The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 115


As long as he can keep his innocence, Mr. Feng will definitely come to rescue her!

But she waited and waited, hoped and hoped, from morning to afternoon, from afternoon to evening, but what she waited was round after round of whipping and persecution, seemingly endless.

At the end of the fight, seeing that she still refused to give in, the bustard finally lost her patience and said through gritted teeth, "When we get to this place, do you still want to pretend to be chaste and strong? Let me tell you, you just give up on me!"

With a wave of his fat palm, the hell-like voice of the old bustard pierced her ears sharply: "I will risk my first night! You fucked me and broke her body! See what she still uses to pretend to be a chaste and fierce woman!" !"

She screamed, howled, and resisted, but she was no match for those strong tortoise slaves. The world was spinning, only lewd laughter, obscene words, hideous and cowering face, and the pain of being torn apart instantly...

She didn't know how long she had been in a coma, and she didn't know what time it was. Outside the door, those obscene and shameless voices were like drums beating, shaking her fragile eardrums.

Could it be that she was sold into a brothel like this? Did she just give up the glory and wealth that she was about to get? Is she going to spend the rest of her life like this

No, she is not reconciled!

Yu Qianliu endured the piercing pain coming from her body, and tried her best to stand up.

In the darkness, she groped for the cold wall and finally came to the window.

Quietly unlatching the window latch, a gust of cold wind rushed towards her face immediately, blowing on her exposed skin, she couldn't help shivering shrewdly.

She stretched out her head timidly and looked out. On the dark street, only a dim lantern at the end of the street was swaying in the wind, illuminating the cold night.

Yu Qianliu's heart suddenly surged with hope. It seems that this is the second floor of Ruyi Building. Although it is a bit high from the ground, she can escape from this ghostly place as long as she jumps out!

Trembling, she pulled a piece of cloth from her gums and wrapped it around her naked body. Yu Qianliu gritted her teeth, turned over and jumped out of the window!

The body fell heavily on the ground, the cold and hard ground made her feel pain everywhere, Yu Qianliu felt that her whole body fell apart, but her heart was full of ecstasy for the rest of her life!

She escaped, she escaped from that dirty place!

Wrapped in a thin layer of rags, Yu Qianliu ran out of the alley stumbling, ignoring the pain all over her body.

Yu Mansion cannot go back, if Yu Linglong knows that she has escaped, then she may not even be able to see the sun tomorrow morning.

Now, she can only go to one place...

Yu Qianliu collected herself and ran towards the place she was extremely familiar with.

In the middle of the winter night, a gust of north wind blew up at some point, and small, icy snow particles gradually fell from the sky, mixed with the cold wind and whistling, causing pain on people's faces.

The snow gradually grew larger, covering the thin and frail figure in the darkness.

If she wasn't so impatient, maybe she would calm down and think about it, why no one was watching her in Ruyi Building, why the old lady locked her in a room facing the street, why she escaped so easily...

Outside the door, the old bustard listened to the movement in the room and showed a smug smile.

Turning around, she ordered the turtle slave under her command: "Go and inform Miss Yu Si, and just say that I have done what she ordered."

In the heavy snow, Yu Qianliu ran desperately, as if there were countless hungry ghosts from hell chasing after her, if she ran a step slower, they would catch her and eat her alive.

After running for an unknown amount of time, she finally saw the two long-awaited gates, with red lacquer and copper nails, indicating the noble status of the host family.

There are two tall lanterns in front of the door, which are so eye-catching in the endless night, as if they can illuminate the future for those who are on the verge of extinction.

On the two lanterns, there are two big characters written - Feng Mansion.

Yu Qianliu ran up the steps with the last bit of strength she could, knocking the heavy door knocker loudly.

After knocking for a long time, a yawning voice sounded from inside the door: "Who is it?"

Yu Qianliu screamed, "It's me! The third miss of the Yu family!"

"What Miss San?" The small window on the door knocker was opened, revealing a pair of inquiring eyes, "What are you doing at our house in the middle of the night?"

Yu Qianliu subconsciously tightened the rags on her body, shivering from the cold: "Go... go and inform your... elder son, just say... I'm here."

She became like this all because of Feng Sihuai! He won't leave her alone!

The concierge looked at her suspiciously, and said after a while, "Wait."

Bang, the small window closed, and there was a sound of footsteps leaving behind the door.

Yu Qianliu was shivering from the cold, and a thick layer of snow gradually fell on her hair and eyebrows. She endured the bursts of cold and kept stomping her feet, waiting for the door to open.

After a meal, the small window on the door opened again.

Yu Qianliu leaned forward hopefully, waiting for the door to open, she would fall into a warm and familiar embrace, full of pity and love...

She was answered by an annoyed strange voice: "Go, go! Where did the crazy woman come from? She came to our house in the middle of the night, causing me to be slapped twice by the master!"

Yu Qianliu was dumbfounded, she rushed forward frantically, stretched her hand in through the window for help, trying in vain to grab something, and shouted in a mournful voice: "You didn't tell him that I am Yu Miss San from home? Go and tell him, I want to see him—”

Before she could finish speaking, the hand that reached into the door was slapped severely, Yu Qianliu withdrew her hand in pain, but still held the small window with her fingers unwillingly, preventing the porter from closing it.

Once this small window is closed, she really has no way out!

"Go and beg Mr. Feng, save me..." The weak voice was full of despair, Yu Qianliu's whole body weight was placed on the finger that was pulling the window, her pale face was full of pleading.

The cold little window was mercilessly closed in front of her, accompanied by the porter's vented roar: "Get out! If you want to die, let me fucking stay away!"

With a crackling sound, Yu Qianliu's slender fingers were snapped off, and black-red blood flowed out slowly without a trace of warmth.

Yu Qianliu didn't seem to feel any pain at all, her delicate body slowly slid down the door, her eyes full of despair stared blankly at the dark night sky.

Heart, like falling into an abyss, empty and unable to find a place to go.

Even Feng Sihuai didn't care about her anymore, where else could she go

She just felt as if someone had stabbed her heart so hard that she was almost curled up in pain. The wounds on her body didn't seem to hurt anymore, only the pain in her heart, layer by layer, invaded her like a tide the whole body.

The snow fell even harder, covering her body which was only covered with a thin layer of cloth, and the exposed skin on her arms and legs was covered with bruises and scars, which looked so hideous under the snow cover, as if telling people Seeing how abused and humiliated this woman has been.

There is no one on the empty street, the night is so quiet, and the snow is so noisy.

At the same time, in the Pinlan Garden, Yu Linglong was wearing a sea cloud red embroidered golden peony jacket, with a Liuyun bun on her head casually, holding a warm soup cup in her small hand, and was drinking slowly. A bowl of bird's nest porridge.

After a long time, the door opened softly, and Ling'er entered the room from the outside.

Hemerocallis stepped forward to help her shake the snow from her body, and brought her a cup of hot tea, Ling'er didn't care about drinking the tea, and immediately went to Yu Linglong's side, and said something like this in his ear.

At the end of hearing this, Yu Linglong's pretty face finally showed a cold smile.

As expected, things were exactly as she had expected. She ordered the bustard of Ruyilou to let go of Yu Qianliu who was covered in bruises. She was not allowed to enter the door, so she froze to death outside the gate of Feng Mansion.

Although Yu Qianliu was sold into Ruyi Tower by herself, her death was due to her own stupidity.

Even if she was not sold into a brothel, Feng Sihuai would not be able to control her. Once he found out that Yu Qianliu had not lured Yu Linglong into the trap according to the predetermined plan, Feng Sihuai would immediately understand that his plot had been exposed.

The plan failed, and Yu Qianliu, who was a pawn, naturally became an abandoned pawn immediately.

Under such circumstances, how could Feng Sihuai take Yu Qianliu in, he wished he could break up with Yu Qianliu immediately to prove his innocence.

I just feel sorry for Yu Qianliu, who was thrown into a brothel and suffered all kinds of humiliation, and finally had to die at the door of the man she believed in with all her heart.

Before dying, she must have died with regret, right

It's a pity that such a woman cannot arouse Yu Linglong's sympathy.

After finishing the bird's nest porridge, Yu Linglong put down the bowl, took out her handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth.

Looking at the bright morning sun in the sky, Yu Linglong stood up slowly: "It's almost time, let's go."

Yu Qianliu's death was just the beginning, and the real drama had just begun.

107 Big Trouble

107 Big Trouble

Aunt Mei remembered Yu Linglong's instructions, and hurriedly said: "Master, do you think this matter should be reported to Jing Zhaoyin?"

When he heard that he was going to report to the official, General Yu hesitated a little, so Aunt Mei followed Yu Linglong's words and said: "My lord, this is a matter of life and death after all, not to mention it involves the Feng family, if we don't If you hit the door like this, I'm afraid..."

Aunt Mei hesitated to speak, but General Yu stopped immediately.