The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 101


Taking this matter to heart, a pair of long and narrow eyes were always looking at Yu Linglong with great interest, with a look of complete leisure.

Under the tree, a brave soldier had already climbed up the tree with the trunk in his arms. Unexpectedly, before climbing two meters high, he was nailed into his forehead by a flash of silver light in the air, and fell down without humming.

Feng Xuanyuan didn't even look back, but still looked at Yu Linglong with a smile, as if he wasn't the one who flew out the hidden weapon just now, and even Yu Linglong only saw the slight movement of his hand behind his back, and the silver light flew straight Go out and kill the enemy immediately.

Yu Linglong sneered: "What a skill! But, since you have such a skill, how could you be so embarrassing when you were hunted down last time?"

The smile on Feng Xuanyuan's face was wiped away, and his eyes cast a cold gaze, looking straight at Yu Linglong.

"That was an accident."

Yu Linglong snorted coldly, and turned her head away with a look of disdain, obviously not believing what he said.

Her contemptuous expression suddenly enraged Feng Xuanyuan, he immediately stepped forward, ignoring the creaking sound of the branches under his feet, ready to break at any moment, stretched out his big hand, and pulled Yu Linglong over.

"You don't believe it? I'll prove it to you!"

Yu Linglong felt a blur in front of her eyes, under the bright sunlight, a large cluster of sharp silver lights flew out together, and the densely packed officers and soldiers on the ground suddenly fell down.

Yu Linglong glanced at the officers and soldiers struggling on the ground clutching their wounds, and said with a sneer, "What kind of skill is this?"

These officers and soldiers were all as stupid as pigs and dogs, they could only brandish knives and guns and shout, no matter how many Feng Xuanyuan killed, it would not prove anything at all.

The big hand pinching Yu Linglong's arm tightened fiercely, Feng Xuanyuan looked at her angrily, gritted his teeth and said: "You must provoke me?"

He is used to being admired by thousands of people, but she belittles and despises him everywhere. Even though he has proved his ability, he still cannot get her respect!

Why, this little girl, why is she so influential? The more he can't get it, the more he wants it, almost to the verge of losing control.

Raising her pretty face without fear, Yu Linglong's complexion is almost transparent and fair under the sun, but she reveals a faint calm and prestige: "Enrage you? You are wrong, I just expressed my opinion! "

In her eyes, he is an out-and-out liar, a madman who has earned his reputation!

Feng Xuanyuan's long and narrow eyes were full of light, his cool lips were tightly pursed, almost forming a slit, and he glanced at Yu Linglong furiously, without saying a word, Feng Xuanyuan suddenly picked up her slender lips. The waist, kicked with both feet, and flew out in the air!

The officers and soldiers under the tree only saw a blue shadow flashing in front of their eyes, and in an instant, the tree was empty, without a single figure, only withered yellow leaves falling down one after another, scattered all over the sky and all over the ground.

Yu Linglong was restrained by Feng Xuanyuan's waist, she could only feel the scenery on both sides of the road constantly receding, the wind whistling in her ears, the strong wind made her pretty face ache.

She couldn't help being secretly surprised, she didn't expect that Feng Xuanyuan's martial arts were so unfathomable.

No need to look, she also knew that she had escaped from the siege of those officers and soldiers, but she didn't know where Feng Xuanyuan was going to take her.

After an unknown amount of time, Feng Xuanyuan finally stopped.

Yu Linglong immediately stretched out her hand and pushed away his arm that was imprisoning her. Feng Xuanyuan didn't exert any force on her hand, allowing her to leap out of her embrace nimbly.

Here is a high cliff, the ground is covered with large and small gravel, not a single tree, not a single grass, only gusts of wind, blowing the rocks to make whining sounds.

Stepping on the creaking gravel, Yu Linglong said coldly, "What did you bring me here for?"

Feng Xuanyuan looked at her clear and beautiful face, and suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

"Do you know who I am?"

The corner of Yu Linglong's mouth was slightly pursed, revealing a faint dimple, and said, "You are from the Qinglian Sect."

Feng Xuanyuan nodded slowly, and looked up at Wanzhang Qingkong outside the cliff: "That's right, it was here at the beginning, and the former leader said to me: Xuanyuan, the revitalization of Qinglian Sect depends entirely on you."

Yu Linglong frowned slightly, and looked at Feng Xuanyuan probingly.

He is the leader of Qinglian Sect

Some questions in my heart were easily solved. Why did those people in Tsing Yi desperately seek a way out for Feng Xuanyuan when they first met? Why did he always have a strange but domineering aura around him? Hesitantly tell myself...

Just because he is the leader of Qinglian Sect, the leader of Qinglian Sect who leads hundreds of thousands of followers.

Yu Linglong took a step back warily, looking at Feng Xuanyuan with sparkling eyes: "Why are you telling me these things?"

Feng Xuanyuan looked sideways at her, with a sinister smile on his face again, and said slowly: "Don't you want to ask me why I asked you to rescue Gan Lin?"

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099 Hitch You

Hearing Feng Xuanyuan took the initiative to bring up the matter of Gan Lin, Yu Linglong's pretty face suddenly sank.

It was precisely because of Feng Xuanyuan's misleading that she accidentally rescued Gan Lin, causing even the man in black to entangle her. If she hadn't left Yu Qianjiao's name behind, she would have caused trouble for herself. A love affair.

Yu Linglong hated the feeling of being used, and it was for this reason that she felt disgusted whenever she thought of Feng Xuanyuan.

But now, the instigator was still standing in front of her, smiling and asking her if she knew the reason. Yu Linglong really wanted to kick this uncertain guy in front of her off the cliff, smashing him to pieces.

Yu Linglong snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "What could be the reason? It's nothing more than that you tied Gan Lin, but found out that you accidentally offended those men in black, and the Qinglian Sect suffered a lot because of it, so I wanted to hurry up Take this opportunity to throw out this hot potato."

After a pause, she added: "I just happened to appear, and I accidentally became the most suitable candidate for use."

Because of Gan Lin's kidnapping, the Qinglian Sect members were searched everywhere in the capital. She is just an ordinary woman living in the inner house. Small.

Seeing her disdain for Qinglian Sect, and hearing her contempt for him in her words, the smile on Feng Xuanyuan's face immediately disappeared, he turned his head away, and looked at the blue-gray dark cloud in the sky , said coldly: "You think you have fallen into a trap, but you don't know that what we have fallen into is a bigger conspiracy."

Yu Linglong raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you have to do with me? I saved your life, and this is how you repay me?"

As soon as the words were finished, Feng Xuanyuan's tall figure came forward, his evil face was so close to her, Yu Linglong could almost feel his hot breath gushing out, sweeping towards her with suppressed anger.

"The Gan family gave a reward of 10,000 taels of gold to the person who found that kid. I gave you the great credit for this day, so you don't appreciate me?"

Yu Linglong sneered: "Thank you? I appreciate you causing me such a big trouble?"

Thinking of those days of being followed by men in black everywhere, Yu Linglong could only feel the flames rising in her chest: "Feng Xuanyuan, I don't care what your reason is, and I don't care what bullshit leader you are, I tell you, don't Forcing your ideas to me, what you think of as a reward is just an insult to me being used!"

The amber eyes narrowed coldly, shooting out a gloomy light, Feng Xuanyuan said coldly: "You should be glad that you are still worth being used. If it weren't for this, you would have already—"

"What happened earlier? Was you killed and silenced?" Yu Linglong looked at him sarcastically, "No wonder everyone says that the people of Qinglian Sect are evil, so they are all the kind of people who will repay kindness and revenge!"

These words were extremely contemptuous, but Feng Xuanyuan did not show the anger that Yu Linglong expected, he twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a very sinister smile, and said slowly: "Really, then what kind of repayment do you want? Do you want me to promise myself?"

Yu Linglong snorted heavily: "What do you think you are? A bitch who leans against the door and makes fun of herself?"

As soon as the last two words were uttered, her small chin was picked up by a big hand like an iron hoop, forcing her to look directly into those long and narrow eyes.

"Yu Linglong, I warn you one last time, don't always try to provoke me."

With a stubborn face raised, Yu Linglong said coldly, "Feng Xuanyuan, I will warn you one last time, don't have anything to do with me again, and don't make me regret saving you!"

"Are you regretting it?" Complicated emotions flashed across Feng Xuanyuan's eyes, he couldn't tell whether it was anger or sharp pain, "I just won't give you a chance to regret it!"

Stretching out her big hand, in the blink of an eye, a thin black rope appeared in Feng Xuanyuan's palm, with a piece of sapphire attached to it. Before Yu Linglong came back to her senses, her neck fell slightly, and the piece of sapphire had already been worn on her delicate collarbone. between.

"What?" Yu Linglong subconsciously stretched out her hand to grab the jade pendant, a cold and soft feeling came from the palm of her hand, with clear lines and dense patterns.

She tried hard to tear the jade pendant off, but no matter how hard she pulled, the tough string would not break.

Feng Xuanyuan looked at her coldly, and said after a while: "Don't waste your energy, this rope is made of black gold silk, let alone pulling it with your hands, it can't be broken even by a sword or fire."

Layers of anger flashed in her moist eyes, Yu Linglong pursed her lips tightly, groping for the rope with both hands