The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 110


Such as the Gan family? Could it be that in your heart, I am not as good as a brat! ? "

Yu Linglong turned her face away fiercely, to get rid of his restraint, and the words uttered from her pink lips were as sharp as ice: "Who do you think you are!? In my eyes, you are nothing! You won't let me marry, I will to marry—”

Before she finished speaking, her soft waist had already been grasped by him, and the cold and domineering voice exploded in her ears like thunder—

"Yu Linglong, you can only be mine!"

The hot lips fell behind her ears and between her long hair. They were as dense as raindrops, with a strong breath, as if to declare her belonging.

Yu Linglong was caught off guard, Su Hand subconsciously pushed towards him, but it was like pushing an extremely hard wall, exhausted all her strength but it was still useless. Seeing his plunder move from behind her ears to her cheeks, and in the blink of an eye, she was about to hit the corners of her petal-like lips, she couldn't help shouting angrily: "Stop! I just don't want to marry!"

This was probably her first time admitting defeat to someone.

Xu Wang finally let her go, his thin lips were slightly pursed, his handsome face still showed a little reluctance, his eyes turned around her angry face, showing a satisfied smile.

"That's about the same."

Yu Linglong glared at him angrily, and said bitterly, "I won't marry him, and I won't marry you either!"

The slightly warm smile was fleeting, Xu Wang was angry and shouted: "What did you say!?"

Yu Linglong stood up abruptly, and said fiercely: "I won't marry you! Just give up your heart!"

Two balls of angry flames danced in the agate-like black eyes, Xu Wang stretched out his big hand, and grabbed her slender waist again.

Long expected that he would repeat the old trick, Yu Linglong flipped her hand over and quickly blocked his hand, angrily said: "Get lost!"

I thought he would not let it go, but Xu Wang really stopped.

The handsome face quickly regained his composure. He saw her standing proudly in front of him, so angry that her whole body was breathing fire, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

After a while, he sighed, stretched out his hand to hold her hand, ignored her struggle and resistance, and said in a rare gentle tone, "Linglong, sit down and let me explain to you."

Unable to resist him, she had no choice but to sit down again, but her whole body was still guarded and refused to relax.

Sitting in front of her, King Xu sat in front of her, his face against the light was so handsome that it seemed otherworldly, and the thick black clothes made his perfect features a little colder and more mysterious, but it still couldn't hide his beauty. He is very heroic.

He considered his words for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "The Gan family is not as simple as you imagined. Although the Gan family has a small population, it occupies an important position in the court and has always been one of the core powers in the capital. You are so Cong Hui, why don't you think about it carefully: Gan's family is so prominent, and Gan Lin is the only legitimate son, why did Grand Tutor Gan go to Yu Mansion to propose marriage in person, and why did he ask Gan Lin to marry you?"

Yu Linglong really didn't think about this issue. After she threw this trouble to Yu Qianjiao, she didn't think about it again. Now after listening to King Xu, Yu Linglong realized that Taifu Gan asked Gan Lin to marry him. Yu Qianjiao, this matter is indeed full of weirdness.

King Xu looked at the slowly surging candle flames, and continued: "It is precisely because the Gan family has too much power, and it is precisely because Gan Lin's status is so special, that Grand Tutor Gan has been unable to decide on Gan Lin's marriage. Marriage between a family and any other family will have a very profound impact on the power of the court. More importantly—”

King Xu paused, and said in a deep voice: "Gan Taifu knows that the father has been paying attention to Gan Lin's marriage. It stands to reason that Gan Lin, as the queen's only nephew, should be qualified to be married by the father himself, but the father But the emperor has been reluctant. I guess, Taifu Gan must be afraid that the emperor will use this to test him, so he will be in a dilemma, and he will not easily agree to anyone's marriage proposal."

Yu Linglong clenched her fists involuntarily. She really didn't expect that such an unintentional action would have such a complicated background behind it, and even be related to the power distribution among the imperial court.

She understood what Xu Wang meant. For a high-ranking and powerful family like the Gan family, even marriage is involuntary, and they even have to walk on eggshells and think about everything. Since even the emperor is secretly paying attention to Gan Lin's marriage, then this matter is indeed a big problem.

Taifu Gan must be very clear that the emperor wants to use Gan Lin's marriage to test the attitude of the Gan family. None of the official families in the capital are intertwined, and the relationship among them is even more complicated. If the Gan family makes a wrong move, the emperor will definitely be suspicious. They are forming a clique for personal gain. At that time, not only Taifu Gan's future will be involved, but also Empress Gan in the harem...

Thinking of this, Yu Linglong smiled sarcastically: "That's why Taifu Gan chose the Yu family?"

Although General Yu had the military power, he was only a third-rank military officer after all, and now he was downgraded to the fourth rank. In the capital, there were so many such families, and they were completely out of the scope of the top-level forces. What's more, General Yu has been fighting abroad all year round, and his relationship with relatives and friends in the capital is extremely simple, so that he will not involve any court parties. And the most important point, General Yu is simple-minded. When he heard that the Gan family came to propose marriage, he could only agree with ecstasy, and would not refuse at all, let alone think deeply.

An in-law like this is the most suitable candidate for Gan Lin's marriage.

Therefore, the Gan family took the reason that Ms. Yu's family saved Gan Lin, and proposed the marriage logically. It could block the public's mouth and prevent people from coveting Gan Lin's marriage; The attitude of the party; internally, he can keep his own sister, Empress Gan, in the harem.

Seeing her indifferent face, King Xu couldn't help but smiled helplessly: "Yes, the Yu family has nothing to do with the imperial court party. This is the most important reason why the Gan family chose you."

Yu Linglong raised her eyebrows slightly: "In that case, why don't you let me marry Gan Lin?"

Since his analysis is so clear and logical, then she should be allowed to marry Gan Lin. This is a win-win situation, but why is he obstructing her in every possible way now? What is his real purpose

Xu Wang smiled coldly: "After thinking about it, Gan Jiasi thought that he had taken a step to retreat to advance, but unfortunately, they chose the wrong person."

Star eyes turned to Yu Linglong, his face was reflected by the candlelight, Xu Wang said in a deep voice: "They know you are my woman, but they dare to snatch you, they are really delusional!"

Yu Linglong couldn't help laughing when she thought of the day when she ran into Gan Lin on the Ghost Festival, Xu Wang also had such a domineering appearance.

Shaking her head helplessly, Yu Linglong finally decided to tell King Xu the truth.

"Then you can rest assured, Gan Lin is not going to marry me, but Yu Qianjiao."

Now that she knew that Xu Wang was the man in black, Yu Linglong simply told him the truth, how she rescued Gan Lin, and how she left Yu Qianjiao's name, but omitted the process of rescuing Feng Xuanyuan.

Hearing her words, Xu Wang's cold expression gradually softened, and when he heard Yu Linglong casually leaving Yu Qianjiao's name, he actually reached out to pick up her little hand, put it on the corner of his lips and kissed it, and said with a smile: " My Linglong is really smart."

The sudden intimacy made Yu Linglong slightly startled, before she could dodge, her soft little hand was already on his lips.

As if being burned by fire, Yu Linglong immediately withdrew her hand, looked at Xu Wang vigilantly, and said coldly, "Why are you happy? Even if I don't marry Gan Lin, I won't marry you!"

She said this over and over again, and she got tired of saying it, but this guy in front of him pretended not to hear it. No matter how she refused or how she lost her temper, he just did what he should do and what he would do.

Knowing that Yu Linglong would not marry Gan Lin, King Xu was obviously in a good mood. He looked at Yu Linglong with a smile in his jade-like eyes, and said, "When Yu Qianjiao marries to Gan's Mansion, Gan Lin will definitely find out that she You have been deceived, when the time comes, how can the Gan family be willing to give up with you? You have no choice but to marry me. "

Only by marrying Xu Wang, the Gan family will swallow this breath and stop pursuing Yu Linglong for deceiving them. Otherwise, how could Yu Linglong, a helpless, powerless little concubine, fight against the powerful and influential? Gan family

Yu Linglong snorted coldly: "Didn't you just say that the Gan family is only looking for an unremarkable marriage for Gan Lin? One Yu Qianjiao is enough, why would they come to trouble me?"

Xu Wang shook his head: "You don't know Gan Lin too well. Although he is young, he is extremely stubborn and proud—"

Looking at the dimly lit palace lantern with deep eyes, his thoughts obviously fell into memories: "... I remember that when he was seven years old, he once liked a singer in the prince's mansion very much, and asked the prince himself to serve her. Unexpectedly, the prince was pampering that singer at that time, and he thought Gan Lin was a child and ignorant, so he casually gave him the other two singers. It wasn't until the two singers arrived at Gan's mansion that Gan Lin knew it wasn't the one he wanted. , immediately lost his temper, beat up the two singers and drove them out of the mansion. I thought this matter would be left alone, but not long after, at a banquet held by the prince, Gan Lin personally held a glass of wine , to give to the diva he wanted but didn't get, after drinking that glass of wine, the diva got poisoned in public, covered her throat and writhed on the ground, but couldn't make any sound anymore... "

The corner of Xu Wang's mouth drew a complex arc, and he said in a deep voice: "In front of the prince, Gan Lin said: If I can't get it, others can't even want it!"

A child who is only seven years old is so surly and arrogant, what kind of temper will he have now

Looking deeply at her, Xu Wang smiled meaningfully: "Guess, if he married Yuqian