The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 13


The hall roared with laughter. No wonder they didn't believe it, they saw a lot of dignitaries and dignitaries on weekdays, but this was the first time they saw a big lady who didn't even have a decent piece of jewelry around her body!

"Go, go, where did you come from, you crazy woman, get out of here!" The man who spoke smiled and stretched out his hand to push Yu Linglong.


There was a crisp sound, no one saw how Yu Linglong made the move, only the next moment, the man's wrist was limp and hanging down, followed by a scream like a pig being slaughtered.

Yu Linglong took out the handkerchief and wiped her hands gracefully, as if it was stained with dirty things.

"Is this how Tangtang Zuixianlou treats guests?" The voice was as crisp as a cry, but it contained cold anger.

Under the lantern as bright as day, Yu Linglong was standing at the gate, her clothes fluttered slightly in the night wind, which made people dare not look at her closely.

Xu Shi was frightened by her intimidating aura, and the men guarding the door were speechless for a moment.

The man who fell on the ground was still wailing, and soon, a person in charge came out quickly: "What's the noise!? What happened?"

The men finally found the backbone and hurriedly reported: "Guan Li, this woman broke Niu Si's wrist!"

Li Guanshi's eyes fell on Yu Linglong, and there was a bit of inspection in his eyes. The woman in front of him was only wearing coarse clothes, with a bun on her head, not even a hairpin, and only a little maid was behind her. , but the whole body exudes bursts of compelling momentum.

What kind of person Li Guanshi was, he naturally wouldn't look like the gatekeepers in front of the door. With just one glance, he knew that Yu Linglong had a lot of background. You must know that this kind of clothes and jewelry can be bought with silver, but this superior aristocratic demeanor is innate, and it cannot be bought with any amount of silver.

Seeing this situation, although he still couldn't figure out what happened, Li Guanshi hurriedly put on a smile and came forward: "Miss, I don't know what to call you?"

Hemerocallis suffocated, pushed back forcefully: "You can also ask our young lady's boudoir name?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Yu Linglong's mouth, very good, this girl started to make her look different.

Li Guanshi was choked, but the smile on his face did not dare to decrease at all: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please come in quickly, my surname is Li. If you have anything to do, please tell me."

Yu Linglong walked in without looking sideways, and lightly said, "What's your last name has nothing to do with me."

She doesn't have much patience for this kind of guy who watches people order dishes.

Manager Li bit the bullet and followed up, and said with an apologetic smile: "What do you like to eat, Miss? Go down and get ready."

This kind of person is like this, the more arrogant you are, the more humble he will be. You must know that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the capital, and those who open restaurants have to smile and greet everyone. If they accidentally offend some gods, they really can't eat and walk away.

Yu Linglong casually threw out two heavy silver ingots: "What special dishes do you have, please present them."

If Guanshi Li still had doubts about Yu Linglong's identity before, now seeing Yu Linglong's generous and extravagant appearance, even the last trace of doubt disappeared.

"Yes, yes, I'll go get ready now, young lady, please wait a moment." Taking Yu Linglong's master and servant to the private seat by the window, Li Guanshi went down with a smile on his face.

Hemerocallis glared fiercely at Li Guanshi's back: "What is it, you really look down on people!"

Yu Linglong handed the purse to Hemerocallis: "You take this thing."

In Yu Linglong's memory, she hadn't touched money for a long time. With her status, she rarely needed money to go anywhere. In ancient times, it was very uncomfortable for her to run around with a heavy purse.

Hemerocallis was taken aback, and subconsciously withdrew her hands: " can this be done..."

"If there's anything wrong with it, you can take it if you want!" Yu Linglong stuffed the money bag into Lily Dayler's hand.

Hemerocallis sat in a daze, holding or putting down the purse in her hand. Having been with Miss for so long, she has never had so much money in her hands, and she was even more unaccustomed to it than Yu Linglong for a while.

Seeing Hemerocallis at a loss, Yu Linglong laughed for the first time: "Why are you in a daze? Such a small amount of money scares you?"

"I..." Hemerocallis raised her eyes to see Yu Linglong's bright smile, and suddenly lost her voice.

Her young lady has always been graceful and elegant. How has she ever had such a confident smile

At this time, the dishes had already been served, four were cold, four were mixed with four fruits, Xiaoer nodded and bowed with a small face: "Miss, please take your time, the hot dishes will be here soon."

Yu Linglong picked up the chopsticks: "Hurry up, let's go shopping for clothes later."

The chopsticks that Hemerocallis had just picked up fell on the table in an instant, what? It's not enough to go out to eat out, the lady has to go shopping for clothes!

017 One Wine Crazy (Second Watch)

In the clothing store, the situation where I was despised because of poor clothing in Zuixianlou almost happened again, but the cold face of the clerk instantly melted as soft as muddy water when he saw the silver ingot thrown by the daylilies. And tired.

"Misses, this is the best gold damask. It took five first-class embroiderers ten days to finish it. Look at the texture and workmanship. It's perfect for you..."

Unexpectedly, Yu Linglong didn't even glance at it, she casually pointed at a few dresses: "This, this, and that, wrap them up for me."

God knows that she has never been interested in shopping. The clothes in her previous life were all matched by top image designers, so there is no need to waste her brains like now.

After choosing her own, Yu Linglong pointed at two more sets: "Take these two sets down, Daylily, go and try."

"What?" Hemerocallis was surprised again before recovering from the accident of managing money at the beginning, "I want to buy clothes, too? My servant... I'm just a maid!"

Yu Linglong glanced at her: "What's wrong with the maid, the maid doesn't need to wear clothes? If I tell you to try it, you can try it, why are there so many nonsense!"

Just because of the way Daylilies defended themselves just now, they are worthy of these two sets of clothes.

When she was the eldest sister in her previous life, she had always been very strict with her subordinates, but she also clearly rewarded and punished her subordinates for their merits and demerits. Since Lily Dayler followed her, she naturally couldn't be wronged.

The clerk went to get the clothes swayingly, laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. I didn't expect that such a big business could be made at night, which is really a surprise.

Yu Linglong looked at herself in the bronze mirror, and saw that the woman in the mirror was wearing a water-green long brocade dress with flying birds and flowers on the floor, which set off her delicate little face more and more brightly, her bright eyes were bright, and her gestures were full of aristocrats. style.

Only then did she nod slightly satisfied, and it really is true that people rely on clothes and Buddha relies on gold clothes. Wearing such clothes on her body, the whole person is completely new.

Now that you have come to ancient times, let's have a brand new start!

Just as the master and servant changed their clothes, a nervous voice suddenly came from the door: "Quick! Close the door!"

The clerk was startled, and looked out, only to see a middle-aged man in a long gown hurried in, shouting to several people in the store, "Didn't you hear me? Unlock the bar!"

The clerk didn't care about Yu Linglong and the two, and hurried up to greet her: "Shopkeeper, what's the matter?"

The middle-aged man stomped his feet anxiously: "Didn't you hear that? That devil is coming again!"

Just after he finished speaking, he saw Yu Linglong and the two of them. He must have never expected that there would be customers at such a late hour. The shopkeeper only came back to his senses after a long while, and apologized with a smile: "Miss, the shop is closing, please Two moves, come back another day."

Before Yu Linglong could ask her a question, there was the sound of all the shops closing and unlatching the doors in disorder, and the shopkeeper of the tailor shop became even more anxious: "Why don't you keep these clothes for you, come and pick them up tomorrow!"

While talking, the shopkeeper made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

Yu Linglong raised her eyebrows slightly, what happened to make the shopkeeper stop even doing business and insist on seeing customers out

She calmly picked up the wrapped dress on the counter, said: "Don't bother, Daylily, pay the bill." Then she turned and went out the door.

The shopkeeper was startled, and when he came back to his senses, he hurriedly took a few steps, hesitated for a moment before saying: "The two ladies should hurry back to the house, it's not going to stop outside!"

At this time, the sound of horseshoes coming from far and approaching could be heard on the street, and the shopkeeper didn't care to say anything, and hurriedly closed the door behind Yu Linglong.

Yu Linglong raised her eyebrows, it's really interesting, she didn't expect to go out to have a meal and buy some clothes, and also watch the great excitement of ancient times.

The street was full of people just now, but now the doors of every house are closed, the few people on the street hurriedly walked, and disappeared into the alley in an instant, in the blink of an eye, only Yu Linglong's master and servant were left on the street.

"Miss, let's go quickly." Seemingly affected by the tense atmosphere, Dayliflower looked around anxiously and urged in a low voice.

Yu Linglong nodded, turned around and walked back the way she came.

When she first came to ancient times, she didn't want to cause trouble. Seeing how everyone around her was avoiding it, it seemed that the visitor was really not a good person.

It's a pity, in this world, it's not that if you don't want to cause trouble, things don't come to trouble you.

The sound of horseshoes that was far away on the other side of the street just now came in a flash, accompanied by loud laughter: "Haha—good wine, good wine—"

Yu Linglong frowned slightly, could this person be drunk

On the quiet street in the middle of the night, there were only the sound of horse hooves and the man's arrogant laughter, which sounded very disturbing.

No wonder every family has to close their doors. If this person wants to, he can just go into any store.