The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 106


Wailing like a trapped animal: "Bitch, you will die!"

Staring at Yu Linglong with bloodshot eyes, and a ferocious expression on his distorted face, Yu Weiwu roared angrily, "Bitch, if you dare to kill me, someone will kill you!"

Yu Linglong snorted coldly, stretched out her plain hand, and Ling'er behind her immediately handed over a whip.

The whip in her hand trembled, making a chilling crackling sound, Yu Linglong said with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, "You shouldn't forget, what is the family law of Yu Mansion?"

Looking at the very familiar whip in Yu Linglong's hand, Yu Weiwu's heart suddenly brightened. He just stole General Yu's soldier talisman, and because of this, he caused General Yu to drop three ranks in a row. With General Yu's temper, he would definitely be furious at himself , it is normal to ask the family law to whip him, in case of a wrong hand, accidentally beat him to death...

Not only did Yu Linglong want to flog him to death, but she also wanted to place the crime of murder on General Yu's head!

No matter how courageous Yu Weiwu was, he couldn't help but change his expression at this moment. He gritted his teeth and cursed loudly: "You bitch with a vicious heart!"

Yu Linglong smiled slightly, and said in a cold voice: "Don't worry, even if the father beats his son to death, it's fine to call him disobedient and unfilial. As for Yu Peng, I will keep him!"

That old Yupeng, she won't let him die so easily!

Yu Weiwu, who was hanging in the air, uttered obscenities and curses, Yu Linglong was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, her wrist shook lightly, and the heavy whip made a sharp whistling sound, and went straight to Yu Weiwu!

The whip whipped across, bloodstains appeared immediately where it passed, Yu Weiwu's cursing words stopped abruptly in the middle, and turned into a shrill scream!

Before the cry was over, the second whip and the third whip came one after another. After a few whips, Yu Weiwu's hair was already scattered, and the clothes on his body were torn to pieces!

The scars deepened with whip after whip, and the muscles gradually became red and swollen, congested, and finally broke through the skin and flew away!

The cold air was filled with the smell of fresh blood, bits and pieces of flesh and blood splashed in the air, and the end of the whip was dripping with blood.

Yu Weiwu, who was cursing loudly just now, has already lowered his voice, and the foul language has turned into involuntary wailing and begging for mercy. Unfortunately, these hearings are completely regarded as air in Yu Linglong's ears, and the strength in Yu Linglong's hands It didn't decrease at all, but it got faster and faster.

Finally, with the last lash of the whip, Yu Weiwu didn't even have the strength to scream, and his head, which was so high just now, was deeply hanging on his chest, and he didn't move at all.

Looking at the dying Yu Weiwu, Yu Linglong said coldly: "I'll send you off right away to reunite with your mother!"

The heavy leather whip was raised high, and it was about to fall, but there was a sudden knock on the door outside the ancestral hall.

Hemerocallis and Ling'er looked at each other in surprise, who would come to the ancestral hall so late

As if to answer their questions, a female voice with a crying voice rang out along with the knock on the door.

"Fourth sister, I'm your sister-in-law, please, open the door quickly!"

Is it Jiang Yuezhen? Why is she here

Yu Linglong frowned slightly, and nodded to Hemerocallis, who stepped forward and opened the door.

Jiang Yuezhen almost rushed into the ancestral hall, her hair was fluffy, she didn't have any hairpin rings on her head, she was only wearing a moon white tunic, she obviously just heard the news and came here in a hurry.

Seeing Yu Weiwu who was covered in blood and flesh, Jiang Yuezhen's feet went limp, and she almost couldn't stand still. She stumbled to Yu Weiwu, and seeing him as if he didn't know whether he was alive or dead, she couldn't help crying bitterly.

When Yu Linglong saw Jiang Yuezhen, she immediately turned her gaze to Ling'er. Linger was startled, and immediately ran to the next room, and came back in a blink of an eye, with a look of regret and self-blame on her face.

It can be seen that the two young men should have escaped and reported the letter to Jiang Yuezhen.

Jiang Yuezhen wiped away her tears, turned around and knelt down straight to Yu Linglong, and said sadly: "Fourth sister, I beg you, please let me go!"

Yu Linglong looked down at her condescendingly, and said coldly, "Why?"

Yu Weiwu tried to kill her several times, why should she let him go? A mere Jiang Yuezhen, what right does she have to ask her like this

Jiang Yuezhen bit her lip firmly, hesitated for a moment before saying: "Fourth sister, it's true that the uncle wants to kill you, but he also wants to avenge his wife. Although no one in this mansion dares to say it, but who doesn't know who the lady is? Died at your hands? I beg you, for the sake of filial piety, please let him off this time! I promise, he will never dare to harm you again in the future!"

The corners of Yu Linglong's lips twitched, and she snorted coldly: "He wants to avenge his mother? Then ask him, why didn't he avenge his grandmother? Ask him, at whose hands did the old lady die!?"

Jiang Yuezhen's face suddenly turned pale, and her lips trembled, as if she was experiencing a huge struggle in her heart. After a long while, she finally said: "Fourth sister, the old lady was poisoned to death by the lady. The uncle doesn't know about this. Although I I know, but I have never dared to say it... Fourth sister, this is all my fault, if you want to punish me, punish me!"

When Yu Linglong heard this, she was immediately furious: "Did you know that the old lady was poisoned?"

Seeing Yu Linglong's angry face, Jiang Yuezhen trembled in fright, and lowered her head deeply: "Yes, I saw that there was poison in the porridge Madam gave to the old lady... but I dare not say it, I dare not say it !"

On one side is the mother-in-law, on the other is the great-grandmother, she is a bride who just married into the Yufu, who dare to offend

Yu Linglong laughed back angrily: "Yeah, why did I forget, you are the lady of the Jiang Yuan envoy's family of the Grand Hospital, so you are naturally very good at medicine."

She always thought that it was Aunt Dong's negligence that allowed Mu Shi to take advantage of it, but now she knew that someone had known that Mu Shi had poisoned Mrs. Yu for a long time, but they just watched Mrs. Yu being killed. Poisoned to death, no one said a word!

Jiang Yuezhen didn't do anything, but Mrs. Yu's death has an inexcusable responsibility for her! What is the difference between her behavior and helping the evildoers!

Unable to contain her anger, Yu Linglong raised the whip in her hand, and savagely whipped at the couple!

"If you want to die with him, I will fulfill you!"

The sharp whip fell heavily on Jiang Yuezhen's body with the flames of revenge, Jiang Yuezhen had no time to dodge, a long bloodstain immediately appeared on the moon-white shirt.

Jiang Yuezhen couldn't help crying out in pain, and after subconsciously dodging, she walked towards Yu Linglong again, crying, "Fourth sister, if you want to hit me, hit me to death, as long as you let the uncle go..."

Looking at Jiang Yuezhen's pale face, Yu Linglong suddenly remembered that when they first met, outside the Jingshan Hall, Jiang Yuezhen, who was wearing a bright red wedding dress, showed a gentle and kind smile at her.

But at this moment, the once gentle and amiable woman prostrated herself at her feet, begging her to spare her husband.

Slowly lowering the whip in Yu Linglong's hand, she said coldly: "He is ruthless to you, why do you protect him so desperately?"

Yu Linglong had heard long ago that in front of Mu's coffin, Yu Weiwu embarrassed her in front of everyone, and knew how suspicious Yu Weiwu was of Aunt Mei during her struggle for power. and jealousy.

It was hard for her to imagine how such a man would make Jiang Yuezhen devote herself so wholeheartedly, even risking her life to protect him.

Jiang Yuezhen was stunned for a moment, tears slowly fell down, dripping powerlessly on the ground.

"Because... he is my husband."

Seeing Jiang Yuezhen's face full of tears, Yu Linglong suddenly remembered her past life.

In the past, she also desperately protected a man like this, and she was willing to give everything for a man, but in the end, what did she get

There are too many women like Jiang Yuezhen in this world, who blindly believe in someone and pay for someone without asking for anything in return. Perhaps, what they enjoy is the satisfaction brought by this kind of dedication, instead of asking the other party to treat each other with the same infatuation.

Is this stupid, or great

Yu Linglong raised her eyes to look at Yu Weiwu who was hanging motionless in the mid-air. The severe whipping had made him not sure whether he was dead or alive at the moment. There was no complete muscle in his whole body, and in some places, his bones were even exposed. .

Such a person is a cripple even if he is not dead.

Yu Linglong clenched the whip tightly in her hand, but loosened it in an instant.

She turned around and walked out without saying a word, Daylily and Ling'er hurriedly followed.

In the dark ancestral hall, Jiang Yuezhen knelt on the spot in a daze, and it took a while to recover, she quickly got up, and ran towards Yu Weiwu: "Master, wake up—"

Outside, Ling'er looked back at Jiang Yuezhen's figure, and asked Yu Linglong suspiciously: "Miss, did you just let them go like this?"

Yu Linglong paused, looked at the waning moon in the sky, and said softly: "Don't worry about her, she will die of grief sooner or later."

Hemerocallis and Ling'er look at me, I look at you, no one can know why the lady's voice is so heavy.

Although Jiang Yuezhen rescued Yu Weiwu from Yu Linglong's men, Yu Weiwu did not have such good luck. Even though he invited the best doctor to treat him and used the best golden medicine, Yu Weiwu never woke up. .

Five days later, Yu Weiwu, who had no knowledge of personnel, finally passed away.

Less than three months after Jiang Yuezhen got married, her husband passed away, and she became a young widow.

Perhaps it was because of the fear of Yu Linglong, or perhaps because of the pain of losing her husband. After Yu Weiwu died, Jiang Yuezhen refused to stay in Yufu for a day after finishing the funeral.