The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 137


Wang's arms tightened, and he smiled casually: "Why do you think so much? I won't look down on you."

Yu Linglong said angrily: "I don't need you to look down on me!"

Seeing her losing her temper in his arms, Xu Wang looked in a good mood, with a happy smile on his handsome face: "Don't be angry, I will protect you from now on, and won't let anyone bully you , how are you?"

Yu Linglong frowned, and looked up at this self-talking guy: "Who wants you to protect?"

She can take good care of herself, so what else does she need a man for

Xu Wang looked at her, with some helplessness on his face, and asked seriously: "What do you want to marry?"

Yu Linglong shook her head coldly: "Yu Lieyang, I don't need you."

She is a selfish person, she has no time to consider other people's feelings, all she wants is to live in peace for herself, and she doesn't want or need the rest.

Pushing Xu Wang's arm away, Yu Linglong turned and left without looking at him.

Behind her, a calm and determined voice sounded: "But you need an identity, get out of here."

Yu Linglong's footsteps stopped.

King Xu's voice followed closely, beating her heart every sentence: " you still want to stay in this Yufu? Do you want to live here for the rest of your life? Linglong, you are not a person who is willing to be mediocre."

It had to be said that he knew her well. This condition is indeed very tempting to her now.

Seeing that Yu Mansion has come to an end, she will not stay here and wait to die. Leaving is a matter of time.

Yu Linglong was silent for a while, then said coldly: "I want to leave, but I don't necessarily have to marry you."

Seemingly guessing what she was going to say, King Xu immediately said, "But marrying me is the best way. You will have a noble status and more freedom—"

"Freedom?" Yu Linglong said sarcastically, and turned around slowly, facing Xu Wang, "You said that marrying you will give you more freedom?"

Although she doesn't know the ancient rules very well, she also knows that if she really becomes Concubine Xu, this noble status will impose countless restrictions on her, not to mention dealing with the man in front of her.

His dark eyes dimmed, Xu Wang said: "... Don't worry, after you marry me, you can do whatever you want except to live in the palace, and I will never force you."

Yu Linglong looked at him suspiciously: "Are you sure?"

A complex look flashed across Xu Wang's eyes, and his voice was low: "I can give you a year, waiting for you to change your mind."

After pausing for a moment, he looked away at her, as if he was suppressing his inner emotions, and said firmly: "If you refuse to stay by my side in a year, then I will let you go. It's just this Year, you have to promise me to protect you."

Looking at his handsome and resolute face, Yu Linglong's heart moved slightly.

She is not a fool, she heard the meaning of King Xu's words clearly.

Now she needs to face three crises. The first is Gan Lin. Yu Linglong understands that this boyish Mr. Gan is very stubborn. If she refuses to agree to him, there will be many entanglements in the future; It is also a big trouble for her to provoke them; the third is the crumbling Jade Mansion, this mansion is no longer a place for her to settle down.

King Xu knew about these things, so he went to ask the emperor for a marriage. In this way, he forced her to be by his side and used his own strength to protect her.

In the darkness, the two stood silently relative to each other, one was thinking and the other was waiting.

Suddenly, a gorgeous firework exploded in the silent night sky. After blooming for a moment, it slowly fell down. The figure of Xu Wang stood under the firework, looking so unrefined and desolate.

With this firework, more and more colorful fireworks gradually floated in the night sky of the capital, and the sound of firecrackers one after another indicated that midnight had come.

King Xu looked up at the sky, and the fireworks in the sky were reflected in his eyes, making his star eyes so bright, even more dazzling than fireworks.

He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be sighing: "It's New Year's Eve again..."

The big hand stretched out slowly, and gently held Yu Linglong's hand, the man's body temperature passed down the palm, it was so warm in this cold night.

"Linglong, do you still remember that high five?"

For the first time, Yu Linglong didn't withdraw her hand, but she didn't shake it back either. She just stood there quietly and let Xu Wang hold her little hand.

Sometimes, when a person is lonely and strong for too long, he will yearn for the warmth and companionship of that moment, even if he is as strong as her, it is inevitable.

His mellow voice came over in a low voice, with a little sadness: "I didn't break my promise that time, right? Isn't this worth your trust in me?"

Of course she remembered that night, he made a loud and clear promise, and he really kept what he said.

The lively sound of firecrackers resounded across the sky, but she and him stood silently in the snow, separated from each other, as if the hustle and bustle of the outside world had nothing to do with them, and could not stir up the slightest wave between her and him.

After a long time, Yu Linglong finally said slowly, "Okay."

A soft promise made his face instantly overwhelmed with joy, and he unconsciously grasped her big hand, and his usually calm voice was also a little excited: "Linglong—"

Quietly pulling out her hand, Yu Linglong turned her head and stopped looking at him, her voice was as indifferent as ever: "You should go."

His hand froze in mid-air in a strange posture, as if he wanted to hold something but it was empty, Xu Wang paused, and then withdrew his hand.

A pair of star-like eyes looked at her deeply, Xu Wang whispered: "Linglong, wait for me to marry you."

Turning around suddenly, Xu Wang's figure disappeared in a flash, as if he was afraid that if he stayed for a moment longer, he would lose control of his emotions.

Yu Linglong raised her head, looked at the fireworks that were still rising and falling in the night sky, and did not move.

The colorful fireworks flickered her pretty face, and no one could see her true thoughts.

Didn't you swear that you would never trust a man again? Why did you agree to him this time? Are you moved by his single-minded devotion, or do you want to take advantage of his infatuation

Doing this by yourself, is there any difference from the despicable man in the past—

The slender figure swayed unconsciously, Yu Linglong suddenly turned around and walked quickly towards Pinlan Garden.

The sound of firecrackers to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new gradually died down.

dark night

This new year can be said to be the most deserted new year in the history of Yu Mansion.

Now there are only two masters left in the Yu Mansion, both of whom are concubines, and some people secretly covet the property of the Yu Mansion. Fortunately, Yu Linglong, a shrew, is well-known and has the status of a queen-to-be, so no one dares to make a move .

At the beginning of the new year, many officials and female family members came to Yu Mansion with gift boxes to pay a visit. They all wanted to see the future Princess Xu. They kept Yu Qianyun very busy, but Yu Linglong refused to see them all, and Yu Qianyun also refused. Helpless, I can only persuade these people who want to curry favor with good words to leave.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, when Shi Huiru came to visit, Yu Qianyun also heard that Miss Shi's relationship with Yu Linglong was unusual, so she ordered someone to come in, and sure enough, Daylily came out in person within less than a stick of incense, and brought the Shi Huiru welcomes him in.

Looking at the backs of Shi Huiru and Hemerocallis, a complicated look flashed across Yu Qianyun's face.

She is also a concubine, why is Yu Linglong's life so good, not only can she get the flattery and flattery of everyone, but she can also marry a man who is both talented and beautiful.

But she is still like a piece of floating duckweed, she doesn't know when she will find her destination.

Hemerocallis brought Shi Huiru into the Pinlan Garden. As soon as he entered, Shi Huiru smiled and said, "Congratulations, congratulations!"

Yu Linglong was wearing a silver-red plate gold color embroidered jacket, with bowknots and long tassel jade-colored palace sash tied around her waist, and underneath was a flower skirt in white butterflies, leaning against the imperial concubine's couch under the window, like beautiful flowers shining in the water , Graceful and glamorous, beautiful and soul-stirring.

Hearing Shi Huiru's words, Yu Linglong just nodded lightly: "Sit down."

Shi Huiru sat by the couch, her face was full of joy: "When I heard the news a few years ago, I wanted to come to congratulate you, but my mother wouldn't let me say that the girl who is about to marry is thin-skinned... Hey, I'll just say Linglong Not such a person! This time you finally got your wish, it's really great!"

Seeing that Shi Huiru looked happier than her, Yu Linglong smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing."

Shi Huiru sighed: "You can really hold your breath. Last time I told you that Prince Xu was going to be accused of marriage, you also acted indifferent. Did you know the result a long time ago, or did you really not take it seriously? Son?"

Yu Linglong pointed to the teacup in front of her, and said: "After walking for half a day, you don't even drink your saliva, you only care about asking this and that, it's not too tiring."

Shi Huiru smiled, picked up the teacup and took a few sips, still couldn't help but said enviously: "Prince Xu must have spent a lot of thought for you, you are really blessed."

Yu Linglong didn't want to continue discussing this topic, so she asked, "How about you, how are you doing recently?"

Shi Huiru's eyes dimmed, and he said mockingly: "What else can I do, the son of the world still looks lukewarm, he is not young, it stands to reason that he should-"

After all, Shi Huiru is still a young lady who has not left the cabinet. She stopped talking suddenly when she said this, her cheeks flushed, and she whispered: "I don't know what he thinks. If I really decide on someone else, I will give up. …”

Yu Linglong shook her head helplessly, if Yang Hua