The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 145


From this point of view, Xu Wang not only pays close attention to the trend of the government, but also has rigorous analysis and precise judgment.

And his pursuit of Qinglian Sect and Feng Xuanyuan, although she didn't know the reason, she could guess that there must be a reason for it.

Slowly lowering her eyes, she stroked the exquisitely embroidered hibiscus flowers on her cuffs, and took a deep breath.

Now that you have entered this vortex, you should change from passive to active, and you may be able to find a way out from all kinds of dangers.

Marrying Xu Wang is not only an excuse to let him leave Yufu, but also an important way to get deeper into this huge conspiracy.

After an unknown amount of time, the candles suddenly exploded, interrupting her thoughts.

Ling'er came in and cut the candles, and asked Yu Linglong, "Miss, it's getting late, do you want the kitchen to prepare some supper?"

Yu Linglong shook her head, and said irrelevantly: "Tomorrow, you go out with me."

In the early morning, a thin layer of frost formed on the ground, shining coldly in the winter sun.

A green oilcloth carriage had already parked at the gate of Yufu. The horse snorted in the cold air, and its nose and mouth were filled with steaming white mist.

Yu Linglong went out and was about to get into the car when she heard a familiar voice: "Linglong."

Looking back, after seeing the person in front of her clearly, Yu Linglong couldn't help but sigh slightly in her heart.

Gan Lin was dressed in a turquoise brocade robe, a black cloak embroidered with peacock gold thread and a unicorn, and a golden crown on his head, standing alone at the gate of Yufu.

The fluffy ferret tail surrounded his fair face, making his chin even sharper. In just a few days, he lost a lot of weight.

A pair of big eyes like lacquer fixedly stared at Yu Linglong. After a long time, Gan Lin said softly, "I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

-----Off Topic-----

Lieyang Children's Shoes is also a bitter child~

After 126 there will be no period

Seeing Gan Lin approaching step by step, Yu Linglong didn't know what to say for a while.

To her, Gan Lin is just a stubborn big boy, but she can't repay him with any affection for his affection, his persistence, and his wishful thinking.

All along, she thought that his admiration for her was just a childish possession, like a beloved toy, once she fell in love with it, she would not let it go easily. But now, the whole world already knew that she was going to marry a woman, but he still came, as if he didn't want to believe that she was really going to marry someone else unless he saw her with his own eyes and heard her with his own ears.

At this moment, he is not the son of the powerful Taifu Gan, he is not the nephew of Empress Gan who is in power, he is just him, a young man who has a deep love for her.

Therefore, he didn't bring any entourage, nor did he want anyone to inform him. He just stood alone and stubbornly at the gate of Yufu, quietly waiting for her to appear.

Even if she is as indifferent as Yu Linglong, seeing his haggard appearance at this moment, her face can't help being slightly moved.

In the past, he was so energetic and graceful, but now, his eyes are full of loneliness that does not match his age, and he seems to have matured a lot overnight.

Yu Linglong quietly watched him approach, and suddenly remembered the first time she saw him.

At that time, he curled up alone in the darkness, full of fear like a wounded little animal, until he saw her.

She never forgot his starry eyes, shining light of surprise in the dark cave; nor did she forget that he once held her hand tightly and climbed down the steep cliff with her; Forgot that he once leaned on her shoulder, full of trust and dependence on her.

She knew that for Gan Lin, who had been pampered and pampered since childhood, such an experience was like walking through the gate of hell. She appeared at the moment of his life and death, and became the most important person in his life, and integrated into him. The most unforgettable memory in my life.

It's just that her heart has long been locked, and no one can open it anymore.

No matter how much and how deeply he admired him, it had nothing to do with her.

Facing Gan Lin's complicated gaze, Yu Linglong said calmly, "Mr. Gan, what do you do?"

An ordinary sentence, to Gan Lin's ears, was like a blunt and heavy knife, cutting his heart instantly.

In her eyes, he was just an ordinary person.

He had been guarding her door for so long, but she turned a blind eye to him.

The face that was as gorgeous as a peach blossom, the face that he had dreamed about countless times, now seemed to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, a distant place that he could not get close to forever.

Gan Lin felt as if a piece of cotton was stuffed in his throat, and he was so choked up that he could barely speak. After a while, he said in a low voice: "...Are you, are you really going to marry him?"

He always thought that he still had a lot of time, he always thought that he would have a chance, one day, she would understand his intentions, understand how unique and unparalleled she was in his heart.

But he was wrong. Just when he thought everything had just begun, the relationship between her and him had already ended.

He knew that things could not be changed, but he still came to see her with the last ray of hope. Only by hearing her promise in person could he let himself give up.

Yu Linglong looked at Gan Lin quietly, her voice was not loud but very clear: "Yes."

She is not an indecisive person, and she doesn't want to have anything to do with Gan Lin. For this infatuated young man, she can only choose to refuse. Only by letting him completely cut off all thoughts can he recover from the pain as soon as possible. walk out.

A simple word made the last gleam of light in Gan Lin's eyes disappear.

She's really going to be someone else's wife...

The next time we meet, she will no longer be Yu Linglong, nor the courageous girl who held his hand tightly in the dark, she will only have one title, and that is—Princess Xu.

"Linglong..." He could only whisper her name in a low voice, but he could no longer utter the thousand words that followed.

What can he say? Confiding, retaining, or begging, he knew that if there was a way in this world to keep her by his side, he would do everything to do it, work hard, and pursue it, but the world is so cruel, he didn't There is no way, no hope, and I can only watch the woman I have fallen in love with put on a wedding dress and marry as someone else's wife.

The most painful thing in life is nothing more than this.

All that was left to him was silence and tears.

Yu Linglong got into the carriage, looked back at Gan Lin, and said in an indifferent voice, "Young Master Gan, there will be no future, I hope you cherish yourself."

After saying this, she entered the carriage without looking back, Linger lowered the curtain, and the carriage started slowly.

Gan Lin silently watched the carriage going away, the cold wind rolled his cloak, it seemed to penetrate into his body, bringing a biting chill.

Heart, unknowingly, it is like falling into a deep ice abyss.

If we say goodbye tonight and forever, Cangshan Mountain is covered with snow, and the floating life will come to rest.

It was a long journey from the capital to southern Xinjiang. General Yu was ordered by the Ministry of War to arrive within a time limit, so he changed horses when he arrived at the post station. He drove day and night, and finally arrived in southern Xinjiang before the Shangyuan Festival.

Although the new year has passed, the weather in southern Xinjiang is still very cold. The poisonous miasma that General Yu was worried about along the way was actually not that serious, so he was a little relieved.

It's just that he was alone in a foreign land, and when he thought about his useless things in the capital, General Yu was in a bad mood. He used to drink to relieve his sorrows every day, and the fine wine brought from the capital would soon be used up.

On the day of the Shangyuan Festival, there was a local lantern festival at night, and the street was as bright as day, with endless laughter and laughter, but General Yu didn't care to appreciate it, so he hid in his residence and drank alone as usual.

That's right, everyone has a family reunion, and they go out to visit the Lantern Festival with their wives and belts. He is alone, and he doesn't have any relatives or friends here. What else can he do besides drinking

The mellow wine reminded him of the days in the capital. Once upon a time, he also had a wife, a concubine, a son and a daughter. During the Chinese New Year, the family was reunited and lively. But what made him become what he is now, when he is over 40 years old, but he still has to travel far away from home, and go to this ghost place to suffer

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became, and he couldn't help but gulp down the wine. The pungentness in his throat made him temporarily forget his troubles, but it also made him gradually lose his mind. He didn't throw away the wine glass in his hand until he was very drunk. Lie on the table and snore.

As the night gradually deepened, the candle burned out the last drop of wax oil, the wick jumped a few times, and then quietly extinguished.

The sporadic sound of firecrackers outside had disappeared at some point, and the surroundings fell into silence.

In the darkness, there was a rustling sound, but the sound was too low to wake up General Yu, who was as drunk as a dead pig.

He was sleeping soundly, but he felt in a daze that something was piercing his mouth. He wiped his face impatiently, changed his position and continued to sleep.

But soon, this feeling turned into pain, and it became more and more sharp, finally waking him up from the pain.

The room was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He just subconsciously touched his mouth, but was awakened by the sensation coming from his hand.

When he scratched his face, he caught something hard and cold, which was still writhing in his hands.

General Yu was startled, and immediately threw the thing he caught far away, quickly took out the fire pocket from his arms and blew it on, and then looked around.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, when he sees the situation in the room clearly, he even wakes up from the wine most of the time.

The ground is now full