The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 108


Looking at the delicate Aunt Dong, Yu Linglong suddenly smiled faintly.

"Please, it's useless." Yu Linglong gently blew on the tea leaves, "I won't help you."

As if a bucket of cold water had been poured on her head, Aunt Dong's already pale face quickly turned gray. She stared blankly at Yu Linglong, her lips trembling, unable to utter a word.

Aunt Mei pressed her every step of the way, forcing her into a narrow corner, she couldn't find a way out, and Yu Linglong was her last hope.

But this only hope burst like a bubble as Yu Linglong's lips parted.

Yu Linglong sat up slowly, staring at Aunt Dong with moist eyes, her eyes were mercilessly cold.

"Your destiny is in your own hands."

No one in this world will help you for no reason. If you can't stand up on your own, you can only be stepped down by others.

Aunt Dong fell to the ground slumped, her gaze slowly fell from Yu Linglong's body, only despair remained.

Yu Linglong didn't look at her again, she got up and raised the beaded curtain, and walked into the inner room, as if Aunt Dong was just a speck of humble dust that couldn't attract her attention.

After the sound of a bead curtain colliding, the curtain fell silently, covering the slender figure in the inner room.

Perhaps it was to dispel the dull atmosphere in the Yu Mansion, or perhaps because he was afraid of long nights and dreams, General Yu visited the Gan Mansion many times, hoping to set the date for Gan Lin and Yu Qianjiao to get married as soon as possible. After many twists and turns, the marriage was finally settled. However, the day of marriage will be set in the autumn of the following year. Once Mu's anniversary is over, Yu Qianjiao will get married.

General Yu finally heaved a sigh of relief. Now that the marriage in Gan's Mansion had been decided, he regarded himself as the quasi-in-law of Gan's Mansion. Using this as his name, he swaggered everywhere and tried every means to find a way for him to recover.

With General Yu's vigorous publicity, and the imposing Gan Mansion involved, the news that the only son of the Gan family was going to marry the daughter of the Yu family soon spread throughout the capital.

Even though Yu Linglong found Yu Qianjiao as a scapegoat for this matter, but now that there was such a big commotion, Yu Linglong still felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in her heart.

After all, it was because of her that the Gan family wanted to marry Yu Qianjiao because they regarded her as the woman who rescued Gan Lin.

She didn't care about the fact that the Gan family found out that Yu Qianjiao was not her, but if this matter got involved, the trouble she had finally gotten rid of would probably come again soon.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before her uneasiness was confirmed.

Today, it is the first snow since winter.

All the courtyards in Yufu closed their doors and locked their windows one after another. The originally deserted Yufu looked even more desolate in the heavy snow, and not even a single person could be seen.

Naturally, Shi Huiru didn't want to miss such a beautiful snow scene, so she sent someone to post a message to Yu Linglong early on, asking her to go to the tea house by Yunzhao Lake to enjoy the snow around the stove.

It wasn't until it was time to light the lanterns that Yu Linglong brought Ling'er back to the Yu Mansion. The snow was still falling on the ground, bigger than in the daytime, and it fell on the ground to form a thick layer, reflecting the back garden at night brightly. Like daytime.

Snow trampled under her feet, making creaking sounds in the silent night. Yu Linglong was wearing a crane cloak with a big red feather veil and a white fox, and a pair of warm deerskin boots, walking slowly on the path.

Ling'er drank half a glass of wine for dinner, her little face was flushed, and she kept talking about this and that, looking very excited.

Yu Linglong walked in front, listening to Ling'er chattering non-stop behind her, occasionally showing a faint smile as a response.

It seemed that just for a moment, even though there was no sound, Yu Linglong suddenly became vigilant.

This is a kind of intuition, but also a kind of instinct. It is a keen sense of smell that she has honed when she experienced danger many times in her previous life.

In this quiet snowy night, there is a mysterious oppressive atmosphere surging secretly.

From the corner of his eyes, he seemed to see a black shadow suddenly appearing. The next moment, Linger, who had been chattering just now, suddenly fell silent, and the surroundings instantly fell into a deathly silence.

Yu Linglong subconsciously leaned over to reach for the dagger on her calf. She moved extremely fast, but unfortunately she was not as fast as the attacker. Before she could touch the handle of the dagger, her slender arm was pulled by a huge force. past.

Yu Linglong pressed her pink lips tightly, and suppressed the unexpected low breath in her throat, restraining herself not to make a sound in surprise.

A distant but familiar smell came from the nose, mixed with the cool breath of snowflakes, it was so cold, with the fury of a blizzard.

"What do you want to do!?"

Yu Linglong only cared about seeing Ling'er's small figure lying motionless in the snowdrift, then raised her eyes to look at the person who was close at hand, and an expected face fell into her eyes.

Sure enough, he came.

In the heavy snow, the silver mask glowed with a ruthless sharpness, reflecting a pair of black eyes that were as cold as a deep pool, extremely dazzling, staring closely at her pretty face with overwhelming anger.

Pieces of snowflakes fell on the cold mask without melting at all, making his cold lips as thin as sharp knives and his face as cold as an iceberg.

"Didn't you promise me that you would never participate in this matter!? Say, why break your promise!" The domineering words came out from between his lips with irrepressible anger.

Yu Linglong's pretty face sank, she stretched out her hand and pushed away his cold embrace, leaning over to check Ling'er's injury.

The man in black snorted coldly and said, "She was just knocked unconscious by me, she will wake up in an hour, you answer my question first!"

After confirming that Linger was fine, Yu Linglong stood up, coldly met his aggressive gaze with scissored pupils, and said in a deep voice, "Who said I broke my promise?"

Complicated emotions flashed across the black-clothed man's eyes, and he said, "I got the news that Gan Lin is about to marry Miss Yu's family, and this lady once saved Gan Lin's life—"

The tall figure gradually approached her, with the power to intimidate everything, as if it could bury her in an instant.

"Do you dare to say that that person is not you!?"

Just as Yu Linglong was about to tell the truth, she suddenly smelled the indistinct cool fragrance from the man in black. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and the fragments of her memory gradually joined together.

Could it be...

The words that had already reached his lips suddenly retracted.

Pink lips curled into a sneer, Yu Linglong said flatly: "Whether I marry him or not, what does it have to do with you?"

The expected rage really came instantly, the man in black grabbed her shoulders tightly and shouted coldly: "Didn't you promise me, why do you want to marry Gan Lin!?"

Seemingly not feeling the pain from her shoulders at all, Yu Linglong smiled so brightly that the snowflakes all over the sky lost their light in an instant.

"I like it, so I will marry naturally."

The big hands on her shoulders creaked, showing the fury of the man in black, but the strength gradually relaxed, as if he was afraid that if he put more force on her, it would hurt her.

"you are lying!"

After uttering these three words one by one, the strength on Yu Linglong's shoulders suddenly disappeared.

Yu Linglong's heart sank slightly, this guy is really cunning enough, he won't even take the bait!

If she doesn't do it, she won't stop, Yu Linglong simply probes to the end, she tilts her head slightly, her pretty face is smiling and looking forward to it, her watery eyes are full of brilliance, and she looks at him without blinking.

"Why don't I marry? The Gan family is so powerful that they are willing to come to ask me to be my wife. That is my great blessing!"

She kept touching his bottom line, wanting to confirm the faint guess in her heart. She was betting that he would not allow her to marry Gan Lin. If she lost, it would not hurt her; if she won, she would know his true identity.

Hearing her flamboyant and proud words, the face of the man in black suddenly darkened.

Knowing that she was angry with him, he still couldn't bear the overwhelming anger after all. He stretched out his big hand and hugged her firmly into his arms. His cold voice was domineering like a declaration, and he split the snowflakes in the sky.

"You, you are not allowed to marry!"

Even though she was mentally prepared, Yu Linglong still felt a suffocation in her chest, and was almost strangled by his violent force.

The powerful aura around him was so huge that even the fluttering snowflakes couldn't help being blown away, unable to touch the two figures standing in the snow.

Held in his arms, she tried her best to raise her small face and looked at his cold face. The silver mask fit perfectly on his face. Even if she looked at him from such a close distance, she could only vaguely see a thin line gap.

There was an all-too-familiar cool breath at the end of her nose, Yu Linglong gritted her silver teeth secretly, raised her bare hand unexpectedly, and directly lifted his cold mask—

"who are you!?"

It’s too easy to be scolded if you stop here, hehe~

Don't scold Ruyi, tomorrow will be more exciting~ I crawled away with the lid on the pot, hee hee~

103 I just want to protect you

The mask drew a light silver light in the snow, and it flew far away. In the snowy night that was as bright as day, there was no way to hide the face of the man in black.

Before Yu Linglong could see his face clearly, two burning thin lips suddenly fell between her brows, blocking her piercing gaze.

It was as if a piece of coal had been burned on her forehead, and the snowflakes on her forehead gradually melted. Yu Linglong was stunned for a moment, followed by a strange burning sensation.

The answer to the riddle was so close to him, so true, she was held in his arms, but she couldn't see his face clearly.

She struggled desperately, but she couldn't break free from his solid chest like an iron hoop. She punched, kicked, pinched, and bit her eighteen martial arts in turn, but she couldn't