The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 146


The dense black shadows squirmed under the dim light of the fire, crawling towards him one after another, and his body was also covered with writhing black shadows, he couldn't see clearly in the dark, he just felt like a bug, but it was more The bug was big, like a snake, but smaller than a snake. Before he had time to think about it, he stood up quickly, and was about to run towards the gate in a stumbling manner.

As soon as he moved, several cold things fell into his neck. This feeling made him feel like his scalp was exploding, and he was about to scream subconsciously.

Before he could yell out a sound, the open mouth quickly crawled into something hard and cold. Before he could react, there was a sharp tingle on the tip of his tongue, and then it became numb again.

General Yu wanted to yell, but he was horrified to find that his tongue was completely useless, and he could only groan from his throat. The same sharp pain on the tip of his tongue was felt all over his body, and then it became Numb pain.

At this moment, he was completely awake from alcohol, and he knew that this feeling must be poisoned after serving in the army for many years.

Although he didn't know what it was that bit him, he knew that if no one came to save him, he would definitely die.

General Yu resisted the pain in his body, and slapped the black shadows on his clothes indiscriminately, but just as he shot a few, more black shadows climbed up in the blink of an eye, quickly slipping from his collar, cuffs, and hem of his clothes. Crawled in and gnawed violently on his skin.

General Yu was bitten so painfully and itchy that he fell to the ground almost uncontrollably, rolling over with all his strength, trying to crush these unknown things to death with his own body, but when he lay down, he fell directly into the ground. Among the densely packed black shadows on the ground, more black shadows surged onto his body, gnawing at him mercilessly, as if enjoying a gluttonous feast.

Pale moonlight shines through the window sill, shining on the strange situation in the room.

A human figure was writhing in pain on the ground, but he couldn't make any cry. His body was full of wriggling black shadows, like a ghost crawling up from hell, full of the power of revenge.

After a long time, the man on the ground seemed to have exhausted his strength, and seemed to have been bitten and lost his mind. His movements became smaller and slower, and gradually turned into convulsive trembling. Trembling and twitching, until finally, he finally remained motionless.

The dense black shadows seemed to have had enough to eat and drink, and slowly dispersed in all directions. Soon, the room returned to tranquility.

It wasn't until the next morning that the tranquility was broken by a scream.

The servant who delivered the food pushed open the door, and saw General Yu lying on the ground in a stiff posture, his bloodshot eyes wide open, and he looked like he was dying.

The robe on his body was already tattered, full of bite marks, and the exposed skin was covered with tiny holes, and the blood that flowed out had solidified and turned black, exuding a strange stench.

After all, General Yu was an official ordered by the imperial court, and his death was so strange that the local generals had to find the local medical officer to find out the cause of General Yu's death.

When the medical officer entered the room, he couldn't help being shocked when he saw General Yu's corpse so horrific.

After a careful examination, the medical officer stood up and said to the general: "The wound on the general's body seems to be bitten by Tianlong. The cause of death should be poisoning."

He pointed to the broken insect corpses on the ground, and said, "These are Tianlongs. Before the general died, he must have struggled for a while, so there are Tianlongs crushed to death on the ground."

Only then did everyone understand that Tianlong is a very common bug in southern Xinjiang, and some of them are highly poisonous. General Yu must have been bitten by Tianlong and died of poisoning because he did not receive timely treatment.

Looking down at the dense scars on General Yu's body, the medical officer looked puzzled, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "It's just that it's winter, where did Tianlong come from?"

When the news of General Yu's death reached the capital, it happened to be the day when Yu Linglong got married.

The bright red Luanfeng and Mingxi gowns were draped over Yu Linglong's body, and the winding skirt dragged on the ground long, making her even more slender. On her head was a crown of emerald green phoenixes inlaid with rubies inlaid in gold silk. There are red gold phoenix-tailed agate tassels inserted one by one in the back, five phoenixes facing the sun and hanging pearl hairpins, and gold-plated flowers playing with pearls, making her more noble and graceful.

The room was full of bridesmaids, Quanfu people, and mothers who were serving maids, who kept saying auspicious words. Linger whispered the news to Yu Linglong, whispering in Yu Linglong's ear.

The slender neck was slightly turned to one side, and the jewels on her head immediately made a crisp and pleasant sound. Yu Linglong looked at the bright and cold sunlight outside the window, and smiled faintly.

When Ling'er was a child, she once heard from her own bodyguard that insects and snakes were rampant in southern Xinjiang, and voodoo techniques were flourishing, and the medicinal powders made were also strange and strange. Some medicinal powders could drive away snakes and insects and protect herself from harm; To poisonous insects, people catch them and use them to make medicine. Each poisonous insect likes different foods and tastes, so the composition and usage of the medicine powder are also different. As bait, you can catch many centipedes.

Yu Linglong ordered people to put the poison that attracts centipedes into the wine that General Yu was carrying. In order to prevent the drug from taking effect too quickly, she only asked people to put a small amount in each bag of wine. In Nanjiang, the medicine in the body has almost accumulated. By then, General Yu will be no different from a huge bait to those centipedes.

This method of killing is secretive and vicious. Almost no one would have thought that General Jade was killed by someone. On the surface, the cause of death of General Jade was bitten to death by a centipede. In southern Xinjiang where poisonous insects are prevalent, this is nothing more than It is a very common thing, who would doubt Yu Linglong who is far away in the capital

The sky-shattering sound of firecrackers was heard outside, and the atmosphere was full of festivities. Yu Linglong took out a thin piece of rouge, and slowly pressed it on her moist lips.

In the radiant bronze mirror, the gold foil flowers between her eyebrows exude a sharp light.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, and Yu Linglong's smile is like a flower, which is all over the country and the city.

-----Off Topic-----

[Tianlong - an alias of Centipede]

So what, do you want to know, our Linglong is getting married, Xiaofeng is Xiami's reaction~

127 I Don't Believe You

127 I Don't Believe You

The twenty-eighth day of the first lunar month in the thirty-fourth day of the day is an auspicious day for the zodiac.

On Chang'an Avenue, the main road has been cleaned up, no one else is allowed to enter, and the people onlookers are crowded like a tide, wanting to see the spectacular scene of King Xu's marriage.

Sixteen bearers carried a sedan chair with six curtains of golden bells and peach red brocade, moving forward slowly, followed by a dowry of ten miles of red makeup, gold and silver jewellery, emerald agate, antique ornaments, brocade and silk, Each piece is extremely rare, rare in the world, dizzying.

These are only a small part of the dowry. The Queen Mother and Queen's rewards, as well as large pieces of furniture and decorations, have already been delivered to Xu Wang's Mansion the day before, and today's official day is only a part of it.

Xu Wang rode a jade-topped fire dragon horse, and was at the forefront of the welcoming team.

He was originally handsome, but at this moment he was looking forward to the sky. I saw that he was covered with a sable fur that was as bright as snow, and he was wearing a black gold five-dragon coiled bead crown. , a pair of moist jade-like star eyes shone brightly, and there was a faint smile that could not be concealed between the brows and the corners of the lips.

The four great happy events in life, the wedding night in the bridal chamber, today should be the happiest moment.

Although I couldn't see what Yu Linglong looked like in the wedding sedan chair, just looking at Xu Wang's handsomeness was enough to cause a little commotion among the onlookers.

Xu Wang, who is full of "fame" in the capital, is now dignified and stable in front of the people, and he is no longer the devil who disturbed the streets and alleys. Such a big change naturally makes people extra curious They wanted to know who the mysterious Princess Xu was, who could tame such a reckless wild horse.

In the midst of everyone's attention, it was quiet inside that magnificent wedding sedan chair, and there was no movement at all.

Yu Linglong sat quietly in the sedan chair, the noise and bustle outside didn't seem to bother her at all, she was dressed in strict makeup, but just sat silently, without a single movement, without a word.

For her, all this is just a ceremony, the beginning of her new life.

She didn't feel much joy of getting married. To her, it was more like a play. After the show was over, it could be over.

The procession was very slow, and Chang'an Avenue seemed to have no end, and it was impossible to finish. Yu Linglong wore a heavy phoenix crown on her head, and she couldn't help feeling a little stuffy, so she reached out to lift the car curtain a little, wanting to take a few breaths of fresh air air.

As soon as a small gap was opened, she felt a blur in front of her eyes, and a blue figure flew out from the crowd, and landed directly at the front of the wedding party.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd watching the excitement, as if they saw something terrible.

Yu Linglong's heart sank slightly.

Could it be him!

At this moment, the welcoming team had stopped because of this sudden intruder, and all the people behind looked at each other for a while, not knowing what happened.

After seeing the face of the visitor clearly, the smile on Xu Wang's face was wiped away, and an imperceptible sternness flashed across his eyes.

Lifting the reins and letting the horse run, the jade-topped fire dragon horse leaped into the air, one person and one horse, and landed in front of the comer with domineering momentum.

It seemed that he didn't feel the terrifying oppressive aura of King Xu, and Feng Xuanyuan's tall figure didn't move at all.