The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 156


Such a pretty face as Rakshasa.

"You're wrong, it's because you're too confident."

From the very beginning, Xingyun saw Yu Linglong as too simple. She thought that the new princess was just like an ordinary wealthy daughter, dignified, virtuous, noble and elegant. The scheming that has been practiced is at best a little bit of wisdom, able to plan ahead, anticipate opportunities, and fight wits and courage. These are the limits of what those weak women in the boudoir can do.

But she didn't know that the Yu Linglong in front of her was definitely not those daughters who lived in deep mansions, and definitely not those greenhouse flowers that had never seen a storm. This woman was calmer, wiser, colder, and more ruthless. You will not believe the sweet words of others, let alone be deceived by superficial phenomena.

All these things Xingyun did, from deceiving each other with words at the beginning, to admitting that he admired Xu Wang's self-destructive innocence, to holding a burning coal in his hand to show his loyalty, thinking that he was careful at every step, and thoughtful, in her opinion, but It's just bad acting.

Looking at Xing Yun's ashen face, Yu Linglong smiled coldly, her lips slightly raised, with a bit of sarcasm, she said: "You have not been short in the palace, why haven't you seduced the lord before? Looking for an opportunity at this time, wanting to seduce the lord? Even if you really like the lord, why did you take the initiative to tell me the truth? Can't you guess how I will punish those maids who have unreasonable thoughts about the lord?"

Since Xingyun is the big maid who is in charge of the keys in Xu Wang's mansion, he will naturally be trusted by Xu Wang, and there must be many opportunities to get along with Xu Wang. Why has he not been seduced before, but only when Xu Wang and her were newly married? What about action? Could it be that this servant girl is too confident in her appearance, thinking that she can defeat the new princess and win King Xu's favor

This kind of lie is too vulnerable.

If Xingyun really has thoughts about King Xu, then the first thing Xingyun has to guard against should be her, the concubine.

The relationship between women is very delicate, but no matter what kind of person Yu Linglong is, it is impossible to keep a maid who loves her husband by her side, and it is even more impossible to eliminate her suspicion of this maid just because of this reason . Since Xingyun is not stupid, he can definitely think of the consequences of doing so, so it must be a huge conspiracy to let her take the risk of offending the new princess, but still lie and deceive others to cover up her real intentions.

Hearing Yu Linglong's words, Xing Yun completely collapsed on the ground, his eyes were as gray as a dead fish, his gray lips moved feebly, but he couldn't utter a word.

Yu Linglong snorted coldly, and raised her feet abruptly, a few bloodshot flesh sticking to the embroidered soles, floating in the air strangely.

Xing Yun twitched violently in pain, subconsciously looking at his hand.

The hands that had been burned by coals were already horrible, but because they were covered by red and black blood scabs, they were not bloody and bloody. However, when Yu Linglong stepped on them like this, the fragile skin and flesh fell in response, and the blood flowed from the almost The battered hands poured out, flesh and blood fell off, and the white bones inside could even be seen.

Ling'er at the side stepped forward silently, and wiped the broken meat on the sole of Yu Linglong's shoe, as if it was just a few spots of mud.

Xingyun looked at this scene in horror, even a little maid beside Yu Linglong was so bold, so what kind of temperament is this new princess

The air was filled with the smell of burnt flesh and a strong smell of blood. Yu Linglong pulled out her veil and gracefully covered the tip of her nose, as if she hated this smell, she said impatiently: "I'll ask you one last time , to say, or not to say?"

Looking at the noble and beautiful woman in front of her, Xing Yun finally gave up struggling, she lowered her head, her voice was full of despair: "Princess, slave... I know I was wrong."

She couldn't remember how many times she said this sentence, but everyone present knew that this time, she really knew that she was wrong.

She didn't scream hoarsely, nor did she cry bitterly for mercy, but this flat and desperate tone was her truest words.

Dragging his badly injured hand, Xing Yun struggled to get up, and kowtowed to Yu Linglong, his voice was calm like never before in the whole night, as if all the pretense had been removed.

"Princess, it's not that the slaves don't want to say it, it's... the slaves really can't say it."

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Looking at Xingyun, Yu Linglong showed a look of scrutiny for the first time.

At this time, Xing Yun still refused to tell, but Yu Linglong knew that she really wouldn't tell herself.

A woman who dared to put her hands in a smoker cage, but still kept her secrets secret, what does this mean

Yu Linglong's eyes gradually became thoughtful, unexpectedly she didn't speak.

Xingyun paused, his head gradually lowered, and his voice became lower and lower: "The princess doesn't need to ask any more, slaves will never say anything."

Her voice was flat, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

Yu Linglong said coldly: "Okay, I won't ask you. When the prince comes back, let him interrogate you in person."

There was a miserable smile on the corner of Xingyun's mouth, and he stood up slowly: "Princess, the slave has exposed her identity, do you still dare to expect to live?"

Looking at the sad face, Yu Linglong frowned slightly, and before she could stop her, Xing Yun jumped forward and slammed straight into the pillar!

There was a sound of bone shattering in the room, Xing Yun's body limply collapsed on the ground, with blood gushing out from his forehead, it seemed that he was exhaling more air and inhaling less.

Hemerocallis and Ling'er exclaimed in unison, but reacted in an instant, and quickly covered their mouths, as if they were afraid they would not be able to control their screaming.

A large pool of bright red blood gradually gathered on the ground, Xing Yun twitched a few times, and soon became motionless.

Yu Linglong watched the scene in front of her silently, but her doubts grew even more.

She didn't want Xingyun's life, but she didn't expect that Xingyun bumped his head to death and committed suicide in front of her eyes.

A person who is not even afraid of death, what else is she afraid of

A flash of clarity flashed across her mind, and Yu Linglong couldn't help pursing her pink lips tightly.

When King Xu came back, it was already the end of Xu.

In the room, Xing Yun's body had been dragged away, and the ground was cleaned up, as if nothing had happened, only the vague smell of blood permeated the air, implying everything that happened just now.

Yu Linglong had already changed into a lotus blue satin gown with gold thread embroidered with pomegranates, her hair was loosely tied up in a bun, and she was leaning on Xiangfei's long couch, thinking about something.

Hemerocallis changed the outer robe for King Xu, and King Xu walked to the couch and said, "I've been delayed by something outside, I'm coming back late, Linglong, have you eaten yet?"

Yu Linglong nodded, seemingly absent-minded, Xu Wang couldn't help worrying: "What, you don't feel well?" Then he reached out to touch her forehead.

Yu Linglong pushed his hand away, sat up from the couch, and told Daylilies and the others: "You all go down."

Everyone in the room retreated, Yu Linglong stood up, sprinkled some lily incense into the blue and white incense burner, and said calmly: "Xingyun is dead."

Xu Wang seemed to be a little surprised, but he said indifferently for a moment: "Death is death, what are you worried about?"

Yu Linglong thought for a moment, and slowly told what happened in the afternoon. As Xu Wang listened, his face gradually became serious.

When she said that Xingyun would rather commit suicide than reveal the mastermind behind the scenes, a stern look crossed Xu Wang's face.

After Yu Linglong finished talking about what had happened, Xu Wang was silent for a while, before saying: "Before you and I got married, I rarely lived in the mansion, so I didn't even pay attention to these things."

Yu Linglong was silent, she guessed Xu Wang's meaning, since he wanted to conceal his identity, he naturally refused to stay in the palace easily, without thinking about it, he knew that those eyes that were everywhere in the dark would definitely not let him go In the palace, in order not to arouse the suspicion of those people, or to make himself pretend that he doesn't need to be in the residence, Xu Wang will try not to stay in the mansion to live.

But now it's different, he and Yu Linglong are married, and the time he lives in the palace will be greatly increased, so his chances of revealing his identity will increase accordingly.

If you want to keep yourself safe, you must thoroughly investigate these spies in the mansion. There must be more than one person like Xing Yun.

Yu Linglong raised her eyes to look at King Xu, knowing that he had the same thoughts as herself, so she said flatly, "Do you know who Xingyun's real master is?"

Xu Wang's face turned serious, his dark eyes gradually became darker, as if he was looking directly at Yu Linglong's eyes.

"You guessed it?"

With a cold smile on her pink lips, Yu Linglong said softly: "You are a prince, in this world, apart from the emperor, who else has a higher status than you?"

Xingyun does not necessarily want to swear allegiance to the master behind her. Judging from Xingyun's words before his death, Yu Linglong believes that Xingyun is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid of being punished by his master for revealing his identity. It's very important, then she wants to protect the people who are important to her.

It's not hard to guess, there are really very few people who can become dead soldiers. If you want to use someone, but you can't trust her completely, then the best way is to hold her handle, such as controlling her family.

Xingyun is already dead, so it's pointless to pursue who she wants to protect. What Yu Linglong wants to know is that Xingyun can't even trust King Xu and Princess Xu.