

It must be killed, this harm must be stifled, whatever its purpose.

Zhenwu Zhenling was a little puzzled when he heard Lu Shui speak:

"Master, who do you want to kill?"

Lu Shui glanced at Zhenwu. He didn't reply, but was thinking.

Although the opponent is recovering from his injuries, his strength is not enough, far from it.

Go back and bring in reinforcements

No, he couldn't move it, and he couldn't tell the reason other than his own impression.

If you make a fuss, your father and mother will come.

But when mother comes, it’s like a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth.

Even if I go back to show the heaven and earth formations, I still can't find enough reasons.

The result is most likely that you will be looked at more severely.

There is only one option in the end, kill it alone.

"Give me a few months and I can kill it without taking any damage, but it's too long and I can't wait any longer.

Let alone a few months, even the next day I feel uneasy and want to kill now. " Lu Shui thought to himself.

Zhenwu was a little scared when Lu Shui looked at him. He felt that there was murderous intent in his young master's eyes, but it was not aimed at him.

He couldn't understand.

"Young Master?" Zhenwu called out.

Lu Shui came to his senses and said:

"Have you brought the sixth-grade spiritual stone?"

Zhenwu nodded immediately:

"I've got it. How much do you want, Master?"

"A thousand." Lu Shui said calmly.

After hearing what Lu Shui said, Zhenwu Zhenling was stunned. One, one thousand

This adds up to a ninth-grade spiritual stone.

What is the concept of a ninth-grade stone? That's 100 million first-grade spiritual stones, which is enough for a normal monk to practice from the first level to the fifth or even sixth level. This is a huge amount of money that is difficult for others to match.

Although he didn't know what Lu Shui wanted to do, Zhenwu still nodded and said:

"Yes, the clan leader gave it to me before I went out."

He definitely doesn't have that much money himself. This is the pocket money given by the clan leader to the young master when he goes out.

It’s just that I didn’t give it to the young master.

Lu Shui nodded, that's fine. Then he squatted aside and began to draw a circle on the ground, and then divided it into two parts with one stroke.

Write bad luck on the left and right.

"Master, what are you doing?" Zhenling asked curiously.

Lu Shui took out a chopstick and said:


Zhenwu: “….”

True Spirit: “… .”

What kind of hexagram is this? When they saw Lu Shui holding chopsticks, they knew what Lu Shui was going to do.

After all, I have seen it once, that time when I threw a branch to find a monster.

I just can't tell the difference between true and false.

However, they still want to see what the fortune telling will bring this time. Normally, it should be auspicious.

Lu Shui naturally didn't care what Zhenwu and the others thought, so he turned his chopsticks on the ground.

This time it stopped without turning the chopsticks a few times, and there was no suspense at all.

The position pointed by the chopsticks is positive and inauspicious.

"Ferocious?" Zhenwu and the others were also a little surprised, and then continued:

"Since the young master is evil, why don't we just forget about it?"

Although I don't know what Lu Shui wants to do, it's better not to mess around.

Lu Shui put away his chopsticks and stood up. He looked at the huge pit and said calmly:

"So what if it's bad?"

"You're still going to die."


I’ve seen it all, can you give me a recommendation vote

(End of chapter)