The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 142


In the joy of fame, but in the next moment, she herself became a turtle in the urn, with nowhere to escape.

Under the jumping firelight, Yu Linglong's face looked very serious, as if she was heartbroken and regretful.

She stood up slowly, her cold eyes turned to the young servants who were crying and begging for their lives on the ground, and finally settled on Yu Qianyun's ashen face.

Yu Qianyun, if you want to mess with me, I will destroy you!

There was a trace of pain on Jue Li's face, Yu Linglong waved to Hemerocallis, Hemerocallis immediately understood, and walked in front of several yamen servants.

Stuffing a bulging purse to the leading yamen servant, Lily Dayo said with an apologetic smile: "You guys have worked so hard, and it's a small thing to come here in the middle of the night. I'll save you guys to make a pot of wine for a drink." , warm your body."

The yamen servants naturally understood Yu Linglong's decision, they wanted to suppress this matter, and asked them to go out and not make it public.

The leading yamen servant secretly squeezed the hard silver ingot in the purse, but there was still a hesitant expression on his face: "Well, how can we explain this when we go back?"

It's so easy to encounter such a thing, how can I not kill it severely.

Hemerocallis had no choice but to take out another purse and stuffed it into the hands of the yamen servant: "It's just a misunderstanding, our Fifth Young Lady got it wrong, I'm really sorry."

After a pause, Hemerocallis smiled and added: "In a few days, our young lady will marry into Prince Xu's Mansion, please take care of me."

As soon as these words were spoken, several yamen servants froze immediately, and quickly showed a humble smile: "Don't dare, dare not."

The meaning of Hemerocallis is obvious, one is because Yu Linglong is going to get married soon, and she doesn't want to make too much publicity about it so as not to affect her marriage; the other is that Yu Linglong is about to become Princess Xu, a status that not everyone can offend.

Even if a few yamen servants didn't know Yu Linglong's identity before, they didn't dare to stay any longer now, and hurriedly left after saluting.

The outsiders left, and the rest in the yard were servants of the Yu Mansion.

Someone stepped forward to untie the servants, and they quickly stepped forward to kowtow to Yu Linglong to thank her.

Yu Linglong suppressed the expression on her face, without raising her eyes, and ordered coldly: "Everyone should leave, remember, no one is allowed to say anything about today's affairs."

The crowd had had enough of the excitement, and knew that Yu Linglong was going to clean up Yu Qianyun now, so they all retreated tactfully.

As for Yu Linglong's order, it was just a sentence on the scene. The fifth young lady of the Yu family made such an earth-shattering "love affair", and it would definitely become a topic of conversation after drinking for many people.

After everyone dispersed, Yu Linglong looked at Yu Qianyun with her cold eyes.

At this moment, Yu Qianyun didn't even have a trace of blood on her face, her petite body fell limply in the arms of the servant girl, her big eyes were full of despair.

Everything she had worked so hard to plan and worked hard at every step disappeared in the blink of an eye.

From now on, which servant of Yufu will submit to her discipline? Who would listen to a slut whore? What face does she have to take charge of Yufu!

Slowly raising her fair face, Yu Qianyun raised her chin and looked straight at Yu Linglong.

Yu Qianyun, who always had a weak and helpless expression, seemed to have completely changed at this moment, her eyes seemed to be poisoned, and she stared at the absolutely beautiful figure in front of her without blinking.

"Yu Linglong, you are so poisonous—"

Even though she knew that Yu Linglong was not easy to mess with, she never expected that Yu Linglong would use such a vicious method to ruthlessly push her into the abyss.

Looking at the woman in front of her who could no longer stand up to resist her, Yu Linglong's pretty face swept away the regret just now, and was full of cold sarcasm.

"I'm just giving back what you gave me."

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Looking at Yu Qianyun who looked like a dead fish in front of her, Yu Linglong felt no sympathy at all. If she hadn't been prepared, she would be the one who was framed now. She was caught hiding a man in the room late at night. The daughter of the Yu family, she will be Yu Linglong.

Although she didn't care about the fame and reputation that these ancients valued so much, she would not allow people to splash dirty water on her.

Yu Qianyun thought that she was unparalleled in calculations, but unfortunately, she didn't expect that the mantis stalks the cicada, the oriole is behind, and those who want to ruin other people's reputation have finally tasted the bitter fruit they planted.

Yu Linglong is not a merciful person, if you arrange a man for me, then I will arrange a few more for you, so that you will die all at once.

I framed you, what can you do? Are you only allowed to plot against others, and others are not allowed to plot against you

Yu Qianyun stared at Yu Linglong firmly, her petite body trembling uncontrollably, like a fallen autumn leaf that was about to be blown away by the wind in a blink of an eye.

Why, why did things turn out the way they are now? Why did everything she planned so carefully change

Until now, she still can't believe what has happened. The person whose reputation was damaged should be Yu Linglong, how could she become herself

She is not reconciled, why can Yu Linglong easily get the best things in this world, why can she just be a fish on the chopping board, let others butcher her, let others decide her own destiny

Yu Qianyun didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly raised her head, looking at Yu Linglong's face full of hatred: "Yu Linglong, you framed me, you, you will die! If the old lady is still here, she will definitely do it for you!" I'm in charge—"

Pa, the answer to her was a hard slap in the face.

Yu Qianyun's small face was turned to one side after being beaten, her fair cheeks suddenly became red and swollen, and what she wanted to say was interrupted in an instant.

Yu Linglong narrowed her beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "You still have the face to mention the old lady? Are you doing this to the old lady?"

If Mrs. Yu saw Yu Qianyun's shameless face at the moment, she would probably die of anger on the spot.

Yu Qianyun slowly raised her eyes, and looked at Yu Linglong with hatred. There was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, adding a bit of ferocity to her face.

She stretched out her hand and gently stroked her slapped cheek, with a distorted sneer on her face: "I'm sorry? What can I do to you? You sent me to the countryside since I was a child. Who asked me whether I was dead or alive? I designed you How about it, so what if I slander you? I deserve these, and you all owe me!"

She is also an upright young lady of Yufu, why should she grow up in the countryside, why should she spend her whole life looking at other people's faces? Yu Linglong has it, so she should too! If others don't give it to her, she fights for it, grabs it, and takes back what should belong to her. Is there anything wrong with that?

Seeing Yu Qianyun's hysterical appearance, Yu Linglong shook her head slowly: "No one owes you anything, you are too greedy."

That's right, Yu Qianyun was indeed sent to the countryside since she was a child, and she didn't grow up in the Yu Mansion like the other young ladies. Maybe she did suffer a lot in the countryside, but these can't be the reason for her to frame others.

Compared with many people, Yu Qianyun's fate is not a lot of hardships. At least she has food, clothes, and a place to live. At least she can grow up safely. Missing her old Mrs. Yu.

But she was unwilling to be satisfied. When she was in the country, she wanted to go back to Yufu, and when she returned to Yufu, she wanted to be in charge of the family. Now she even wanted to get rid of Yu Linglong and monopolize Yufu's property.

The human heart is never satisfied.

Yu Linglong didn't care about the small family property of Yu Mansion. If Yu Qianyun wanted it, she could give it to her without hesitation, but Yu Qianyun insisted on using this method to deliberately frame others, but ended up hurting herself .

Some people are like this, you give it to her generously, but she refuses to believe your kindness, and has to snatch it by herself to be at ease.

Her obsession was too deep, and it finally ruined her completely.

Hearing Yu Linglong's words, Yu Qianyun had a wretched smile on her face: "Greedy? Yu Linglong, you are about to become a princess, how can you understand my situation? You have everything, but what about me?" , I have nothing. If I want to live well, I can only rely on myself. You can say that I am unscrupulous, you can say that I am a wolf, but you don’t understand, if I don’t do this, then I will never have it in my life Hope."

If Yu Linglong married off with a generous dowry, what would she do? Without her parents making decisions, and without a dowry, how would she survive as a single woman

Looking at Yu Qianyun's face, Yu Linglong didn't say what she wanted to say.

She doesn't covet those dowries, but will Yu Qianyun believe it when she says this

Things have come to this point, and it is useless to say anything else.

Yu Qianyun should be punished for doing something wrong. She, Yu Linglong, will not be merciful and let someone who wants to harm her be spared.

There was a cold smile on Jumei's face, and Yu Linglong said softly: "Don't worry, before I get married, I will definitely arrange a good marriage for you, so that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

Yu Qianyun raised her head in disbelief, and when she saw Yu Linglong's cold face, a piercing chill subconsciously rose in her heart.

Yu Linglong kept her promise, after the Lantern Festival, Yu Qianyun's marriage was settled.

After hearing the news, Yu Qianyun, who had been "thinking behind closed doors" in the room, almost passed out.

How is it possible that Yu Linglong wants to marry her to a butcher who sells meat!

She is a rich lady, even if she is married high and low, she can't be reduced to the point of marrying a butcher!

This is what Yu Linglong said, to find a good marriage for her
