The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 102


The tight knot at the connection looks like it won't give up until it is untied.

Feng Xuanyuan raised the corners of his cold lips, and looked at her with a half-smile: "Only I can untie this knot."

Putting down her hand angrily, Yu Linglong glared at him: "Feng Xuanyuan, what are you doing?"

Feng Xuanyuan tilted his head slightly, looking at the jade pendant around her neck, obviously very satisfied with his masterpiece: "Of course it's... to tie you down."

Yu Linglong said angrily, "What are you doing with me tied up?"

She is not a dog, why should he be tied up with a rope!

Seeing her annoyed pretty face and pink face, Feng Xuanyuan was in a good mood: "Whoever told you to always say that you don't want to have anything to do with me, I just won't let you do what you want!"

Yu Linglong was so angry that she clenched her teeth, she didn't want to say a word, she turned around and walked down the mountain, she didn't believe it, she couldn't find a way to cut this rope!

Behind her, the mountain wind howled, mixed with Feng Xuanyuan's voice declaring to the sky and the earth: "Yu Linglong, even if you go to the sky, you will always wear it on your body!"

At the foot of the mountain, Ling'er was waiting for her anxiously, until seeing her appear on the mountain road, Ling'er felt relieved and immediately ran towards her.

"Miss, you're fine, woo-"

Yu Linglong was in a bad mood, seeing Ling'er weeping with joy, she couldn't help saying angrily: "I'm not dead yet, why are you crying!"

Linger was startled, quickly suppressed her tears, and followed behind her at a loss.

Yu Linglong touched the jade pendant around her neck, and asked Linger to take a look: "Look, what is this?"

Ling'er tilted her head and looked at it for a long time, then said: "It's a piece of blue jade pendant, the pattern... looks like a lotus flower."

The sapphire lotus? Yu Linglong's mood was even worse, this thing could be seen as a symbol of Qinglian Sect, wouldn't she get into trouble if she wore it on her body

This Feng Xuanyuan is really insidious!

Knowing that she was the last thing to get involved with the Qinglian Sect, she insisted on tying such a distinctive jade pendant around her neck so that she could not untie it and could only wear it passively.

Yu Linglong lowered her head slightly, letting Linger look at the knot on the side: "Look, can you untie it?"

Although Feng Xuanyuan said that this knot could not be untied by anyone but him, but she always wanted to give it a try.

Ling'er spent a lot of effort, but still couldn't untie the knot, and the knot was very evil, the way to untie it was wrong, it would only be tightened more and more, and in the end it was so tight that it was completely irritating. Can't do it.

In the end, Ling'er shook her head discouragedly: "Miss, this servant is too stupid to solve it."

Yu Linglong waved her hand: "Forget it, let's go back first."

The two masters and servants went to the official road, finally boarded a carriage, and headed towards the capital.

Sitting in the rickety carriage, Yu Linglong stuffed the jade pendant into her clothes, thinking silently.

Today's trap was obviously set by Yu Weiwu, but Yu Weiwu is just a small captain, how could he mobilize these hundreds of officers and soldiers? Although she doesn't know much about the ancient military power system, Yu Linglong also knows that if she wants to mobilize so many troops, she must have an order from her superiors.

Could it be...

Yu Linglong narrowed her eyes slightly, a cold chill shot out from her eyes.

Although General Yu is at home, he has a soldier talisman to mobilize troops in his hand...

She knew that Yu Weiwu wanted to get rid of herself, but she didn't expect that the father and son would use such a method.

It's because I'm afraid that if we can't get rid of her, we will leave troubles. These two men are really promising, but they have to use so many troops to deal with a small house girl!

The dimples at the corners of her mouth gradually became clear, Yu Linglong smiled coldly, she already had an idea in her heart.

Father and son of the Yu family, this time you are looking for your own death!

At this time, Yu Weiwu had already learned the news that Yu Linglong was not dead, and immediately lost ground.

"What, she ran away?" Yu Weiwu's face turned pale, "There are so many people, why can't you catch a woman?"

The general who reported the letter frowned: "Who knows where a person in blue clothes came out. That person was very skilled. He flew away from the tree with her, and disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Yu Weiwu was at a loss: "What is the person in the blue clothes, have you seen his appearance clearly?"

The general looked embarrassed: "This... this is not true."

Hundreds of people surrounded a big tree, and it was able to make people retreat completely, and because Yu Linglong and the two stood too high, none of them could clearly see the appearance of the man in Tsing Yi.

Yu Weiwu couldn't help but said angrily: "What a bunch of trash!"

The general lowered his head and muttered unconvinced: "That man is flying around in the sky, I don't know what kind of martial art it is, he is really evil, just like the monster in Qinglian Sect—"

"Qinglian Sect?" Yu Weiwu stood up abruptly, and suddenly thought of something in his mind.

The last time Feng Shangshu sent people to search Yufu, wasn't it also under the banner of hunting down the remnants of the Qinglian sect

Could it be that Yu Linglong really has something to do with Qinglian Sect

Yu Weiwu pondered for a while, then waved his hand: "Okay, you go down first."

Just as the general was about to leave, Yu Weiwu added: "Remember, this is a secret mission, don't mention it to anyone."

The general showed hesitation: "Then... how should the casualties be reported?"

Yu Weiwu said distractedly: "The general will handle this matter."

After hearing this, the general had to retreat.

Yu Weiwu just felt confused, couldn't figure out what to do for a while, and when he didn't know what to do, the door was suddenly kicked open by someone, and then he heard a furious voice.

"Yu Weiwu, get the fuck out of here!"

Hearing this voice, Yu Weiwu knew that the matter had been revealed, but he stood up calmly and said, "Father, you are here."

General Yu looked at the soldier talisman on the table, and slapped it in anger: "You little bastard, don't you want to die, you even dare to steal my soldier talisman!"

Yu Weiwu didn't dodge or dodge, he was slapped abruptly, and the corners of his mouth were gradually bleeding.

He wiped the corner of his mouth, but there was a mocking smile on his face: "Whoever lost the soldier talisman, what should he do?"

"You—" General Yu pointed at Yu Weiwu's trembling hand, but he couldn't say a word.

He could see clearly that his son was obviously going to drag him into the water with him!

At this point, Yu Weiwu simply made his words clear: "Father, the situation is already like this, you might as well think about how to deal with the aftermath. If that little bitch is not dead, we will have a bad day!"

He has long seen the father of General Yu clearly, he is selfish and only thinks of himself in everything, if he wants to pull him to get rid of Yu Linglong together, he must use strong medicine!

Just like last time, General Yu clearly wanted to get rid of Yu Linglong, but he refused to do it himself. He just acquiesced to Yu Weiwu's suggestion, and used his troops to set up an ambush, and then lured Yu Linglong to kill him in one fell swoop. General Yu never gave him the military talisman.

General Yu refused to give him the soldier talisman, but put the soldier talisman in a conspicuous place, and then left with an excuse to create conditions for him to steal the soldier talisman. Picking himself out and putting all the responsibility on Yu Weiwu, he had a good idea!

Seeing General Yu blushing with anger, Yu Weiwu stepped forward and slowed down his voice: "Father, that little bitch will be back soon, you should hurry up and think about how to deal with her." !"

That's right, their conspiracy has been exposed, Yu Linglong will definitely not let it go, it is better to give it a go than to sit and wait for death!

General Yu looked at Yu Weiwu, suppressed his anger forcibly, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you think?"

A cold smile appeared on Yu Weiwu's face: "I have a way, I can get rid of this little bitch in one fell swoop!"

Today is Christmas, I hope girls don’t read the article, those who have boyfriends go romantic with boyfriends, and those who don’t have boyfriends go with friends, have a happy holiday~ I wish all the girls- merry christmas~

100 Is that you

As soon as they entered the city, Yu Linglong took Ling'er out of the carriage, then turned around and walked to the other side of the street.

Ling'er was very surprised, and trotted a few steps to catch up: "Miss, where are we going?"

Yu Linglong said lightly, "Find an inn."

Ling'er looked puzzled: "The inn? Miss, are we not going home?"

Yu Linglong paused, home? Can that Jade Mansion be regarded as her home

Coldness, hostility, suspicion, indifference, intrigue, Yufu has everything, but there is no family affection.

Yu Linglong shook her head slowly: "I won't go back."

At this time, Yu Weiwu must have known the news of those officers and soldiers' misses, right? Based on Yu Linglong's guess, Yu Weiwu missed a hit, and now she has probably set another trap in the mansion, waiting for her to go back and throw herself into the trap.

She is now the confidant of Yu Weiwu and General Yu, and Yu Weiwu's behavior today has completely torn their faces from her. In order to resist her revenge, the father and son will most likely jump the wall.

Although Yu Linglong was not afraid, she also did not want to get into trouble again. Now, she decided not to return to Yu Mansion, but to find an inn to live in. Firstly, to avoid the sharp edge, and secondly, her plan would be easier to implement.

The two master and servant found a small inn and asked for a room, Yu Linglong asked the waiter to prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone to put on the table.

While grinding the ink, Ling'er looked up at Yu Linglong several times, hesitant to speak.

Miss, what are you going to do? Write a letter for help? Who should I write this letter to

Linger is suspicious