The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 100


She is actually a big family, she is just a little aunt, she has neither status nor power, if she wants to gain a firm foothold in Yu Mansion, besides General Yu, she needs a stronger support.

And Yu Linglong, who is smart, wise and ruthless, is the best candidate.

Aunt Mei knew very well that although Yu Linglong helped her sit in the housekeeper position, she still needs Yu Linglong's long-term support to secure this seat.

That's why she sent it to Yu Linglong as soon as she got the rent of the shop, fulfilling her promise to Yu Linglong. In fact, she wanted to get more help.

Yu Linglong could see through her thoughts at a glance, she didn't reveal it, but just said lightly: "Don't worry, since I helped you, I will naturally take care of it to the end."

This was what Aunt Mei wanted, and when she got Yu Linglong's affirmative answer, her heart was relieved, and after a few more gossips, Aunt Mei left.

After Aunt Mei left, Hemerocallis who was guarding the door entered the room, and Yu Linglong motioned her to pick up the money bag on the table: "Look how much money is inside."

Hemerocallis untied the purse, took out a few bank notes from it, and handed it to Yu Linglong.

Yu Linglong glanced at it, and saw that there were two 500 taels on the top, and four 200 taels on the back, which happened to be 1800 taels.

Yu Linglong nodded, as she expected, Yu Mansion is not considered a big family, and it is not bad to have these silver taels.

Hemerocallis put away the bank notes and said, "Miss, what do you plan to do with the money?"

Yu Linglong thought for a while, and said: "It's a bit promising to buy some shops or fields."

She has already bought several houses, although they are not big ones, but they are enough. As for the silver taels on hand, she didn't plan to save them for mold, but there was too little money and not enough for business, so she thought it would be more reliable to buy some real estate.

Hemerocallis nodded: "The servant girl has been helping the lady to inquire these days. If there is a good field with Zhuangzi, that would be the best."

Yu Linglong smiled faintly: "Why is it so easy to find the right one? Let's talk about it slowly."

As soon as the news that Yu Linglong wanted to buy Zhuangzi was released, within two days, a woman from the village really came to report that there was a small Zhuangzi in the eastern suburbs of the capital, surrounded by five fields, and a fish pond. Guolin, the master wants to make a move because he is leaving Beijing.

Yu Linglong thought it was good, so she asked Dayliano to reward the woman with a dime, and took her there to see for herself the next day.

Because she wanted to visit the fields, Yu Linglong didn't ride a horse, and ordered the stable to prepare an ordinary black-capped carriage, and only brought Ling'er and the woman who led the way, and set off for the outskirts of Beijing.

It's deep in autumn, leaves are falling on the road, and there are few people. When you leave the official road, the leaves under your feet are getting thicker, and the passers-by are gradually disappearing.

After walking for more than half an hour, Yu Linglong felt that something was wrong, she raised the curtain of the car and asked the woman outside: "How long will it take?"

The woman seemed to be startled, she quickly lowered her head and said, "It's not far ahead."

Seeing the flickering appearance of the woman's words, Yu Linglong felt a little wary in her heart, and before she could speak, the woman suddenly covered her stomach and said in pain: "That... Miss Si, the servant is going to relieve himself, and I will be back in a while—" "

Seeing that the woman turned around and was about to dive into the woods, Yu Linglong immediately shouted: "Ling'er, go and catch her!"

Ling'er jumped out of the carriage in response, and caught up with the running woman in two or three steps. Regardless of the woman's begging for mercy, she cut her hands and pushed her in front of Yu Linglong.

Yu Linglong asked the driver to stop the car, looked straight at the woman who was leading the way with her cold beautiful eyes, and said coldly, "Say, who asked you to lie to me!"

The woman was pinned down by Ling'er and couldn't move, the corner of her mouth was so painful that hers squeaked coldly, but she still said: "I don't have any, I really want to relieve my hand, ouch, my girl, please take it easy Son, it hurts like hell—”

At this moment, Ling'er suddenly called out: "Miss!"

Suddenly, a large group of officers and soldiers dressed in military uniforms appeared in front of them, about a few hundred of them, all of them armed with steel knives, rushed towards Yu Linglong's carriage quickly.

The leading officers and soldiers waved their knives high and said loudly: "There is an order from above, there are rioters in the car, no matter men or women, kill them on the spot!"

In the desolate mountain road in autumn, densely packed steel knives gleamed sharply and shot at Yu Linglong coldly.

Yu Linglong narrowed her eyes slightly. It was the first time she encountered such a severe situation in such a long time in ancient times. Hundreds of heavily armed officers and soldiers surrounded her, and it seemed that she would be chopped into pieces in an instant.

Linger was so scared that her face turned pale, but she still tried her best not to fall down. Taking advantage of Linger's slacking off for a while, the woman broke free from her grasp and ran towards the officers and soldiers, yelling as she ran. Said: "Uncle Yu Family ordered me to come, you must not kill me—"

Amidst the clanging of knives and guns, Yu Linglong heard these words clearly, she took a deep breath, and a cold radiance suddenly shot out from her beautiful eyes.

Yu Weiwu!

As soon as the woman ran in front of the officers and soldiers, she was mercilessly chopped on the shoulder by a knife. She let out a terrified scream, fell limply to the ground, and did not move anymore.

Countless pairs of black official boots stepped on the woman's corpse and rushed towards Yu Linglong!

Yu Linglong quickly tore off the front and back of her skirt, and threw it at the faces of the officers and soldiers who were rushing forward. Taking advantage of the gaps when the officers and soldiers waved the cloth indiscriminately, she dragged Ling'er and jumped onto the roof of the carriage.

After getting rid of the obstructing long skirt, Yu Linglong looked around, immediately pulled Linger over, and threw it directly to the big tree beside the road: "Linger, hurry up!"

Ling'er subconsciously grabbed the first branch she touched in her hands. As soon as she stabilized her body, she immediately turned to the direction of the carriage, and the voice of shouting had already brought a little cry: "Miss!"

Yu Linglong threw her into a tree, but made herself miss the best time to escape.

The officers and soldiers who swarmed up frightened the horse pulling the cart. In a blink of an eye, the horse came back to its senses, with all four hooves flying, and rushed out without thinking.

Yu Linglong squatted slightly, firmly grasping the top of the carriage with one hand, and tightly holding a frail dagger with the other hand, facing the pretty faces of hundreds of officers and soldiers without the slightest fear.

Isn't it just a group of stupid soldiers playing with guns and clubs? What's so scary

The horse rushed left and right in the crowd, but could not get out. Countless knives and guns stabbed and slashed at the horse. Soon, the blood-soaked horse fell to the ground and could no longer stand up.

As the horse fell, the heavy carriage collapsed. Just before the carriage collapsed, Yu Linglong kicked her feet, and her slender figure deftly bounced towards the big tree closest to her.

A long spear with a red tassel suddenly protruded from the slanting stab, and the sharp point pointed directly at Yu Linglong's waist. stabbed, his right foot stepped sideways on the body of the spear, and jumped up the tree with all his strength.

It's just that this change was too sudden, she kicked the spear away with her right foot, but she exhausted all her strength in the air, Yu Linglong's hand was barely enough to grab a thin branch, and her body was already falling straight down!

Yu Linglong groaned inwardly, before she fell into the crowd, a black shadow passed over her head, and in an instant, she already felt her waist tighten, and she was actually lifted up a tree.

This series of actions happened only in the blink of an eye, before Yu Linglong came back to her senses, a familiar voice sounded in her ear.

"You saved me last time, and this time I save your life, we'll be clear."

Turning Zhenshou slightly to one side, Yu Linglong met a pair of long and narrow eyes. The amber eyes carried endless evil energy, sweeping across her tender cheeks like a storm.

With her feet firmly on a thick branch, Yu Linglong immediately pushed him away without hesitation, and said coldly, "It's you!"

Feng Xuanyuan was dressed in a cyan cloth robe, except for the cyan belt around his waist, there was no decoration on his body. Such an ordinary attire did not diminish his sharp edge at all. At this moment, he was stepping on a With a thin branch, his slender figure swayed slightly with the trembling of the branch, but he didn't seem to care about the danger of falling off the tree at any time. His long black hair fluttered in the wind, reflecting the cinnabar mole between his eyebrows. eye-catching.

As if he didn't hear the shouts of the officers and soldiers under the tree at all, Feng Xuanyuan took a step closer to Yu Linglong, a smile suddenly appeared in the corners of his slender eyes.

"So many officers and soldiers are chasing you, why, have you rebelled?"

Yu Linglong snorted coldly, and did not answer his ironic question, but looked in Ling'er's direction, as if sensing her gaze, Feng Xuanyuan said leisurely: "That little girl has been taken care of by her." My subordinates took her away, don't worry, she is very safe now."

Only then did Yu Linglong feel relieved, she lowered her head and looked at her feet through the withered and yellowed leaves, only to see that hundreds of officers and soldiers had already surrounded the big tree where they were standing, and the shiny silver spear head was desperately He stabbed in her direction, but Yu Linglong and the two were too high off the ground, even if they jumped, they couldn't reach them.

Seeing this situation, Yu Linglong frowned slightly. Although for the time being, the two of them are safe, but it is not a good way to continue to confront each other like this. It seems that Yu Weiwu is determined to kill her this time. up.

Yu Linglong's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she quickly surveyed the surrounding environment, trying to find a way to break out of the encirclement, but Feng Xuanyuan beside her didn't seem to care at all.